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Africa Environment/Microfunding/Zimbabwe Climate change Awareness

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Submit of request
This request for micro-funding to Africa Environment Wikifocus has just been submitted by Sichelesile on 28-02-2023 and has been selected for support.

Proposed project




The aim of this project is to create awareness of Climate Change and how its affect people and the environment in Zimbabwe. Updating and creation of articles about the Climate and translation of the already existing articles in our local languages will be the way of spreading awareness to our community.



The new and old editors who are already in training on how to contribute to Wikimedia from Zimbabwe will get a chance to be involved in this project by editing, creating and translating articles on Climate and environment with the help of expects from the Zimbabwe school of Mines and the National University of Science and Technology.



Please specify who is submitting the request, and what their experience is to run activities

  • User:Sichelesile - Facilitator on Project How to contribute from Zimbabwe.
  • User:Sindiept - Co facilitator
  • This request is for a Team
  • The funds would be transferred to any of the above individual bank account



Expected benefits related to funding are:

  • Informed Community
  • New editors exposed to creation of articles in their language
  • Partnering with local academic or activist organizations specializing in climate and/or environment to access and validate local data and documents.


Object Unit price ($) Quantity Total ($)
Internet 34 2 68
Transportation 50 2 100
Refreshments 100 1 100
Small gifts for participants 10 12 120
bank charges 12
Total 400

Any changes made to the budget after the application is submitted will void the application. You will then need to submit an updated application

Final Report

Final Report
This is the final report on micro-funded project for Africa Environment Wikifocus.


  • Format of the report : the report must be provided as a wiki page on meta
  • Where to submit your report : linked to your request for micro-funding. A link has been added to your request for micro-funding. Please provide your report on that wiki page
  • Deadline to submit the report : 15th May 2023
  • Language : English or French



Activities Record


Consider including the following information:

  • What did you do?

The team that was already in the How to contribute from Zimbabwe Campaign were introduced to the African Knowledge Initiative as a way of knowing that as new editors they can be engaged in many campaigns running. They were glad to participate and had a great brainstorming session looking for the gaps in the Wikipedia to fill and start new articles.

  • Who organized it all? Who was on your team (who did what?)?

Sichelesile as the lead organizer was helped by Phephile Tshabangu in the logistics and facilitating. As we had new editors a lot of work was on helping them edit and create new articles.

  • Did any organisations or associations or groups partner with you to make it happen? If so, who are they?

Zimbabwe School of Mines was our Host, we used the library, Wi-Fi and the desktops. ZimLA was the partner that we worked with for Librarians to participate

  • When did you hold events, where and how? How did you let people know about it?

Day-1 Introduction of the campaign - 11th of March 2023 at ZSM library

Day-2 Wikipedia article creation and edits - Edit-a-thon: 25 March 2023 at ZSM library

Day-3 Awareness Campaign at an illegal mine - 29 March 2023 at Maphisa

Day-4 Closing ceremony and awareness - 22 April 2023 at Piccanha Steakhouse

A Whatsapp chat group was created specifically for the "How to contribute from Zimbabwe"

  • Who attended your event/s? What did they do at the event? What did they think of the event you held?

Participants already enrolled, we had Climate activist from Hut Green Organisation attending and having a talk with participants. Generally they were excited but thought we could have done more especially on Awareness to the city of Bulawayo that is deteriorating in its Environmental health.

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Documentation of activities


Consider including the following information:

  • Photo gallery of the events

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  • Social media posts and/or reports and Links to any media coverage



Goals and Outcomes


Did you meet your goals? Are you happy with how the project went?

Goals were met satisfactorily even though more could have been done with more time and with experienced editors and specialists in the area of climate and environment.

Please use the table below to report on the outcomes achieved, starting with the original targets you shared in your proposal for the microgrant.

Final project metrics
Proposed metrics Anticipated outcome Achieved outcome Explanations
2 sessions 4 sessions We had more enlightment the more we talked about the campaign thus making it more sessions than anticipated.
12 New articles 4 Published articles, 3 on draft English Wikipedia was not that kind to some articles. Participants enjoyed safely on editing other published articles and filling gaps.
Edit existing articles 12 edited articles Wikimedia Commons was easier and fun for especially new participants as they told the topic on climate change and environment through pictures.
New editors 8 new editors, 2 returning editors New editors had experience in running a campaign doing research.



What did you learn? What are you proud of? What was challenging? From this experience, what would you do differently if you had to do it again?

The topic of climate change was not new but rather a not so much talked about topic in our country hence the serious decline in climate and environment. Organisations on climate and environment are not easily reachable for consultations and data because they are not sure about who is writing so there is still more need to educate Organisations about Wikimedia and probably work closely with them in future, engaging them prior to the campaign.



How did the initial proposed budget compare to the final costs of the project? Were there any unexpected costs or changes to your initial budget.

The budget was well used as it was just to add on top of the already running campaign.

Use the table below to display your initial request, include the approved line items on your proposal and the proposed cost of these. Insert the real cost of each expected line. Add extra lines for additional expenses that were not anticipated in the proposed budget. If your budget is in local currency, please use the exchange rate on the date (or an average of the dates) that your money was transferred to your account. Historic mid-rates can be found here.

Please reuse your initial request, provide initial budget for each line, indicate actual expense for each line, and finally justify significant differences.

Final Cost of Project
Proposed line item Initially budgeted Actual spend Explanations (of differences)
Internet 68 30 We had already paid for the internet when the money came
Transport 100 113 Outreach and transport for logistics
Refreshments 100 150.75 Closing Event
Small gifts 120 100 T-shirts for Guests and Participants
Bank 12 7

Total grant money agreed (in USD): $400

Total grant money received (in USD or local currency): $393

Exchange rate on day/s of receipt of funds:

Total project spent (in USD or local currency):$393

Receipts link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WDXQkHQsUh0nPqiwzPb8XbbJ2ll9HdYhiOW0jPU4wmM/edit

Unspent funds

If there are remaining funds, please list the amount here. Remaining funds should be discussed with the Wiki In Africa team. Think about what you would like to do with the remaining funds to further this project. Let us know your ideas below.

Unspent amount (in USD):

Anything else


Here you can include any information you think would be useful for the organizing teams to know.