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Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom Kwara, Nigeria: The Trainers Experience

Summary: Facilitators shares their training experience at the recently completed first implementation of Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom Program, Kwara, Nigeria.
Oluwaseyi Ogbonlaiye's RWC Kwara, Experience
Social Media channels or hashtags: link=https://www.linkedin.com/in/oluwaseyi-ogbonlaiye-2754b0225 Oluwaseyi Ogbonlaiye link=https://www.facebook.com/olamide.adegboye.984 Barakat Adegboye link=https://twitter.com/D_RhodaJames Rhoda James

Oluwaseyi Ogbonlaiye Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom, Kwara, Nigeria experience

Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom, Kwara, Nigeria

Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom project, is the first of its kind in Nigeria to accelerate teacher's media and information literacy skills for all round academic development and to learn new things outside the school regular curriculum. As the communication expert for the Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom Nigeria, I had a wonderful experience with the team and participating teachers. They were very attentive, always reaching out if they needed support which was provided to them in almost real time. The team lead level of engagement and team spirit of the project team created an avenue for high-level productivity and efficiency.

At first, the project planning stage was tough but as it progresses to the implementation stage, it became stress free. Furthermore, the level of professionalism exhibited by the project lead: Bukola James (Bukky658) gave clarity, and orderliness to the program. In summary, the project has taught me, lot of ways by which teaching methodologies can be approached which is not limited to the conventional methods used in the classroom and also how media and information can be properly gotten and optimally utilized for maximum results. As an educator, I will be implementing the MIL approaches taught in the RWC in my classroom and I look forward to continually supporting the access to free knowledge using Wikipedia.

Rhoda James Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom, Kwara, Nigeria experience

A photo of Rhoda James and Barakat Adegboye with a facilitators at the 1st physical training session of RWC Kwara, Nigeria

The Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom program was a very educative program that has exposed me to real-life experiences in using 21st-century teaching methodologies to train teachers on media and information literacy skills using Wikipedia. Training the teachers on how to use Wikipedia was a very interesting experience, they were eager to learn and excited to ask questions that weren't clear to them, and dedicated to adding their quota to Wikipedia!

Barakat Adegboye Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom, Kwara, Nigeria experience

Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom Program is a teacher training program that focuses on training teachers to develop vital media and information literacy skills for the 21st century and also learn how to integrate Wikipedia into their classrooms to improve their pedagogical skills. The world is evolving and so should our classrooms.

As a facilitator of this project in Kwara State, I'd describe my whole experience as challenging, engaging, enlightening, and overall, educating. The team of six, led by Miss Bukola James (Bukky658), was faced with some challenges during the planning process but in the end, it was all worth it. Working under Miss Bukola alongside the rest of the team, was a really beautiful experience though quite challenging. I was able to learn from others and also develop some communication skills. We all worked together and also carried out our individual tasks to ensure the success of this program. "Teamwork makes the dream work".

The implementation process was quite tasking as well but by the time of implementation, we were already well prepared for all that came our way. We were able to achieve our goals and even beat the initial target.

In conclusion, this project has equipped teachers with the skills needed to improve their teaching approaches and also the understanding of their students. The Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom program is a project that should go beyond a particular state. It should be encouraged and implemented in every part of the nation. As an educator, I am more than willing to support any movement that will improve the quality of education in the country and also promote the use of Wikipedia in the classroom.

Blessing Linason Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom, Kwara, Nigeria experience

Picture of Blessing Linason during the last day Training

It was an honor to take part in this groundbreaking experiment of Reading Wikipedia in the classroom. it was first stressful and difficult for me to handle my role as the facilitator. The project lead Bukola James (Bukky658) helped me to improve in many things, she was always there when I needed her and she would always answer my questions with an explanation if needed. Teachers were educated on how information is accessed, evaluated, and created in this 21century, this program did not only train teachers but also assisted in the development of my capacities as trainer and research skills to learn more.

Collaborative problem-solving according to research, produces better results. If they have a team behind them, people are more inclined to take calculated risks that result in innovations. Working as a team promotes the development of the individual, boosts job satisfaction, and lessens stress. I've learned how teamwork can effectively make things easy for everyone by bringing efficiency to our job by reading Wikipedia in the classroom, not just for me but for other team members as well. Additionally, I had to conduct additional research to adequately address some of the teachers' issues, and as a result, I learned how to use Google Maps to map out a location.

The last thing I want to emphasize is that in today's environment, being a master of one or a jack-of-all-trades does not guarantee success if you are unable to operate as a team.