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Grants:Simple/Applications/Wiki World Heritage UG/2021

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
Application or grant stage: approved
Applicant or grantee: Wiki World Heritage User Group
Amount requested: US$25,878.00
Amount granted: US$25,000
Funding period: 1 July 2021 - 31 December 2021
Midpoint report due: 15 October 2021
Final report due: 30 January 2022



Annual Plan


See WWH Annual Plan 2021.

Budget Plan


See Budget and resource plan 2021.

Staffing Plan


See WWH Staffing Plan 2021

Strategic plan


See Strategic plan 2021 2023.



Wiki World Heritage UG (WWH) was initiated by wikimedians interested in the documentation of UNESCO World Heritage sites around the world through Wikimedia projects, especially in countries with no affiliates. It was recognized by Affcom in October 2020.

This user group is a thematic group aiming to cover the world heritage sites around the world. Currently, there are 1121 World Heritage Sites located in 167 States, and while some of these states have already existing affiliates with which we aim to collaborate; many other states are without affiliates and we aim to reach their local communities and ensure that no one is left behind.

Goals and approach   


  • Ensuring the thorough documentation of WH, especially in countries with no affiliates,
  • Ensuring the optimal use of the created content on Wikimedia projects.
  • Fostering collaboration with Heritage institutions.


  • Designing thematic projects that target many countries, including those without affiliates.
  • Finding local partners in countries without affiliates and assisting them to implement the projects.
  • Creating digital platforms based on Wikimedia projects, allowing the creative use of content

Past funded activities   

   Although the UG is newly recognized, its board and members, as well as many other members, are experienced Wikimedians that have previously led many successful activities, with financial support from the foundation, affiliates or external organisms, such as:

Project/activity Grantee from WWH UG Funder Amount Outcomes Relevant links
WikiArabia Conference Yamen Wikimedia foundation ≃42000 USD Launching the first conference in the Arab region Article by Wikimedia France / Grant application
WikiKsour Nassima Chahboun Wikimedia France ≃1200 USD +2000 photos of 12 traditional villages in Morocco, and a wikidata-based website Article by Wikimedia France about the activity / Uploaded photos (Dashboard) / WikiKsour website
MedinaStories Nassima Chahboun UNESCO World Heritage Centre ≃7000 USD 96 articles, 1080 photos, and a web application based on Wikipedia Activity report / UNESCO article 1 / UNESCO article 2




   Our projects and activities have the following objectives:
Content creation:

  • Enhancing and promoting content about WH sites and their components in ≃30 countries during 2021.
  • Designing appealing experiences based on Wikimedia Projects (Creative use of the created content)

Growth and expansion:

  • Catalyzing the creation of Wikimedia communities in new countries without affiliates, through a project-based approach (6 countries in 2021)
  • Fostering collaboration with Heritage institutions and NGOs (3 NGOs in 2021)


   Our priorities for 2021 are:

  • World Heritage sites that need urgent documentation (sites in danger)
  • Under-documented components of World Heritage (part of World Heritage ensembles and towns)
  • World Heritage sites in countries with no Wikimedia affiliates

2021 programs overview   

   Considering our priorities and objectives, we developed 5 programs for 2021:

Content creation: Whindanger project | Told Cities project | Organizing Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos contest Growth and expansion: Organizing capacity building sessions | creating a website for the UG and the projects

Told Cities


Told Cities consists in documenting the significant buildings of cities listed as World Heritage on Wikidata, Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons. The project duration is 5 years. It started in May 2020, as an editathon to document 25 African WH cities, where 500 items were added to Wikidata and 500 enhancd (see repository), and +50 articles were created or enhanced (see Dashboard).
There are 135 historical cities and urban centres listed as UNESCO World Heritage, located in 66 countries, and each city is composed of hundreds of monuments and significant buildings. However, these sites are poorly documented on Wikimedia projects for the following reasons:

  • Confusion between the city and the historical part listed as World Heritage: E.g. the article about the city of Ghadames mentions that it is a World Heritage site, but in reality, only the old part of the city is inscribed, and it does not have any article on any Wikipedia.
  • Importance is not given to buildings, but to the fabrics as a whole. (E.g. Out of 1000 monuments and significant buildings that are part of 25 African WH cities, 70% do not have a Wikipedia article in English, and 59% do not have any article in any language).

What is the importance of this program for our strategic plan?
This program meets 2 of our top priorities:

  • Documenting the under-documented types and components of World Heritage.
  • Documenting World Heritage sites in countries with no Wikimedia affiliates (+25 for this project)
Key activities for 2021
  • Co-organizing editathons:
    • Organizing Wikipedia and Wikidata editathons in collaboration with local partners (mainly local UGs)
    • Organizing training sessions for local partners about the editing skills needed for the project implementation (E.g. Wikidata training session for Wikimedia Tanzania)
    • Organizing Wikipedia and Wikidata editathons in collaboration with local partners (mainly local UGs)
    • Organizing an international contest to ensure the translation of created articles into several languages (especially UNESCO official languages).
  • Catalyzing photography tours:
  • Enhancing and leveraging content on Wikidata:
    • Adding and improving the items of significant buildings
    • Generating maps, timelines an statistics, and centralizng them on a wikidata-based website (see details in the website program section below)
SMART goals of the overall program
  • Ensuring thorough documentation of 135 cities listed as UNESCO World Heritage
  • Ensuring the access of Heritage professionals and activists -that are not used to Wikimedia projects and tools- to the created content (especially graphs and statistics generated from Wikidata)
  • Enabling the creation of an offline digital application for each city (based on Kiwix)
  • Fostering collaboration between Wikimedia communities and heritage institutions in 66 countries,
  • Catalyzing the creation of Wikimedia communities in +25 countries without affiliates (7 countries in Africa for instance) through this project-based approach
2021 goals
  • Organizing editing workshops and training sessions in 20% of the target countries (target projects: Wikipedia, Wikidata)
  • Ensuring the translation of created articles into at least 3 UNESCO official languages
  • Ensuring the coverage of all the 135 sites on the website
Metrics and targets
  • Number of countries in which editing workshops will be organizedː15 (22% of the total countries), including 5 countries without affiliates.
  • Number of articles to be created: 450 (30 per country)
  • Number of wikidata items to be enhance/created: +700 (5 buildings per site for the 135 sites, and +20 buildings per site in the countries where we will organize the workshops)
  • Number of new users: +25 (+5 in each country without affiliate)



Whindanger (WH in danger) aims to promote and raise awareness about UNESCO World Heritage Sites in danger, through ensuring the documentation of these sites on Wikimedia projects, fostering the access Heritage activists and professionals to the created content, and organize the activities during relevant international events to increase visibility (E.g. World Peace Day for WH sites in danger because of armed conflicts).
There are 53 World Heritage Sites, located in 31 countries, inscribed by the UNESCO in the Danger list. Every year, many of these sites know drastic changes and lose some parts of their components. Furthermore, almost 50% are located in countries without local Wikimedia Affiliates and are poorly documented. Therefore, these sites need urgent documentation before more parts are lost.
What is the importance of this program for our strategic plan?
This program meets 2 of our top priorities:

  • Documenting the World Heritage sites that need urgent documentation.
  • Documenting World Heritage sites in countries with no Wikimedia affiliates (around 15 for this project)
Key activities for 2021
  • Co-organizing editathons:
    • Organizing editathons during 3 relevant events in collaboration with local partners (World Environment Day, World Peace Day and European Heritage Days) in at least 4 languages (mainly UNESCO official languages).
  • Encouraging photo uploads:
    • Organizing Whindanger photography contest in countries with no Wikimedia affiliates (3 editions).
    • Coordinating with existing Wikimedia affiliates to add special prizes to WLE and WLM.
  • Collecting testimonies:
    • Collecting 3 min self-recorded videos of heritage professionals in the target countries. The videos will be compiled and published on Wikimedia Commons.
  • Enhancing content on Wikidata:
    • Ensuring the full coverage of the 53 sites on Wikidata
    • Promoting and valuing the created content through building a website that encompassesː Maps, timelines and different graphs generated from Wikidata, access to Wikipedia articles in different languages, and access to photos and videos on Wikimedia Commons. (see details in the website program section below)
SMART goals of the overall program
  • Ensuring thorough documentation of 53 World Heritage sites listed by UNESCO in the Danger list.
  • Ensuring the access of Heritage professionals and activists -that are not used to Wikimedia projects and tools- to the created content (especially graphs and statistics generated from Wikidata)
  • Promoting the movement among Heritage professionals and activists in 31 countries; which will foster interactions between Wikimedia communities and heritage institutions and lead to future collaborations,
  • Catalyzing the creation of Wikimedia communities in +10 countries,
2021 goals
  • Implementing the project in 50% of the target countries (editathons, photography contests and gathering video testimonies), including all countries where WH sites are in danger because of armed conflicts (6 countries)
  • Ensuring the translation of created articles into at least 3 UNESCO official languages
  • Ensuring the coverage of all the 53 sites on the website
Metrics and targets
  • Number of target sitesː 35 (66%)
  • Number of target countriesː 15 (48), including 3 countries without affiliates
  • Number of photos to be uploaded: +1500 (+40 per site)
  • Number of articles to be created/enhanced: +350 (+10 articles per site in several languages)
  • Number of Wikidata items to be created/enhanced : +175 (+5 per site)
  • Number of video testimonies: +30 (+2 per country)

Organizing Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos


Many articles about World Heritage sites do not have photos and the WPWP campaign is a good opportunity to improve these articles.

Key activities for 2021
  • Organizing a WPWP edition dedicated to World Heritage aticles in different languages, in coordination with WPWP international team.
  • Adding photos to Wikidata items of World Heritage sites and components
  • Categorizing uncategorized photos of World Heritage sites
SMART goals of the overall program
  • Improving the articles about World Heritage Sites in several languages.
  • Improving visual content (photos) about World Heritage sites on other Wikimedia projects
  • Catalyzing the interest of the global Wikimedia community to World Heritage
2021 goals
  • Improving the articles about World Heritage Sites in at least 6 languages.
  • Improving wikidata items about World Heritage sites
  • Organizing and enhancing Commons categories of World Heritage sites
Metrics and targets
  • 300 photos added to World Heritage articles.
  • Improvement of 175 Wikidata items without photos
  • Catgorization of 100 photos

Capacity building


In order to advance towards our strategic direction we need to build different capacities and skill sets for our members and local partners.


In order to explore what the are capacities that we need to build, we shared a survey with our members and we identified a list of topics for which we need to organize training sessions. We would like to make these sessions available for all the wikimedians by recording them and uploading them on Commons and Youtube.

What is the importance of this program for our strategic vision?

This program allows us to ensure the good implementation of our projects that need the use of several tools and editing skills on several Wikimedia projects, and catalyze the imagination of our members to create ne projects.

Key activities for 2021
  • Organizing training sessions for the group members about query tools, editing tools and activities organization tools (sessions calendar)
  • Recording and publishing the organized training sessions (Meta page - Youtube channel)
  • Creating how-to guides that summerizes all the elements learned in the training sessions (E.g: steps to run a Wikidata query + examples of customizable queries related to World Heritage)
SMART goals of the overall program
  • Improving the capacities of our members and all the interested wikimedians of our movement.
  • Creating sustainable resources: Training sessions recorded and how-to guides available under CC licence
Metrics and targets
  • 11 recorded training sessions available on Commons and on Youtube (under CC licence).
  • 3 pdf how-to guides that encompasses the 11 tools learned during training sessions, divided into 3 categories: Editing, Query, and Activities organizing, to be available on Commons and on the website.

Wiki World Heritage Website


Building a group website that encompasses: group presentation and activities, resources (how-to guides and material related to World Heritage on Wikimedia), interactive wikidata generated content for each of our projects (maps, timelines, statistics,graphs, access to articles), and customized upload buttons for Wikimedia Commons. We would like to build pages for the two projects Told Cities and WHindanger (and for future projects) in order to promote the content related to WH sites and show differnet ways of using it. For instance we would like to have a page where we can show the timeline of a given world heritage city, when the different buildings composing this city have been built. This timeline will be populated using Wikidata (see example).


Besides increasing the group visibility and helping us to reach out to new potential partners, this website will enable the main target audience of our content (Heritage professionals, students and activists) to benefit from the created content and to enrich it, as this category of people does not have the technical abilities to make queries on Wikidata and generate graphs and statistics. In fact, while a huge amount of information is added to Wikidata, only few people can really benefit from it: those who know Wikidata and have an excellent mastery of it (and hence have the ability to make complexe queries). Therefore, it is important to create a platform that is friendly to non-tech users, that allows them to benefit from Wikidata (without being obliged to master SPARQL for instance).

What is the importance of this program for our strategic plan?

This program will be of tremendous help to achieve 2 of our objectives:

  • Ensuring the optimal use of the created content on Wikimedia projects.
  • Building strong partnerships with relevant international and regional heritage institutions, through increasing visibility.
Key activities for 2021
  • Designing a requirement document (arborescence, graphic identity)
  • Coordinating with the web development agency.
  • Generating content from Wikidata (maps, timelines, graphs and statistics using the query service) to integrate to the web site.
  • Creating campaigns, categories and templates on Commons for photos upload via the website.
SMART goals of the overall program
  • Increasing the group visibility to create collaboration opportunities with heritage institutions
  • Providing a “non-tech friendly” platform that enables heritage professionals and general public to access to statistics, maps and timelines generated from Wikidata. It's very important to show how the content from Wikidata can be used. Showing use cases of how to use content from Wikidata will promote the content and motivate people to understand the importance of adding and improving the content on Wikidata.
2021 goals
  • Creating group presentation pages: The group, the movement, partners, resources, 2021 highlights
  • Creating Whindanger pages: Project presentation, Maps, Timelines, Statistics
  • Creating Told Cities pages: Project presentation, Maps, Timelines, Statistics
  • Creating statistic pages: see examples on Wikidata Wikiproject World Heritage
  • Creating customized photo upload buttons for the target sites of Whindanger and Told Cities

NB: for the upload buttons, the user will have just to choose a site from the list and the displayed button will lead to the upload page on Commons with all necessary fields prefilled (licence, description, category, etc.), as to the timelines and maps, the user will also have just to choose a site from the list, and the query result will be automatically changed.

Metrics and targets
  • 10 pages for group and movement presentation (community, activities, 2021 highlights)
  • 2 pages for resources (How-to guides, different articles related to heritage and Wikimedia)
  • 3 projects presentation pages (Told Cities, Whindanger, WikiProject World Heritage)
  • 188 interactive maps and 188 interactive timelines (135 for Told Cities and 53 for Whindanger)
  • 40 different statistics (10 for Told Cities, 10 for Whindanger, 20 general statistics)
  • 188 photos from Commons, and customized buttons upload to allow the website visitors to donate photos to Commons
  • Available in 4 UNESCO official languages (2 other languages to be added next year)

Grant Metrics Reporting


Required. Metrics, targets and results: grants metrics worksheet here.

Needs Request


Optional. The Community Resources team would like understand the best way to support the success of your programs and organization in general. If you have any requests or needs you have related to your programs, organizational operations, or other needs below under the appropriate section, please describe them here. You may instead e-mail simple(_AT_)wikimedia.org to reach your program officer if you prefer.

Suggestions for Simple APG Application process

  • ...

Requests for programmatic support


For example, requesting guidance or expertise from Wikimedia Foundation staff on GLAM- or Education-related areas.

  • ...

Requests for operational support


For example, requesting guidance or expertise from Wikimedia Foundation staff on public communications, financial practices, or hiring procedures.

  • ....

Other requests

  • ...

No requests needed


If you have no specific requests, please confirm this here.

  • ...

Midterm report


Program story


WHindanger project has been a journey of experimentation and mutual learning, given that we are leading it in several countries with no Wikimedia affiliates nor informal communities: Afghanistan, Libya and Yemen. Therefore, besides the implementation of our activities, we are initiating the creation of new Wikimedia communities in these countries.
Our highlights during this reporting period are:
-Libya: the online editathon organized on the World Peace Day (September 21st) is the best memory for WHindanger’s team members! After an intensive “training of trainers” program about Wikipedia editing and editathons organization, watching the 5 volunteers that received the training moderate the editathon in all confidence was the best reward that we could have! (WHindanger section on Scene's website)
-Afghanistan: “Turning the crisis into an opportunity” is the outline of our experience in Afghanistan! In response to the new challenging political situation, we expanded the scope of the photography contest in Afghanistan to include all monuments and sites, and engaged actively with Afghan photographers on social Media platforms. Furthermore, the mobilization of interntional heritage NGOs for Afghanistan allowed us to build a new partnership with ARCH International.

Program Progress



During this period, we were able to implement the project activities in collaboration with 8 partners in 7 countries: Afghanistan, Guinea Conakry, Indonesia, Libya, Tanzania, Yemen, and finally Iraq, which was not initially included in the 2021 program, but we were contacted by Liwan Heritage Organization for collaboration.
In Indonesia, Guinea Conakry and Tanzania, activities were implemented by the local Wikimedia Affiliates (Editathon and special prizes in WLE in Indonesia, and photography tours in Tanzania and Guinea Conakry).
In Libya and Yemen, a training of trainers program (ToT) was developed in order to equip local volunteers with the necessary skills to organize an editathon and assist participants, and photography contests were organized in collaboration with our partners. In Libya, the ToT was successfully completed and the editathon was organized, while in Yemen, the ToT is still ongoing, due to electricity problems in the country.
In Afghanistan, the training of trainers has not yet started due to the current political situation, but the photography contest was launched and expanded to include all Afghan Monuments. The prizes of this new category will be funded by the budget requested for the video editing tools.
Finally, in Iraq, a photography campaign was launched.
For more details, please check the “WHindanger” section on our Affcom activity report (Pages 17 to 20) and the WHindanger monthly reports and programme.

Told Cities

Following the committee’s recommendation about reducing the scope of our projects, and the difference between the requested amount and the granted amount, we decided to reduce the scope of Told Cities and focus on the foundational work that will facilitate the future editathons and photography tours.
Therefore, we worked on improving content about World Heritage cities on Wikidata, in order to prepare for the creation of web pages generated from WQS (timelines, maps and statistics).
3 pilot activities were organized in Stone Town (Wikidata/Wikipedia editathons and a photography tour, in collaboration with Wikimedia Tanzania), Grand-Bassam (Wikipedia editathon and photography tour) in collaboration with Wikimedia Ivory Coast) and Aleppo (Wikidata editathon, led by our Syrian member Nanour Grabedian).
Our approach was focusing on building capacity besides content enhancement, therefore, a series of wikidata trainings was organized to both Wikimedia Tanzania, and to a group of 6 Arab female editors (Aleppo editathon participants), where important tools, such as Wikidata Query Service and Quick Statements were tackled.
For more details, please check the “Told Cities” section on our Affcom activity report (Pages 13 to 16).

Capacity building

Seven training sessions have been organized for the group members, following the needs and preferences raised in the skills assessment form, and given that many Wikimedians all over the world do not have access to training, we decided to reach a larger audience through leveraging several platforms within and outside Wikimedia. Therefore, we made all the sessions available on Commons, Meta and our Youtube channel.
Challenges: our biggest challenge was to find experienced trainers, which led to the postponing of several sessions.
For more details, please check the “Capacity building” section on our Affcom activity report (Pages 24 to 26) .

Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos

The contest was organized in August and advertised on our social media platforms (example: facebook event). We were able to reach the target number of entries. Yet, the number of participants was small compared to the expected.
Challenges: Several participants were new to Wikipedia, coming mainly from the activities of “Whindanger” project. The common mistake was to not include the contest Hashtag. Hence, many entries and participants were not counted.
Solution: Although the contest is over and the prizes were distributed, we are keeping the campaign open until the end of December 2021.
Adaptation: Given the small number of participants, we reduced the number of prizes to 4 instead of 6, and we increased the budget of the 1st prize, given the strong participation of the 1st winner. For more details, please check the “Other activities” section on our Affcom activity report (Page 30)

Wiki World Heritage Website

The goal of this website is to provide more visibility to Wiki World Heritage and facilitate the creation of more partnerships with heritage organizations, but most importantly, to give heritage professionals access to the statistics and graphs generated from Wikidata (using WQS) using simplified research tools.
The website was defined in concertation with the developer (Digital Cultural Experience), and the domain name was purchased (www.wikiworldheritage.org). Content pages are being prepared by the members. For more details, please check the “WWH Website” section on our Affcom activity report (Pages 27, 28)

Spending update Midterm


Please find the financial report (Please check "Spending Update Midterm" sheet).
The total amount of Simple APG funds spent during the grant period:

  • 10066.46 USD

Grant Metrics Reporting Midterm


Metrics, targets and results: grants metrics worksheet here.

Final report


Program story


Optional. Please tell or link to one program story that showcases your organization's achievements during the reporting period. This can be another meta page, a blog post or any other source that tells your program story.

Learning story


Optional. Please link to one learning story that shows how your organization documents lessons learned and adapts its programs accordingly.

Programs Impact



During this period, we were able to resume and complete activities in Yemen and start the project activities in collaboration with 2 more partners within the movement: Wikimedia Mali and Wikimedians of DRC, in addition to the previous partners in 7 countries.
Herein, WHindanger activities have been conducted in 9 countries:Afghanistan, DRC, Guinea Conakry, Indonesia, Iraq, Libya, Mali, Tanzania and Yemen. Besides the editathons and training programs about Wikipedia editing in Libya and Yemen, an open editathon was launched in collaboration with the different Wikimedia affiliates to improve articles about their sites in different languages. Participation was open to any Wikimedian on the Dashboard.
As to photography campaigns, +82% of the target sites have been covered by photos thanks to the strategy of providing prizes per site (instead of per country like the usual contests in the movement). In addition to this, special photography tours are being organized after the end of the photography contests by our local partners to the remaining sites to ensure good coverage.
Furthermore, after the situation of Afghanistan, a special category was added to the contest in order to document all Afghan monuments, whether they are inscribed by UNESCO or not. This campaign was successful thanks to intensive communication with Afghan photographers on Instagram, which resulted in 149 photos of +20 monuments, and the creation of 6 new categories on Commons, for monuments that did not have any photo previously. In parallel, documentation work on Wikidata was conducted by the group members to enhance the items related to the different World Heritage sites in Danger, and different queries were prepared to be published on the website (more details in the website section)
Quantitative outcomes:

Qualitative outcomes:

Told Cities

difference between the requested amount and the granted amount, we decided to reduce the scope of Told Cities and focus on the foundational work that will facilitate the future editathons and photography tours.
Therefore, we intensified our work on improving content about World Heritage cities on Wikidata, in order to prepare for the creation of web pages generated from WQS (timelines, maps and statistics).
Furthermore, we launched an editathon/wikicontest in 5 languages (English, French, Arabic, Yoruba and Hausa) to create the missing articles about the World Heritage cities themselves, before moving to document their components.
Finally, we prepared an open campaign that includes all the World Heritage cities.
Quantitative outcomes:

Qualitative outcomes:

  • Increasing the project visibility in order to find partners within and outside the movement to organize more activities during 2022 and the upcoming years.

Capacity building

Nine training sessions have been organized for the group members or partners, following the needs and preferences raised in the skills assessment form, and given that many Wikimedians all over the world do not have access to training, we decided to reach a larger audience through leveraging several platforms within and outside Wikimedia. Therefore, we made all the sessions available on Commons, Meta, our Youtube channel and our website.
Furthermore, 3 how-to-guides (2 in English and 1 in Arabic) have been created and made available on Commons and our website.

Challenges: our biggest challenge was to find experienced trainers, which led to the postponing of several sessions.
Long term impact: Capacity building based on World Heritage documentation, along with the diversification of platforms for dissemination (Youtube, Website, Wikimedia projects) will help to reach a larger audience and not only increase Wikimedians capacity and interest in World Heritage, but also Heritage professionals capacity and interest in Wikimedia projects.

Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos

The contest was organized in August and advertised on our social media platforms (example: facebook event). We were able to reach the target number of entries. Yet, the number of participants was small compared to the expected. Challenges: Several participants were new to Wikipedia, coming mainly from the activities of “Whindanger” project. The common mistake was to not include the contest Hashtag. Hence, many entries and participants were not counted.
We invited members and Wikimedians to participate even after the end of the contest.
Quantitative outcomes:

Qualitative outcomes:

  • Enhancement of articles about World Heritage sites through adding photos is of utmost importance, as photos provide important information that cannot be transmitted accuratly through texts (about buildings configuration, materials and texture, state of preservation, etc.)

Wiki World Heritage website

It is now possible for people who do not master Wikidata Query Service (and those who don’t even know Wikidata!) to use it for access to thorough information about different World Heritage sites in different interactive formats (maps, timelines and graphs), through simple search bars. Furthermore, content about World Heritage on other Wikimedia projects (mainly Wikipedia and Commons) is also accessible from the website.
Finally, training material is also available, so that the site visitors not only benefit from this content, but also become able to contribute in improving it.
179 wikidata items were assigned to user-friendly search parameters, to allow the generation of a total number of 490 maps/timelines/graphs, giving access to +1100 items on Wikidata, as part of WHindanger and Told Cities projects. Furthermore, different statistics were generated for the 2 projects, as well as Wikidata Wikiproject WorldHeritage. As a final result, the website includes the following:

  • General information about the UG and the movement
  • Resources: How-to guides, Training videos and General articles
  • WHindanger: Information about the project, photos from Commons, Maps, Timelines and Statistics.
  • Told Cities: Information about the project, photos from Commons, Maps, Timelines, Graphs and Statistics.
  • Wikidata Wikiproject World Heritage: General statistics about World Heritage
  • Highlights: for news and blog posts about the group activities

PS:the developer is still working on adding the graphs (example: People related to the WH site) and on the translation of the website pages to French, Arabic and Spanish.

Spending update Final


Please link to a detailed financial report for your spending during the grant period. This should be in the same format as your detailed budget from your Simple APG application.

Please include the total amount of Simple APG funds you spent during the grant period:

  • Total amount spent = $24 997,33
  • Total amount granted = $25 000,00
  • Difference = $2,67

You can find the details of the funds spent in this spreadsheet (link).

Thanks Yamen (talk) 13:31, 3 February 2022 (UTC)

Grant Metrics Reporting Final


Metrics, targets and results: grants metrics worksheet here.