Template:Interwiki map talk header/zh
Outdated translations are marked like this.
至維基百科的“blah”)。 任何元維基管理員均可編輯跨維基地圖。 依據phabricator的ticket要求,它會同步到維基媒體伺服器群組。 請在適當章节發言。 (提議添加,提議刪除,提議更新,排錯或其他討論); 请阅读每个请求顶部方框中的说明。已完成的申请将被移至存档。
{{interwiki request}} 可用于协助请求的提出和管理。
Instructions to Meta-Wiki administrators
- Interwiki prefixes are case-insensitive.
- Following updates to Interwiki map, please
- lodge an update site request in Phabricator (description field: "Please run maintenance task scap update-interwiki-cache following on-wiki updates on Meta-Wiki. Thank you." and add the projects Wikimedia-Site-requests and Wikimedia-maintenance-script-run).
- Check implementation logging of interwiki map updates
- After the interwiki map is updated, update the date of rollout to that shown in the log.
- You may use global search to look for URL and interwiki link use. Suggest the use of {{interwiki request}} when making requests for removals and updates.
Current map in the configuration
- You can check the interwiki.php file to see the current map as existing on the Wikimedia configuration files. You may also use Special:Interwiki as well.
Wikidata stores the mapped interwiki code as an item for domains in the interwiki map using 维基媒体跨维基链接前缀 (P6720). Additions, removals and updates should be noted against the corresponding item in Wikidata. Also to note the direction at Complex constraint violations/P6720
This page is the header for Talk:Interwiki map.