Template:List of wikis by project/it
The statistics below are from data on Commons, which is updated nine times a day. See that page for the latest numbers and the time at which they were collected. (If reloading this page doesn't update the numbers to what is seen at Commons, try purging the cache.)
Totals | Articles | All pages | Edits | Admins | Users | Active users | Files |
All active wikis | 64,017,641 | 266,922,793 | 3,620,473,248 | 3,499 | 116,616,914 | 294,478 | 2,832,090 |
Manuale del template
Usa Lua: |
Questo template usa TemplateStyles: |
This template creates a statistics table of a project.
Parameter | Description | Type | Status | |
project | 1 | The project to create the table for
| Line | required |