Grants talk:Programs/Wikimedia Research Fund/Espacios digitales seguros para personas mayores en Chile (EDSPPM)
Add topicWe want to remind all participants on this discussion page that the Community Resources and Research Fund teams have specific expectations regarding discussion about proposals in this space. In the Community Resources team's behavioral expectations for this space, anyone with concerns about a proposal is welcome to express them in a constructive and supportive manner. However, to the extent that feedback is excessive, contains personalized and disparaging remarks about the applicant or their organization, or if the concerns are expressed in an hostile or punitive manner, they may be removed from the discussion page partially or entirely. Relatedly, participants should follow the Universal Code of Conduct, which contains the minimum level of guidelines for communications and behavior on Wikimedia projects. These expectations are important, we want to ensure that conversations about proposals in our funding programs are productive, that is, focused on building shared understanding and generally supporting applicants to improve their ideas and projects, regardless of what funding decision is made. |
We ask you to respond to the following questions:
- In what ways do you think this research can support you or other members of the Wikimedia communities in the work that you do on the Wikimedia projects?
- What advice do you have for the authors to improve their research or the impact of their research? (We encourage you to share with the authors projects or initiatives that you think can benefit from the result of their research. This can help the authors connect their work with ongoing projects in the early stages of their research.)
- Please share any other feedback about this proposal that you think the Research Fund Committee should consider below.
Please use Add feedback button below to add your feedback.
Feedback from Redwidgeon (talk)
[edit]1. In what ways do you think this research can support you or other members of the Wikimedia communities in the work that you do on the Wikimedia projects?
- I think this is a very valuable project. As a senior person myself, I am very aware of how many elderly people lack knowledge of digital technologies. This makes them vulnerable to mis- & dis-information. Lack of familiarity with digital communications also leads to loneliness when (for example) people must be shut in their homes. In addition, we know that very few elderly people contribute to Wikipedia although they often have vast amounts of knowledge and the time available to share it. Familiarizing elderly people with Wikipedia & Wikimedia would not only give them a usually-reliable source of information, it may also provide them with an avenue for contributing knowledge.
2. What advice do you have for the authors to improve their research or the impact of their research? (We encourage you to share with the authors projects or initiatives that you think can benefit from the result of their research. This can help the authors connect their work with ongoing projects in the early stages of their research.)
- I would advise the researchers to consider publishing the results of their work beyond Latin America, and (if possible) in languages besides Spanish. It would also be useful to research how well elderly people are able to evaluate the quality of the information they read, & (if at all possible) to include this skill in their workshops with senior people.
3. Please share any other feedback about this proposal that you think the Research Fund Committee should consider below.
--Redwidgeon (talk) 03:24, 25 January 2022 (UTC)
1. In what ways do you think this research can support you or other members of the Wikimedia communities in the work that you do on the Wikimedia projects?
- Me parece que este proyecto es muy interesante. Desde Wikimedistas de Uruguay hemos identificado algunas de estas cuestiones como importantes, ya que Uruguay tiene una población de adultos mayores bastante grande. Creemos que una investigación que avance en entender mejor cómo se relacionan estas personas con los proyectos Wikimedia y cómo podemos facilitarles la entrada a los proyectos puede resultar en muchos beneficios para ambas comunidades. Desde ya que estamos dispuestos a ayudar en lo que podamos con esta investigación.
2. What advice do you have for the authors to improve their research or the impact of their research? (We encourage you to share with the authors projects or initiatives that you think can benefit from the result of their research. This can help the authors connect their work with ongoing projects in the early stages of their research.)
- Hay algunos experimentos ya hechos por parte de la comunidad checa (ver el post en Diff) y la comunidad de Israel (ver aquí). Me pregunto si será posible también conversar con esas comunidades y extraer alguna clase de experiencia que pueda ser compartida con la comunidad hispanoparlante. Sé que sería beneficioso para la comunidad poder aprender de esas experiencias y quizás esta investigación permite darle un enfoque más sistemático.
- Adicionalmente, sería bueno si el proyecto pensara alguna forma de incluir sugerencias y/o recomendaciones para quienes dan talleres a las personas adultas mayores. Cuando me han tocado adultos mayores en mis talleres he tenido situaciones que no puedo menos que calificar de interesantes y creo que cualquier recomendación en este sentido de cómo dar mejores talleres para estos grupos de edad y cómo abordar ciertas situaciones sería muy útil.
- También sugeriría formas menos pasivas de comunicación de los resultados del proyecto. Por ejemplo, sería bueno tener 2-3 talleres (si es posible; idealmente uno en inglés y otro en castellano) donde se compartan los resultados con la comunidad de los proyectos Wikimedia. En mi experiencia, estas instancias de intercambio suelen también contribuir a que la comunidad se apropie de los resultados y pueda implementarlos. En síntesis, no esperaría simplemente a colgar los resultados de la investigación.
3. Please share any other feedback about this proposal that you think the Research Fund Committee should consider below.
- Es una propuesta interesante, quizás se beneficiaría de un mayor grado de detalle respecto del cómo se piensa implementar la propuesta pero cuenta con el apoyo de varias organizaciones reconocidas en la región y apunta a una comunidad sobre la que no hay mucho sistematizado para los proyectos Wikimedia.