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Finance and Administration/Annual Plan 2018-19

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== Departmental Summary ==

The Finance & Administration Department (“F&A”) is responsible for the fiduciary overview of all finance, planning and administrative services activities, over-seeing the “Office” environment/ space and internal IT infrastructure needs of the Foundation.

The Department’s annual critical outcomes include:

  • Enhancement and maintenance of the management and controls for all finance operating workflows, budgeting, and investment management.
  • Insightful financial planning and community finance analysis on behalf of decision making activities in support of the Foundation’s mission.
  • The responsive support and resolution of Staff's office, physical and internal technology support requirements.
  • The successful completion of the annual audit, the filing and publication of the Foundation's Form 990 - Tax Return, the preparation of the Annual Plan for approval by the Board of Trustees, and financial reporting.
  • In partnership with other Departments, F&A leads the Foundation’s risk management activities and develops the Foundation’s insurance portfolio.angelmoran023@mail.com cash app $250,000

Proposed Finance and Administration Programs for FY18-19


Note: we use the term "Program" here, not according to the US GAAP definition of functional expense types. Rather, we use the term "Program" to refer to a group of outcomes and outputs with a common goal that are planned as one unit.

Program Name: Community Finance


Program outline


The Community Finance program will be focused on specifically increasing our ability to reach new countries with our movement’s resources. There are parts of the globe that don’t have access to the majority of our movement’s resources because of regulatory and other barriers. We can increase our reach and amplify the efforts of our communities in those regions if we are able to overcome those resource barriers. In FY18-19, we will expand our ability resources’ reach by 5 countries.

Teams contributing to the program


Finance with collaboration from Community Resources and Legal.

Annual Plan goal


Knowledge as a Service - increase reach.

How does your program affect annual plan goal?


There are parts of the globe that don’t have access to the majority of our movement’s resources because of regulatory and other barriers.  We can increase our reach and amplify those communities efforts if we can resource them effectively. This is one of the primary outcomes for this program in FY18-19.

Program Goal: The Foundation enables affiliates across the globe to use movement resources toward achieving our mission.

Outcome 1: The Foundation expands its ability to provide resources to our communities across the globe.

Output 1
Document the risks, regulatory requirements, and operational needs for geographies where we are unable to currently send movement funds.
Output 2
Identify appropriate solutions to send movement funds to countries where we are not currently able.

Outcome 2: The Foundation makes informed decisions on how they structure grant programs with an understanding of the financial implications of those decisions on the Foundation and grantees.

Output 1
The Community Resources team has a tool(s) that enable them to plan for and understand the financial impact of their grant making decisions across multi-year time horizons.
Output 2
Affiliates who are encountering financial barriers to implementing programs or achieving impact, receive targeted support so that they overcome those barriers permanently.


Outcome 1 The Foundation expands its ability to provide resources to our communities across the globe.

Target 1 The Community Resource team is able to send funds to 5 countries or jurisdictions where they are currently unable.

Measurement method: Observation.

Outcome 2 The Foundation makes informed decisions on how they structure grant programs with an understanding of the financial implications of those decisions on the Foundation and grantees.

Target 2 The Community Resource team has a multi-year financial plan for it’s grant making programs starting FY19-20.

Measurement method: Milestone.

Dependencies: With Legal and Community Resources.

Program Name: Business Operations Improvements


Program outline


We expect that the volume of business transactions and associated complexity for contracts, procurement,  payables and other accounting entries will be increasing by 15 to 20% for the next 3 to 5 years. The business operations improvement program will support our efforts toward developing a focus on continuous business improvement with system solutions that drive automation, collaboration, and enable our organizational support teams to deliver excellent service while supporting the strategic organizational goals.

Teams contributing to the program


Finance & Administration and Legal.

Annual Plan goal


Knowledge as a Service - foundation strength - evolve our systems and structures.

How does your program affect annual plan goal?


Improving our processes and systems to support the Foundation and its staff  to effectively and efficiently carry out their organizational initiatives in order to provide access to every single human being in the world  the sum of all knowledge.

Program Goal: To support our efforts toward developing a focus on continuous business improvement with system solutions that drive automation, collaboration, and enable our organizational support teams to deliver excellent service while supporting the strategic organizational goals.

Outcome 1: Effective, efficient, standardized and scalable business and accounting workflows, and travel support which provide for higher transaction volumes with productivity and reduce risks and errors.

Output 1
A full rollout and adoption of new  procurement procedures, which were designed, tested and refined during FY17-18.  
Output 2
Phase I and II of the first  comprehensive across departmental core business process assessment of the Procure to Pay workflow including contracting. This assessment will:
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses of current core process in meeting our organizational needs through the engagement of end users, assessment of process activities and supporting technology.
  • Provide a prioritized go-forward roadmap with recommendations for quick wins, near, mid, and long term opportunities including key issue/gap correction.
  • Describe future state process maps.
  • Present project plan and implementation recommendations.
Output 3
A specific project plan for the FY18-19 quick win, near term opportunities.
Output 4
A prioritized go-forward roadmap with recommendations mid, and long term opportunities for our 3 to 5 year Annual Plan.

Outcome 2: Optimization of staff  time via system integration and automation.

Output 1
A specific project plan for the FY18-19 quick win, near term opportunities.

Outcome 3: Team members have improved experience as support professionals with the tools and organizational support needed to deliver quality services for growing organization.

Output 1
Partner with Snr. People Partner to plan, develop and implement engagement improvements.
Output 2
Update and rebrand support service team name and team member titles utilizing Business Operations as the descriptor.
Output 3
A refined business support ops team development track with accompanying revised titles and expectations for each level of performance.
Output 4
Effective communication with leadership at identified intervals regarding evolving changes to business support operations.  

Outcome 4: Deliver effective travel and risk services to an increasingly high volume of group travel requests.

Output 1
RFP plan developed and approved for group travel software.
Output 2
A decision and the implementation of a  group services s/w tool for the Travel team.


Outcome 1 Effective, efficient, standardized and scalable business and accounting workflows, and travel support which provide for higher transaction volumes with productivity and reduce risks and errors.

Target 1 Reduce redundancy with lean processes without sacrificing controls to enhance user experience.

Measurement method: Work flow processes are designed and implemented to reflect from findings from discovery from key participants by Q3.

Outcome 2 Optimization of staff  time via system integration and automation.

Target 2 Reduce manual processes and time required to process transactions. Measurable KPI's across the various P2P workflows (Purchasing, non-PO trxns, expense reports, P-Card trxns, Grant Requests, etc.) are 1) timeliness, 2) accuracy and 3) mitigation of risk.

Measurement method: Identify areas of improvement of existing solutions by Q4 and/or new solutions for consideration for engagement, discovery and implementation for FY19-20.

Outcome 3 Team members have improved experience as support professionals with the tools and organizational support needed to deliver quality services for growing organization.

Target 3 Increase in positive engagement and feedback with of staff.

Measurement method: Completion of outputs with incremental feedback and surveys after each output step, individual interviews.

Outcome 4 Deliver effective travel and risk services to an increasingly high volume of group travel requests.

Target 4 Increased hours available for other responsibilities due to s/w automation tool being deployed.

Measurement method: Positive difference in metrics and time spent in manual processing.

Dependencies: Legal, and Budget Managers.

Program Name: Future Working Environments


Program outline


In collaboration with T&C and other staff, develop plans to continuously refine the resourcefulness and efficiency of our office environments to identify alternative working office environments for our growing organization.

Teams contributing to the program


Talent and Culture, Finance & Administration and external partner.

Annual Plan goal


Knowledge as a Service - foundation strength - evolve our systems and structures.

How does your program affect annual plan goal?


Provides for the requisite facilities and space platform to support the Foundation’s growth.

Program Goal: In collaboration with T&C and other staff, develop plans to continuously refine the resourcefulness and efficiency of our office environments to identify alternative working office environments for our growing organization.

Outcome 1: Organization is able to partner and obtain the expertise necessary to develop multi year planning to meet our expanding and unique work environment needs.

Output 1
A planning strategy and timeline for program.
Output 2
Alignment and approval from  ED and C-team on planning strategy.
Output 3
Completed RFP process to obtain subject matter partner(s) .

Outcome 2: All levels of staff are able to model and implement resourceful changes in how we optimize our current office space resources.

Output 1
Develop internal pilot program(s) for increased and improved HQ utilization.

Outcome 3: Space Planning strategy and plan that supports the 3-5 year plan for  evolving our infrastructure of people, process and technology.

Output 1
Identify internal partners  a specific plan for alternative working spaces, which leverages our SF office.


Outcome 1 and 3 Organization is able to partner and obtain the expertise necessary to develop multi year planning to meet our expanding and unique work environment needs. Space Planning strategy and plan that supports the 3-5 year plan for  evolving our infrastructure of people, process and technology.

Target 1 A Strategic Plan for our future working environment.

Measurement method: Achievement of milestones for each output.

Outcome 2 All levels of staff are able to model and implement resourceful changes in how we optimize our current office space resources.

Target 2 An increase of 10% in current HQ utilization.

Measurement method: Use network utilization tool to gauge current use together with direct contact and survey with identified team/individuals.

Dependencies: Talent and Culture.

Program Name: Risk Management


Teams contributing to the program



Annual Plan goal


General and Administrative activities.

How does your program affect annual plan goal?



Program Goal: Effective Risk Management provided by external insurance policies.

Outcome 1: An effective portfolio of non-benefit insurance policies that mitigate those risks that can be offset by insurance.

Output 1
Meetings begin with Insurance Broker  in October Information gathering from relevant Departments at WMF carries through mid November Requests for coverage are sent to potential carriers through mid December followed by a  proposal for coverage which is presented to WMF Coverage is renewed mid January of each year for the calendar year.

Outcome 2: Renewal of all Foundation Insurance Policies.

Output 1 Insurance Policies.


Outcome 1 An effective portfolio of non-benefit insurance policies that mitigate those risks that can be offset by insurance.

Target 1 Policy options are reviewed and decisions are made regarding carriers and coverage amounts.

Measurement method: All target dates in the renewal process are met.

Outcome 2 Renewal of all Foundation Insurance Policies.

Target 2 Mid January for final renewal of all policies.

Measurement method: Policies are all renewed and in force.

Dependencies: Gathering all of the current information to submit to the potential insurance carriers requires input from Talent and Culture, Finance, Legal, Advancement, and Community Engagement.

Program Name: Accounting Operations


Teams contributing to the program


Finance & Administration.

Annual Plan goal


General and Administrative activities.

How does your program affect annual plan goal?



Program Goal: Comply with regulatory filing requirements and reporting to enable timely business decisions as well as enabling the foundation and its staff to procure the services and goods required to carry out their organizational Initiatives/operations and safeguarding the foundation’s assets.

Outcome 1: Clean audit with no deficiencies or material weaknesses in our processes.

Output 1
Independent Auditors’ Report presenting activities in  accordance with US GAAP.
Output 2
Control activities are appropriately designed, implemented and carried out.

Outcome 2: Accurate and timely reporting of monthly financial reports.

Output 1
Financial activities are timely recorded and monthly books are closed within established deadline.

Outcome 3: Accurate and timely filings of Form 990, Sales & Use Tax and Form 1099-MISC.

Output 1
Preparation and filings as required.


Outcome 1 Clean audit with no deficiencies or material weaknesses in our processes.

Target 1 Completion and approval from the Audit Committee features.

Measurement method: Audit Report is issued on or before Sept 30 2018.

Outcome 2 Accurate and timely reporting of monthly financial reports.

Target 2 Completion of filing requirements noted.

Measurement method: Form 990 filed with the IRS on or before May 15. Form 1099-misc sent out to recipients on or before Jan 31 and filed with the IRS on or before Feb 28.

Dependencies: The entire Foundation, as this encompasses all financial activities engaged by all depts.

Program Name: Financial Management and Planning


Teams contributing to the program


Finance & Accounting.

cash app 250,000


General and Administrative activities.

How does your program affect annual plan goal?


By improving our current financial management and planning processes, the Board and Executive team will be able to lead the foundation to plan and achieve multi-year outcomes aligned to our Strategic Direction.  We are building the systems that will allow us to grow our operational scope and extend our planning time horizon.

Program Goal: The Foundation effectively uses its financial resources to achieve its mission.

Outcome 1: Foundation management makes informed resource decisions to operationalize their programs and achieve intended outcomes.

Output 1
On-going financial data, analysis, and consulting to facilitate operational decision making by managers.
Output 2
Live financial results on Adaptive for the dimensions of programs, organization, and natural expense classification - documented process for capturing staff and non-staff cost allocations to programs.

Outcome 2: The Board, Executive team manages financial resources to lead the Foundation toward achieving our mission.

Output 1
Regular financial reporting packages for Executive team and Board and live budget reporting for managers.
Output 2
Multi-year foundation-level financial projections.

Outcome 3: The Foundation creates actionable plans for program resource needs and program outcomes over single- and multi-year horizons.

Output 1
A multi-year planning process for FY19-20 and beyond that enables the Foundation to build a plan to implement the strategic direction.
Output 2
A codified framework and structure to planning programs within the Foundation that is integrated into the Foundation 3-5 year plans.
Output 3
A stable set of tools and resources that facilitate planning and capture multi-year plans.


Outcome 1 and 2 Foundation management makes informed resource decisions to operationalize their programs and achieve intended outcomes. The Board, Executive team manages financial resources to lead the Foundation toward achieving our mission.

Target 1 <7% Foundation budget variance.

Measurement method: Monthly board reporting.

Outcome 3 The Foundation creates actionable plans for program resource needs and program outcomes over single- and multi-year horizons.

Target 2 A 3+ year foundation plan is produced by all Departments.

Measurement method: Observation.

Dependencies: With all C-levels and Budget managers - these dependencies are built into existing workflows. The multi-year plan with be dependent on the outcome of the Movement Strategy Phase II process. We have budgeted time to be active participants.

Program Name: Enhancing Audio/Visual Services


Teams contributing to the program



Annual Plan goal[edit | edit source]


General and Administrative activities.

How does your program affect annual plan goal?



Program Goal: Seamless collaboration with distributed teams and accessibility with external communities worldwide.

Outcome 1: Increased engagement between distributed teams and external community.

Output 1
Stable and robust conferencing system, tools and support that enhances the Foundation’s ability to expand reach with the internal and external community.
Output 2
Optimized recording of presentations and meetings for archival and historical purposes. Improve existing code.

Outcome 2: Reduction in video conference technical  interruptions.

Output 1
Stabilizing and enhancing conferencing systems by partnering with consultants and offering alternative communication tools.
Output 2
Ensure daily conference room run throughs and weekly software updates.

Outcome 3: Conferencing tools are fully adopted by staff.

Output 1
Quarterly training specific to Conferencing Tools.
Output 2
Updated Wiki that focuses on Conferencing Tools, including Troubleshooting and FAQs.


Outcome 1 Increased engagement between distributed teams and external community.

Target 1 Biannual sign-off on AV system status by outside consultant.

Measurement method: 1. Weekly Metrics of Zendesk Tickets (Conference Room Issues), 2. Staff Feedback (Quarterly).

Outcome 2 and 3 Reduction in video conference technical interruptions and conferencing tools are fully adopted by staff.

Target 2 20% reduction in help requests from staff/users and new on boards attend conference room training within 4 weeks of hire.

Measurement method: Weekly Metrics of Zendesk (A/V Set Up).

Dependencies: N/A

Program Name: Systems/Network/Security - Internal Office Information Systems (Services, Support and Maintenance)


Teams contributing to the program



Annual Plan goal


General and Administrative activities.

How does your program affect annual plan goal?



Program Goal: To improve the effectiveness, efficiency and security of the Foundation’s internal information systems.

Outcome 1: Increased security / Support Privacy Initiatives (SEE Privacy Security Cross Department Programs).

Output 1
Resolved vulnerabilities from internal/external penetration test by third-party.
Output 2
Resolved vulnerabilities from self-assessed system/network by self or Security department.

Outcome 2: Reduction in manual processes.

Output 1
Automated manual processes by creating custom scripts/applications.
Output 2
Improved system/process efficiency through acquired enterprise software/services .

Outcome 3: Continuity of Network Systems.

Output 1
Redundancies of network routers.
Output 2
Contingencies and process developed and implemented with network experts.


Outcome 1 Increased security / Support Privacy Initiatives (SEE Privacy Security Cross Department Programs).

Target 1 Reduced vulnerabilities.

Measurement method: Amount of vulnerabilities mitigated as a proportion of vulnerabilities found.

Outcome 2 Reduction in manual processes.

Target 2 Reduced time for account creation/deletion.

Measurement method: Time task took to complete manually, versus time to complete while automated.

Outcome 3 Continuity of Network Systems.

Target 3 Tested Network system failover.

Measurement method: Zendesk ticketing fielding downtime.

Dependencies: Entire Foundation / Dependent on security risk analysis from Technology.

Program Name: Office IT Technical Support - Training and Adoption/Asset Procurement


Teams contributing to the program



Annual Plan goal


General and Administrative activities.

How does your program affect annual plan goal?



Program Goal: All staff are able to commence work on day one with continued training and adoption opportunities of basic Foundation tools.

Outcome 1: Staff will have technical competencies that will enable effective communication (use of scheduling, conferencing and email organization) and operational security best practices.

Output 1
OIT Office Wiki page serves as a Technical Knowledge Base of self-service troubleshooting steps.
Output 2
Training and presentations given on a quarterly basis.

Outcome 2: All staff are able to commence work on day one.

Output 1
Contributes to employee retention.
Output 2
No loss in productivity.

Outcome 3: Consistent process for deploying, provisioning and supporting equipment and tools by defining roles and responsibilities within the Team.

Output 1
Enhance provisioning skills of Desktop Support Technicians.


Outcome 1 Staff will have technical competencies that will enable effective communication (use of scheduling, conferencing and email organization) and operational security best practices.

Target 1 Reduce Tier 1 Support Tickets by 10%.

Measurement method: Zendesk ticketing data.

Outcome 2 All staff are able to commence work on day one.

Target 2 Reduction in tickets.

Measurement method: Zendesk ticketing data.

Outcome 3 Consistent process for deploying, provisioning and supporting equipment and tools by defining roles and responsibilities within the Team.

Target 3 The efficient use of Foundation equipment and tools.

Measurement method: Inventory assessment and procurement rate.

Dependencies: Administration, Talent and Culture and Procurement.