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This is a general information page on Wikimedia fundraising. If you wish to make a donation, please visit https://donate.wikimedia.org

Who are we?

The Wikimedia Foundation Fundraising team cultivates the resources that propel our movement. We engage millions of people from countries across the globe to support Wikipedia and its sister projects. The overwhelming majority of the Foundation's funding comes from individual readers from all over the world giving an average of $15.

Donations help the Wikimedia Foundation maintain server infrastructure, improve the software that supports our projects, and make Wikipedia and its sister projects accessible globally to millions of people. The fundraising team is responsible for raising the Foundation's budget through online campaigns. These campaigns have the additional goal to educate all readers about Wikipedia and how our movement works. We are grateful for all the readers, contributors, and donors who make Wikipedia and our other projects a global home for knowledge and discovery. To continue thriving we must constantly innovate, adapting to the changing needs of our readers and new advances in the technology that powers the Wikimedia universe. For additional information, please see the 2015-2016 Fundraising Report.

The Team

Latest Fundraising Updates

FY17/18 Update #2 - July 20th


Israel - Desktop and mobile are both up. Upcoming campaigns - Ukraine and Portugal desktop will be launched this week.. Big English testing - Our tests last week went great and we successfully managed to get our Amazon payments flow fixed in time! This week we ran a banner sequencing test for the first time and we will share more information about this feature soon. Brazil launch update - Originally scheduled to start August 1, but we needing to reschedule to 15 August for technical issues. Facebook ads are live - Our first small test is up live! This is a whole new learning experience and right now our focus is on getting used to the new work and payment flows. Hopefully will report on this more soon.

FY17/18 Update #1 - July 10th


End of Financial Year - FY 16/17 ended on June 30th. We now begin work on our Fundraising report similar to that seen last year. Finishing campaigns - Latin America, our final campaign started last FY ended on Sunday. Ongoing campaigns - Israel Desktop is presently ongoing and we expect to launch mobile campaigns on Wednesday 12th. Upcoming campaigns - Ukraine and Portugal desktop campaigns start next Tuesday 18th July. Big English systems testing - Our weekly Big English hourly systems testing starts this week. As the biggest and most complex campaign we run these weekly tests through the latter half of the year to flush out bugs out of the systems and identify any possible issues through the donation flow that may have creeped through the previous 6 months. This weeks test will be focusing on the Paypal flow. Brazil testing - The Brazil fundraising campaign is set to start August 1st and we will be running a pre-test later this week

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Online Fundraising
Foundation and Major Gifts
Fundraising Operations
Non-Advancement Staff: Fundraising Technology