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Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/Creating free knowledge in Israel through educational and GLAM projects, and enhancement of gender, age and ability diversity in the Hebrew and Arabic Wikipedias./Midpoint Report

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Midterm Learning Report

Report Status: Accepted

Due date: 2022-07-31T00:00:00Z

Funding program: Wikimedia Community Fund

Report type: Midterm

Application Final Learning Report

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General information


This form is for organizations receiving Wikimedia Community Funds (General Support) or Wikimedia Alliances Funds to report on their mid-term learning and results. See the Wikimedia Community Fund application if you want to review the initial proposal.

  • Name of Organization: Wikimedia Israel
  • Title of Proposal: Creating free knowledge in Israel through educational and GLAM projects, and enhancement of gender, age and ability diversity in the Hebrew and Arabic Wikipedias.
  • Amount awarded: 406978.1 USD, 1273000 ILS
  • Amount spent: 749246 ILS

Part 1 Understanding your work


1. Briefly describe how your strategies and activities proposed were implemented and if any changes to what was proposed are worth highlighting?

In line with our strategic objectives, we expanded and strengthened several partnerships, while gradually transitioning into more systemic work, to allow streamlining of activities and a more balanced allocation of responsibilities, while providing opportunities for diversifying content and data and increasing the overall impact of our work.
    • In AR education, an effective and better-organized partnership with MoE increased the number of participating schools and students and content diversification.
  • In HE education, we advanced cooperation with Yad Vashem, in terms of content support and in planning the 2nd teacher training as a power multiplier.
    • Establishing partnerships with leading senior-citizen organizations proved very effective in recruiting participants for the editing courses. We built an initial collaboration with the Ministry for Social Equality to market the course with their tools. The social value of this program is also reflected in its fundraising potential.
    • Our work at the academy mainly includes a structured process for supporting lecturers who require WP assignments in their courses. We make an effort to maintain high standards of this project and preserve our reputation within the WP community. Despite achieving our quantitative goals we saw a decrease in the number of students who completed the task this year.
    • We had our first successful and innovative Wikidata collaboration in academic institutes. We made significant progress in our partnership with the Israeli Film Archive. Currently we are fine-tuning a bot that will upload their catalog’s data.
    • We took steps to increase our visibility through more systematic work with the chapter's digital assets, adding storytelling components and improving marketing processes. We already saw first results and an increase in engagement and exposure. However, this has not yet translated into improving sustainability in terms of expanding funding sources.

2. Were there any strategies or approaches that you feel are being effective in achieving your goals?

Nurturing more systematic partnership-based activity proves to be a win-win effort for better teamwork with mutual commitment. In AR education, following a long process, we established a new partnership with MoE which upgraded the entire project in terms of operation, training methods, visibility & impact. In HE education, we saw around 50% continuity among teachers - they keep implementing the project for several years thanks to strong partnership, trust and working methods established over time.

At the academy, efforts were made to expand and diversify the type of collaborations in which articles are written, beyond assignments in courses, and involve more stakeholders, while developing mechanisms to support lecturers who do so. To reduce knowledge gaps on he-wp, we approached lecturers in selected fields (gender, environment) offering them to create a body of knowledge that would have a clear and immediate impact. One lecturer already agreed to use the assignment this year for this purpose. Following a long process to identify relevant audiences and partners that may benefit from learning about and editing Wikidata, the project was included in one academic program. It enables us to showcase and highlight this project to relevant stakeholders and encourage more lecturers and institutes to take a similar initiative. Online editing courses prove to be effective in making the activity accessible to diverse audiences in general and the geographical periphery in particular. Engaging selected volunteers in leading the editing course is extremely effective: they empower the course staff, provide unique training services as WP experts and contribute to the preservation of organizational knowledge and operational continuity. Strengthening synergy between the marketing coordinator and the education and academia coordinators is the approach taken to increase exposure to relevant target audiences. It will be reflected in the marketing of the upcoming editing course rounds

3. What challenges or obstacles have you encountered so far?

    • Covid-19 continued to challenge us for most of the period reviewed. Our activity suffered many schedule modifications, especially in the education-system editing workshops, due to illness of teachers, students and team members.
    • In the AR activity, some instructors and teachers had difficulties fitting into the project. Our coordinator had to dedicate more time for personal assistance. These instructors and teachers dropped out of the venture eventually.
    • Ongoing challenges of the academia project:
     *The task of creating collaborations is very demanding and time consuming;
     *Maintaining existing collaborations (topics for writing are limited)
     *Students’ motivation and abilities vary enormously;
     *Support resources are scarce (just one volunteer).
    • Wikidata is virtually unknown in Israel and there are no obvious local communities that could be interested in the project. Being an open database seems to be a hurdle in getting local industry-oriented developers and organizations interested.
    • Opening an editing course for participants with special needs was not yet realized. Despite a fruitful inter-organizational dialog and launching a marketing campaign, delays on the part of our partners have not yet allowed the round to open as planned.
    • The process of uploading the editing course to the Campus IL platform was not completed yet, despite reaching its final stretch, due to maternity leave of the staff member in charge.
    • We still need to better formulate structured marketing plans to increase the number of participants in activities and events, and to develop a long tail of charity strategy to increase funding opportunities for the chapter initiatives.
    • Prioritizing activities with combined potential of fundraising and significant impact needs to be further explored. This is mostly true in collaborations with public systems (education, academia) whose fundraising potential is relatively low despite their meaningful impact

4. Please describe how different communities are participating and being informed about your work.

On the local level, the he-wp community is our first and immediate reference group for updates, invitations to activities, consultations etc, transmitted mainly on the Community Portal. They usually produce comments and discussion. Detailed information about our activities is constantly shared in project pages on he-wp.

We also distribute information through additional community-developed communication outlets: “Chadshopedia”: a weekly newsletter, “The Fourth Tilde”, a quarterly about selected community affairs, and the he-wp closed FB group. Information is also shared and discussed within sub-community groups, including:

     **Chapter Board members, with whom we share several updates throughout the year, including an annual joint discussion and learning about selected issues;
     **The WMIL Training & Education Volunteer Forum, with whom we consult about projects, training methods, situation analysis, enrichment sessions and networking, aimed at promoting shared goals, knowledge sharing and peer learning.

On the global level we regularly report to the WMF on all our activities through the Mid-Term Report and the Annual Impact Report. These reports are also distributed through the Wikimedia Affiliates Portal and are open to all. In addition:

       **We inform the WikiEdu community through the thematic newsletter of selected projects that we consider of value to the community and a learning opportunity. 3 posts were published this year.
       **The chapter's ED participates regularly in the ED's forum, where knowledge and experience are constantly shared and consultations on common issues take place (both during the periodic meetings and through online correspondence).
       **As part of the GLAM WikiDashbord project, we maintain an ongoing dialog with our Brazilian user group colleagues; we consult, receive feedback and enrich the development processes. We also took part and shared experience in the initial dialog on the subject of Wikimedia Commons

5. Please share reflections on how your efforts are helping to engage participants and/or build content, particularly for underrepresented groups.

    • Successful integration of women in the WP community is possible through creating a “safe space” in our senior-citizen editing program: women-only editing courses, assigning a female volunteer to support course participants and rephrasing course materials to better respect gender equality.
    • Our editing course contributes to better representation of the senior-citizen sector and people from the geographical periphery in the he-wp community.
    • To reduce the gender gap on he-wp, we contacted the heads of women’s and gender studies programs in all Israeli universities, informing them about using WP editing as an academic assignment. One lecturer has already responded positively.
    • The expansion of activities in the AR-speaking education system contributed to the increase in the number of participating students from this minority group and to the addition, to ar-wp, of new content about the Arab society in Israel. In the absence of an Arab WP community in Israel, our project is the only source of such content.
    • In collaboration with the National Library, we held an editing workshop for gifted Arab youth from East Jerusalem. Entries representing their environment and culture were written and uploaded to ar-wp. We plan to continue this project.
    • Proactive moves for bringing in additional gifted youth program and expendiang content to knowledge areas not addressed so far (Bible) are currently taken place in our HE education project

6. In your application, you outlined your learning priorities. What have you learned so far about these areas during this period?

    • The partnership-strengthening strategy increases the effectiveness of our work and its overall impact, as already reflected in the "Students Write Wikipedia in Arabic" project. We intend to continue in the same path and expand it through additional systemic components (teacher training, online editing course in Arabic).
    • Our outreach in the Technion has resulted in the expansion of WP activities to STEM courses, and we intend to continue this trend. While our academic collaborations have a significant impact in creating free content, their impact on participation is low – participants rarely continue to edit.
    • Wikidata was introduced to new audiences (students and staff at HIT College) and in what is becoming an ongoing collaboration.
    • Efforts in the partnership with the IFA will soon come to fruition in the uploading of their catalog to Wikidata, which will have a significant impact in the free content that is released.
    • Learning from the senior-citizen editing program is multifaceted:
       **The emphasis we place on nurturing friendly user experience for newcomers proves very effective in integrating graduates as editors in he-wp;
       **Perseverance rate of the editing-course graduates and the number of their edits (relative to the size of he-wp and its community) is significantly high;
       **High satisfaction among the participants, as expressed in the feedback, indicates high compatibility between the course methods and content and its target audience

7. What are the next steps and opportunities you’ll be focusing on for the second half of your work?

For the second half, we plan to continue in accordance with the strategies defined and the work plan, which prove to contribute, for the most part, to streamlining our work and increasing impact. We will deepen our thinking on sustainability and identify activities that contribute to both the overall impact of the chapter work and the expansion and diversification of our resource development efforts

Part 2: Metrics


8a. Open and additional metrics data.

Open Metrics
Open Metrics Description Target Results Comments Methodology
N/A N/A N/A 321 321 articles were written about women or gender-related topics, out of the total number of 3553 new or expanded articles (9%)
    • In the He-Education Projects 102 entries were written about women
    • In the Senior-Citizens editing courses - 107 entries were written about women (3.4%)
    • In the projects of academic institutes, 59 entries were written about gender issues out of a total of 181 entries (35.6%).
    • In the Arabic-education project - 53 entries out of 117 were written about women (45%)

In both Hebrew- and Arabic-speaking schools, the list of article topics is prepared in coordination between the teacher and the chapter’s coordinator. Therefore, we have more influence over the contents and we can offer more topics that contribute to the narrowing of the gender gap, as can be seen in the results. Moreover, as part of our Hebrew project, we work with the Tel Aviv University’s youth program, where all 90 articles dealt with women. The topic chosen for the academy projects derive directly from the academic field of the relevant academic course. There is one academic course dealing directly with gender and society.

The information for the projects at the Hebrew-speaking educational system is collected from the project pages on the Hebrew Wikipedia. For the Arabic-speaking educational system, the information is collected from a Google doc shared by the students, teacher and the pedagogic guide of each class, in which the article topics are listed. The information for the academic projects is sent to the chapter’s coordinator through email by the students or the lecturer, when the draft articles are uploaded.
N/A N/A N/A 108 92.3% of the total articles written in the framework of the Arabic-education project dealt with the local Arab society in various fields (108 out of a total of 117 articles written).

We would like to stress that in the absence of an Arabic-Wikipedia community in Israel, our activity is, in fact, the only source of new content about the Arab community in Israel on the Arabic Wikipedia. The impact of this project is therefore cross-border and very significant.

Data is collected by counting the written articles, which are listed in working documents developed especially for this activity. Each class has its documents, shared by the students, the teacher, the instructor and the nationwide instructor.
N/A N/A N/A 329 ** 15% of the schools participating in the Hebrew education project are located in the geographic periphery (3 out of 20 institutes, 105 students, 4 teachers)
    • 83% of the schools participating in the Arabic education project are located in the geographic periphery of Israel (10 out of 12 institutes, 213 students out of 252)
    • 23% of the senior citizens who participated in the editing courses opened in 2022 are residents of the geographic periphery of Israel (11 participants out of 47)

The activity at the Arabic-speaking educational system is concentrated primarily in the north of the country, where most Arab communities are found. The activity at the Hebrew-speaking educational system is stretched across the entire county (center and periphery), hence includes a mix of schools from various regions. Since we adopted the online method of instruction for editing courses (at the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis) we were able to make these courses available to participants from all across the country,

Information about the geographic distribution was collected in the following manner:

Editing courses - A Google spreadsheet with the personal details of all participants, based on their application forms Schools - A count of the participating institutes of all projects (Hebrew and Arabic) in each geographic region

Additional Metrics
Additional Metrics Description Target Results Comments Methodology
Number of editors that continue to participate/retained after activities New graduates of the 2022 editing courses that will continue to edit for at least 3 months after completing the course 25 22 This figure represents continuity in editing among graduates of the two courses that are relevant to the period under review, with a persistence in editing of 76.5% in the first course, and 75% persistence in the second one. Data collection was done using the Education Dashboard: Extracting data on the number of edits made by course graduates in the three months following the end of the course (see reference to a methodological difficulty in section 9 below).
Number of organizers that continue to participate/retained after activities N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Number of strategic partnerships that contribute to longer term growth, diversity and sustainability No. of institutes/organizations that contribute to our goals, demonstrate continued collaboration, and constitute force multipliers 9 17 Our range of strategic partners includes the Ministry of Education (full partner in Arabic education, and in selected areas of Hebrew education), the National Library (Hebrew + Arabic education projects, Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons, events), Yad Vashem (Hebrew education) The Technion's social Hub (Academy project) , Israeli Film Archive (Wikidata), IDF Spokesperson and Piki-Wiki Project (Wikimedia Commons), volunteer organizations and seniors' organizations (editing courses for senior citizens). Each strategic partnership has its own characteristics, and therefore demands a tailor-made approach and methodology according to which it is built and managed.

The goal in each partnership is to produce a power multiplier in which both parties contribute their capabilities and relative advantages to the joint activity, thus allowing us to produce a significant impact and added value that supports and promotes our goals.

Feedback from participants on effective strategies for attracting and retaining contributors Editing-course feedback survey (conducted among participants at the end of each cycle): An average overall final score of 4 out of 5 among participants N/A 4 Please note that the result is 4.73 - the figure cannot be inserted above .

The result exceeded the planning. The continuing satisfaction with the editing course for senior citizens, which we keep witnessing year after year, is an expression of the high compatibility between the course methodology and its target audience.

Methodology is based on feedback questionnaires distributed among course participants, once it is completed, in which they are requested, among other things, to rate their satisfaction with the course and the degree of its effectiveness in their view, on a scale ranging from 1 to 5. We then gather all replies received and calculate the average result.
Diversity of participants brought in by grantees N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Number of people reached through social media publications No. of new followers of our posts related to the work developed within the framework of this proposal = 800 new social-media followers, and 400 new mailing-list subscribers 1200 585 The figure represents the number of new followers of our three main digital assets (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn) during the period reviewed. Increasing the number of followers was made possible through the systematic creation of organic content, which increased exposure and caused the algorithm to expose our digital assets to new followers.
Number of activities developed N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Number of volunteer hours No. of person-hours of volunteers in our various projects: educational, senior citizens, and events 800 631 The figure represents various areas of volunteering (assisting the coordinators in leading the senior-citizen editing courses, checking drafts of entries and technical editing both in schools and academia, uploading photos to Wikimedia Commons, assisting in organizing the chapter events, etc.) Data is collected through either periodical self-reporting of the volunteers, or in response to our request from each of them to report the relevant volunteering hours once every six months. All information is collected in a special Google Sheet document

8b. Additional core metrics data.

Core Metrics Summary
Core metrics Description Target Results Comments Methodology
Number of participants The total number of participants in all activities: 1984 (returning + new participants)

Of these - at least 70% will be new (mostly middle- & high-school students, higher education students, and senior citizens who took part in the editing course or were exposed to it f

1984 1859 This figure includes participants who were exposed to our editing projects and went through the entire learning process, participants who started the project but did not complete it, senior-citizen editing course graduates of previous years who keep on editing, and people who attended the chapter's various activities.

The vast majority of participants are middle- and high-school students and higher education students who participate in the project as a learning assignment and therefore are all new (and mostly one-timers).

The methodology includes: registration of participants in each of the activities (Hebrew and Arabic education), counting the new and returning participants of the senior-citizen editing courses, who were involved in our activities in various ways, as well as the participants in academic courses, as reported by the lecturer (academy), and dashboard data (Wikidata). For marketing and events, we rely on registration forms and actual headcount during the events.
Number of editors The total number of new editors in all activities: 845 Including: middle- & high-school students (230 in HE, 200 in AR), higher education (225), Wikidata editors (10), senior citizens - both men & women (70), people with special needs (10), people who take part in editing events or contests (100) 845 714 In some projects (in the educational system and academia) editing is sometimes done in pairs. In HE education for example, a joint user name is sometimes used for one entry, i.e. for a group of students working on a single article. In AR education, the number of editors reached almost the annual figure, in light of the new cooperation with the MoE, which enabled a growth in the number of participants and thus a larger number of editors (and entries). We use a variety of methodologies to collect the data, depending on the project and its method of implementation: In HE education - we count the number of new usernames, one for each article created or expanded, and the usernames of the teachers who lead the project in each class. Similar data collection method is used for AR education, where each student and each teacher have their own usernames (even when they work in pairs).

In the editing courses, we count the number of participants who started a new user account. At the academy - the information is collected based on the uploaded articles, as reported to the coordinator by emails, either from the students or the lecturer. In Wikidata projects - new editors are tracked through a dashboard.

Number of organizers The total target number of organizers in all activities: 67

Of these: 14-16 will be new 18 volunteers in educational activities (2-3 will be new) / 14 volunteers in marketing activities and events (2 will be new) / 1 training facilitator, 8 members of the HE educational system (2 will be new) / 6 members of the AR educational system (2 will be new) / 15 lecturers in the academy who include a Wikipedia assignment in their course, and partners who promote the project (5 will be new) / 5 representatives of GLAM institutes and cultural organizations (1-2 will be new

67 86 This core matrix is new to us within the list of components we have followed so far, and in fact, it provided us a new angle of assessment of our work and its impact. As appears throughout the report, we attribute significant importance to building new partnerships and nurturing existing ones. This matrix can help us track and evaluate them. Data collection is done by counting regularly the partners in a given project, who contribute to its realization on different levels and in diverse formats. This includes: leading figures at partnering organizations, who support and enable the partnership, professionals of these organizations who directly take part in carrying out the project on different levels, volunteers who help organize events and contribute to them directly, etc. In the case of the senior-citizen editing course, the total figure consists of the number of “agents of influence in other organizations that serve as marketing partners and thus contribute to this project realization, together with the number of volunteers who take an active part in leading those courses along with the facilitator.
Number of new content contributions per Wikimedia project
Wikimedia Project Description Target Results Comments Methodology
Wikipedia Articles created or improved (he-wp) 1135 3500 Results refer to He-Wikipedia:

This figure represents new articles and improved or expanded ones. The figure exceeds the planned, mostly due to the high level of involvement of senior-citizen editing course graduates, who continue to edit over time, a development that cannot be predicted in advance.

In Hebrew education, the follow-up methodology is implemented with project pages on Wikipedia.

In academic projects - Articles uploaded are reported to the coordinator by email either from the students or the lecturer. In the editing courses, we count all of the articles created or improved by both the course participants and graduates during the period reviewed.

Wikipedia Articles created or improved (ar-wp) 200 117 Results refer to AR-Wikipedia:

About half of the students/editors worked in pairs. Additional 37 entries have been written and will be uploaded to the entries’ namespace by September.

Follow-up was performed by using a Google Doc dedicated to each class, which was accessible to the students, the teacher, the pedagogical instructor and, in addition, to the nationwide instruction coordinator.

At any given moment, all participants could see the status of each student's progress and the relative score of the stage performed.

Wiktionary Entries created or improved 30 20 Results refer to Wiktionary:

Writing about idioms from the Hebrew Bible - the project took place in 2 classes with the same teacher.

Wiktionary project page
Wikidata Items created or improved 4500 11498 Results refer to Wikidata:

This figure includes items created or improved by the National Library (11400), Israel film Archive (30) and HIT academic college (68). The result exceeded the planned thanks to the National Library’s major wikidata editing project, which was done during the period reviewed.

Data collection is done using a dashboard
Wikimedia Commons Files uploaded 5000 40727 Results refer to Wikimedia Commons:

Media files were uploaded to Wikimedia Commons in the framework of the HE- Education Project (20), the “Picture is Worth a Thousand Words” project - the academy project (63), the senior-citizens editing courses (324), the National Library (29,000), the IDF spokesperson archive (7820) and Piki-Wiki Project (3500) The result exceeded the planned due to the National Library’s major media files uploading project, which was done during the period reviewed.

Data collection methodology for the HE-education and the academy projects, as well as the editing courses, is by counting the media files uploaded in the various activities during the period reviewed.

Media files from the National Library and the IDF spokesperson are uploaded directly to Wikimedia Commons and data about them is collected from the Glam Wiki Dashboard. Piki-Wiki data are reported to us periodically by the leader and creator of the project, which is carried out in cooperation with the chapter.

9. Are you having any difficulties collecting data to measure your results?

    • In HE & AR education projects, data is collected easily using dashboards and project pages.
    • Marketing data is tracked through statistics and analytics. Participation data in events is obtained by performing a head count.
    • Media files uploaded to the GLAM Wiki-dashboard are counted and displayed automatically.
    • In the academy, the current model relies on reporting by the lecturers and students. Therefore, we cannot fully monitor the various matrices, and this may lead to some uncertainty.
    • In the editing courses, we track the perseverance rate and the amount of edits (bytes) by using the WMF’s Education Dashboard. The data is not obtained automatically and has to be extracted semi-manually. The WMF’s support in improving the tool will be of great help

10. Are you collaborating and sharing learning with Wikimedia affiliates or community members?


10a. Please describe how you have already shared them and if you would like to do more sharing, and if so how?

    • Sharing learned experiences is done periodically through thematic newsletters (Wiki-Edu & Wikidata mailing lists). We plan to share more of this year’s experiences on these platforms and on Diff.
    • The Wikidata Query Service Tutorial, which we developed, will be presented at the invitation of WikiDonne user group, on the occasion of launching the Italian version of the tool
    • We presented the GLAM Dashboard in two he-wp forums. We took part in a conversation about Wikimedia Commons challenges, chaired by the WMF's ED. We share insights with our Brazilian colleagues on a regular basis, and occasionally with the Wikipedian in Residence of the Israeli National Library. Since this project is global, we have a keen interest in expanding this discourse to more community partners

11. Documentation of your work process, story, and impact.

  • Below there is a section to upload files, videos, sound files, images (photos and infographics, e.g. communications materials, blog posts, compelling quotes, social media posts, etc.). This can be anything that would be useful to understand and show your learning and results to date (e.g., training material, dashboards, presentations, communications material, training material, etc).
  • Below is an additional field to type in link URLs.



Part 3: Financial reporting and compliance


12. Please state the total amount spent in your local currency.


13. Local currency type


14. Please report the funds received and spending in the currency of your fund.

  • Upload Documents, Templates, and Files.
  • Provide links to your financial reporting documents.

15. Based on your implementation and learning to date, do you have any plans to make changes to the budget spending?


15a. Please provide an explanation on how you hope to adjust this.


16. We’d love to hear any thoughts you have on how the experience of being a grantee has been so far.

Wikimedia Israel is a long-standing affiliate of the WMF and a grantee chapter thereof. WMF’s continuous support of our activity is deeply appreciated and very important to us. Our relationship with the relevant parties at the WMF is based on a long experience and acquaintance, and on deep trust on behalf of these parties, which we gained over the years. We continue to hold close working relations and an open dialog with our officer and the grant team, which is a very important part of our experience. This year, in light of the changes in the grant-application format and the follow-up reports, we feel that the new processes are still being examined, in order to learn from the grantees’ experiences. We, as a grantee, are also in the course of learning these new processes while putting them to practice, which is a challenging effort. We presume that further updates and adaptations to these processes will be introduced in the future, so it is imperative that all parties stay tuned to each other. We believe it is very important to keep our communication open and mutual, to keep messaging uniform among all grantees, to prevent misunderstandings, and to address, in the decision-making process, the needs and capabilities of the grantees, after examining them in advance with the grantees themselves. This will highly contribute to the improvement of our joint working processes.