Penghargaan Perkakas Terkeren/2019

The first ever Coolest Tool Award ceremony took place during Wikimania 2019, as part of the Wikimania program. We have recognized some of the greatest tools in a variety of categories: Experience, Tiny, Impact, Reusable, Editor, Developer, Mobile, Newcomer, Outreach, Eggbeater (= tools that have been around for a long time).
The award is organized & selected by the Coolest Tool Academy. Members of the initial 2019 edition are: Birgit, Bodhisattwa, Brooke, Ladsgroup, Srishti, TheDJ, زكريا.
Pemenang 2019

Pemenang | Kategori | Deskripsi Kategori |
Perkakas pencari lokasi | Pengalaman pengguna | Intuitif dan mudah digunakan |
HotCat | Tiny | Perkakas kecil dan perkakas yang melakukan satu hal dengan baik |
InternetArchiveBot | Dampak | Perkakas yang memiliki dampak luas atau dalam |
Pageviews Analysis | Dapat digunakan kembali | Melayani banyak wiki dan proyek |
QuickStatements | Editor | Tools that augment editing |
Codesearch | Developer | Tools that primarily serve developers |
Commons Mobile app | Mobile | Mobile apps and mobile-focused tools |
NOA upload tool (awarded to Sohmen) | Newcomer tool | New tools or tools by new developers |
Programs & Events Dashboard | Outreach | Tools that help grow the movement |
Twinkle | Eggbeater | Perkakas yang digunakan lebih dari 10 tahun |
- Category with logos, photos & slide deck
- Blog post on Coolest Tool Award by Anntinomy (Ukrainian language)
- Dashboard wins Coolest Tool Award, blog post by Sage Ross (in English)
- First-ever Coolest Tool Award: Thank you for the tools! – blog post by Birgit Müller, in English