Community Wishlist Survey 2021/Archive/Traduceri Notițe
Traduceri Notițe
Outside the scope of Community Tech
- Problemă: Imposibilitatea editării notelor și traducerii automate a template-urilor.
- Cine ar beneficia: Toți editorii wiki + vizitatorii paginilor deoarece ar crește gradul de corectitudine.
- Soluția propusă: Repararea acestora.
- Mai multe comentarii: -
- Ticket Phabricator:
- Propunător: Dairrow (talk) 18:43, 18 November 2020 (UTC)
- It's probably the same thing as Community Wishlist Survey 2021/Untranslated/Codigo de citas mismo lenguaje. See my comments there. --Amir E. Aharoni (talk) 08:28, 27 November 2020 (UTC)
- Thanks Amir. I'll archive this as out of scope, and will for the other proposal too. Thanks to all, MusikAnimal (WMF) (talk) 05:35, 1 December 2020 (UTC)