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| Option01
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| ArticleName
Parameter Description Default Notes
The percentage done you want to display (between 0 and 100). <none> REQUIRED
width The width of the progress bar, in pixels. 200
height The height of the progress bar, in pixels. 5
text-size If set to a non-zero value, it causes the value of the progress to be displayed over the progress bar. The font size of the text is the value of text-size. 0
as-of If set, it causes a line of text to be displayed after the progress bar. The text is "(As of <as-of>)". <none>
progress-done-colour The colour of the "done" part of the progress bar. #7fff00
progress-tbd-colour The colour of the "to be done" part of the progress bar. #ff7f50
mode intro;executive ;admin; casual; patrol; project ;engage; quality; graduate; formula; cleanup; cite; culture1; culture2; culture3; valentine; featured; crowdsource; cleo; mediatate; goth; miko; santa; sailor; bw; school; graduate