Brazil Program/Reports/October Report 2013
- Contracts analyses, wrap up of partnership process between Ação Educativa and Wikimedia Foundation.
- Onboarding activity at Ação Educativa: about 20 people participated in the onboarding activity about the Wikimedia project at Ação Educativa. Gustavo Paiva, from Ação Educativa, and our team presented our project proposal in details to representatives from other departments than the one hosting our project.

- Opened discussion page on Microgrants strategy on meta
Outreach & tutorials publishing
- Work in progress: production of complete tutorial on how to participate and engage in Wikimedia Projects
- Finalized review on Basic principals brochure made by students from Faculdades Integradas Rio Branco
[edit]- Projeto Reflora: offered partnership to Reflora's project (public archive of plants species collected in the 19th and 20th centuries). There was progress until the top directors, but didn't succeed in end.
- Instituto Butantan: offered partnership to Instituto Butantan but didn't have much progress so far either.
- Based on those two unsuccessful experiences we started re-designing the GLAM approach strategy in order to either get, even by force of law, content in public domain collected with public funding, or to change dramatically the approach and communications.
- Engaged in the community discussion about photographic contest, to support and work together on this programatic activity planned in our project proposal
[edit]- Brazilian Education Program presentation on Iberoconf 2013
- Advances in partnership negotiations with universities: UFF, Passo Fundo University, BandTech, UFRJ, USP
- Meetings and discussions with the local community of contributors
- Meetings at Wikimedia's office in San Francisco with Asaf, Anasuya, Rod and LiAnna about the education program in Brazil and the next steps
- Education Extension tests, updates, translation and wiki pages creation around the extension
- Event participation planning at Passo Fundo University
- Partnership conversations with UFMA (Federal University of Maranhão)
- Meeting with Mozilla Foundation about sinergy and similar projects developed by both foundations.
- Meeting with Adele and Carolynne Schloeder about Wikipedia Zero in Brazil
Data Analysis
[edit]- Localized the L2 Research Portal.
- Organizing the Inaugural L2 Research Hackathon in Rio de Janeiro.
- Helped community designing an evaluation system of the AbuseFilter on ptwiki.
- Helped designing the i18n of the Evaluation Portal.
- Translated Beta Features documentation.
Under development:
- Adding daily access data from dumps to tool labs
- Developing a non-tech interface to add events on the PT Wikipedia timeline through editing Wikipages, so that any editor will help improve it in the future.
- Localizing STiki to ptwiki.
- Debating an experiment with welcome messages.
- Setting up tracking for ptwiki guided tours.
Participation in events
- Participation in TEDX event led by Dante Alighieri School: explaining Wikimedia projects, the education program and discussing access to knowledge
- Participation on Iberoconf 2013 - Mexico City
- Participation on Mozilla Summit 2013 - Santa Clara