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Amical Wikimedia/June 2014

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki


  • June 2nd - GLAMwiki workshop aimed at museum professionals from Sitges (Barcelona). ESM
  • June 4rd - Wiki takes Olesa projecte presented by local librarian at a librarians conference. Marta Puig.
  • June 6th - Wikipedia projects for Librarians Presentation done at Catalan Librarians College by local librarian who is doing wiki projects. Marta Puig.
  • June 9th - Wikipedia and GLAM-WIKI workshop in IEV (Institut d'Estudis Vallencs), a local institution of historical heritage in Valls (Tarragona). Lluis_tgn
  • June 17th - Wikipedia workshop at La Palma de Cervenlló local library, asked by a local free knowledge community.Kippelboy
  • June 3rd - Meeting with Culture MPs of Generalitat de Catalunya to organize a multisectorial conference in 2015 (Libraries, Archives and Museums, including a glamwiki track).Kippelboy
  • June 5th - Follow up meeting with Victor Balaguer Museum collections Manager.Kippelboy
  • June 6th - Meeting with Culture Dept of the Catalan Government to organize a glamwiki conference focused performing arts sector in october 2014.Kippelboy
  • June 16th - Meeting with Castellar del Vallès historical Association to include QRpedia codes in their routes.Kippelboy
  • June 17th - Avaluation meeting of the Barcelona Museums Wikiproject With Barcelona Town Council members and Museum boards.Kippelboy
  • June 25th - Meeting with Generalitat de Catalunya to organize edit-a-thon. Kippelboy, KRLS, Jey


Video of author Joaquim Carbó relicensed and uploaded as part of WiR at UOC
Uploading of wikiArS initiative results & WiR at UOC

Between the end of May, June and first weeks of July the most of the graphics produced under wikiArS initiative was uploaded to Wikimedia Commons by the students. This was the 3th Academic Year of wikiArS in Catalonia, with 5 schools involved (Llotja, EASD Pau Gargallo, Art del Treball, edRa and EADTarragona). There are Historical recreations (Egypt and Roman Age), Biological illustrations (Mammals, Cel·lular process and Fungui), Portraits of 20th century personalities and a Geological diagram that are available to illustrate Wikipedia articles and other free content projects.

June was also an active month in the Wikipedian-in-Residence at UOC. Several conference and interview videos was upload to Wikimedia Commons; an important amount of texts with free licenses was identified and listed; and some meetings with university agents took place.

  • June 5th - Wikipedia in education workshop to maths teachers of the UPC University in Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona), planning 2014-2015 course project proposals.Kippelboy
  • June 9th - Wikipedia in education workshop to teachers of the James I University (Castelló), planning 2014-2015 course project proposals.Kippelboy
  • June 18th - Wikipedia workshop for teenagers at Escola Pia school in Igualada.Kippelboy
  • June 27th - Wikiclassics results presentation at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.Kippelboy, Marionaaragay & Vàngelis_Villar
  • wikiArS:
Press conference about WikiArS in Tarragona.
    • June 17th. Press conference about WikiArS in Tarragona (MNAT+EADT+Amical Wikimedia). Introduction talks by Francesc Tarrats (MNAT director), Empar Escobar (EADT director), Dvdgmz&Lluis_tgn (wikimedians) and Judit Fàbregas (Tarragona depuy for culture) and students Cristina Toro, Guillem Duran, Meritxell Guasch & Dylan Calaf explaining their work process.
    • All the month. Exhibition wikiArS: contribució de les escoles d'art i disseny a Viquipèdia (wikiArS: contributions from art & design schools to Wikipedia) in the "Mestre Martí Tauler" Library of Rubí.
  • June 3th - wikiArS. Last supervision and validation meeting at National Arqueological Museum of Tarragona (MNAT) with Museum curators, teacher and four students from School of Art. Lluis_tgn Dvdgmz
  • June 5th - wikiArS. Meeting with EASD Pau Gargallo student concluding internship. Dvdgmz
  • June 11th - wikiArS. Meeting to prepare next Academic Year internships with Art del Treball School. Dvdgmz Vàngelis_Villar
  • June 11th - Meeting with teachers of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona), planning 2014-2015 course project proposals.Kippelboy
  • June 11th meeting with Eduard Aibar, author of a research about wikipedia use in classroom (wiki4HE) Kippelboy Barcelona
  • June 17th - meeting with Consorci de Normalització Lingüística de les comarques gironines in Girona (also attended one member of Barcelona's CNL). First meeting towards preparing a collaboration during next academic year. Arnaugir
  • June 20th - Avaluation meeting of the Design Museum & schools wikiproject. results here.Kippelboy
  • June 25th - Meeting with teachers of the UPC in computer science, planning 2014-2015 course project proposals.Kippelboy & KRLS
  • June 25th - WiR at UOC. Follow up meeting. Jey
  • June 26th - WiR at UOC. Meeting with Catalan Philology Department to prepare edit-a-thon for October 2014. Jey
  • June 27th - WiR at UOC. Presentation of preliminar results to Communications department. Jey
  • June 27th - WiR at UOC. Meeting with library department. Jey


  • June 26th. Workshop during Forum Impulsa in Girona. Arnaugir and Davidpar
  • June 27th. Wikipedia talks and meeting & wikiArS exhibition as part of Llefià Socialtech Forum (Badalona). Dvdgmz, Sorenike
  • All the month: Organizing the jury of the Catalan Areas edition of Wiki Loves Earth.Kippelboy
  • June 10th. Meeting with the Meterology Servie of Catalonia (Meteocat). They release CCBY their text and maybe they'll have a Wikipedian in Residence.Kippelboy & KRLS
  • June 25th. Meeting with Llefià Socialtech Forum organizers (Badalona).Dvdgmz
  • June 20th - Meeting with TERMCAT, Catalan terminology center. Barcelona, Kippelboy, Vriullop, Leptictidium, KRLS


Amical's president giving the speech after receiving the prize
  • June 2nd - Amical Wikimedia receives the National Prize for Culture 2014, granted by the Catalan National Council for Culture and Arts. (Highest culture award in Catalonia)



See also
