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Template:India Access To Knowledge/Events/Train the Trainer Program/header

Why CIS-A2K is conducting this Program?

An experienced Odia Wikipedian helping new wikipedians with typing during a workshop in Bhubaneswar

Based on an internal needs assessment exercise undertaken by CIS-A2K, it has been realized that:

  • bulk of the Indian population does not know about the existence of Indic Wikipedias and sister projects.
  • there is a lot of potential to do outreach in India but it is hampered by community member's lack of time, lack of availability of support material and/or ability to do outreach.
  • though many Indic Wikipedia community members have desire to undertake offline outreach they seldom receive support and guidance.
  • there is a need to further build the capacity of interested community members to conduct effective outreach sessions.

Thus through this program, the CIS-A2K programme wants to support and enable community members who are interested to conduct Wikipedia outreach sessions in their own cities/languages and to spread the word about the Indic Wikipedias.

Overview of the program


CIS-A2K is organising a 4 day Train the Trainer Program in Bangalore. The program will include:

  • 3 day sessions with interactive training run by professional consultants on how to conduct outreach in an effective manner – training on presentation skills, audience engagement, public speaking etc. It will include mock presentations, with video recording for feedback.
  • 4th day will be a field trip aiming to train the participants on how to organise an effective photothon; in addition, participants will also add pictures from the field trip to Wikimedia Commons for enhancing and improving articles on Indian language Wikipedias.

Selection Criterion

New wikipedians editing Kannada Wikipedia during a Workshop at Mysore

CIS-A2K will conduct this program for approximately 20-25 interested community members from different Indian language communities. We want to make sure that there is equal participation from each language community. The CIS-A2K will use below mentioned parameters for selecting candidates.

  1. CIS-A2K's evaluation of Train the Trainer Program Application Form.
  2. Motivation of the candidate to be a part of the program.
  3. The applicant should have made minimum 200 edits on their respective Indian language Wikipedia.
  4. The applicant should have created at least 5 new articles of start class (as defined by their language community) on their respective Indian language Wikipedia.
  5. The applicant should have conducted at least 1 outreach session before the end of application date and shared the report with the community (via mailing list, village pump, event page, etc.)

Expectations from you


We are glad to have you come for this program. We believe that you will take the learning from this program back to your community and help spread the word about OUR WIKIPEDIA to as many people as possible :) CIS-A2K will be extremely happy if YOU CAN

  • Take lead in translating Wikimedia outreach documents like presentations, banners, FAQ in to your language for your community
  • Give a small talk/presentation about your experience and learning from this Program
  • Share ideas and tips you picked from the program with your friends and language community members
  • Write a small report sharing your experience of being in this Program
  • Tell us What worked :) and What did not Work :( in this programme

What's in it for you?

  1. Get general training and presentation skills which you can apply not only during Wikipedia workshops, but also during delivering personal and professional talks.
  2. Receive detailed feedback about your presentation and training skills from professional consultants.
  3. Help design a training program that serves Wikimedia community in the long term.
  4. Share your skills with others.
  5. Meet fellow Wikimedia editors and have fun.


Dates Number of days Details
30th August to 13th September 2013

14 Days

CIS-A2K accepts applications.

13th September to 16th September 2013

3 Days

CIS-A2K evaluates the applications and shares details of selected candidates.

16th September to 23th September 2013

7 Days

CIS-A2K co-ordinates with selected candidates to finalize their travel plans, make reservations etc.

1st week of October 2013

4 Days

CIS-A2K organises Train the trainer Program.

Call for Participation


CIS-A2K is calling for applications for it's Train the Trainer Program. If you'd like to be part of this program please make sure that you meet the selection criterion and fill in the Train the Trainer Program Application Form by 13th September, 2013.

List of Participants


List of Resource Persons/Speakers

  1. Sachin Nagarajappa from Toastmasters International
  2. Viswanathan Prabhakaran
  3. Sunil Abraham from CIS
  4. Shyamal
  5. Hari Prasad Nadig
  6. Dr. U.B. Pavanaja
  7. Tinu Cherian Abraham
  8. Achal Prabhala
  9. Arjuna Rao Chavala



3rd Oct 2013, Thursday

Timing Session Topics to be covered Coordinator/Resource Person
9:00am - 10.30am Welcome & Introduction
  • Introductions (Activity Based)
  • Energiser/Activity
T. Vishnu Vardhan & Nitika Tandon
10.30am - 11.00 am Tea/Coffee Break Tea/Coffee Break Tea/Coffee Break
11.00 am – 12:30 pm Group Activity Participant Presentations T. Vishnu Vardhan
12.30pm - 1.00 pm Crisp Talk Open Source to Open Knowledge T. Vishnu Vardhan
1.00 pm – 2.00 pm Lunch Lunch Lunch
2.00 pm – 3.30 pm Presenting With Impact I
  • Effective Communication
  • Forceful Introduction
  • Organizing your speech (Opening, Body Closing)
  • Get to the point (General purpose and specific purpose)
  • Communicate clearly, accurately and vividly
  • Body Language (Stance, Movement, Gestures, Facial expression and eye contact)
  • Vocal Variety (Volume, Pitch, Rate and Quality)
Sachin Nagarajappa
3.30 pm - 4.00 pm Tea/Coffee Break Tea/Coffee Break Tea/Coffee Break
4.00 pm - 5.30 pm Crowd Sourcing Crowd Sourcing from the Future Viswanathan Prabhakaran
5.30 pm - 6.30 pm Tea/Coffee Break Tea/Coffee Break Tea/Coffee Break
6.30 pm - 8.00 pm Building resources (Optional) Translating outreach documents + Interviews T. Vishnu Vardhan & Nitika Tandon
8.00 pm - 9.00 pm Dinner Dinner Dinner

4th Oct 2013, Friday

Timing Session Topics to be covered Coordinator/Resource Person
9:00am - 10.30am Presenting With Impact II
  • Focus on presentation skills
  • Live exercise based on inputs from Day 1
  • Getting comfortable with visual aids
  • Presentation hygiene
  • Persuade the audience
  • Inspire the audience
Sachin Nagarajappa
10.30am - 11.00 am Tea/Coffee Break Tea/Coffee Break Tea/Coffee Break
11.00 am – 12:30 pm Building Virtual Communities Challenges & Opportunities in building an Indian Language Community online Hari Prasad Nadig
12.30pm - 1.00 pm Spectogram Interactive activity to critically discuss the importance of NPOV Sunil Abraham
1.00 pm – 2.00 pm Lunch Lunch Lunch
2.00 pm – 3.30 pm Group Activity Participant Presentations (Speed Geeking) Sunil Abraham
3.30 pm - 4.00 pm Tea/Coffee Break Tea/Coffee Break Tea/Coffee Break
4.00 pm - 5.30 pm Media Wiki Accessing Media Wiki Data using XML Viswanathan Prabhakaran
5.30 pm - 6.30 pm Tea/Coffee Break Tea/Coffee Break Tea/Coffee Break
6.30 pm - 8.00 pm Coaching (Optional) Personal coaching on Presentation Skills using video recordings of Presentation Sunil Abraham/T. Vishnu Vardhan
8.00 pm - 9.00 pm Dinner Dinner Dinner

5th Oct 2013, Saturday

Timing Session Topics to be covered Coordinator/Resource Person
9:00am - 10.30am Indian Language on Computers
  • Introduction to Unicode
  • Fonts and rendering
Dr. U.B. Pavanaja
10.30am - 11.00 am Tea/Coffee Break Tea/Coffee Break Tea/Coffee Break
11.00 am – 12:30 pm Leveraging mainstream & Social Media for Wikipedia How to mobilize mainstream media to cover Wikimedia success stories. Best practices of Social Media. There will be a hands on session Tinu Cherian Abraham
12.30pm - 1.00 pm Crisp Talk Essentials of Editor Engagement T. Vishnu Vardhan
1.00 pm – 2.00 pm Lunch Lunch Lunch
2.00 pm – 3.30 pm Group Activity Participant Presentations T. Vishnu Vardhan
3.30 pm - 4.00 pm Tea/Coffee Break Tea/Coffee Break Tea/Coffee Break
4.00 pm - 5.30 pm Copyright, CC and Wikimedia
  • Introduction to Copyright and Creative Commons
  • Content Donation
Achal Prabhala
5.30 pm - 6.30 pm Tea/Coffee Break Tea/Coffee Break Tea/Coffee Break
6.30 pm - 8.00 pm DIY Digitization
  • Image formats
  • Introduction and practical use of SM Tether (using Nikon dSLR) in capturing images
  • Practical demonstration of using Scan Tailor (a Free Software) in post-processing of scanned pages
Viswanathan Prabhakaran & Subhashish Panigrahi
8.00 pm - 9.00 pm Dinner Dinner Dinner

6th Oct 2013, Sunday

Timing Session Topics to be covered Coordinator/Resource Person
9:00am - 10.30am Information literacy and Internet research techniques for Wikipedia editors

Information literacy and Internet research techniques for Wikipedia editors

Shyamal L
10.30am - 11.00 am Tea/Coffee Break Tea/Coffee Break Tea/Coffee Break
11.00 am – 11:30 pm Hands-on session Searching, review, referencing, use of Zotero Shyamal L
11.30pm - 1.00 pm Wikimedia India Chapter – History, present and future Wikimedia India Chapter – History, present and future Arjuna Rao Chavala
1.00 pm – 2.00 pm Lunch Lunch Lunch
2.00 pm – 3.30 pm Wikimedia India Chapter Registration Wikimedia India Chapter Registration T. Sowmyan


  1. What is train the trainer program?
    Train the trainer is a 4 day program organised by CIS-A2K to build capacity and enable community members to conduct outreach sessions independently or with minimal support to introduce Wikipedia to prospective editors in their respective Indian languages. Participants will be trained on various aspects such as presenting with impact, engaging with the audience, significance of body language, outreach follow ups etc. Program will also include groups discussions on ideas, learnings, challenges faced during outreach sessions.
  2. When will train the trainer program run?
    Train the trainer program will take place in Bangalore for 4 continuous days in the 1st week of October 2013. Exact details of dates and venue will be communicated shortly.
  3. Who can take part in the program?
    The event is open to all Wikimedia volunteers from India who can and want to support outreach events in the coming year.
  4. How can I apply?
    Please fill in Train the Trainer Program Application Form.
  5. Who will take care of my travel and accommodation?
    CIS-A2K has a budget for Community Development and the team will be able to cover your travel and accommodation.
  6. What will be the timings each day?
    The timings of the program will be 9.00am to 7.30pm everyday with sufficient time for lunch, dinner, tea breaks and fun sessions.
  7. Where will I eat?
    Light breakfast and lunch will be provided; together with social dinner. Arrangements will also be made for tea and coffee.
  8. What is expected out of me?
  • Each selected candidate will be given some pre-work. You're expected to come with completed pre-work.
  • Take lead in translating outreach documents (including presentations, banners, FAQs, handouts) in their respective language and share it with their respective communities.
  • Post the program, organize at least 2 outreach sessions per month in your respective cities, for a minimum of 6 continuous months and share the report with the community (via mailing list, village pump, event page, etc.).
  • Post the program, take lead in organising at least 1 community meet up in your respective cities, where you would give a small talk/presentation about your experience in the Train the Trainer Program and share ideas and tips you picked from the program with your language community members.
  • Write a 1500-word report sharing your Train the Trainer Program experience with large emphasis on learnings and take-aways to be shared with all Indian communities.



For any further queries please mail at a2k@cis-india.org



This report is re-posted from Daily News and Analysis (DNA)'s blog WikipeDNA Report: Train The Trainer Programme for Wikipedians written by Subhashish Panigrahi and edited by Rohini Lakhané. Report published on DNA in CC-BY-SA 3.0..

Twenty Wikimedians from 10 cities speaking 8 languages attended the 4-day Train The Trainer (TTT) programme conducted last month by the Centre for Internet and Society's Access To Knowledge programme (CIS-A2K) at Bangalore. Twenty active Indian language Wikimedia communities spread across the world are moving ahead the bandwagon of collaborating with each other and carving their mark on the world's largest encyclopaedia and its other sister projects. Apart from editing Wikipedia articles, some Wikimedians devote their time to bringing new blood into the community and fostering it, so that the community grows. Indian language Wikimedia communities need to empower Wikimedians who would lead the outreach activities locally in their vernacular communities. The idea of the TTT programme was born out of this need.

The TTT programme kicked off on October 3 with Wikimedians from Punjab, West Bengal, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Kerala. They delivered presentations on various topics: Why the society needs Wikipedia; Wikipedia in Indian languages; How articles about diseases and other common medical science topics could be improved to help people; etc. Their presentation delivery skills were assessed by CIS-A2K's Director and Manager and they were offered individual assessment and feedback. Personal trainer Sachin Nagarajappa spent time with Wikimedians discussing mistakes that trainers do while conducting workshops and gradual improvement techniques for impactful outreach. Malayalam Wikimedian Viswanathan Prabhakaran held a session on "Crowd Sourcing from the Future" explaining various layers of crowdsourced projects.

On the next day, groups of Wikimedians were assigned the task of delivering a Wikipedia editing session to the audience as if the latter were new editors. Sachin conducted an advanced presentation skill improvement workshop based on inputs gathered from participants and the assessment of the group presentations. Veteran Wikimedian Hari Prasad Nadig shared lessons on "Challenges and Opportunities in building an Indian Language Community online". FOSS activist and CIS Executive Director Sunil Abraham conducted two sessions: "A spectrogram-based activity to simplify the criticality of Neutral Point of View" and an interactive session on offline and online outreach, "Speed Geeking". These were followed by one-on-one discussions on improving presentation skills.

Typing in Indian languages is not easy, especially with the many typing layout standards used in the public and private sectors in India. CIS-A2K's Programme Officer Dr. U.B.Pavanaja conducted a session on the Unicode standard for Indian languages, its use and fonts in different operating systems. Social media expert and Wikimedian Tinu Cherian shared the secrets of popularising Indian language Wikipedias and bringing outstanding contributors to the limelight. He also spoke about how the media played an important role in showcasing initiatives for free encyclopaedic content contribution in India, and shared tips on using the social media. CIS-A2K's Programme Director Vishnu Vardhan shared case studies of making Wikipedia workshops interesting, interactive and fun. Viswanathan and CIS-A2K's Programme Officer Subhashish Panigrahi demonstrated how to set up a handheld digital camera-based prop to easily digitise books without using a scanner.

The most vital part of Wikipedia articles is citing references. Wikimedian Shyamal Lakshminarayan demonstrated how finding sources of references and citing them on Wikipedia could be made easier using various tools. Board member of the Wikimedia Foundation and writer Achal Prabhala shared stories of documenting orally continued traditions in Kerala and South Africa for building references on Wikipedia. He also shed light on how copyright laws evolved in the context of copyright issues that Wikipedia contributors face, and on content donation on WikiSource and other platforms.

Wikimedia India's founding member and veteran Telugu Wikimedian Arjuna Rao Chavala spoke about the history and future plans of Wikimedia India.

The participants then went to M.G. Road Boulevard to see the weaving work by Gandhians, a philately exhibition on Gandhi, and spent some time with Namma Metro's staff to learn about the operations of the Metro. Dr. U.B. Pavanaja and Kannada Wikimedian Om Shivaprakash guided the Wikimedians to the office of Deccan Herald-Prajavani where they observed the newspaper production process and learnt about the use of Kannada Unicode fonts in newspaper printing. The editor and staff of Prajavani learnt about the use of the Wikimedia Commons as a free media repository. The Wikimedians left Bangalore with happy faces with the hope of cultivating more editors in their communities.

Images, Presentations and Videos


Images, Presentations and Videos are uploaded on Wikimedia Commons. If you have pictures