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Discord is a chatting application. These are some Wikimedia-related Discord servers. The Wikimedia community server is used for English discussions about Wikimedia projects in general. There are dedicated channels for Commons, Meta, Wikidata, English Wikipedia, and Simple English Wikipedia, although discussion on other Wikimedia projects also often happens. Other servers are primarily divided by language and can be used to discuss Wikimedia projects in those languages.

Project servers


There are some Wikimedia-related Discord servers.

Wikidata may have a more up-to-date list: Project:Discord (Q47303831)



Wikimedia-related Discord servers can use a bot called WikiBot (or DiscordWikiBot). Its main purpose is to turn [[wiki link]] (with interwiki support) and {{template}} syntax into real links to pages in Wikimedia projects. The bot will edit or delete its message if the message author changes or deletes wiki links from their message (for the latest 500 messages in its memory). It can also stream recent changes instantly from Wikimedia projects and notify every hour about new changes in translatewiki.net messages for different languages.

WikiBot is written in C# and its source code is available on GitHub under MIT licence. It is maintained by stjn. If you have a server for a Wikimedia project, you can request WikiBot for it in English Discord server (ping @stjn in your request). Otherwise, you could run it yourself by following the installation guide on GitHub.

WikiBot can be localised on translatewiki.net.



WikiBot can be configured per server. To configure the bot, server members have to have ‘Manage server’ permission on Discord. Members with that permission will have access to the following commands:

  • !serverLang en: change the language to English (or others with valid ISO 639-2 code). This will fetch the localisation if it exists (see here) or use one of the fallback languages.
  • !serverWiki <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/$1>: change the default link on a server to English Wikipedia
  • !serverDomain en.wikipedia.org: change target domain for recent changes streams in the server to English Wikipedia (works only for Wikimedia projects).
  • !serverTW #channel en: add a translatewiki.net stream for messages in English language in specified channel.
  • !channelWiki <https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/$1>: change the default link on a channel to Wikidata

All bot commands are case-insensitive (!help equals !HELP). More documentation of these commands can be provided by typing !help serverLang (or other command names). Configuration can be reverted back to default by typing !serverLang - (for !serverTW it’s !serverTW #channel -).

Recent changes streams


WikiBot supports recent changes streams by using EventStreams. Configuration of this feature is straightforward: server moderators can open a new stream by typing !openStream, edit its parameters by typing !editStream and close a stream in the specified channel by typing !closeStream. All streams have the following parameters:

  • --title – page title (can not contain two -)
  • --namespace – namespace number
  • --bot (true, false [default]) – include bot edits
  • --diff-length – minimum diff length
  • --in-comment – search a string in comment
  • --minor (true [default], false) – include minor edits
  • --patrolled (only, none, any [default]) – filter by patrolling status
  • --type (new, edit, any [default]) – type of edit

For commands to work, either a page title or a namespace number are required. An example of running a command:
!openStream #channel --namespace 8 --minor false --bot true
!closeStream #channel --namespace 8

Server owners have to be aware of Discord’s rate limits (5 actions in 5 seconds on a server) when using the recent changes streams. You can check whether the connection to EventStreams is active or not by using !status command if any streams were set up. The server moderators can see which streams are active and what their configuration is by using !listStreams command.



WikiBot works on the following Discord servers:



Wikimedia-related Discord servers can also use a bot called WikiAuthBot to authenticate members' Discord accounts to those on any Wikimedia Foundation project via OAuth. Once authenticated, the member is authenticated for all servers the bot is in. They can then be easily identified to their accounts and have a role automatically assigned to help restrict non-authenticated users. The bot also supports Miraheze Discord servers.

WikiAuthBot was written in Python by IVORK. It is no longer being developed, but is currently maintained by 0xDeadbeef on Toolforge. The source code is available on [dead link].

If you have a server you wish to add the bot to, you can do so via this link.

WikiAuthBot currently supports Bosnian, Breton, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Thai, Turkish and Ukrainian.



The following commands are available to all users:

  • /auth: Receive the link to authenticate your Discord account to Wikimedia.
  • /whois DiscordUserName or /whois DiscordUserID: List information on edits and groups for an authenticated user's Wikimedia account (for example /whois @IVORK).
  • /invite: Get a direct message with the link to invite WikiAuthBot to your own server.
  • /help: Show the commands available as well as set channels & roles.

WikiAuthBot can be configured per server. To configure the bot, server members have to have ‘Manage server’ permission on Discord. Members with that permission will have access to the following commands:

  • /set_language LanguageCode: change the language using the xx.wikipedia.org code. For full languages available, just type /set_language
  • /set_channel_welcome #channel-tag: set a channel to posts messages when each user authenticates on your server via command or on joining. Append none to clear.
  • /set_channel_authenticate #channel-tag: set a channel to post messages welcoming new users to the server and prompting to authenticate. Append none to clear or dm to have messages sent via to the user directly if possible.
  • /set_role RoleName or /set_role RoleID: set the role authenticated users have added to them, upon using this command, the bot will go through and check & assign the role to those already authenticated. Append none to clear.
  • /set_block True or /set_block False: disable blocked users' ability to authenticate on your server. Off by default.
  • /set_type Wikimedia or /set_type Miraheze: declare the authentication type to be used between Wikimedia or Miraheze. Support for both simultaneously is currently not supported. Defaults to Wikimedia.



WikiAuthBot works on the following Wikimedia Discord servers:

* Authentication required for sending messages in some channels
** Authentication required for sending messages in all channels



WikiAuthBot2 is a rewritten version of WikiAuthBot. Similar to the original, it can authenticate members' Discord accounts to their Wikimedia Foundation project via OAuth. Unlike the original, authentication is not shared between all servers, for enhanced privacy. Once authenticated, they can then be easily identified to their accounts and have a role automatically assigned to help restrict non-authenticated users.

WikiAuthBot2 is hosted on WMF resources and is developed by 0xDeadbeef. The source code is available on Github.

Discussion about WikiAuthBot2 is done in a thread on the main English Wikimedia server. WikiAuthBot2 language support is still expanding, and translation work is appreciated.



The following commands are available to all users:

  • /auth: Used to authenticate. The first time used, you will receive a link to authenticate your Discord account to Wikimedia. This will only authenticate you for the server you used the command on. If you join other servers using WikiAuthBot2, use this command again to authorize that server.
  • /whois DiscordUserName or /whois DiscordUserID: List information on edits and groups for an authenticated user's Wikimedia account (for example /whois Deadbeef).
  • /revwhois WMUserName: A reverse lookup. Given an WMFUserName, will list their authenticated Discord accounts (for example /revwhois 0xDeadbeef).

WikiAuthBot2 invites and configuration are currently handled manually by working with Deadbeef directly.



WikiAuthBot2 works on the following Wikimedia Discord servers:

* Authentication required for sending messages in some channels
** Authentication required for sending messages in all channels



A partnership could be established between different Wikipedia Discord servers. A partnership is established when the owners of the partnered Wikipedia Discord servers exchanged moderatorship. Below is a list of partnership conducted between different Wikipedia Discord servers.

  • Partnership between Malaysian and Indonesian Wikipedia Discord server established on 20 December 2020.

See also
