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Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/Wiki World Heritage User Group Annual Plan 2022/Final Report

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Final Learning Report

Report Status: Accepted

Due date: 2024-01-31T00:00:00Z

Funding program: Wikimedia Community Fund

Report type: Final

Application Midpoint Learning Report

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General information


This form is for organizations, groups, or individuals receiving Wikimedia Community Funds or Wikimedia Alliances Funds to report on their final results.

  • Name of Organization: Wiki World Heritage User Group
  • Title of Proposal: Wiki World Heritage User Group Annual Plan 2022
  • Amount awarded: 50433.18 USD, 46180 CHF
  • Amount spent: 50455 USD

Part 1 Understanding your work


1. Briefly describe how your proposed activities and strategies were implemented.

For this grant cycle and like the previous one, Wiki World Heritage embraced a collaborative approach by soliciting activity suggestions from our esteemed members. Leveraging the diversity within our community, we curated a comprehensive list of new activities like World Heritage To Be WH2B, WHintangible and Wiki Heritage Hour, aimed at advancing our mission of promoting and preserving world heritage through Wikimedia projects. These newly proposed activities were meticulously integrated into our operational framework, complementing the ongoing initiatives sustained by the previous grant like ToldCities and WHindanger. Regarding the strategy and as a thematic worldwide group , our overarching strategy revolves around fostering partnerships and collaboration to achieve our mission effectively. Collaboration is at the heart of our strategy. We actively seek opportunities to collaborate with Wikimedia affiliates, thematic organizations, and volunteer contributors across the globe with a special focus on countries without affiliates. Our commitment to partnership and collaboration is evidenced by the significant number of partnerships (14 partnerships) we have established across the globe (9 countries).

For instance and for countries without affiliates we tried to cover them through project-based partnerships: Working in collaboration with heritage NGOs to recruit volunteers and implement our projects through online and in-person activities. This allowed us to adapt to different contexts and enable local volunteers to lead the activities to document their own heritage. During this funding cycle, we worked with Heritage Watch from Ethiopia, ANDPS from Senegal and CERPA from Guatemala.

Also thanks to this grant we tried to leverage social media to catalyze new partnerships in the Heritage field by launching the Wiki Heritage Hour videocast which has highly contributed in increasing the visibility of the UG and the movement among heritage professionals through a more inclusive and interactive process. Instead of simply informing them about our activities, they became directly involved in discussions and reflections.

2. Were there any strategies or approaches that you felt were effective in achieving your goals?

As mentioned above the our primary strategy for achieving our goals has been the cultivation of partnerships. We found that forging strategic alliances with diverse stakeholders has been exceptionally effective in advancing our mission.

We tried to explain this for one of our project via this diff post:


Please note that among the effective approaches to build these partnerships:

  • For countries without affiliates: identifying relevant heritage NGOs through our networks of previous partners and social media
  • For countries with affiliates: leveraging Wikimedia conferences to approach potential partners from the movement and work on common projects.

After establishing pertnerships, we felt that these approaches are very effective:

  • Involving partners in the activities to adapt the project(s) to the local context specificities.
  • Implementing activities through training the trainers: beyond content creation, our goal is to equip locals with the required skills to document their own heritage. Therefore, most of the editathons and photography campaigns are not directly implemented by Wiki World Heritage, but by local volunteers and who receive an extensive training about editing.

3. Would you say that your project had any innovations? Are there things that you did very differently than you have seen them done by others?

-Sourcing and Reaching out to Heritage NGOs in Countries without Affiliation: We recognized the importance of expanding the reach of the Wikimedia movement to countries without existing affiliations. As such, during the funding cycle we proactively engaged with heritage NGOs in these regions Guatemala, Senegal and Ethiopia which are all countries from the global south without affiliates


  • involving planned User Groups (Madagascar, Republic of Congo, Libya) and Wikipedia versions that are in the incubator (like Moore and Kusaal languages in Ghana) we contribute in accelerating there development.
  • Inviting Heritage Experts from Outside the Movement to Wiki Heritage Hour: In contrast to other podcast and video cast productions, which often feature guests from within the movement, we innovatively invited heritage experts from outside the movement to participate in our videocast, Wiki Heritage Hour.


  • Collaborating with the Team of VideoCutTool to Enhance Video Upload Process: Recognizing the challenges faced in implementing our video contest, we collaborated with the team of VideoCutTool to innovate solutions for enhancing the upload of videos to Wikimedia Commons. This collaboration resulted in the development of features aimed at streamlining the video upload process, overcoming barriers, and facilitating greater participation in our initiatives.


  • Emphasizing the Importance of Using Existing Wiki Content Beyond Wikiprojects: We innovatively explored the utilization of existing wiki content outside of traditional Wikiprojects. This included integrating data visualization into our website and developing the tool Sawtpedia. By leveraging existing wiki content in novel ways, we aimed to enhance accessibility, engagement, and knowledge dissemination beyond the Wikimedia ecosystem.


4. Please describe how different communities participated and/or were informed about your work.

-Wikimedia Affiliates and Community Members: In addition to social media channels, we engaged with Wikimedia affiliates and community members through participation in wiki conferences and events. These events served as opportunities to raise awareness, solicit feedback, and encourage participation in our initiatives by adopting for instance these two following approaches:

1-Multi-lingual wiki contests: Translation contests (including languages in the Incubator) is an excellent mean to catalyze collaborations and trigger the interest of other affiliates.

2-Invitation to adopt our projects in their countries, including user groups that are still unrecognized. Activities are adjusted and adapted by them to cope with their programmes and challenges.

  • Members of the Wiki World Heritage Group: We utilized social media platforms, particularly Telegram, as the primary communication channel to keep our members informed about ongoing activities, initiatives, and updates.

  • Partners from Outside the Movement (Heritage NGOs and Heritage Experts): To engage partners from outside the Wikimedia movement, such as heritage NGOs and heritage experts, project coordinators facilitated participation through virtual meetings and collaboration tools such as Zoom and StreamYard. After engaging with these partners we try to involve them by organizing Trainings of trainers. Our ultimate goal is to equip people from countries without affiliates with the required skills and support to document their heritage by themselves and lead the activities in their countries. Therefore, instead of organizing editathons and/or campaigns by ourselves, we organize training of trainer programmes for a small group of volunteers (generally five), comprehending the different aspects of editing and editathon organization, and we assist them to organize the editathons in their countries. During this funding cycle 3 Wikipedia training programs have been organized in Ethiopia, Guatemala and Senegal.

5. Documentation of your impact. Please use the two spaces below to share files and links that help tell your story and impact. This can be documentation that shows your results through testimonies, videos, sound files, images (photos and infographics, etc.) social media posts, dashboards, etc.

  • Upload Documents and Files
  • Here is an additional field to type in URLs.
Articles on Diff:

https://diff.wikimedia.org/2024/03/28/told-cities-unveiling-the-heritage-and-chronicles-of-unesco-world-heritage-cities/ https://diff.wikimedia.org/2024/04/26/enhancing-video-uploads-on-wikimedia-commons-facilitating-video-contests-and-campaigns/ https://diff.wikimedia.org/2024/03/26/documenting-heritage-through-collaboration-the-wh2b-and-wiki-wake-up-afrique-partnership/ https://diff.wikimedia.org/2023/10/10/sawtpedia-giving-a-voice-to-wikipedia-using-qr-codes/

Blog posts from our website:

https://wikiworldheritage.org/ahmedabad-through-the-lens-of-heritage-a-partnership-program-of-wiki-world-heritage/ https://wikiworldheritage.org/managing-heritage-in-the-times-of-disasters-whh/ https://wikiworldheritage.org/world-heritage-volunteers-ahmedabad-through-the-lens-of-heritage/ https://wikiworldheritage.org/told-cities-documenting-the-world-one-city-at-a-time/

6. To what extent do you agree with the following statements regarding the work carried out with the support of this Fund? You can choose “not applicable” if your work does not relate to these goals.

Our efforts during the Fund period have helped to...
A. Bring in participants from underrepresented groups Strongly agree
B. Create a more inclusive and connected culture in our community Strongly agree
C. Develop content about underrepresented topics/groups Strongly agree
D. Develop content from underrepresented perspectives Strongly agree
E. Encourage the retention of editors Strongly agree
F. Encourage the retention of organizers Strongly agree
G. Increased participants' feelings of belonging and connection to the movement. Strongly agree

7. Is there anything else you would like to share about how your efforts helped to bring in participants and/or build out content, particularly for underrepresented groups?


Part 2: Your main learning


8. In your application, you outlined your learning priorities. What did you learn about these areas during this period?

One of our learning priorities highlighted in our application was to identify the best strategy to build partnerships in countries without affiliate and so far we learned that in order to achieve that goal we need to identify Heritage NGOs that are active in the documentation and promotion of their national heiratge and then to contact them. The identification of these NGOs can be done by doing a screening on the internet/social media or by relying on the contacts from personal network (e.g. UNESCO Youth network).

Another learning priorities was to find out what new comers think about the wiki movement and so far we learned that it can be sometimes challenging to explain the Wikimedia movement versus Wikipedia and this can be addressed by using appealing material that explains the different relations between the foundation, the affiliates and the projects, the story behind Wikis, the opportunities unlocked by joining the movements.

9. Did anything unexpected or surprising happen when implementing your activities?

During the implementation of our activities, several unexpected outcomes emerged, enriching our learning and shaping our approach:

1-Whintangible Video contest: difficulty of organizing a video campaign and contest. We underestimated the technical barriers associated with uploading videos to Wikimedia Commons (especilaly when trying to targeting non Wikimedia users, including format compatibility issues and the need to link video to the right categories.

2-Capacity building: another unexpected challenge we encountered was the difficulty in identifying and engaging experts from the Wikimedia movement to execute our capacity building program. The absence of a centralized directory listing experts by area of expertise and indicating their availability presented significant hurdles in recruiting qualified individuals for our program.

3-Unexecuted activities

4-Difficulty for a non Wikimedian to draft annual reports: Another unexpected outcome arose from the decision imposed by the grant team to hire only one coordinator for the different tasks planned including the writing the annual reports. The group decided to hire a non-Wikimedian coordinator. This adjustment introduced unforeseen challenges, particularly in the execution of annual reporting. Assigning the task of writing annual reports to a non-Wikimedian coordinator proved challenging due to the specialized nature of Wikimedia projects and the unique reporting requirements within the movement.

10. How do you hope to use this learning? For instance, do you have any new priorities, ideas for activities, or goals for the future?

Since our activities primarily target countries without local affiliates, we have focused on developing partnerships with heritage NGOs and informal volunteer groups, building their capacity to implement projects independently. This approach has not only resulted in the successful implementation of our projects in these target countries but has also empowered these NGOs and volunteer groups to initiate their own projects using Wikimedia tools and platforms, continuing their engagement with the movement.

Through this process, we have developed significant expertise in designing and delivering training workshops in multiple languages for diverse audiences. We now aim to leverage this expertise to accelerate and expand our outreach among heritage professionals by developing larger-scale, project-focused training programs.

Currently, we are exploring a training workshop project for heritage practitioners in partnership with the Arab Regional Centre for World Heritage. Preliminary discussions have been conducted, and this initiative is being carried out in collaboration with the Culture and Heritage section of the foundation, represented by Fiona Romeo, and the Partnerships unit, represented by Farida El Gueretly.

11. If you were sitting with a friend to tell them one thing about your work during this fund, what would it be (think of inspiring or fascinating moments, tough challenges, interesting anecdotes, or anything that feels important to you)?


While preparing our annual program, we identified a need for multiple paid project coordinators due to the diversity of our projects. Specifically, we required a coordinator skilled in reporting and organizing Wikimedia campaigns, and another with expertise in heritage for the Wiki Heritage Hour podcast. However, both roles were less than 0.5 FTE each.

Consequently, the committee advised us to consolidate these roles into one full-time position.

Given the prioritization of the podcast, we hired a coordinator with a heritage background but no Wiki experience. This decision led to difficulties in managing the Whintangible project, placing an additional burden on board members to support her. This slowed our progress significantly and resulted in burnout among some team members.

12. Please share resources that would be useful to share with other Wikimedia organizations so that they can learn from, adapt or build upon your work. For instance, guides, training material, presentations, work processes, or any other material the team has created to document and transfer knowledge about your work and can be useful for others. Please share any specific resources that you are creating, adapting/contextualizing in ways that are unique to your context (i.e. training material).

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Part 3: Metrics


13a. Open and additional metrics data

Open Metrics
Open Metrics Description Target Results Comments Methodology
  • 5 partners outside the Wikimedia Movement
Additional Metrics
Additional Metrics Description Target Results Comments Methodology
Number of editors that continue to participate/retained after activities N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Number of organizers that continue to participate/retained after activities N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Number of strategic partnerships that contribute to longer term growth, diversity and sustainability Number of partnerships 10 26
Feedback from participants on effective strategies for attracting and retaining contributors N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Diversity of participants brought in by grantees N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Number of people reached through social media publications number of followers on social media accounts: Increase of 100% 100 N/A N/A N/A
Number of activities developed number of activities (photo contest, edithatons, training sessions, Wikisource contest, vodcast and webinar) 40 N/A N/A N/A
Number of volunteer hours N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

13b. Additional core metrics data.

Core Metrics Summary
Core metrics Description Target Results Comments Methodology
Number of participants Participants from at least 10 countries will benefit from our activities.

We target about 340 participants throughout the year. more than 50% new participants

340 261 Number of countries: 20 including 8 without affiliates
Number of editors The number of editors in all activities throughout the year with the objective to have more than 50% new accounts created. 200 261
Number of organizers Total number of organizers including group core members and organizers from local affiliates/partners. 30 28
Number of new content contributions per Wikimedia project
Wikimedia Project Description Target Results Comments Methodology
Wikipedia Wikipedia articles created or improved throughout the year 500 1254 We tried to involve planned User Groups and Wikipedia versions that are in the incubator so we can contribute in accelerating there development.
Wikimedia Commons number of photos uploaded and categorized throughout the year 6000

number of videos uploaded 100

6100 7103 7087 photos

16 videos

Commons upload campaigns e.g. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Told_Cities and https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:WH2B

Commons Categories

Wikisource number of documents digitized and integrated in Wikisource. 50 2000 The group organized the first contest on Wikisource in arabic resulting in the creation of more than 2000 new pages. Lists on Wikisource
Wikidata Wikidata items created or improved throughout the year 1000 1366 N/A Wikidata Query Service


Wikivoyage Wikivoyage articles created or improved throughout the year 100 0 Unfortunately this project has not been included in our activities due to the lack of contributers to Wikivoyage from the members of the group. N/A

14. Were there any metrics in your proposal that you could not collect or that you had to change?


15. If you have any difficulties collecting data to measure your results, please describe and add any recommendations on how to address them in the future.


16. Use this space to link or upload any additional documents that would be useful to understand your data collection (e.g., dashboards, surveys you have carried out, communications material, training material, etc).

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Part 4: Organizational capacities & partnerships


17. Organizational Capacity

Organizational capacity dimension
A. Financial capacity and management This capacity is low, and we should prioritise developing it
B. Conflict management or transformation This capacity is low, and we should prioritise developing it
C. Leadership (i.e growing in potential leaders, leadership that fit organizational needs and values) This capacity has grown but it should be further developed
D. Partnership building This has grown over the last year, the capacity is high
E. Strategic planning This capacity has grown but it should be further developed
F. Program design, implementation, and management This capacity has grown but it should be further developed
G. Scoping and testing new approaches, innovation This has grown over the last year, the capacity is high
H. Recruiting new contributors (volunteer) This has grown over the last year, the capacity is high
I. Support and growth path for different types of contributors (volunteers) This capacity has grown but it should be further developed
J. Governance This capacity is low, and we should prioritise developing it
K. Communications, marketing, and social media This has grown over the last year, the capacity is high
L. Staffing - hiring, monitoring, supporting in the areas needed for program implementation and sustainability This capacity has grown but it should be further developed
M. On-wiki technical skills This has grown over the last year, the capacity is high
N. Accessing and using data This has grown over the last year, the capacity is high
O. Evaluating and learning from our work This has grown over the last year, the capacity is high
P. Communicating and sharing what we learn with our peers and other stakeholders This has grown over the last year, the capacity is high

17a. Which of the following factors most helped you to build capacities? Please pick a MAXIMUM of the three most relevant factors.

Peer to peer learning with other community members in conferences/events, Peer to peer learning with other community members in community/ies of practice* (structured and continuous learning and sharing spaces)

17b. Which of the following factors hindered your ability to build capacities? Please pick a MAXIMUM of the three most relevant factors.

Lack of volunteer time to participate in capacity building/training, Lack of knowledge of available capacity building opportunities, Lack of training that fits contextual needs and interests

18. Is there anything else you would like to share about how your organizational capacity has grown, and areas where you require support?

One of the factors that hindered our ability to build capacities was the difficulty in finding the right trainers based on language and topic. This challenge prompted us to brainstorm the idea of creating a platform that could serve as a directory of available trainers within the movement, detailing their skills and availability.

We discussed this project with Asaf during Wikimania 2023, and he informed us that the Foundation is already working on a similar initiative. We are eagerly looking forward to discovering this new tool, as we believe it will significantly aid affiliates in better executing their capacity-building programs.

19. Partnerships over the funding period.

Over the fund period...
A. We built strategic partnerships with other institutions or groups that will help us grow in the medium term (3 year time frame) Strongly agree
B. The partnerships we built with other institutions or groups helped to bring in more contributors from underrepresented groups Strongly agree
C. The partnerships we built with other institutions or groups helped to build out more content on underrepresented topics/groups Strongly agree

19a. Which of the following factors most helped you to build partnerships? Please pick a MAXIMUM of the three most relevant factors.

Board members’ outreach, Staff hired through the fund, Institutional support from the Wikimedia Foundation, Volunteers from our communities

19b. Which of the following factors hindered your ability to build partnerships? Please pick a MAXIMUM of the three most relevant factors.

Difficulties specific to our context that hindered partnerships

20. Please share your learning about strategies to build partnerships with other institutions and groups and any other learning about working with partners?


  • Find partners that share our missions and values
  • Present Wikimedia as a “potent solution” to improve their past/ongoing activities
  • Ensure a collaborative development of the activities
  • Cope with the partners availability (adapt with their time zone)
  • Let the “You can also become a Wikimedia affiliate!” part to the end


  • Overwhelm the potential partner with too much details in the beginning: actually the hardest part of our previous collaborations with NGOs was to explain how our movement works.
  • Present a pre-established program: make your partners feel that the project belongs to them.

Part 5: Sense of belonging and collaboration


21. What would it mean for your organization to feel a sense of belonging to the Wikimedia or free knowledge movement?

For Wiki World Heritage User Group, feeling a sense of belonging to the Wikimedia and free knowledge movement would mean being recognized as a vital part of a global community dedicated to the open sharing of knowledge. It would provide us with a supportive network of like-minded individuals and organizations, fostering collaboration and mutual growth. This sense of belonging would not only validate our efforts but also inspire us to continue our work with greater enthusiasm and commitment.

Being part of this movement would offer us access to resources, expertise, and opportunities for learning and development. It would enable us to contribute more effectively to the collective goals of the movement.

Moreover, it would strengthen our ability to build meaningful partnerships, share best practices, and innovate in our projects. Ultimately, it would empower us to make a more significant impact in promoting free knowledge.

22. How has your (for individual grantees) or your group/organization’s (for organizational grantees) sense of belonging to the Wikimedia or free knowledge movement changed over the fund period?

Increased significantly

23. If you would like to, please share why it has changed in this way.

Accessing to the funding is a big opportunity to execute new activities and promote the Wikimedia movement. Having the support of the Wikimedia Foundation created a big sense of belonging to the Wikimedia movement and this can be seen via our use of social media, our beautiful website, and our monthly Videocast Wiki Heritage Hour which was an opportunity to invite Heritage experts and introduce them to the Wikimedia movement.

24. How has your group/organization’s sense of personal investment in the Wikimedia or free knowledge movement changed over the fund period?

Increased significantly

25. If you would like to, please share why it has changed in this way.

The fund was a huge motivation to increase the personal investment in the Wikimedia movement. The fund allowed us to achieve significant results to promote Culture and Heritage activities, build partnerships with Heritage NGO outside the Wikimedia Movement (e.g. Heritage Watch Ethiopia, Centro Regional De Patrimonio in Guatemala, Association Nationale pour La Promotion des Patrimoines Sénégalais ) and inviting expert to the Wiki Heritage Hour.

The fund allowed us also to hire a group coordinator who did great work on social medias which created more visibility to the group and its members.

When a group member sees all these achievements, it will create a sense of pride and will motivate him to invest more.

26. Are there other movements besides the Wikimedia or free knowledge movement that play a central role in your motivation to contribute to Wikimedia projects? (for example, Black Lives Matter, Feminist movement, Climate Justice, or other activism spaces) If so, please describe it below.

Besides the Wikimedia movement and the Free knowledge in general, we are a thematic group working on Cultural Heritage and we are motivated by World Heritage movement and also National and regional heritage movements including of course Conservation movement.

Supporting Peer Learning and Collaboration


We are interested in better supporting peer learning and collaboration in the movement.

27. Have you shared these results with Wikimedia affiliates or community members?


27a. Please describe how you have already shared them. Would you like to do more sharing, and if so how?

As our work is grounded in partnerships and capacity building, we prioritize sharing our training insights and disseminating knowledge through various channels. In this context, we developed an innovative initiative tailored to multiple target audiences:

Wikimedians: In addition to conferences and training workshops, we created how-to guides and recorded our capacity building sessions, making them available on multiple platforms such as Wikimedia Commons and YouTube. Heritage Professionals: Our most strategic initiative is the “Wiki Heritage Hour” podcast, which connects heritage-related topics with the Wikimedia movement. This podcast aims to equip heritage practitioners with knowledge of the opportunities offered by Wikimedia projects and how to utilize them effectively.

28. How often do you currently share what you have learned with other Wikimedia Foundation grantees, and learn from them?

We do this occasionally (less than once a month)

29. How does your organization currently share mutual learning with other grantees?

Currently, we are sharing our experiences and insights with the Wikimedia movement through our participation in various conferences, including Wikimania, WikiIndaba, the GLAM Conference, and the Wiki Convention Francophone. We are also sharing on Diff blog posts about the partnerships that we have been able to build and share the best practices. We also try to learn from other grantees by following the activities executed by other group and consulting the reports that they share.

Part 6: Financial reporting and compliance


30. Please state the total amount spent in your local currency.


31. Local currency type


32. Please report the funds received and spending in the currency of your fund.

  • Upload Documents, Templates, and Files.
  • Report funds received and spent, if template not used.
2022 Budget


2023 Budget for the remaining amount from 2022: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1n4JX62N8Fb9Oipe_1X-xCGicuNvbh4Ve0zC3rHLTEyI/edit#gid=818662129

33. If you have not already done so in your budget report, please provide information on changes in the budget in relation to your original proposal.


34. Do you have any unspent funds from the Fund?

34a. Please list the amount and currency you did not use and explain why.

10069 USD The main reasons why we were not able to spend all the amount as planned are:

As our group is a thematic group about world heritage around the world, for most of our projects we are depending on local partners whether within the movement or outside it. We can plan activities but the execution depends on the availability of our partners. This can cause a delay in executing the activities (which the case of Wh2B and Wiki Loves Dataviz for example) or not being able to execute them for several reasons (e.g. authorization to visit sites, unavailability of local teams..) and this was the case with Wikimedia Uganda, Kenya for instance.

Another special activity that is worth mentioning it to explain the delay in executing it is the WH2B. For this activity, we tried to work with local leaders or with countries without affiliates and for these partners we had to send the money first so they can engage expenses and wait for the receipts. In order to avoid sending the whole budget and taking a big risk we preferred to proceed with some countries and receive the receipts before engaging another amount of money. We agreed with our fiscal sponsor that the Treasure of the group will be the guarantor of the money sent in case the partner is not able to send the receipts/invoices. This made it impossible to organize all the planned activities at the same time as we preferred to manage the risk by reducing the amount of engaged money during the same period.

34b. What are you planning to do with the underspent funds?

A. Propose to use the underspent funds within this Fund period with PO approval

34c. Please provide details of hope to spend these funds.

- Told Cities Trogir / Croatia: Initially allocated to this country and still not spent. Z Blace the coordinator from Croatia would like to have access to this budget to organize the originally planned activities. ==> Amount = 950

  • Whintangible: writing contest in 4 Languages. Initially planned but due to time limitation we were not able to start these contests (220$ awards for each languages)==> Amount = 900
  • WH2B 3 photowalks for sites on the Unesco Tentative list to be organize in 3 african countries (Niger, Benin and Burkina Faso) ==> Amount =1200
  • Wiki Loves Dataviz Contest initally planned but due to time limitation we were not able to start it.==> Amount = 1200.
  • Wiki Heriatge Hour We would like to continue the series of videocasts (+8 episodes ) started last year due to good visibility that can offer this program to the wikimedia movement among Heriatge professionals (20h per month) ==> Amount =3200
  • Group Coordinator We would like to continue the work done on social media to promote the group and the movement and manage the website by adding articles related to Heritage documentation on the Wiki projects (4 hours/week for 8 months). ==> Amount =2560

Total 10010

Told Cities Trogir, Croatia From 01/06/2023 to 31/07/2023 Whintangible writing contest in 4 Languages From 01/06/2023 to 30/06/2023 WH2B From 01/05/2023 to 31/07/2023 Wiki Loves Dataviz From 01/10/2023 to 30/11/2023 (to celebrate Wikidata 11th Birthday) Wiki Heriatge Hour From 01/05/2023 to 31/12/2023 Group Coordinator From 01/05/2023 to 31/12/2023

35. Are you in compliance with the terms outlined in the fund agreement?

As required in the fund agreement, please report any deviations from your fund proposal here. Note that, among other things, any changes must be consistent with our WMF mission, must be for charitable purposes as defined in the grant agreement, and must otherwise comply with the grant agreement.

36. Are you in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as outlined in the grant agreement?


37. Are you in compliance with provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code (“Code”), and with relevant tax laws and regulations restricting the use of the Funds as outlined in the grant agreement? In summary, this is to confirm that the funds were used in alignment with the WMF mission and for charitable/nonprofit/educational purposes.


38. If you have additional recommendations or reflections that don’t fit into the above sections, please write them here.