Research:Revision scoring as a service/Word lists/sh
ISO code | Language | Generated list | Badwords | Informal words | Stopwords | Dictionary | Stemmer | Contact person | Wiki labels | Interface | Forms | Campaign | Needs |
sh | srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски (Wikipedia) | 250 | - | - | - | - | - | See: Word lists | requested | no | no | no | - |
Generated list [1] |
Words in the generated list commonly appear in reverted revisions but not in others. This list is generated using a TF-IDF approach.
Generated common words |
Common words appear on all revisions reverted or otherwise. In the English language this would include words like 'the' or 'is' which are meaningless on their own. This list is generated using a TF-IDF approach.
Bad words
Bad words are words unwelcome on any page. This would include curse words, spam and other content that would be reverted regardless of where it is inserted.
- Needs bad words... Use |list-badwords=
Informal words
Informal words are words unwelcome on article namespace but would be acceptable on talk pages. This would include words such as 'hello' or 'hahaha' which would be fine in discussions but not in articles.
- Needs informal words... Use |list-informal=