Module:Assemble multilingual message
See also: Module:Tech news
![]() | This module is rated as beta, and is ready for widespread use. It is still new and should be used with some caution to ensure the results are as expected. |
See Newsletters/Translation for usage instructions.
local p = {}
function p.assembleMessage(frame)
--[[ This function takes existing translations for a given page
translated using the translate extension and puts them together to
generate the wikicode ready to be delivered by [Global message delivery]
-- Initialize the message's static content
local message = '<pre>{{subst:#switch:{{subst:PAGELANGUAGE}}'
--[[ Build the list of language codes for which there is a translation,
and remove English if it was mistakenly added since we already include
it as default.
We can't automatically list all available translations of the issue, so
we need to input them manually as part of the module's call.
translations = {}
for key, value in pairs( frame.args ) do
if ( mw.language.isKnownLanguageTag( value ) and value ~= 'en' )
translations[value] = value
-- Add English as default
translations['#default'] = 'en'
-- Loop through the languages to assemble the available translations
for switchKey, langCode in pairs( translations ) do
--[[ TODO: add existence check of the translation in case of human
error. Ignore the incorrect language code and give warning.
-- Add new switch key, and language and directionality metadata
local direction = langCode ):getDir()
--[[ TODO: add switch keys for languages that have a fallback language
for which we do have a translation, instead of English.
message = message .. '|' .. switchKey .. '=<div class="plainlinks" lang="' .. langCode .. '" dir="' .. direction .. '">'
-- Get the translation's content
local page = frame.args['page']
local content = page .. '/' .. langCode ):getContent()
--[[ Clean up stuff we don't want to include (headers, footers, etc.)
There's probably a cleaner way to do this but for now it'll work.
TODO: add error checks.
local startSection, startIndex = mw.ustring.find( content, '<section begin="' .. frame.args['marker'] .. '"/>', 1, true )
local endIndex = mw.ustring.find( content, '<section end="' .. frame.args['marker'] .. '"/>', 1, true )
content = mw.ustring.sub( content, startIndex +1 , endIndex -1 )
content = mw.ustring.gsub( content, '{{int|', '{{int|lang=' .. langCode .. '|' )
message = message .. content .. '</div>'
-- Add footer static content
message = message .. '}} ~~~~~</pre>'
-- Hide nowiki tags from the preprocessor
message = mw.ustring.gsub ( message, '<nowiki>(.-)</nowiki>', '<nowiki>%1</nowiki>' )
-- Preprocess to make <pre> work
message = frame:preprocess( message )
-- We're done
return message
return p