ESEAP Hub/Meetings/11 December 2021
ESEAP Virtual General Meeting (Meeting #17)
- Date: Saturday, 11 December, 2021
- Time: 08:00 – 10:00 UTC (16:00 Perth/Taipei/Hong Kong, see your local time)
- Joining:
[edit]Cross-regional hub discussion
- An introduction of existing networks & regional hub initiatives (15 min)
- Sharing of relevant practices and current examples: Volunteers Supporter Network),(CEE Spring?,here an e.g. of 2021
- Focus on immediate hurdles that keep regional hubs from moving forward
- CEE Spring organisation model
- Group discussion (40 min) // partly split in rooms ?
- Current Questions / problems in the hub development and possible solutions
- Break (5min)
- Do a SWOT analysis on a jam board (40 min)
- SWOT analysis (preliminary, needs to be discussed and refined in the next regional hubs meeting)
- Summary and Q&A of the SWOT analysis (15 min)
- List actions towards the next meeting
- Formal and informal ways of communication? Telegram? Facebook? Mail?
How to connect
[edit]The meeting will be done online (using Zoom, courtesy of Wikimedia Indonesia).