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New Readers/Meetings

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

This is a description of the recurring meetings that New Readers has. This documentation is intended to help the team understand our processes, improve them, and plan for



TMF/Stand up


Lead by: Anne

Timing: Biweekly, Mondays at 9:30am Pacific for 30 minutes

Attendance: working team

Goal: keep team on the same page, call out and resolve blockers. This is a very tactical meeting.

Format: TBD with Phabricator board.



Lead by: Anne

Timing: Every 4 weeks, Mondays at 9:30am Pacific for 30 minutes

Attendance: working team

Goal: improve internal collaborations through reflection and critique. We should be able to discuss freely what isn't working in the way that we work together, examine those things, and make improvements.


  • [Retro lead] At previous week's TMF, remind attendees that this is coming
  • [Retro lead] Thursday before the retro, ask attendees to think about what went well, what needs improvement, and what we learned
  • [Attendees] Before meeting, write up some notes
  • [Attendees] During meeting, paste notes in to the document together. Talk through them with focus on sticky areas
  • [Retro lead] Following meeting, send out highlights and make changes where needed based on feedback

Brainstorm and learning


Lead by: Abbey

Timing: Every 4 weeks, Mondays at 9:30am Pacific for 60 minutes

Attendance: working team

Goal: bring multidisciplinary minds of New Readers team together for focused learning on new information and generative thinking for challenging problems.


  • [Brainstorm lead] At previous week's TMF, remind attendees that this is coming and ask for ideas for focus subjects. Probably follow up by email, TBD.
  • [Brainstorm lead] Thursday before the meeting, choose an area to focus on and let attendees know so that they can chew on it
  • [Attendees] Think about the area for discussion in advance
  • [Brainstorm lead] Facilitate meeting, ensure notes are taken



Quarterly planning


Goal setting


Timing: quarterly, at least 1 week before goals are due

Attendance: working team

Goal: set publicly-reported goals for quarterly planning

Format: TBD (needs work)

Project planning


Timing: quarterly, before end of the quarter

Attendance: working team

Goal: basic project planning for all work under the New Readers program. Elements: people, dependencies, roles, rough timelines, and community inclusion.

Format: TBD (needs work)

Mid-quarter check in


Timing: once per quarter, around the middle of the quarter.

Attendance: working team

Goal: ensure that projects are moving along and make adjustments to expectations and plans to reflect reality.

Format: Follows project list generated during quarterly planning. Each "accountable" person must update on the status of their project, adjust timelines and dependencies as needed.



Monthly update for executives


Lead by: Jorge

Timing: Monthly on the 2nd Wednesday at 10am.

Attendance: wider team and executives

Goal: keep executives in the loop. Generate content for monthly update to meta.

Format: Discuss each annual plan objective and where it stands