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Grants:APG/Proposals/2017-2018 round 1/Wikimedia Argentina/Impact report form

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Purpose of the report


This form is for organizations receiving Annual Plan Grants to report on their results to date. For progress reports, the time period for this report will the first 6 months of each grant (e.g. 1 January - 30 June of the current year). For impact reports, the time period for this report will be the full 12 months of this grant, including the period already reported on in the progress report (e.g. 1 January - 31 December of the current year). This form includes four sections, addressing global metrics, program stories, financial information, and compliance. Please contact APG/FDC staff if you have questions about this form, or concerns submitting it by the deadline. After submitting the form, organizations will also meet with APG staff to discuss their progress.

Global metrics overview - all programs




Total metrics

Total metrics Participants Newly registered Content pages Diversity Quality Comments
Education Program2030 498 1,093 80% of grils/women feel confortable as Wikipedia editors 73% quality content Surveys conducted after all our activities.

Find all the activities and partners here

Culture & Open Knowledge Program 1890 645 441 books

(meaning 123,556 pages uploaded to Commons)

17,752 pages on Wikimedia projects.

4 new cultural topics addressed* 70% understand and incorporate free culture Surveys conducted after all our activities.

Find all the activities and partners here

Community Building Program 1270 126 68973 82% feels supported by WMAR 90% feels WMAR is an inclusive organization Surveys conducted after all our activities.

Find all the activities and partners here

Total 5190 1269 87,818 Wikipedia, Wikidata and Commons + 441 books (123,556 pages on Commons) n/a n/a n/a

*Fact checking, current issues, local culture, gender & science among other.

Education Program



During 2018, WMAR’s Education Program has achieved the following results:

  • We consolidated Wikipedia as an educational tool in the classroom at all educational levels.
  • We consolidated Wikipedia as a tool for social impact, engaging researchers and experts in order to make these issues visible at a regional scale.
  • Support a community of leading educators to continue growing at a national level.

Side effect: The Argentinean context

During 2018, Argentina went through a great education conflict that brought the debate about the reduction of the education budget and its multiple consequences to the public agenda. We know that educators are key players in this conflict, both in schools and universities. This context made us design new ways to approach our work, and specially our bond with the local education community. This is we have focused on strengthening alliances with diverse education organizations to address the existing education gaps at a national and regional level by organizing online and offline new projects, according to the educator's needs.

The Education Program in Argentina


Success: Wikipedia as a learning tool


A) Onsite learning: Editing clubs and Wikipedia in the University

During 2018, we carried out our onsite learning program by strenghtening our two projects for the Argentinean classrooms: Editing Clubs and Wikipedia in the University. Both proposals have a similar objective: getting educators and students involved in the construction of missing and locally relevant quality knowledge.
Likewise, they have their own features as follows:

How have we organized the activities in 2018?

Editing Clubs

Due to the budget reduction carried out by the national Ministry of Education, the project was modified to the 2018's context as follows:

Editing Clubs in 2017 Editing Clubs in 2018
  • The clubs were developed in provinces of the North and South of our country.
  • They were organized together with the Ministries of Education of each province.
  • The call was carried out and guaranteed by the Ministries, that allocated funds for this project.
  • The project included a general training session for educators and then an edit-a-thon with students from all over the province.
  • We offered online mentoring for the educators who were leaders of the activities.
  • We strengthened the project in the central and littoral regions of the country: Buenos Aires, Corrientes and Entre Ríos provinces.
  • We engaged directly with the institutions through an open call.
  • We trained the educators involved through the year - onsite and online.
  • We encouraged each educator to create an Editing Club in their school.
  • We supported the development of activities and participated in the edit-a-thons carried out by educators in their institutions.

Wikipedia in the University
During 2018 we consolidated Wikipedia as a reliable educational tool for universities.Both public and private universities in Argentina are autonomous and have greater freedom to develop projects, compared to high schools. This allowed us to carry out the project in 14 universities of the country.

Wikipedia in the University 2017 Wikipedia in the University 2018
  • We consolidated the debate on the use of Wikipedia in the academic world.
  • We opened the call for universities to use Wikipedia as an educational tool.
  • We developed resources for the activities led by educators.
  • We carried out online training courses for educators from different regions of the country.
  • We could mentor the first educators to be leaders in their universities, taking Wikipedia to the classrooms.
  • We consolidated our work strategy for the universities.
  • The subjects on which we worked were expanded, therefore advancing greatly in the quality of the content added to Wikipedia.
  • We consolidated a network of university professors that provided legitimacy to the experiences we carried out.
  • Educators who participated in 2017 did it again in 2018 and spread the importance of implementing Wikipedia in their classrooms among their colleagues.
  • For the first time, educators produced research material about Wikipedia as an educational tool.

Despite the context, our projects were carried out in 24 institutions from 8 provinces around Argentina. Comparing to 2017 ( 11 institutions and 6 province) we increase the reach of our program by 13% and we have involved +200% new partners, a great symptom of the program's adaptability to the context. You can find the full list of partners here

Which have been the most important qualitative results and learnings?

  • Strengthening and working directly with educational institutions without gubernamental help is key when undergoing a major crisis.
  • Within the Editing Clubs, organizing onsite editing workshops involving students is very valuable and is emphasized by many teachers as a significant experience for the students.
  • The consolidation of a network of university teachers is essential to expand the proposal with other colleagues. In 2018 we worked with 14 different universities around the country.
  • 74% of the articles edited were of quality. We generated significant improvements in topics like paleontology, journalism and photojournalism, colonial history, criminal law, education, local history, among others.
  • Almost 50% of the participants in the activities were women. 80% of them expressed feeling comfortable during the activities.

B) Remote learning: Wikipuentes in Paraguay

In 2018 we set 3 goals regarding Wikipuentes:

  • Continue developing Wikipuentes in Argentina to reach teachers from all over the country.
  • Implement the project in Paraguay partnering with key actors.
  • Accompany the development of the virtual course in LATAM, as was the case of the implementation of the Wikipuentes MOOC by Wikimedia Chile.

In this sense, during 2018 we carried out Wikipuentes in Paraguay to strengthen the culture and its native language, the Guaraní. The main reasons why choosing Paraguay have been:

  • We could articulate with benchmark educational institutions in Paraguay.
  • We counted with the support of institutions that provided free internet access.
  • There was already a teacher's network built with whom expand the program locally.
  • There aren't a editors community. Our project there could impact in a potential new editor's community.

How did we do it?

  • We identify and partnered with a strategic local organization that had already a community of engaged teachers.
  • Because Paraguay does not have an active community of editors, a semi-face-to-face dynamic was proposed. To the traditional virtual proposal we added two face-to-face workshops that involved +60 participants.
  • Beyond the Spanish Wikipedia the main objective was to edit in Guaraní. For this, we had the support of tutors who accompanied the editions.
Which have been our main results in Paraguay?
  • Participants: 60 teachers were involved. Non of them had been editors before.
  • Quality content: 230 articles edited and improved
  • Editing in Viquipeta: 40 articles were created and updated in Guaraní
  • Satisfaction: 80% find the course useful

What have we achieved in the 8 editions of Wikipuentes?

  • We consolidated a group of online tutors that support the online training of educators.
  • We established mentoring and work dynamics that allowed us to improve, year after year, the quantity and quality of the editions.
  • We covered the educators' demand at a national scale training educators from all the provinces of the country.
  • We got educators to implement projects in their classrooms after taking the course.
  • We expanded the MOOC at a regional level and we adapted it to each context accordingly.

Despite the results, we still have great challenges. One of the main ones is to continue building a community of editors in Paraguay. In 2019 we will continue working with different projects and alliances in the country in order to build a more inclusive and diverse movement.

Main results onsite - online projects

Target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) End of year Comments
400 students 600 310 909 n/a
450 teachers 650 228 761 n/a
500 articles 424 433 814 Onsite + Online projects
Participant dropout n/a 45% 45% Around 40%-50% is considered normal dropout
Volunteers involved n/a 22 35 n/a
Resources designed 7 4 8 n/a
% of satisfaction 100% 100% 100% n/a
70% quality articles 80% 80% 73% n/a
70% of women and girls feeling confortable n/a 80% 80% n/a

Gating factor: An Education program in a context of crisis


The political and economic situation in Argentina changes dramatically year after year. This fluctuating reality is very present in the design of our projects, since part of the annual planning has to take into account the possibility of losing counterparts halfway along the project, facing indefinite strikes in schools and mass layoffs.

In order to avoid as much as possible this context and be able to respond to the demands of the education community too, during 2018 we developed some strategies:

  • Flexibility: all the projects designed are flexible enough to be implemented with or without large institutional partners - as educational ministries - in Argentina. Our projects respond to the teacher's demands with clear goals and activities that can directly be implemented by them. That has given us the opportunity to continue working and get similar results.
  • Offer tailor-made activities: Using surveys, interviews and teacher's feedbacks, we mapped the subjects on which educators would like to work in the classrooms, so we can offer projects that adapt to their needs.
  • Personalized monitoring: We offered online and in-person follow-up, and workshops in our offices and in education institutions.
  • New and better resources: We created specific websites to spread the work and the experiences we have had, with resources and materials so that educators have access to free information and can develop the activities in their classrooms around Argentina.
  • Innovative trainings: The decrease of the educational budget means is also reflected in the lack of opportunities for teacher's training. Organizing innovative training workshops respond not only to their demands but allow us to improve the reach of the program.

However, the context still affect our planning. Keeping the flexibility also in our agenda and alternate our onsite and our online projects depending on the context is fundamental to deliver good results.

Education & Rights


Success: Wiki Human Rights in Latin America


During 2018, we carried out the Wiki Derechos Humanos (Wiki Human Rights) project, expanding the project at a Latin American scale. The project was supported by the Open Society Foundations and the Embassy of Canada. We have been present in seven countries of the region: Mexico, Chile, Uruguay, Colombia, Paraguay, Argentina and Venezuela.

How did we develop the project during 2018?

  • Along with our partners, we mapped the content gaps regarding Human Rights to create an improve content in Wikipedia. We have expanded the topics depending the local contexts and realities.
  • In every context, we organized specific editing workshops on how to edit with a Human Right's perspective to ensure the quality of the content.
  • We have involved different audiences - public in general, experts, researchers, students etc and managed to engage key players to sustain the experience beyond the edit-a-thons in each country.
  • We have fostered a regional network involving organizations, universities, journalists etc in order to expand the project to other countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.
  • We have created resources - a website, tutorials, online trainings etc- to disseminate and spread the project even beyond LATAM.

What results did we achieve?

Main results

Target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) End of year (projected or actual) Comments
6 wikiDDHH edit-a-thons n/a 4 9 n/a
200 articles improved n/a 160 279 n/a
300 participants n/a 200 388 n/a
Women involved n/a 75% 75% n/a

Side effect: Side effect: LATAM edits on LGBT+ content

Wiki DDHH demands commitment, responsibility and strategic partners to carry out a truly collective work proposal. In September 2018, we evaluated that Wiki Human Rights could expand its work to issues related to the history of the LGBT + collective. That is why we present the project to the Fund for Local Initiatives of the Embassy of Canada. The proposal was designed together with the LGBT+ Regional News Agency Presentes, to work in Argentina and Paraguay. In this context, we identified that the existing Wikipedia content on the subject needed to be worked under Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law standards, as well as organizing activities to update the information and provide new tools to the LGBT+ collective, to visualize and build their own history. So far in the project, we have trained 65 journalists and LGBT+ people in Buenos Aires and Asunción (Paraguay).

Why do we do the things we do?

  • We work on consolidating Wikipedia as a reliable educational tool to promote access to free knowledge in educational institutions and to construct missing and locally relevant quality content.
  • Teachers are the key to carry out our activities. For that reason, we adapt our proposals to their needs and work on the consolidation of a teacher's network who can lead the projects.
  • Content gaps regarding Human Rights are still big. With our project, we improve these content as well as reaching new audiences and engaging with new partners as a way increase the diversity of the movement, involve missing voices and build our own history from the Global South.

Culture and Open Knowledge Program



During 2018, the Culture & Open Knowledge Program has been redefined beyond GLAM. For that purpose, we have designed new projects in accordance with our context. These projects have pursued the following objectives:

  • Promoting diversity of content in the Wikimedia projects.
  • Consolidating the Wikimedia projects as reliable sources of information within Argentine society.
  • Positioning Argentine culture within the Wikimedia projects.

Culture & Global South


Success: Building a cultural program in the global South


Our great objective in 2018 was to design a Culture Program that could adapt to the Argentine context, to its opportunities and also to its challenges, which can be defined as follows:

  • Argentine society is socially very active about the issues in the public agenda that appeal to it.
  • Argentine society demands access to reliable and current information.
  • Culture is constructed through non-traditional channels and lacks of budget. The Ministry of Culture ceased to exist in August 2018.

In this context, we have designed a program to turn these challenges into opportunities in the following way:

a) Adapting our lines of work to the context

Context is key. Adapting our work to it, it's fundamental because:

  • It helps us reach to new audiences and new cultural communities as part of the program.
  • It consolidates us as a benchmark organization in strategic fields.
  • It allows us to improve diverse content in the Wikimedia projects.

During 2018, we worked on two big issues of the Argentine public agenda:

a) Gender & Science

We have continued working to narrow the gender gap in Wikipedia. During 2018 we improved + 2000 articles through initiatives such as La Mujer que nunca conociste or edit-a-thons. However, one of our most important works has been the one we have done on gender and science. The main reasons behind are:

  • The Argentine feminist movement put this issue in its agenda in a powerful way in 2018.
  • New communities and organizations strongly linked to the free formats were created (software, construction of collaborative knowledge, free culture, etc.).These spaces are led by women who could become potential leaders in our community.
  • Despite women representing 60% of the scientists of the country, only 8% of the Wikipedia articles are about them.

The impact of the project goes beyond the numbers; this line of work has allowed us to generate high-level partnerships, even in this difficult context:

How did we work?

During 2018, we worked on gender and science in the following way:

  • Edit-a-thons: We organized 3 edit-a-thons in different regions of the country - Buenos Aires, Jujuy and Bariloche. We involved + 60 people, mainly researchers and 95% women.
  • Databases: We released under CC licenses the National database of Argentine scientists.
  • Content: We improved +1600 articles in Wikipedia and Wikidata related to Argentinean women scientists. The % of Argentine women scientists in Wikipedia was increased from 8.8% of women scientists in Wikipedia in Spanish to 16.30% just in 2018
  • Strategic alliances: we have established alliances at a governmental level, with the Secretary of Technical Science and Productive Innovation, and with benchmark organizations of the civil society - The Argentine Network for Gender, Science & Technology- and new local communities related to this field, such as Las de Sistemas, a group of women who works to reduce the gender gap in STEM.
  • Awareness: we promoted the debate about the gender gap in Wikipedia in strategic scientific spaces such as the Conference of Women and Neuroscience organized by the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET), the Science & Gender Forum organized by the National Commission on Atomic Energy, in decision - making spaces for local policies on science and gender and at a federal scale in inner provinces as Santa Fe or Jujuy.

b) Construction of recent local history

Argentina’s popular culture is constructed outside the traditional cultural institutions In 2018 we partnered some of these organizations much more accessible and open to organizing activities and sharing their heritage.

How did we work?

During 2018 we strengthened this line of work in the following way:

Partner Activity Topic Impact
Buenos Aires City Ombudsman New images/documents released.

1 trainings about Wikipedia.

Online course for experts

Current issues Content improved

Involve a community of experts as editors.

Quality content released.

Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of  Entre Ríos New images/documents released Current issues Quality content released.
Amnesty Argentina New images/documents released Current issues Quality content released.
Undersecretariat of Women 1 Trainings about Wikipedia Local culture Involve a community of experts as editors
Open House Buenos Aires 2 Trainings + photo contest Local culture Involve a community of experts as editors.

Quality content improved.

Open House Rosario 2 Trainings + photo contest Local culture Involve a community of experts as editors.

Quality content improved.

Ministry of Urban Development and Transport of the City of Buenos Aires New images/documents released.

1 Trainings about Wikipedia.

1 Edith-a-ton

Local culture Involve a community of experts as editors.

Quality content improved

National Institute of Geography Photo contest Local culture Quality content improved
Antarctic Institute 1 Trainings about Wikipedia Local culture Involve a community of experts as editors
INTA - National Agricultural Technology Institute Quality content released

1 Edith-a-ton

Local culture Involve a community of experts as editors.

Quality content improved

What have we done?

  • Training courses: we offered 10 training courses on free culture and the Wikimedia projects in 7 non-traditional cultural spaces. This has meant 115 new editors trained.
  • Tailor - made activities: together with the teams with which we have worked, we designed tailor-made activities such as edit-a-thons, mentoring, heritage release, advocacy etc.
  • Content released: More than +2788 photographs and articles edit.

What results did we achieve, beyond the numbers?

  • Consolidating Wikimedia Argentina as a benchmark organization in the field of science and gender. Working on this issue has opened new opportunities for us in 2019. Among the most important ones, we can mention the agreement signed with the National University of La Plata in order to incorporate and develop their policy of open science.  
  • Diversity: not only have we diversified the content of the Wikimedia projects but also we have diversified the way we define culture in the program.
  • Positioning Free Culture: working with new organizations and diverse cultural communities allows us to position free culture outside GLAM and establish new alliances in the Argentine cultural world.

Main results

Target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) End of year (projected or actual) Comments
Promote the free culture in 10 institutions 6 10 13 n/a
200 cultural leaders trained 660 258 632* Open House Rosario and Open House Buenos Aires were massive training workshops.
4 institutions publish their heritage in free licence 11 6 10 n/a
70% understand the importance of open culture New objective 75% 75% n/a
Articles created (science, current issues, local culture) 3059 3348 4312 2201 in Wikipedia+ 2111 images
Number of editors involved (500) 251 328 645 Women editors: 266

b) Turning challenges of the context into opportunities

During 2018 we began to work on paying attention not only to the interests of Argentine society but also to its demands. If there is one thing that characterizes our context, that is scarcity -of resources, information, learning opportunities, etc. We have tried to turn these challenges into opportunities with the following objectives:

  • Providing quality, contrastable and locally relevant information.
  • Through the Wikimedia projects, promoting new interdisciplinary training spaces that, in accordance with the demand, help us construct a more diverse cultural community.

In this sense, during 2018 we promoted two new projects:

a) Wikipedia en Debate

During 2018, one of our most important objectives was to consolidate Wikipedia and the Wikimedia projects as reliable sources of information. This objective is a consequence of the following:

  • Traditional media are in crisis
  • In the era of misinformation, Wikipedia is a verified resource for information.

How did we work?

We carried out a pilot project #Wikipediaendebate (WikipediaonDebate) to analyze the two biggest debates of 2018. In both cases, we worked as follows:

  • Identification: Live monitoring and identification of the concepts most frequently used by legislators.
  • Positioning on Twitter those concepts used and present in Wikipedia.
  • No value judgements are used and the concepts aren't disassociated from the person who expresses them.
  • Follow-up of the subsequent traffic on the Wikipedia articles during the debate.

During 2018, the project had the following results:

  • + 700.000 organic impressions on Twitter in 6 days.
  • + 800.000 pages views on Wikipedia articles during the debates
  • + 600 analyzed concepts.

b) Webinars: new audiences and communities

We fostered a new training project with the following objectives:

  • Diversifying and incorporating new cultural alliances.
  • Beginning to position WMAR as a benchmark organization of digital rights in Argentina.
  • Offering new free-of-charge training opportunities for Latin American society.

How did we work?

We organized 7 webinars and/or online training spaces with a regional outreach. These were planned in the following way:

  • Alliances: We allied with Aprender3C, Economia Feminita and Activá el Congreso, benchmark organizations that were key to engage new audiences and referents.
  • New topics: We designed new training proposals about free culture, digital rights and misinformation, which are fields of interest for Argentine society.
  • Engagement: 6 speakers from different collaborative projects participated and we had a total of 207 in life participants + 1327 participants after.
  • Outreach: we had participants from all over Argentina, with transmission nodes in universities and libraries all across the country. Also, we had participants from Ecuador, Spain, Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia and Chile.

What results did we achieve, beyond the numbers?

  • Positioning Wikipedia as reliable source in front of topics such the fake news. In this sense, we began to design projects that promote trainings for those who generate primary and secondary sources.
  • Positioning Wikipedias as a reliable tool for fact checking online content.
  • We consolidated another way to spread the Wikimedia projects, positioning ourselves at a national and regional level.
  • We could generate an online community that works independently and can replicate WMAR’s campaigns.
  • We allied with other collaborative projects that share WMAR’s strategic lines.

Main results

Target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) End of year (projected or actual) Comments
8 leaders involved n/a 5 8 n/a
Involving 200 new cultural in online trainings n/a 172 207 1524 participants in total
Reach n/a n/a 1.5 M On Twitter + Wikipedia

Gating factor: Scope and Impact


Redefining the program was fundamental to adapt it to our context. Although we consider ourselves to be on the right track, we still have a series of challenges to face:

  • Defining the scope: the program has expanded its work beyond the traditional cultural institutions.This opened us a new world of opportunities where we must identify with whom to work, for what and what results could we expect. However, since it is continuously redefining and redesigning itself, we are still laying out which are our best audiences. Likewise, the new Strategic Direction is helping us to define in a more concrete way the scope of the program and to establish priorities.
  • Impact: Many of our new projects were pilots so the impact was a little uncertain. Our challenge today is to consolidate these projects within the program and their impact. For this to happen, we are currently working - along with strategic partners - to scale them by defining too the results expected in a clearer way.

Success: Working with GLAM partners in the Global South


Working with traditional cultural institutions (GLAM) is still one of WMAR’s greatest objectives, despite our context:

  • Cultural institutions lack resources.
  • This entails adapting the program to the reality of each institution.

To overcome these difficulties during 2018 we focused our strategy in the following way:

a) Libraries & librarians

Working with librarians seems a natural strategy for the Wikimedia movement, but in the case of WMAR, it responds to the following reality:

  • Facing the lack of funds for culture and the absence of public policies that regulate the work of libraries, working with librarians is an opportunity because:
  • They are an accessible self-organized community
  • They work in a collaborative way, which allows us to organize activities for their communities
  • They have the time and disposition to continue learning about free culture

How did we work during 2018?

  • Training courses: we trained 111 librarian from the 4 major organizations in the country: SISBI, General Book Management, Institute of Technical and Superior Education, Aprender3C and reaching to librarians around all the country.
  • Campaigns: Beyond several edit-a-thons, we organized #1bib1ref regionally which translated into 406 improved articles, engaging 99 new editors. For the first time, the campaign not only had a regional impact but also in the entire Southern hemisphere. For that purpose, we carried out a series of strategies:
  1. We adapted the contents to our local and regional reality; even the tutorial videos were edited with different linguistic idioms
  2. We worked together with Iberocoop and the project was led by different chapters in each context.
  3. We fostered webinars in the campaign for librarians, which helped us scale the project to a regional level.
  4. We offered in-person training courses at local libraries.
  • Awareness: We participated in the two most important conferences in the country in the field of library science.

What results did we achieve, beyond the numbers?

Main results

Target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) End of year (projected or actual) Comments
Participants 9 70 111 n/a
Articles improved 26 371 406 729 counting #1lib1ref. The campaign was re-activated
Countries involved 1 5 Spanish speaking countries n/a 14 countries world-wide
Libraries involved 4 12 14 7 are from Argentina. 4 offline activities
Activities with librarias (Offline-online) n/a 6 9 n/a

b) Large cultural institutions

One of our main objectives is still to work with large Argentine cultural institutions. This, which we promote mainly through our digitization project, is complex but at the same time necessary because:

  • The state does not have the structural conditions to digitize certain cultural heritage.
  • Some collections at risk that are vital to understand the history of Argentina need to be protected.

How did we work in 2018?

  • WIR: the role of the itinerant Wikipedist in Residence is still key in our context. Large cultural institutions, even today, cannot afford to have staff in charge of digital collections. in 2018 we have worked with: National Museum of Fine Arts, Tesoro Circe Library, Library of the Legislature, Argentine Academy of Letters.
  • Training Courses: Apart from the digitization, we worked to incorporate policies that were open to the work flow of the organizations.
  • Quality Content: We made a priority of working with endangered, unique and valuable heritage of Argentine culture.
  • Resources: the digitization project understands the local context and the lack of resources in cultural institutions. That is why we provide scanners on gratuitous loan and technical assistance in case of malfunction. In this sense, Banco Hipotecario donated 140,000 Argentine pesos to fund the equipment and training courses for the Tesoro Circe Library, one of our main partners. Also, the project offers digitization training to the staff of cultural institutions and during 2018 a volunteer was incorporated to work at the library of the Fine Arts Museum for a period of 6 months.

Our results in 2018 were the following:

Target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) End of year (projected or actual) Comments
6 cultural partners 6 9 8 You can find all the partnerships here
Training courses 2 Monthly training Monthly training n/a
350 books released 393 170 441 n/a
Pages uploaded on Commons 67,602 30,000 123,556 Mainly collection of books.
Articles created or improved
719 198 8648 Wikipedia, Wikidata and Wikisource mainly.
Commons files visualizations n/a
n/a 46,711 n/a
Wikipedia page views n/a n/a 9,411,474 Visualizations of the articles improved with content released
Number of volunteers involved 5 8 14 n/a
% of satisfaction 75% 75% 75% n/a

What results did we achieve, beyond the numbers?

  • Alliances: we managed to achieve a digitization project that does not depend on an agreement with a ministry. We are working with autonomous and private institutions that will remain stable despite the changes in the government.
  • Project stability: For three consecutive years, new libraries and archives incorporated to our project, with successful cases such as the Argentine Academy of Letters and since last year the Tesoro Circe Library, both of them with sustainable work teams.
  • Impact: We incorporated to Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata the highest number of books of Argentine literature of the 19th and 20th centuries, that reach over 1200 books to date. Also, we managed to rescue and enhance one-of-a-kind material such as an original manuscript by Bartolomé Mitre and the complete works by Guillermo Hudson, an Argentine naturalist.

Gating factor: Challenges within the large cultural institutions


The conditions of the state bodies are light-years away from the ideal circumstances to undertake policies of open knowledge in which Wikimedia Argentina can have a decisive role. So while we are trying to position a program:

  • The generational change has not yet taken place and we continue working with cultural managers who promote private archives and not open knowledge.
  • Fear of the unknown: when working with people who are not familiar with online platforms, we need to forge bonds of trust so they let us work with innovative technologies.
  • Lack of infrastructure: the economic situation in Argentina changes every year and not in a good way. The cultural institutions does not have budget to invest in infrastructure (trainings and technology) and have obsolete technology, which make our work difficult.
  • Lack of human resource: the institutions don't have enough people to work with new projects and they are limited in their currents workflows.

Why do we do the things we do?

  • Going beyond GLAM and expanding the concept of culture has allowed us to build a more diverse program that addresses new topics much more appropriate to our context.
  • The Wikimedia projects are key to rebuild how the history of the Global South's communities is presented in Internet as well as a tool to strengthen the freedom of information within society. This not only constructs a more diverse movement but also affects who spreads knowledge and where from.
  • Equality is key to understand our program. We do not make a difference between large and small cultural institutions or cultural communities, neither regarding their heritage.

Community Building Program



In 2018, the Community Building Program has focused on strengthening the existing community and generating new strategic communities. In this sense, the activities we carried out reinforce our objectives for 2018:

  • To expand and build a motivated community as part of WMAR
  • Supporting and promoting the emergence of new themed communities organized around the objective of editing with purpose.
  • Defining new volunteer's opportunities to build a more diverse and inclusive community.

Building communities


Success: Consolidating & Diversifying Communities


In order to strengthen, diversify and involve new volunteers as part of WMAR and the Wikimedia movement, during 2018 we have worked:

a) Long-standing communities
We continue with the mentoring initiatives, meeting the demands of our long-standing community:

  • Mobility Grants: Financial support with the objective of improving and encouraging the participation of our community in WMAR activities in order to strengthen bonds within our local community. We gave 18 local mobility grants.
  • Project Support: We worked with our volunteers designing and mentoring 10 projects.
  • Community meetings: We organized 4 community meetings, which allowed us to strengthen the bond with our volunteers while at the same time integrating new members to our long-standing community. We involved 82 participants on record, of which 27 were new.
  • Skills transfer: 6 workshops organized, involving 63. Spaces to share experiences and learning  from long-standing volunteers to those who are new in the community.

b) Themed Communities

Since 2017 we began to organize our volunteers in thematic communities according to their interests. This has allowed us:

  • to get our volunteers involved in projects that fit their interests and our long-standing community in a new role as mentors that rekindled its commitment with Wikimedia Argentina.
  • to better define the projects and objectives of the program.
  • to address a very usual problem in the developing countries: the lack of time for volunteer work.

What have we done in 2018?

Community Activities Members involved in 2018
Community of Photographers 18 volunteers.

80% active editors.

Gender Community 15 active volunteers. 90% active editors

129 participants during 2018.

Littoral Community 5 leaders.

43 volunteers involved in 2018. 35 new editors of what 40% have become active editors.

Community of Journalists

We worked to position WMAR in journalistic environments. We worked to disseminate our projects and work.

To achieve that, we organized:

  • Encounters with journalists
  • Workshops in media spaces
Workshops in 7 media. 8 journalists as part of our community.

What results did we achieve, beyond the numbers?

  • Improving the retention & engagement: organizing the communities around themes of their interest and based on mutual support and trust, has been proved to increase the retention.
  • Reach: we have managed to support and strengthen a well establish community outside Buenos Aires. This, that we found difficult to do a year a go, is now one of our greatest learnings for building future communities beyond Buenos Aires.
  • New leaders: we have identified 10 new leaders within the communities - people that organize and carry out new projects and activities. 70% women.

Main results:

Target Last year (if applicable) Progress End of year (projected or actual) Comments
3 new thematic communities 2 2 2 n/a
Number of project supported (5) n/a 7 10 n/a
Thematic meetings n/a 11 16 n/a
Articles created/ improved -800 n/a 2541 69,117 Mainly in Commons
30 active/new members involved n/a 64 88 n/a
35 members granted/mentored n/a 21 32 n/a
80% feels supported by WMAR n/a 80% 85% n/a

Gating factor: Federalization & Journalists


While organizing around thematic communities has improved how and in what way we build the WMAR community, each community has its own times and ways of functioning. In this sense we continue to face challenges such as:

  • Federalization: our country is very large territorially and the distances are very large from one province to another. Our great challenge is to generate communities outside of Buenos Aires. After two years of work we can say that there is an established community on the coast, but we still have a lot of work to do.
  • Journalists: we have trained journalists and organized meetings however we are still struggling to get them involved in an active editor role. Even though we have done a great job in changing how they understand Wikipedia and how can they use it, we want to really organize a stable community. So far this has been difficult for their availability to attend our meetings. We are currently organizing specific projects and exploring other ways to engage them, as per example, starting to work with smaller media and journalists from outside Buenos Aires, who are more open to participate in our projects.

Diversifying volunteers


Success: New volunteers roles


One of our main objectives for 2018 was consolidating our definition of what we understand as a volunteer in WMAR for the following reasons:

  • the traditional model of the Global North volunteer adapts neither to our local reality, nor to our times, nor to our way to build knowledge and communities.
  • Confusing wikipedists with wikimedists is a big mistake. At least in the WMAR community, these are -in many cases- very different profiles.
  • Defining the profiles of our volunteers allows us to diversify our community and value everybody’s participation in an equal manner.
  • Building new spaces for participation guarantees more and better retention and a sense of belonging to the community.

What did we do in 2018?

Understanding that there is a big difference between wikipedists and wikimedists allows us, as an organization, to include new volunteers at the same level of the long-standing community. That is why during 2018, we redefined the role of volunteers, opening new opportunities in the following way:

  • Liaison: people who help us forge strategic alliances to work in pursuit of free knowledge.
  • Changemakers: people who lead projects about free culture in their work spaces.
  • Advocators: people and organizations who, using their leadership, disseminate the work we promote.

These new profiles have the following characteristics:

  • they are committed to free culture and their incorporation in Argentina.
  • they are committed to the construction of the recent and historical memory of Argentina.
  • they are committed to addressing the content gaps in the Wikimedia projects.
  • In case of being editors, they mainly edit about current issues.

During 2018, these profiles allowed us to work in the following way:

a) Gaining access to new audiences and generating new strategic alliances

In 2018 we organized new thematic encounters - Barra Libre- with the aim of building a more diverse community with new active members. Particulary, we promote these encounters to:

  • attract new volunteers with interests aligned to WMAR’s.
  • identify allies that help us spread our work
  • reach to new audiences and involve new volunteers

What results did we achieve?

  • Partners: we partnered with 5 new partners.
  • Participants: 83 participants in the event, 85% new.
  • New volunteers: 10% became active volunteers.
  • Satisfaction: % satisfaction with the initiative

b) Positioning the Wikimedia projects in the workflow others organizations.

Generating alliances with leading organizations in Argentina has allowed us to position Wikimedia projects as part of their work. This is strategic because:

  • we change the way the Wikimedia projects are seen by other organizations. In this sense, we have position our work as ally to strengthen and foster their own projects, mainly regarding current issues.
  • we have positioned the importance of open knowledge outside the organizations that work on these issues.

These has translated in participating in new projects - 3 hackathons- with the following results:

  • Partners: we partnered with some of the most important organizations on gender, health, sports and feminism in Argentina - Fundación Huésped, EcoFeminita, Activá el Congreso, Red/Acción, among others.
  • Quality content: we improved 126 articles of quality on specific topics.
  • Participants: 44 experts of these organizations' communities involved.

Side effect: Positioning women in sports in Wikipedia

One of the great impediments that we find when writing about women is the lack of sources that talk about them. In this sense, together with Red/Acción - an Argentinean media- we decide to work to close this gap. Throughout the year Red/Accion wrote about them in order to create the sources needed to create a Wikipedia article (mainly about soccer players). With all this information in November, we carried out the edit-a-thon to update and create missing content. Thanks to this collaboration - media + Wikimedia Argentina + volunteers - we created new 56 biographies. This has meant a +500% of increase; we had 13 articles at the beginning of 2018. Also we uploaded 26 images of quality (all the National Soccer Team) that have improved 122 articles in different Wikipedias. This has been the first partnership of this kind for Wikimedia Argentina and we believe that in order to close the current content gaps, this partnerships are fundamental to achieve our goal.

Why do we do the things we do?

  • To increase diversity within our community, we need new people join it. For this to happen we reach new audiences, organize innovative projects with strategic partners and accompany the newcomers. We also involve equally all the people interested, regardless their expertise.
  • To re-engage the long-term Wikimedians we organize ourselves in thematic communities with projects that challenge them and promoting their role as leaders in the community.
  • To keep the participation of our volunteers stable, we not only identify their interests and make appropriate projects, but we respect their availability and possibilities.

Free Knowledge Awareness


Advocacy & Movement strategy


The new strategic direction is having a major impact within WMAR. Although we are still defining how we are going to implement it, during 2018 we started working to:

  • Position ourselves as a benchmark organization in the promotion of free knowledge.
  • Ensure that the voice and needs of Iberocoop are represented in the 2030 strategy.

In this sense, during 2018 we carried out a series of initiatives at local, regional and global level. All of them are explained in the progress report and you can find them here.

However, and understanding that the strategy process is still being carried out, we would like to highlight some advances and setbacks that have occurred during the second half of 2018:

  • In a similar way to most European chapters and led by WMES, we worked to raise awareness about the new European Directive on copyright. In this sense, we accompanied the work done by WMES and promoted the debate in Argentina. All the work done is key given that the debate on copyright reform is currently taking place in Argentina, with a proposal very similar to that of Europe. In this sense we are beginning to work in partnership with other civil society organizations with the aim of generating a network of work in order to defend an open and free Internet for all.
  • Iberocoop actively participated during the phase I of the strategy. This impacted within the great interest in participating in the Working Groups. In fact, 13 people from the network applied. Even so, after a few months of work, some people could not continue. In particular, for many it was incompatible to coordinate the demand with their daily work. Those of us who remain in the process are trying to keep the network informed and we hope that the community will actively participate in the consultation stage that is currently starting. We have a unique opportunity to design a new movement that is in line with our needs and truly inclusive, not only by involving communities that have been left out, but to include the knowledge that is missing, in all possible ways. Even so and although we all consider it a huge opportunity, it is impossible to know how much the community will get involved.

During 2019 we will continue working on these lines of work, especially to advocate for laws that guarantee an open Internet as well as to build a more diverse and inclusive Wikimedia movement, in accordance with the realities and needs of communities around the world.

Revenues received during this period (6 month for progress report, 12 months for impact report)


Please use the exchange rate in your APG proposal.

Revenue source Currency Anticipated Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Anticipated ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Explanation of variances from plan
FDC grant USD USD 240.704 USD 140.366 - USD 100.248 - USD 240.614 USD 240.704 USD 240.614 Since august 2017 we are keeping FDC Grant in USD. The exchange to ARS is made every week if needed
Membership fees USD USD 600 ARS 1.179 ARS 2.980 ARS 309 ARS 615 ARS 5.084 USD 600 USD 216 n/a
Open Society Foundation ARS USD 25.000 ARS 430.042 - - - ARS 430.042 USD 25.000 USD 15.583 Received on November 2017- The funds kept  in Argentinian peso were affected by currency rate devaluation
Canadá Embassy in Argentina ARS - - - - ARS 391.803 ARS 391.803 USD 10.820 USD 10.820 These funds were not estipulated when APG was made. These funds were applied to WIKI DDHH program.
Ministry of culture- City of Buenos Aires ARS ARS 170.000 - - - ARS 140.082 ARS 140.082 USD 8.995 USD 3.869 Income agreed in ARS- The funds received to the date equals to USD 3.869 due to Argentinian Peso devaluation
Fixed-term bank deposit income ARS - - ARS 2.774 ARS 5.753 - ARS 8.527 - USD 302 n/a
In-kind donations ARS ARS 117.500 ARS 18.300 ARS 41.000 ARS 61.000 ARS 37.200 ARS 157.500 USD 6.217 USD 5.671 n/a

The average exchange rate was:

for Q1 and Q2: 1 USD= 21,33 ARS

for Q3 and Q4: 1 USD= 33,87 ARS

The In Kind donations detail could be find here

Spending during this period (6 month for progress report, 12 months for impact report)


Please use the exchange rate in your APG proposal.

Expense Currency Budgeted Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Budgeted ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Percentage spent to date Explanation of variances from plan
Staff Expenses ARS ARS 2.612.650 ARS 533.390 ARS 877.292 ARS 859.407 ARS 986.166 ARS 3.256.255 USD 137.508 USD 120.626 88% Argentinian Peso devaluation made salaries lower in USD
General Administration ARS ARS 673.360 ARS 226.813 ARS 151.370 ARS 252.332 ARS 509.868 ARS 1.140.383 USD 35.440 USD 40.234 114% Inflation rate during 2018 reach 47,8%, 4 times bigger than expected by official organizations. Also we have additional charges due to office moving
Education program ARS ARS 889.069 ARS 177.516 ARS 205.998 ARS 37.613 ARS 258.225 ARS 679.352 USD 45.477 USD 45.208 99% WIKI DDHH Program Included into this line
GLAM program ARS ARS 503.500 ARS 194.873 ARS 144.516 ARS 171.193 ARS 339.292 ARS 849.874 USD 26.548 USD 31.244 118% Digitizing program included into this line
Community Support program ARS ARS 576.200 ARS 215.436 ARS 251.284 ARS 180.599 ARS 98.364 ARS 745.683 USD 30.326 USD 30.117 99% n/a
In-kind donations ARS ARS 117.500 ARS 18.300 ARS 41.000 ARS 61.000 ARS 37.200 ARS 157.500 USD 6.217 USD 5.671 91% n/a
TOTAL ARS ARS 5.372.279 ARS 1.366.329 ARS 1.671.459 ARS 1.501.144 ARS 2.191.914 ARS 6.730.847 USD 281.516 USD 273.100 97% Despite of Argentinian economy big fluctuations and uncertainty (100% devaluation and 47,8% inflation) we manage to get a satisfactory level of execution

The average exchange rate was:

for Q1 and Q2: 1 USD= 21,33 ARS

for Q3 and Q4: 1 USD= 33,87 ARS

Official exchange rate could be find at Central Bank of Argentina

Additional information:

Funds received and expenses detailed by donor

Funding source Currency Received Expended Balance Comments
Wikimedia Foundation- APG USD USD 240.614 USD 237.449 USD 3.165 USD 3.165 to be reimbursed to WMF- or deducted from future installments-
Open Society Foundation USD USD 15.583 USD 15.583 USD 0 n/a
Canadá Embassy in Argentina USD USD 10.820 USD 10.010 USD 810 USD 810 Will be reimbursed to Canadá Embassy in April 2019
Ministry of culture- City of Buenos Aires USD USD 3.869 USD 3.869 USD 0 n/a
Membership fee USD USD 216 USD 216 USD 0 n/a
Fixed-term bank deposit income USD USD 302 USD 302 USD 0 n/a
In Kind donations USD USD 5.671 USD 5.671 USD 0 n/a
TOTAL USD USD 277.075 USD 273.100 USD 3.975 n/a



Is your organization compliant with the terms outlined in the grant agreement?


As required in the grant agreement, please report any deviations from your grant proposal here. Note that, among other things, any changes must be consistent with our WMF mission, must be for charitable purposes as defined in the grant agreement, and must otherwise comply with the grant agreement.

Are you in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".

Are you in compliance with provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code (“Code”), and with relevant tax laws and regulations restricting the use of the Grant funds as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".


Once complete, please sign below with the usual four tildes.



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