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Open Science for Arts, Design and Music/Training/Wikidata e la ricerca 2024

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Wikidata e la ricerca 2024 (Wikidata and research 2024)[edit]

Abstract Wikidata e la ricerca 2024 is a conversation on the potential of Wikidata for research in the humanities and what can be done to improve synergies and interoperability.
Wikidata is an open and collaborative infrastructure for research. For years now, Wikidata has been a valuable tool for researchers and researchers have been contributing to its data in return. In the arts, humanities and social sciences, the collaborative use of Wikidata is still limited and could be enhanced.
  • explore potential of Wikidata for research in the humanities
  • improve synergies and interoperability
Target audience Researchers
Organisers Iolanda Pensa, SUPSI DACD
Prerequisite No prior knowledge is required but it is recommended to attend the previous webinars.
Convenors Camillo Pellizzari
Duration 1 hour
  • introduction and presentation of Epìdosis
  • Q&A


  • How can Wikidata be a useful tool for research?
  • Can Wikidata host information on international academic databases (databases of universities where scientific articles, research data and lists of researchers are stored)?
  • What other kinds of research data can be hosted on Wikidata?
  • What is the added value of creating synergies with Wikidata for the research world?
  • What should academia do to facilitate synergy and interoperability with Wikidata?
  • If Wikimedia Italia contacts Italian universities, what should it ask them? What could it offer?
Date and time 9 April, 2024 18.30-19.30pm CET
Location Online
Fees Attendance is free.
Registration Send an email to chiara.barbieri@supsi.ch