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Grants:PEG/FF portal/Recommendations/Medievalia 2013

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Project summary


Provide a few basic details about this project.

Title of project: Medievalia 2013

Start date of project: 2013-01-20

End date of project: 2013-11-10

Please provide a brief description of the project.

The project is a cycle of conferences about the Middle Age organized by three cultural associations. This is the program [1]. The program is part of Vicus Medievalis project which is a recurrent project since 2009.

About this grantee


Please describe the person / group / organization you are recommending. Please review eligibility requirements here.

  • Who will receive funding?
    a nonprofit organization
  • What is the name or Username of the grantee?
    Associazione culturale Ave Gratia Plena [2] (Cultural association Ave Gratia Plena)
  • In which country is this grantee located?
  • What is the name or Username of the project lead(s) responsible for this project?
    Pietro Di Lorenzo
    see the web page
  • Please provide a brief description of this person / people / organization.
    The association organizes several cultural events, mainly they play ancient musics or organizes conferences and so on. Since 2009 they organize a cycle of conferences with historical or anthropological studies and a festival of Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque music [3]. This year they have organized a cycle of conferences about the Middle Age [4] and a programm of concerts (with musicians from Northern Italy, Belgium, and Hungary) and a guided tour in historical building (churches, castles, palaces, Museum) located in Campania Region, Southern Italy, and they need financial support to publish leaflets and to rent rooms for conferences and concerts.
  • Briefly, explain why you, as flow funder, have confidence in this organization to execute these activities successfully.
    The organization is a successful local organization with a huge number of followers. They will advertize the name of Wikipedia as supporter among several researchers and potential cultural partners. They are supported by local administration and several no profit organizations.

About this project's potential for impact


Please summarize how this project will help further Wikimedia's mission or meet our strategic goals.

The South of Italy is plenty of cultural associations and history but the participant in Wikimedia projects is not so widespread. The cycle of conferences will give the opportunity to have a better knowledge of Wikimedia projects in this group of activists and to offer the opportunity to release the content of the conferences in free license.

The organizer will release the following minimum deliveries:

  • there will be a session at the end of the last conference saying thank you to Wikipedia for the support and speaking about the Wikimedia projects
  • all published material (historical researchs) will be released under free license and can be freely used in Wikipedia projects
  • there is an on going discussion to release under free license also the ancient musics

Some answers:

  • How is this project aligned with Wikimedia's mission or strategic goals? Outreach and increasing of participants in Wikimedia projects in a region of Italy with few editors
  • Will this project impact any of Wikimedia's projects? If so, please tell us how. I proposed them to release the material in cc-by-sa, mainly ancient musics played by professional musicians
  • In which country or countries will this project have the most impact? South of Italy. The South of Italy have few wikipedians and this project may be a good opportunity to widespread the Wikimedia projects.
  • How will this project create a positive change? I hope to create with them a good synergy and to outreach some potential partners (universities, local administrations, libraries and so on).

Financial details

  • Total amount requested: 1.945 Euros
  • Currency requested: Euro
  • Total amount requested in US Dollars (USD): - USD
# Expense Description Cost per unit Unit Quantity Currency Total cost per expense
1 Posters (1st typography) 0.46 350 EUR 160
2 Posters (2nd typography) 0.46 350 EUR 160
3 Folders 0.17 650 EUR 110
4 Placarding 40 2 EUR 80
5 Placarding in Naples 150 1 EUR 150
6 Travel expenses for musicians and speakers EUR 1020
7 Other advertising material EUR 180
8 copies of musical scores, concert booklets and event booklets, invitations EUR 85
Total: EUR 1945