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Grants:APG/Proposals/2013-2014 round1/Amical Wikimedia/Proposal form

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

Amical Wikimedia received a funds allocation in the amount of €74,000 (or the equivalent of about US$100,000) in 2013-2014 Round 1. This funds allocation was recommended by the Funds Dissemination Committee on 15 November 2013 and approved by the WMF Board of Trustees on 31 December 2013.

Basic information


Overview of grant request


In order to support community review, in no more than one paragraph, please provide a brief description of your entity's forthcoming annual plan, with focus areas and key objectives. Please also include the total amount requested in US$.

  • Amical Wikimedia has developed its Strategic Plan 2014-2018, which addresses five priorities (Cohesion, Discourse, Content, Territory and Readers). This Strategic Plan was drafted with the help of the community (see this post in WMF blog). From the Strategic Plan we drafted the Activities Plan 2014, which focuses mainly on improving the projects' content but also in maintaining the community cohesion and reaching out to more readers (see the 5 programs below).
  • Total amount requested in US$: 134.567,36 USD

Contact information


Table 1

Organization information Legal name of organization Amical Viquipèdia
organization's fiscal year (mm/dd–mm/dd) 01/01-12/31
12 month timeframe* of funds currently requested (mm/dd/yy–mm/dd/yy) 01/01/2014-12/31/2014
Contact information (primary) Primary contact name Arnau Duran Ferrero
Primary contact position in organization President
Primary contact username Arnaugir
Primary contact email arnauduran@gmail.com or president@wikimedia.cat
Contact information (secondary) Secondary contact name Àlex Hinojo
Secondary contact position in organization Member and employee
Secondary contact username Kippelboy
Secondary contact email kippelboy@gmail.com

*Timeframe should ideally be for a 12 month period that begins after the FDC decision.

Amount requested


Table 2

Currency requested: EUR

Currency requested is defined as the currency in which you wish to receive funds (e.g., EUR, GBP, INR). Note that the FDC makes grants in local currency when possible.

Exchange rate used (currency requested to $US): Official exchange 25/09/2013 BCE: 1,3504

Please use Oanda.com on March 1 2014 to determine the exchange rate. Please use five decimal points.
Currency requested US$
Total annual expenses of organization 111.650 € 150.772,16 USD
Amount proposed to the FDC for the coming year's annual plan 99.650 € 134.567,36 USD
Amount to be raised from non-FDC sources 12.000 € 16.204,80 USD
If applicable, amount of FDC funds allocated to organization last year N/A N/A
Based on the funding amount you are requesting, what is your entity's proposed rate of growth in budget since last year? Please explain your entity's rationale if your proposed budget will increase this year:
  • Last year's budget was 72.500 € (97.904 $) (see /Budget 2013). The growth is explained by several factors, like the new office rental and the new projects we intend to do in 2014. We think that Amical's rate of growth 2013-14 is very reasonable given the amount of work we have been doing during the past years. We still wish that if the work can be done by volunteers it should be done by them - not by newly hired staff; that's why we do not intend to hire new employees.

Note the FDC Framework funding guidelines on the rate of growth of year-over-year FDC allocations. These guidelines relate not to an entity's overall budget, but rather to movement resources (that is, what the entity received through FDC allocations or grants or what the entity retained via payment processing in the prior funding cycle).

Background, history, and mission


This section provides the FDC an overview of your entity's background and history. Please respond to each question below with 1-2 sentences to a maximum of a paragraph.

When was your entity established?
What is the mission of your entity, and how does it support the strategic priorities of the Wikimedia movement (infrastructure, participation, quality, reach, and innovation)? We note that Wikimedia movement priorities will be interpreted and addressed differently in each context.
  • Amical Wikimedia's primary mission and goal is that the sum of all human knowledge will be also available in Catalan and that all knowledge about Catalan culture will be also available in every language. (Amical's bylaws).
  • The Strategic Plan 2014-2018 adresses five priorities (Cohesion, Discourse, Content, Territory and Readers). These priorities are in line with those of the Wikimedia movement (Increase reach, Increase participation, Improve quality, Stabilize infrastructure/volunteer base, Encourage innovation).
What is your current leadership structure (e.g., executive staff structure, board / governance structure)? Please explain how budgets are managed and programs are executed between board and staff.
  • The current Board is composed by four people (see Amical Wikimedia#Board) elected by the General Assembly. The current Board was elected in April 2013, and the period will last for two years, after which its members can be re-elected. None of the members of the Board is employed, and Amical doesn't have any Executive Director, CEO or similar position – the day-to-day work is done by volunteer members. The budget is drafted by the board and then discussed with the members.
If applicable, how many members does your entity have, and how do you define membership (e.g., attendance at events, paying dues)?
  • Amical has 79 members (as of September 2013). Members do pay a small annual fee (see bylaws, articles 4-8).
What is the role of volunteers in your entity (e.g., help develop entity plans, participate in programs, edit Wikipedia)? Approximately how many volunteers does your entity serve?
  • All Amical members serve as volunteers for the organization (except one employee), and most of them are also active editors on Wikimedia projects. The organization plans (Strategic and Activities) has been developed in base to the ideas contributed by the Wikimedia community members and also Amical members. The members (volunteers) also participate in projects (ie. workshops) and have voice in the day-to-day decision-making process. Catalan Wikipedia has around 1.100 active monthly contributors (as of August 2013) and 568 page views per minute.
How do you know what the members of the community / communities you serve (including chapter members and broader online volunteers) need and want? How does this influence your strategic planning and decision-making?
  • Since Amical and the Catalan Wikimedia projects community are really close, and it's not a big community, it's not difficult to recongize its needs and wishes. However, we do some activities in order to keep our relationship alive and close: for example, we hold a public monthly chat session via IRC open to all community members (which is announced in the Project chat, internal mail lists, etc.) where everyone can express their wishes, ideas and concerns about Amical's work. Apart from that, we intend to conduct a survey (like we did in 2011) to learn about the concerns and wishes of the Catalan Wikimedia projects' editors.

Reflection on past activities and innovations


This section provides the FDC with information about your entity's past programs, activities and strategies. Please answer the questions below with your reflections on the past fiscal year. Responses to each question should be one or two paragraphs.

How does your entity define and measure "success"?
  • Number of new editors to Catalan Wikimedia projects gained thanks to our programs, and also retaining them in the long term.
  • Agreements and partnerships with other institutions or organizations, and content donations from them (texts and media).
  • Number of GLAMWIKI projects done with cultural institutions. Number of new volunteers gained thanks to those collaborations.
  • Public opinion's change of mind towards Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects in general. Articles published on media about Amical's projects and work.
  • Number of successful educational projects with universities and educational centers.
Please give at least three examples of successful programs or activities that your entity has completed, and explain why they were successful. If available, provide links to information.
  • GLAM program: during 2011 and 2012 we put our big effort in collaboration with museums which was really successful: now we have a true network of GLAMs doing wikiprojects by themselves or asking us for help on their wiki projects. (Complete report)
  • Organizing longest edit-a-thon ever at the Joan Miró Foundation (35 hours in a row) (WMF blogpost)
  • Partnering with other similar organizations (for example being founding members of the Catalunya Dades group, the OpenData group in Catalonia)
  • Viquimodernisme: University of Barcelona students writing high quality articles on Wikipedia (WMF blogpost)
What are the plans/strategies that did not work for your entity in the past? What did your entity learn from those experiences? What changes were made after learning from these experiences?
  • Some projects had to be dropped before ending, in particular two of them:
    • Elder people: we realized after two or three sessions that this project was not useful for us since the attendats barely knew how to use the computers, so after discussing it, we took the decision to abort the Elder people program in order not to waste money from the grant and time from the volunteers.
    • Wikischools: this project with Primary schools of the Catalan-speaking areas had to be dropped because of a Government's decision.
What else has your entity learned or innovated upon that could benefit the broader Wikimedia movement?
  • Developing a sustainable collaboration with the whole Public Libraries Network of Catalonia (365 libraries) (WMF blogpost). We are doing it from a top down agreement with the director of the network, but projects are raising bottom up from the engaged members of the network. We are using this existing physical network to extend our reach into less-populated areas and for having a free network of "wiki entry points".
How does your entity share its work with your community and with the wider Wikimedia movement? For instance, publishing case studies on Meta, blog posts, newsletters, speeches at conferences, etc.
  • Regular blog posts in the WMF blog (for example [1], [2], [3], [4]...)
  • Own blog and newsletter is being developed and shall be finished soon according to our Activities plan (new website under development at http://blog.wikimedia.cat , already available)
  • We hold a public monthly chat with the community where Wikimedia volunteers can join in and share with us any ideas or concerns they might have.
  • We are very active in social media channels and keep a close relation with nearby chapters.
Link to most recently completed fiscal year annual plan
Link to most recently completed fiscal year annual report and financial report
Link to most recently completed fiscal year grant report (if your entity has received funds from the FDC)
  • N/A
Link to your entity's strategic plan if you have one
Link to your organogram or organizational chart if one exists
  • None: Board has 4 members (Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Board member) and 1 employee
Link to your entity's current fiscal year plan and budget

Key programs / initiatives and objectives of the upcoming year's annual plan


These tables are intended to provide an overview of your entity's upcoming year annual plan and its alignment with the movement's strategic priorities; please provide short phrases or 1-3 bullet points for each program below. You can also link to any other documents that you think might be helpful as context.

Please ensure that your proposed programs are SMART; that is, specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely.

If you feel you have a program that fulfills a strategic goal that is not immediately identified with a movement strategic priority ('readership' rather than 'editorship', for instance), please add that in the table and offer us your rationale.

Finally, please also note which programs are the entity's priorities.

  • The priority is improving the content, as should be for any Wikimedia organization similar to ours (program 3). The other programs are complementary to this (reaching out, gaining readers, establishing an office, etc.). The relationship between Amical and the Catalan Wikimedia projects, as well as the internal cohesion, is also a priority, especially given the current socio-political situation in the Catalan Countries. The programs below correspond to the Activities Plan 2014 (Catalan).

Program 1


Amical-community relationship

What are the objectives of this program? Please use SMART criteria to explain these goals.
  • S:
    • Maintain and increase the real-world meetings between Amical members and also between community members, especially Wikimeetups and Viquitrobada (annual wikimeeting of Catalan Wikimedia project editors and supporters).
    • Continue holding the monthly chat via IRC.
    • Make the most of the new Amical headquarters to establish new relationships with similar organitzations.
    • Acnowledgment of contributors' work via Amical's website by sharing their experiencies, work, etc.
    • Offer the possibility of becoming an Amical supporter, with a lower fee and less duties.
    • Reach the whole Catalan-speaking countries
  • M:
    • One Viquitrobada (annual wikimeeting) per year plus four Wikimeetups in different cities of Catalan-speaking countries.
    • The Communication strategic plan contemplates sharing contributors' stories via Amical's blog.
    • The member types shall be updated soon.
  • A: The Viquitrobada has been held since 2007 and has an attendance of around 25-30 people. Amical's volunteers help set it up.
  • R: The relationship between Amical Wikimedia and the Catalan Wikimedia projects community is crucial for the future of both. The organization of social events such as the Viquitrobada or Wikimeetups, or the acnowledgment policy, ensures that the contributors continue to feel comfortable volunteering to our projects of interest.
  • T: The Viquitrobada is usually held between August and November, and the date is chosen by consensus via a Wikiproject in Catalan Wikipedia. All other sister projects are warned as well. The Wikimeetups shall be held one every trimester.
Which Wikimedia movement strategic priority (or priorities) does this program address and how?
  • Increase participation, Improve quality and Increase reach. If the community members feel comfortable it's easier they don't leave and contribute to create an even better atmosphere of work which leads to better content and the gain of more users.
What key activities and/or milestones are associated with this program?
  • Viquitrobada is our biggest meeting of the year and is a very important moment for the Catalan language movement. An attendance of 30 people would be considered as a success. The Wikimeetups are smaller events but might as well attract new people to contribute, since the relation between the attendants is closer.
  • Our monthly IRC meeting is very important to keep the community close, informed and engaged.
How will your entity document, track, and measure successes and challenges of this program?
  • Every Viquitrobada or Wikimeetup has its own Wikiproject in Catalan Wikipedia, where the program is available and where the summary/notes are posted after the event.
  • A summary of the Monthly IRC attendance and most important questions raised will be posted on its project page as well as in Amical's website.

Any additional details:

  • We have one assigned volunteer whose goal is to transform community's claims into Amical's projects.

Program 2


Sharing good practices

What are the objectives of this program? Please use SMART criteria to explain these goals.
  • S:
    • New website (already released [5] but still has to improve).
    • Create a video explaining what is Amical and how to contribute to Wikimedia projects (related to program 5).
    • Create the Portal:Education in Catalan Wikipedia to share good practices in the classroom (actuation guide, examples, etc.).
    • Print "Wikipedia in the classroom" leaflets for teachers, and "Welcome to Wikipedia" for students (or similar) from Education portal and Outreach (2013 edition)
  • M:
    • The video will last for 3-4 minutes.
    • We will print around 1.000 leaflets/brochures to distribute to interested schools/teachers.
  • A:
    • The website is being developed by the Amical's "tech group".
    • The initial idea about the video is that it be recorded by means of an alliance with an art/multimedia school (with volunteer work/small retribution) or with the Network of Catalan Libraries. In case that's not possible, we shall hire a professional service.
    • The Education Portal will be created by Wikimedians.
    • The leaflets are already designed and need to be adapted to Catalan language by Amical's volunteers.
  • R: Reaching out to the society is really important to spread our work. We can work hard to improve the content but if this content is not looked up, the efforts are worthless. The (short) video will be of much help to explain what are the projects goals and what Amical's work consists of.
  • T:
    • The video will be recorded during the first semester of 2014.
    • The website is currently being developed - in fact is already online but needs some tweaks. [6]
    • The Education Portal will be created during 2014.
    • The leaflets will be printed as soon as possible.

Which Wikimedia movement strategic priority (or priorities) does this program address and how?
  • Increase reach, and indirectly Increase participation
What key activities and/or milestones are associated with this program?
  • The new website should be our new way of sharing our projects and work with the world - complementing the social networks, which often are not enough.
  • The video should be good enough to present our way of thinking and how we work. We expect it to have 1.500 visits in YouTube at the end of the year, and to present it in most of the workshops/talks we give once it is created.
How will your entity document, track, and measure successes and challenges of this program?
  • We will review the feedback of the video from its viewers (both online and offline, during talks etc.) to learn about possible mistakes to be fixed in the future. The leaflets and brochures will be given both to teachers and students, so we will try to determine how many of them actually keep editing on wikipedia afters their first contact.
  • We do frequent follow up meetings between our employee and members of the board, to keep track of the work.

Any additional details:

  • This program is related to Program 3, especially the printing of leaflets/brochures.
  • The video production process might be co-funded by the Network of Libraries of Catalonia, depending on the Visual Editor implementation progress.

Program 3


Improvement of the projects' content

What are the objectives of this program? Please use SMART criteria to explain these goals.
  • S:
    • Continue working with the GLAM sector, specially focusing on public libraries.
    • Continue working towards the release of free works form GLAM institutions (Museums and Archives).
    • Develop projects with universities belonging to the Xarxa Vives d'Universitats, as well as other educational institutions.
    • Start the Spoken Wikipedia project in Catalan Wikipedia and sister projects.
    • Create two specific working groups within Amical: tech group and photographic group
    • Launch the WikiCup about Catalan culture (translation of Catalan culture-related articles to other languages by means of an international contest)
    • Organize the Una Viquipèdia de qualitat contest, aimed at raising the number of Featured Articles in Catalan Wikipedia
    • Organize a specific meeting about Wikipedia sister projects to gather ideas for their promotion and development
    • Continue participating in internacional photo competitions like Wiki Loves Monuments, Wiki Loves Earth, etc.
    • Continue with the WikiArS project (which has received an IEG during 2013).
  • M:
    • 50 libraries with some kind of wiki activity at the end of 2014
    • 5 new Wikipedian in Residence projects at the end of 2014
    • Develop at least 5 projects with Catalan-speaking universities
    • Obtain at least 50 recordings of articles from Wikipedia, 50 recordings of words from Wiktionary and 10 recordings of works from Wikisource
    • 50 participants in the WikiCup
    • 30 participants in the Una Viquipèdia de qualitat contest
    • 15 attendants to the Wikipedia sister projects meeting
    • 10-15 schools from Catalan-speaking countries participating in WikiArS.
  • A:
    • The GLAM work will be conducted by our GLAM project manager employee.
    • The universities projects will be managed partly by our GLAM project manager, partly by our volunteers, mostly those who have had a strong relation with some of them, and by the professors, who will be contacted in advance. We also plan to hire a Universities project director for a limited amount of time (1-2 months) to deal with the project.
    • The Spoken Wikipedia project will be managed by the Catalan Wikipedia editors.
    • The WikiCup and the "Una Viquipèdia de qualitat" contest will be organized by Amical members.
    • The Wikipedia sister projects meeting will be organized by User:KRLS with the help of other members.
    • The competitions like WLM and similar are run by Amical volunteers together with the community, and are supported by external entities (sponsors).
    • WikiArS is run by User:Dvdgmz.
  • R:
    • GLAM work has been Amical's main area of work during the last years and we wish it to continue because its return has been great.
    • We have conducted work in the high education field and we wish to expand it, because the produced content is of high level.
    • The Spoken Wikipedia project was started in 2005 but was dropped because of low participation. Now, with a stablished user base, looks like it's a good time to try again.
    • Given the current events regarding Catalonia, it seems that conducting a WikiCup about Catalan culture to spread it to other languages projects is a good idea.
    • "Una Viquipèdia de qualitat" contest is aligned with our Strategic Plan 2014-2018, since we intend to achieve 2,000 FA by 2018.
    • Many users from Wikipedia and sister projects have stated their interest of learning about other projects different to those they are used to, and their wish is to do it in-person.
    • Photo competitions provide many new images for Wikimedia Commons, the editors enjoy creating new content about the monuments/parks and the competition also contributes to the community cohesion.
    • WikiArS participants generate resources for Wikimedia Commons, and it is also a way to reach out to art schools.
  • T:
    • GLAM sector work will be conducted throughout the year.
    • Work with universities will be split into two semesters (second semester of 2013-2014 educational year, and first semester of 2014-2015 educational year).
    • The WikiCup will last for 3 months, september to december 2014 (dates TBC).
    • The "Una Viquipèdia de qualitat" contest will last from September 16, 2013 to March 16, 2014 (Catalan Wikipedia's 13th anniversary).
    • The sister projects meeting will be hold in July 2014.
    • The international contests will be held during the same dates than everyone else.
    • WikiArS is already up and running.
Which Wikimedia movement strategic priority (or priorities) does this program address and how?
  • Improve quality
  • Increase reach
  • Increase participation
What key activities and/or milestones are associated with this program?
  • Number of Wikipedian in Residence collaborations
  • Number of participants in the WikiCup
  • Outreach strategy for reaching universities from all the Catalan-speaking territories.
  • Wiki courses for public librarians
  • Our goals are mentioned above in the M section
How will your entity document, track, and measure successes and challenges of this program?
  • Every single activity Amical does is documented at our monthly activitites document, and published in English and Catalan on Meta during the 10 forthcoming days of the end of each month.
  • We have a volunteer commitee that track Amical's activities monthly, in order to change/adapt/redirect our efforts. They discuss previous activities and prepare the forthcoming ones based on efficiency criteria. An example of it is how we cancelled our Elder people project last year before wasting money.

Any additional details:

  • Improving content on Wikimedia's projects is one of the 5 tracks of Amicals 2014-2018 strategy plan, so this program iincludes some of our flagship goals for 2014.

Program 4


Office & administration

What are the objectives of this program? Please use SMART criteria to explain these goals.
  • S:
    • Establish the new office for Amical Wikimedia at Carrer Aribau, in the center of Barcelona. The office will be shared with Fundació PuntCAT (see .cat), Amical will pay a small quote.
    • Supply the office with the basic equipment / office material. That comprises new Amical stamps (given that we changed the logo in June 2013) and other similar merchandising, apart from basic office supplies.
    • Ensure mobility across the territory, both for Board members (some of them do not live in the main cities, thus need to fund their travels every now and then in order to attend meetings) and for material and merchandising (shipment).
  • M:
    • We will acquire three stamps with Amical's logo. One of them will remain in the office, another will be in hands of the president and the other one will be shared by members who need it.
    • There are not many meetings during the year, and most of the members who attend them live near the meeting place (usually Barcelona).
  • A: N/A
  • R: The need for a physical space has arisen because of the work Amical has been doing during the past years. We now have documents, merchandising, etc. for which we need a storage space, plus we need a meeting place both for our own meetings and for meetings for other entities. Taking a look at the organitzation growth during the last years, and seeing the offer from Fundació PuntCAT, this seems the right moment to do the move given that the fee will be really low. We also need new office material (like stamps or folders) because we recently changed our logo and we want to be perceived like "non-amateur" organization.
  • T: we estimate we can move in the new office by early January 2014.
Which Wikimedia movement strategic priority (or priorities) does this program address and how?
  • Stabilize [Amical's] infrastructure
What key activities and/or milestones are associated with this program?
  • Equip the office space according to the needs of our organization.
  • Ensure that every member who wants to attend a meeting of their interest can do so.
How will your entity document, track, and measure successes and challenges of this program?
  • At the end of the year we will check how we did with the organizations with whom we share office - did we foster synergies?

Any additional details:

Program 5


External reach & readers

What are the objectives of this program? Please use SMART criteria to explain these goals.
  • S
    • Increase Amical's presence in the Wikimedia movement, especially in Meta and in international meetings (Wikimedia Conference, Wikimania, etc.)
    • Collaborate with other chapters and/or thematic organizations.
    • Follow the Communication Strategic Plan to reach out to local and national media, as well as social networks.
    • Establish links with similar organizations in the Catalan-speaking territories (see Program 4).
    • Increase the number of readers of Catalan Wikimedia projects.
    • Spread our "brand" throughout the Catalan-speaking countries.
    • Participate in the campaign "Navigate in Catalan" ("Navega en català") to promote the Internet in Catalan language.
  • M:
    • Presence of at least one member of Amical in every international Wikimedia meeting.
    • Offer scolarships for Catalan Wikimedia projects contributors to attend Wikimania 2014 in London. The selection will be made by a jury composed of Amical members. The scolarships will not cover all the costs.
    • The numbers of readers should be increased by 5-7% in respect to the previous year.
    • Two new roll-ups with the new Amical logo.
  • A:
    • Amical members will chose amongst itselves those who can better represent its principles in the international meetings.
    • The Communication Strategic Plan will be conducted by the "Communication group" responsibles.
    • Amical will collaborate in the campaing "Navigate in Catalan" together with other organizations by placing ads in newspapers/websites.
  • R:
    • Reaching out externally is crucial to spread Amical's (and Wikimedia movement) principles. The more people know about our programme, projects and activities, the more people will join them.
    • It is also important to participate in international Wikimedia projects both to learn from other organizations (ie. Wikimedia Conference, GLAM conference, etc.) and to share what we have been doing through the year. If all organizations (chapters, thorgs, etc.) are capable of sharing their knowledge, the movement will evolve much faster than if every one of them tries to move on on their own.
    • The "Navigate in Catalan" campaign is very necessary for Catalan language but also for Catalan Wikimedia projects. If more people surf the Internet in Catalan, Catalan Wikipedia (and sister projects) will pop up more often in searches and thus we will gain readers that otherwise are directes to Spanish Wikipedia (mainly). The campaign is shared with other organizations so this will also help to collaborate with them.
  • T:
    • The "Navigate in Catalan" campaign will be conducted throughout the year.
Which Wikimedia movement strategic priority (or priorities) does this program address and how?
  • Increase reach
What key activities and/or milestones are associated with this program?
  • Intense participation in international meetings.
  • "Navigate in Catalan" campaign reach.
  • Collaboration with similar organizations from Catalan-speaking countries.
How will your entity document, track, and measure successes and challenges of this program?
  • When a member participates in an international meeting (conference, camp, etc.) Amical requests a report to be filed during the following days in the internal list. It is stored in the internal wiki for future reference. We also accordingly publish a blog post.
  • The "Navigate in Catalan" campaign success will be calculated by indicators like CPM in ads and, indirectly, by the increase of readers to Catalan language projects.

Any additional details:

Additional context for the upcoming year's annual plan / SWOT


Please provide 1-2 paragraphs for each response below. SWOT stands for your organizational strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

What organizational strengths enable your entity's plan (e.g., leadership, education program expertise, experience with outreach, governance structure, community participation, fundraising)?
  • Amical Wikimedia’s strongest point is its close relationship with the Catalan Wikimedia editors community. Since the beggining both Amical and the community have been working closely to develop the project’s content and, in fact, many of the most active users are Amical members. Because of the particular situation in the Catalan-speaking territories –Catalan language being a minoritary/minorized language– the editor community is really unite towards promoting its language.
  • Most of the projects we intend to run during next year are not new, but have been already running for months or even years, so we already have the necessary expertise to try to make less mistakes and gain more from them. Also, Amical volunteers are very commited to its goals, with a mixture of "old users" with "new blood" - everyone can contribute with their own skills.
What external opportunities enable your entity's plan (e.g., socio-political context, community participation, fundraising)?
  • The current socio-political context (especially in Catalonia) might be, in fact, both an opportunity and a threat to our projects. The recurrent threats from the Spanish government act as a trigger for the Catalan language projects contributors.
  • The (hopefully approved) FDC grant will enable us to continue with our work but also to open new doors like new projects with universities, which will lead to more expert users contributing to Catalan Wikimedia projects.
  • We have solid and strong relationship with many entities/organizations in the Catalan countries, like the Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan government), and also many museums, the network of public libraries, etc. which can lead to new projects and initiatives. Also, Amical will move to the new headquarters in January which will share with other similar organizations which work towards the same goal -promotion of Catalan language-; this will lead to positive synergies.
What are key risks or threats that would prevent you from achieving your plan (e.g., leadership turnover, governance challenges, lawsuits, fundraising, community participation, socio-political context)?
  • Burnout of our most active volunteers because of the work done during last months and what is to come (mainly FDC proposal, reports, etc.).
  • Reporting: we are aware that the FDC process places great importance to the reporting - we still have lots to learn on documenting and evaluating projects.
  • The socio-political context in Catalonia is very unstable at the moment – this might be a threat to Amical's internal cohesion, as well as to Wikimedia projects'.
  • Spanish media is very strong and even willing to publish false information about Amical if needed (this has already happened) in order to discredit it.
  • The economical crysis might lead to less hours devoted to volunteer to Wikimedia projects and a bad atmosphere inside them.
How will you minimize these risks and threats?
  • If necessary, if we feel that we cannot afford to dedicate our volunteer's time to administration task, we could look into hiring a part-time assistant; anyway, we are reluctant to it and we prefer to keep it the way we have been doing until now, but we understand that one day will arrive when this will be inevitable.
  • We will center our efforts on documenting and evaluating the projects the best we can by means of our internal website and with the help of Amical's members.
  • We will keep celebrating the monthly chat amongst our community members, and we intend to hold several meetups and the Viquitrobada (see Program 1). In fact, "cohesion" is the first of five priorities of our Strategic Plan 2014-18.
  • In case of attacks from external media, we will publish an official answer explaining about the false facts they shall present.

Financials: year-to-date progress


This section provides the FDC information about how your entity is progressing against the current fiscal year's planned budget (revenues and costs).

Please provide the relevant information below. "Year-to-date" refers to the period between the start of your entity's current fiscal year and the date of submission of the proposal. Actual year-to-date financials should be provided as close to the proposal submission date as possible.

Identify the year-to-date for which you are reporting, month/year to month/year: Jan/2013 to September/2013

Table 3

Current fiscal year planned budget Year-to-date actuals Projected final amount
In currency requested In $US In currency requested In $US In currency requested In $US
Revenues (from all sources) 72.500,00 € 97.904,00 USD 50.708,19 € 68.476,34 USD 70.000,00 € 94.528,00 USD
Spending 72.500,00 € 97.904,00 USD 43.880,25 € 59.255,89 USD 60.000,00 € 81.024,00 €

Table 3 details, if necessary:

Based on the variance percentages above, please describe how your entity is progressing against revenue and spending targets. If your projected final amount shows your entity to be significantly under or over target on either revenue or spending, please provide a detailed explanation.
  • We are on budget. Giving that we are on the end of September, we have spent 60% of the budget, so we are in a good line towards completing the foreseen plan. The expected revenues have been secured.

Financials: upcoming year's annual plan


Please note that the FDC staff is currently exploring alternatives to wikitables for financial information. This issue will be addressed by the time the proposal creation tool is launched on September 1, 2013. Provide your financial overview for the upcoming year in the format below.

Please link to your detailed budget in a publicly available spreadsheet file (translation into English highly recommended) in addition to completing the tables below. Detailed budget link:

Financial sustainability

What other donors support your work through grants beyond those in the Wikimedia movement? If your entity does receive funding from other donors, please list a contact person. Note that the donor's contact details can be sent directly to FDCsupport@wikimedia.org if you prefer not to publish it here.

Note that the FDC staff may contact these donors.

  • During the past years we have received funds from several entities like Fundació PuntCAT, DHUB, ICUB, Sociedad de Ingeniería de Fabricación, Government from Illes Balears, Museu Arts Escèniques, etc. (all those can be found in our Economic history). We also have received some awards (Premi LletrA 2011, Premi Fundació Prudenci Bertrana 2012) which also contributed with money. During 2014 we anticipate to receive funds from DHUB (Disseny Hub Barcelona [7] museudeldisseny@bcn.cat), Libraries of Generalitat de Catalunya ([8] biblioteques@gencat.cat) and Catalan Archives ([9] arxius@gencat.cat).
What are your entity's plans for achieving long-term financial sustainability?
  • We want to try to increase non-FDC funds to a lower rate - however this is difficult given the current socio-economical situation in the country. Anyway, during our five years of existence we have been able to raise enough money every year to develop many projects and we will keep seeking for external funds. Also, we will continue with our philosophy - if it can be done with volunteer work, we do not need to hire new staff.



Please list anticipated revenues, by source (e.g., FDC, Wikimedia grants programs, grants from institutional donors, public funding, membership fees, local donations, event fees)

Table 4

Revenue source Anticipated (in currency requested) Anticipated (In $US)

Member fees 2.000,00 € 2.700,08 USD
DHUB (Disseny Hub Barcelona) 4.500,00 € 6.076,80 USD
Biblioteques Generalitat Catalunya 5.000,00 € 6.752,00 USD
Catalan Archives 500,00 € 675,20 USD
FDC 99.650,00 € 134.567,36 USD

Table 4 notes, if necessary:

  • The new office will have a very low fee and will be shared with other organizations with similar goals like ours. We could consider this as a "revenue" since the rental will be really cheap.

Current entity staff and long-term contractors


Role/functions might include program administration, finance, fundraising. Please include both part-time and full-time staff and long-term contractors.

Table 5

Role / Function Number of staff Percentage of staff time*
GLAM Project Manager 1 100%

*Please include estimates of the percentage allocation of staff members. For example, for full-time staff, you would put 100% in this column. For half time staff, you would put 50% in this column.

Table 5 notes, if necessary:

Proposed new staff and and long-term contractors for upcoming year's annual plan


Role / functions might include program administration, finance, fundraising. Please include both part-time and full-time staff and long-term contractors.

Table 6

Department (e.g. Programs, Communications) Number of current staff Percentage of current staff time* Number of upcoming staff Percentage of upcoming staff time* Rationale for hiring new staff

*Please include estimates of the percentage allocation of staff members and long-term contractors. For example, for full-time staff, you would put 100% in this column. For half-time staff, you would put 50% in this column.

Table 6 notes, if necessary:

  • No new staff proposed. However, in Program 3 we intend to hire a Universities project director for a limited amount of time (less than 6 months - it doesn't count as staff). See Program 3.

Summary of staff and long-term contractor expenses


Table 7

In currency requested In $US Percent increase
Current staff expenses 38.000 € 51.315,02 USD
Proposed increase for current staff expenses 7.000 € 9.452,80 USD 18,4 %
Proposed increase for new staff expenses N/A N/A N/A
Total staff expenses 45.000 € 60.678,00 USD 18,4 %

Please estimate the percentage of overall staff time spent on programmatic work, as opposed to administration:

  • 100 %

Table 7 notes, if necessary:

Expenses by program / initiative


Expenses are costs associated with any programs, initiatives, or projects your entity manages (e.g., event costs, materials, transportation). Please exclude any staff costs that are included above. “Programs / initiatives” might include education programs, outreach programs, microgranting initiatives, etc. Please include any administration costs (e.g., office space rental, utilities) affiliated with each program along with any overall administration costs that are not affiliated with any particular program (e.g., Administration should be considered a "Program" under the first column.)

Table 8a

Program / initiative In currency requested In $US
Amical-community relationship 4.500 € 6.076,80 USD
Sharing good practices 4.000 € 5.401,60 USD
Improvement of the projects' content 39.500 € 53.340,80 USD
Office & administration 6.700 € 9.047,68 USD
External reach & readers 11.950 € 16.137,28 USD
Total program expenses (should equal the sum of the rows) 66.650 € 90.004,16 USD

Table 8 notes, if necessary:

Summary of total revenues and expenses


Table 9

In currency requested In $US
Total cash balance as of proposal submission 6.990,33 € 9.439,74 USD
Total revenues 111.650,00 € 150.772,16 USD
Total spending 111.650,00 € 150.772,16 USD
Net (revenues less expenses) 0 € 0 USD
Operating reserves,* if applicable

Table 9 notes, if necessary:

Verification that this proposal requests no funds from the Wikimedia Foundation for political or legislative activities


Enter "yes" or "no" for the verification below.

The term “political or legislative activities” includes any activities relating to political campaigns or candidates (including the contribution of funds and the publication of position statements relating to political campaigns or candidates); voter registration activities; meetings with or submissions and petitions to government executives, ministers, officers or agencies on political or policy issues; and any other activities seeking government intervention or policy implementation (like “lobbying”), whether directed toward the government or the community or public at large. Grants for such activities (when permitted under U.S. law and IRS regulations) should be sought from the Wikimedia Grants Program.
I verify that this proposal requests no funds from the Wikimedia Foundation for political or legislative activities Yes

Once complete, please sign below with the usual four tildes. No changes can be made to the documents after the deadlines for completion passes, and documents will automatically be considered 'submitted' after the deadline closes.