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ESEAP Conference 2024/Submissions/An Invitation of Joining the Reshaping of Wikipedia Asian Month and its Future

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An Invitation of Joining the Reshaping of Wikipedia Asian Month and its Future








維基百科亞洲月為2015年開始舉辦的編輯賽事,以編輯亞洲為主題的新條目,開放全球所有維基語言專案參加,然而經歷多屆人事異動以及越來越達成的”新建”條目規則,亞洲月用戶組當前正面臨一些挑戰。2023年Wikimania,當前主理者Reke曾發表 Am I increasingly not understanding Asia - Reshaping Wikipedia Asian Month and its Future議程,扼要分享了亞洲月賽事當前的籌辦架構與此賽事的核心”亞洲”之間的關聯,實際上所遭遇到的挑戰。本次議程投稿為該次討論的延續,ESEAP作為亞洲月重要發起社群,當前國際團隊希望能在ESEAP Con場域向社群成員分享至目前為止此專案的進行進度,並實際邀請會眾參與討論。


The Wikipedia Asian Month user group will go through the local application process in Taiwan for "NPO" registration to establish the “Asian-Pacific Open Knowledge Association(台灣亞太開放知識交流協會)“, with the broader Asian community as its core. The establishment of the association, internally, stabilizing the organizational administration, personnel, and finances of the user group; externally, expanding the international participation of the core organizational team. This includes inviting more community members to participate in the annual events of Wikipedia Asian Month. The goal is to empower a governance team composed of Asian members, thereby enhancing the influence of Wikipedia Asian Month and facilitating the sharing of diverse cultural knowledge of various Asian ethnicities.

This program pertains to the presentation and solicitation of opinions regarding the aforementioned plan. It covers an overview of the current challenges faced by Wikipedia Asian Month, the purpose and rationale behind organizing the International Committee, the relationship between the locally registered NGO in Taiwan and the International Committee, the impact of the International Committee on Wikipedia Asian Month, the future vision of Wikipedia Asian Month, and the schedule for discussions and meetings to be held in the next year to achieve this plan.


Wikipedia Asian Month is an annual editing event that commenced in 2015, focusing on editing new articles related to Asia. It is open to participation from all global Wikimedia language projects. However, due to several changes in personnel and the evolving rules regarding the creation of "new" articles, the event currently faces challenges.

During the 2023 Wikimania, the current organizer, Reke, presented a session titled "Am I increasingly not understanding Asia? - Reshaping Wikipedia Asian Month and its Future," briefly sharing the organizational structure of the Asian Month event and the connections between its core element, "Asia," along with the real challenges encountered. This submission for the current discussion is a continuation of that session. As ESEAP plays a crucial role as a significant initiating community for Wikipedia Asian Month, the international team aims to share the progress of the project up to this point at the ESEAP Con and actively invites attendees to participate in the discussion.

Relationship to ESEAP or to the theme



In the past two editions of WAM, while WMTW community members took charge of Asian Month, we recognized the necessity of fostering cross-community connections for the growth of WAM. This is particularly crucial for establishing clearer links within the Wikimedia movement's "Asia" community. Wikipedia Asian Month has always emphasized collaboration, and at this pivotal moment, it aspires to go beyond its past achievements. Starting from the existing core team located in the ESEAP region, WAM aims to expand its reach to encompass more community members both within and outside ESEAP but situated in Asia. Through proactive efforts to expand these connections, we hope to provide greater assistance to the Asian community in various aspects. Whether it's transitioning from editors to organizers, organizers to members of the international committee, or collaborating with more GLAM or partner organizations to increase opportunities for offline activities, we seek to incorporate diverse opinions from community members of different backgrounds. By doing so, we aim to shape Wikipedia Asian Month into a platform that allows Asian content to shine within the Wikimedia movement. This endeavor requires the active involvement of more members, and we look forward to hearing insights and contributions from a broader spectrum of the community after discussing the future development of Wikipedia Asian Month.



Session type


Lightning talk



15 minutes

Session outcomes



  • 觀眾將了解到亞洲月自2015年舉辦至今國際團隊所觀察到的變化趨勢以及原因分析
  • 觀眾將對於亞洲月用戶組接下來欲籌備的國際委員會有更多的了解
  • 觀眾將能獲得自2024 ESEAP Con開始之後,與此計畫有關的時程、議題追蹤管道、持續參與討論的形式等等。
  • 觀眾將能實際提供亞洲月用戶組過去兩屆主辦團隊賽事的回饋與意見。


  • The audience will gain insights into the observed trends and reasons behind the changes in Wikipedia Asian Month since its inception in 2015, as observed by the international team.
  • The audience will have a deeper understanding of the preparations for the upcoming International Committee by the Wikipedia Asian Month user group.
  • The audience will receive information on the schedule, topic tracking channels, and ongoing discussion formats related to this project since the commencement of the 2024 ESEAP Conference.
  • The audience will have the opportunity to provide practical feedback and opinions on the events organized by the Asian Month user group in the past two editions, fostering an interactive exchange of ideas.