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Talk:Wikimedia monthly activities meetings/Quarterly reviews/Parsoid, Services, MW Core, Ops, RelEng, MM, Labs and ECT, April 2015

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Template changes


As noted multiple times, phabricator:T6547 is the real prerequisite to any large scale improvement of templates. --Nemo 09:02, 21 April 2015 (UTC)Reply


Next quarter?

--> Terry: make list of what wouldn't come up in case of complete Ashburn outage Mark: improved monitoring (on Lila's request)

Love these. Where can we see the monitoring in question? AFAIK, the best way to know if some part of our projects is down is still to ask random people at #wikimedia-tech. If we really have monitoring in place at last, it's something to be very proud of, and it should be advertised. --Nemo 09:02, 21 April 2015 (UTC)Reply



See mw:Talk:Wikimedia_Platform_Engineering#Phabricator_budgeting. --Nemo 09:02, 21 April 2015 (UTC)Reply