New Readers/Raising Awareness in India/Meeting 1
On Tuesday July 11, the India awareness pilot project kicked-off with an hour-long meeting. Attendees were from the community project group and the Wikimedia Foundation. This is a summary of key discussion points.
A Few favorite ads
[edit]These are advertisements cited by community members as inspirations for good marketing work.
- Madya Pradesh tourism ad
- Amazon Apni Dukaan
- Google's powerful reunion ad
- Vick's "generation of care" story
- Airtel's histories of India
- Fevicol's humorous series
Insights from the ads
[edit]We recommend strong emotional appeal for the video ideas of this pilot, not just informational "this is Wikipedia."
One note from Zack: Live action ads (with many human actors, or music/dancing) may be too expensive for this pilot project. Animation, graphics, and illustration may be required for this pilot, we will see what the creative agency proposes.
On our target audience
[edit]We agreed to focus on students, ages 13 & up. Focal point will likely be on students ages 13 (Class VI) - 18, with younger and older students an adjacent audience.
On region
[edit]We will the media agency to establish which geographic area to focus on: urban or rural, and which state/city to select.
We are leaning urban because the "web video" format depends on internet distribution and this is more common in cities. Future project extensions should consider radio to expand reach of marketing into rural areas.
On distribution
[edit]Facebook and YouTube will be primary publishing points. We will explore WhatsApp as popular messaging tool and good place to share video. We shall explore a "Give missed call to get video on Whatsapp" options.
Next steps
[edit]- @All - Review creative approaches with Happy on Thursday July 13
- @Zack @Ravi - Work with Happy to establish regional focus