Module:Tech news
![]() | This page is kept for historical interest. Any policies mentioned may be obsolete. If you want to revive the topic, you can use the talk page or start a discussion on the community forum. |
See also: Module:Assemble multilingual message
![]() | This module is rated as beta, and is ready for widespread use. It is still new and should be used with some caution to ensure the results are as expected. |
This module contains various hacks that were used by Tech News. Since MassMessage now supports translated content, this module is no longer widely used.
Assemble newsletter
[edit]Assemble the distributable version (no longer necessary). It’s used on Tech/News/Sandbox in the form
{{#invoke:Tech news|assembleNewsletter|year=year|week=week|language1|language2|…}}
for example
{{#invoke:Tech news|assembleNewsletter|year=2025|week=08|en|de|es}}
Get the section tag
[edit]Get the <section begin="..."/>
and <section end="..."/>
tags used when distributing directly using MassMessage instead of the above assembler function.
{{subst:#invoke:Tech news|getSectionTag|begin}} ... {{subst:#invoke:Tech news|getSectionTag|end}}
local p = {}
function p.substTranslatedTemplates( content, langCode )
--[[ This function goes through the content of a translation of a [Tech/News]
issue and subst:s translated templates included via {{TNT}} or one of
its aliases. This allows translations or templates to be included into
the globally-delivered message.
Not sure it can be done since substitution happens earlier in the page
parse process.
-- {{TNT|template(|)}}
-- {{Tnt|template(|)}}
-- {{Translatable navigation template|template(|)}}
-- {{Translatable template|template(|)}}
-- replace by: {{subst:Translatable template
-- Initialize variables
local templateLang = 'en'
local template = ''
local substedContent = content
-- Check if a translation of the template exists in that language; if so, put it in templateLang
local translation = .. '/' .. langCode, 'Template:')
if ( ~= 0)
templateLang = langCode
-- Then render the template and preprocess the content to make subst: work
test = mw.ustring.gsub( content, "{{TNT|", '{{susbt:TNT|', n )
frame:preprocess( content )
return content
function p.assembleNewsletter(frame)
--[[ This function takes existing translations for a given [Tech/News]
issue and puts them together to generate the wikicode ready to be
delivered by [Global message delivery].
-- Initialize the newsletter's static content
local message = '<pre><section begin="technews-' .. frame.args['year'] .. '-W' .. frame.args['week'] .. '"/>{{subst:#switch:{{subst:PAGELANGUAGE}}'
--[[ Build the list of language codes for which there is a translation,
and remove English if it was mistakenly added since we already include
it as default.
We can't automatically list all available translations of the issue, so
we need to input them manually as part of the module's call.
translations = {}
for key, value in pairs( frame.args ) do
if ( mw.language.isKnownLanguageTag( value ) and value ~= 'en' )
translations[value] = value
-- Add English as default
translations['#default'] = 'en'
-- Loop through the languages to assemble the available translations
for switchKey, langCode in pairs( translations ) do
--[[ TODO: add existence check of the translation in case of human
error. Ignore the incorrect language code and give warning.
-- Add new switch key, and language and directionality metadata
local direction = langCode ):getDir()
--[[ TODO: add switch keys for languages that have a fallback language
for which we do have a translation, instead of English.
message = message .. '|' .. switchKey .. '=<div class="plainlinks" lang="' .. langCode .. '" dir="' .. direction .. '">'
-- Get the translation's content
local issue = 'Tech/News/' .. frame.args['year'] .. '/' .. frame.args['week']
local content = issue .. '/' .. langCode ):getContent()
--[[ Clean up stuff we don't want to include (headers, footers, etc.)
There's probably a cleaner way to do this but for now it'll work.
TODO: add error checks.
local startSection, startIndex = mw.ustring.find( content, '<section begin="tech-newsletter-content"/>', 1, true )
local endIndex = mw.ustring.find( content, '<section end="tech-newsletter-content"/>', 1, true )
content = mw.ustring.sub( content, startIndex +1 , endIndex -1 )
message = message .. content .. '</div>'
-- TODO: Substs translated templates
-- content = substTranslatedTemplates( content, langCode )
-- Add footer static content
message = message .. '}} <section end="technews-' .. frame.args['year'] .. '-W' .. frame.args['week'] .. '"/> ~~~~~</pre>'
-- Hide nowiki tags from the preprocessor
message = mw.ustring.gsub ( message, '<nowiki>(.-)</nowiki>', '<nowiki>%1</nowiki>' )
-- Preprocess to make <pre> work
message = frame:preprocess( message )
-- We're done
return message
function p.getSectionTag( frame )
local titleparts = mw.text.split( mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text, '/', true )
local tagtype = frame.args[ 1 ] -- `begin` or `end`
local year = titleparts[ 3 ] or '1970'
local week = titleparts[ 4 ] or '99'
return string.format( '<section %s="technews-%s-W%s"/>', tagtype, year, week )
return p