PhilWiki Community/Reports/2018 Report

Report of activities: 2018
[edit]This page is the Annual Report of PhilWiki Community for the year 2018. It includes the activities of the organization from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018.
The Philippine Wikimedia Community User Group or PhilWiki Community was formed on 1 June 2015 to served as an organization of unaffiliated Wikipedians in the Philippines.
[edit]Two users showed interest in joining the group:
- January 4 - One (1) Cebuano Wikipedia contributor joined the User Group.
- January 21 - One (1) English Wikipedia contributor joined the User Group.
[edit]One user showed interest in joining the group:
- March 7 - One (1) English Wikipedia contributor joined the User Group.
- March 28 - As per the By-laws of the association, the annual general meeting shall be held every 3rd week of March. The ad hoc board of trustees decided to hold its first annual general meeting on the 28th day of March 2018, 6:00 in the evening at Yellow Cab Pizza, Magsaysay Avenue, in Naga City. The voting closed at 8:00 in the evening and the five (5) members receiving the highest votes were duly-elected as Trustees to serve for a one-year term. They are Irvin P. Sto. Tomas, Froy B. Beraña, Jusan V. Misolas, Maffeth C. Opiana and Ramon O. Olaño, Jr.
The election of officers was held via online voting from 12th to 13th of May. Irvin P. Sto. Tomas was elected as President and Chairman.
Name of Trustee | Position |
Irvin P. Sto. Tomas | President/Chairman |
Froy B. Beraña | Vice President |
Jusan V. Misolas | Secretary-General/Public Information Officer |
Maffeth C. Opiana | Treasurer/Board Member |
Ramon O. Olaño, Jr. | Board Member |
Name of Member | Position |
Steven A. Fung | Overseas Chapter Representative/Auditor |
Joseph V. Ciudadano | Member |
Anthony B. Diaz | Member |
Maricris F. Gomez | Member |
Harold Gomez | Member |
Ian Kenneth D. Orasa | Member |
Early birds
Election of the Board of Trustees via secret voting
Reading the ballots
Tally of the result of election of the Board of Trustees (absentee voting via online on the left)
[edit]One user showed interest in joining the group:
- April 6 - One (1) Bikol Wikipedia contributor joined the User Group.
- April 20-22 - Steven and Irvin represented the User Group at Wikimedia Conference 2018 in Berlin, Germany.
Group photo
Asia-Oceania Meeting
Session for affiliates without staff
Organizational Profile
[edit]One user showed interest in joining the group:
- May 5-6 - Maffeth and Irvin represented the PhilWiki COmmunity at the inaugural ESEAP Wikimedia Conference 2018 held in Bali, Indonesia.
Irvin during his presentation
One of the sessions
Closing ceremony
Group photo
- May 6 - One (1) English Wikipedia contributor joined the User Group.
- May 12-13 - Election of Officers of the newly-elected Board of Trustees was held via online voting. The results are as follow: Irvin P. Sto. Tomas (President), Froy B. Beraña (Vice President), Jusan V. Misolas (Secretary), Maffeth C. Opiana (Treasurer) and Steven A. Fung (Auditor).
- May 18-20 - As part of the Wiki Loves Earth Philippines community outreach activities, the team conducted promoted Wikipedia at a writing workshop organized by Catanduanes State University (CSU), The Statean, SurTe writers organization, and the provincial government. The team discussed Wikipedia particularly the Central Bikol edition and invited the attendees to participate in the Wiki Loves Earth Philippines contest. Promotional leaflets and stickers were handed out to the participants. On May 20, a photo walk with some of the workshop participants was conducted at Binurong Point.
Wikipedia promotion at a writing workshop
Writing workshop participants
Wiki Loves Earth Philippines Team
Talisoy beach and rock formation
- May 30 - One (1) English Wikipedia contributor joined the User Group.
[edit]- July 1 - As part of the Wiki Loves Earth Philippines community outreach activities, the Community conducted a Spanish Wikipedia Edit-a-thon during the celebration of Philippine-Spanish Friendship Day in Naga City.
Workshop proper
Workshop proper
Group photo of some of the participants
- July 10 - Final deliberation for Wiki Loves Earth Philippines 2018 winners and top 10.
WLE PH Team with the head jury
WLE PH Team with the head jury
WLE PH Team with the head jury
- July 28 The awarding event of Wiki Loves Earth Philippines 2018 attended by the first and second prize winner, and special prize winner.
Wiki Loves Earth Philippines 2018 awarding ceremony
Winning photographs and trophies
Awarding ceremony
Wiki Loves Earth PH awarding event attended by 2 winners
- July 31 Member discussed future projects namely Wiki Loves Monuments PH 2018, WikiTutorial and Wiki Loves Art in 2019, and refquest for equipment.
Monthly Meeting
[edit]As part of the Wiki Loves Monument Philippines community outreach activities, three photography walks were conducted in Cavite, Naga City and Albay.
- August 21 - Two photography walks were simultaneously conducted in Cavite led by Ira Villanueva within the province, and in Naga City, Camarines Sur led by Maffeth Opiana, Irvin Sto. Tomas and Ian Kenneth Orasa.
- The 7-man team of Cavite photographers covered historical sites found in the area including Aguinaldo Shrine in Kawit, Aguinaldo Monument in Trece Martires City, and Thirteen Martyrs of Cavite in Trece Martires, Cavite.
Some of the participant during WLM PH photo walk at Thirteen Martyrs of Cavite
Photo walk participants
Participants at Aguinaldo Shrine
Participants in action
- The activity in Naga City was participated by WLM PH team members Maffeth.opiana, Filipinayzd and ChisoyWasabe. FroyAgta failed to show up due to a traffic violation. The group covered four historical landmarks namely Naga Cathedral, Holy Rosary Minor Seminary, Quince Martires del Bicolandia and Jesse M. Robredo Museum
Holy Rosary Minor Seminary
Holy Rosary Minor Seminary
Quince Martires del Bicolandia
Museo ni Jesse M. Robredo
- August 26 - Photography walks were also held in Legazpi and Tabaco cities in Albay province.
Peñaranda Park
Peñaranda Park
WLM PH 2018 Photo Walk in Albay
WLM PH 2018 Photo Walk in Albay
WLM PH 2018 Photo Walk in Albay
Tabaco City
One user showed interest in joining the group:
- August 25 - One (1) Tagalog Wikipedia contributor joined the User Group.
[edit]- September 22 - Architecture students of Bicol State College of Applied Sciences and Technology (BISCAST) in Naga City conducted a photo walk within Camarines Sur which had a theme LITRATO: Capturing The Historical Growth Through Synergy of Cultural Diversity. They were able to cover historical strutures in the towns of Calabanga, Bombon, Magarao, Canaman, and Naga City.
United Architects of the Philippines Student Auxiliary - BISCAST
Participants at Museo ni Jesse Robredo in Naga City
Participants at Bombon Church in Bombon, Camarines Sur
Group photo at Taoist Temple in Naga City
One user showed interest in joining the group:
- September 26 - One (1) English Wikipedia contributor joined the User Group.
[edit]- October 13 - Monthly Meeting was held in Naga City. The membership application of Franz710 was approved by the Board.
Monthly Meeting attendees
Lasagna to eat
Iced cold beer
One user showed interest in joining the group:
- October 28 - One (1) Meta Wikipedia contributor joined the User Group.
[edit]- November 6 – Meeting held for the upcoming WikiTutorial. The call for the meeting was for the finalization of the WikiTutorial that will commence on 16 November 2018 at ESD Hall-Central Bicol State University of Agriculture (CBSUA). The team discussed the program, certificates, tarpaulin design for promotion, and awards for the winners. Attendees: Irvin Sto. Tomas, Maffeth Opiana, Leah Banastao, Marvin Molin and Froy Beraña.
- November 16 - WikiTutorial Session 1 was held at Central Bicol State University of Agriculture in Pili, Camarines Sur.
WikiTutorial tarpaulin announcing the event
WikiTutorial Session 1 participants
One-on-one tutorial
WikiTutorial Session 1 participants
- November 20 - Shooting of PH-WC-s greetings for WikiCamp Nepal.
- November 24 - The Community members and friends gathered for the 11th Bikol Wikipedia Anniversary celebration and Wiki Loves Monuments 2018 in the Philippines awarding ceremony in Naga City.
Wiki Loves Monuments Philippines 2018 first prize winner with the organizers
Jun Pasa receives his certificates as head jury for Wiki Loves Earth and Wiki Loves Monuments PH 2018
Community members and friends join the celebration
Community members and friends join the celebration
- November 25 - A follow-up WikiTutorial session was attended by some members of the faculty and staff of CBSUA Pasacao and Pili campuses with WikiTutorial participants Froy Beraña, Marvin Molin and Leah Banastao.
The faculty and staff of CBSUA Pasacao and Pili
Froy with the participants
[edit]- December 24 - Monthly Meeting and Year-end Celebration with 4 attendees. Membership application of Jp2593 was approved by the board.
Maffeth and Froy
Maricon, Froy and Irvin
Exchange gifts