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Instituti i Antropologjisë Kulturore dhe i Studimit të Artit në bashkëpunim me Ministrinë e Turizmit, Kulturës, Rinisë dhe Sportit organizojnë sot një simpozium shkencor me temë “Klasifikimi dhe dixhitalizimi i prozës dhe i poezisë popullore shqiptare”. Kjo nismë vjen pas dixhitalizimit përfundimtar të trashëgimisë zanore, lajm që u bë publik plot një vit më parë. Projekti, atëkohë u konsiderua si ndër më të rëndësishmit e realizuar në fushën e trashëgimisë kulturore, duke shpëtuar këtë pjesë nga problemet e shumta që ka trashëgimia jonë materiale dhe shpirtërore. Ai u realizua në katër vjet nga Instituti i Antropologjisë Kulturore në bashkëpunim me Arkivin audiovisual të Vjenës, me një fond prej 180 mijë eurosh. Në fondin e shpëtuar llogaritet një numër i madh këngësh, rrëfenjash, proverbash, etj., material i pasur gojor, i mbledhur nga folkloristët nga ekspeditat e zhvilluara në të gjitha trevat shqiptare, gjatë 50 viteve të fundit.
Institute of Cultural Anthropology and the Study of Art in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports organize today a scientific symposium on "Classification and digitization of prose and poetry Albanian folk. " This initiative comes after the final digitizing voice heritage, news became public that a full year ago. The project, atëkohë was considered among the most important made in the field of cultural heritage, thus saving this part of the many problems that our material and spiritual heritage. He was accomplished in four years by the Institute of Cultural Anthropology in collaboration with audiovisual archives of Vienna, with a fund of 180 thousand euros. In rescue fund calculated a large number of songs, narrative, proverbs, etc.., material rich oral folkloristët collected by the expeditions conducted in all Albanian lands during the past 50 years.
24/12/2010 It opened yesterday 49th Festival of Song on the Radio-Television. Every night, yesterday and today, at the Palace of Congress introduced 16 pieces of art from the singer "big" and three "young". In the final go 18 songs, 16 from "bigët" and 2 of "youth".
Albanian image in international festival
"The Albanian nation-My image" is the festival of 5-International held today in room "Tefta Tashko" the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports. Organised by the forum "Image & Media" in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism, the program includes symposium scientific entitled "Albanian image and identity, the challenge to globalization," spots of the forum, anthem, video clips, documentary, and a concert of chamber music, the complex The arches and the "dance of the eagles with master Recep
Albanian image in international festival
"The Albanian nation-My image" is the festival of 5-International held today in room "Tefta Tashko" the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports. Organised by the forum "Image & Media" in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism, the program includes symposium scientific entitled "Albanian image and identity, the challenge to globalization," spots of the forum, anthem, video clips, documentary, and a concert of chamber music, the complex The arches and the "dance of the eagles with master Recep
Ensemble, Ballet sports children. At the end of activity and prices will be allocated annually "Image Albanian.
Meanwhile today the Ministry of Culture in cooperation with the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and the study of art, organize scientific symposium "Classification and digitization of prose and poetry Albanian folk."
21:00, 25 December 2010 (UTC)