User:Taiwania Justo/Grants Sandbox for WMHC
Basic information /
[edit]Project details /
[edit]- Are you an organization, a group, or an individual? /
請問您是法人組織、未立案團體、或是個人? - Group /
未立案團體 - Please provide your name, or the name of the group or organization requesting this grant. /
請提供您的姓名,或是申請補助的組織團體名稱。 - Wikimedians in Hsinchu /
新竹維基媒體社群 - Please provide the name (or username) of the main contact for this grant request. You do not need to disclose your legal name publicly. /
請提供申請補助的主要聯絡人姓名(或用戶名)。並不需要公開揭露你的真實姓名。 - Jeffrey Shao-dian Jhang
- For groups and organizations only: Please provide the name (or username) of a second contact for this grant request. /
未立案團體或法人組織專用:請提供申請補助的第二聯絡人之姓名(或用戶名) - Yuriy
- Please link to any relevant documents, including your website if you have one. /
請提供相關文件資料的連結,如果您或申請單位有官網也歡迎列出。 - The Gathering of Wikimedians in Hsinchu /
Project details /
[edit]- Official project name /
申請案的正式名稱 - The Wikimedia Project Teaching Gatherings in Hsinchu City, Taiwan /
Manbo of Museums in Hsinchu City - Project start date /
申請案開始日期: - This is the date you begin work on your project. Please include a month, day, and year. You must include a project start date. /
這是你開始此申請案的日期,請列出你即將開始的年、月、日。 - 1 Nov 2014 /
2014年10月1日 - Project completion date /
申請案完成日期: - This is the date you finish work on your project. Please include a month, day, and year. You must include a project completion date. /
這是計畫結案的日期,請列出計畫完成的年、月、日。 - 31 Sep 2015 /
2015年9月31日 - Please describe the project in a few sentences /
請用簡短幾句敘述此申請案: - We will hold the gatherings in Hsinchu City to teach the editing rule, spirit and code of Wikimedia projects. /
Financial details /
[edit]Please request your grant in your local currency. WMF is able to grant funds in many currencies. /
- Amount and currency requested /
申請幣種與金額 - TWD$10,800 /
新台幣10,800元 - Please provide an equivalent amount in US dollars using the exchange rate provided by Oanda on the date you open this request /
請列出換算為等值的美金數額,請在你開啟這個申請案提供審核的當天使用Oanda提供的換算服務計算。 - US$370 /
Goals and measures of success /
[edit]Project goal /
[edit]Please briefly describe what will be accomplished if the project is successful. /
- Project goal /
專案目標 - 本計畫將能培養出至少1名能進行維基媒體計畫相關教學能力的志工,並能夠獨立進行維基媒體相關計畫的編輯作業。
Measures of success /
[edit]Please provide a list of measurable criteria that will be used determine how successful the project is.
You will need to report on the success of the project according to these measures after the project is completed. /
- Measures of success /
專案成功標準 - 如果能夠培養出至少1名獨立維基媒體計畫編輯者與教學者,該計畫就算成功。
Project scope and activities /
[edit]This section describes what will happen if this project is funded. Who will do what, and when? /
- List of activities /
活動列表 - 將會開始在每個月最後一週的週末舉辦聚會,並安排維基媒體計畫教學課程,讓參與者學習如何編輯維基媒體相關計畫。
Budget /
[edit]Please provide a detailed breakdown of project expenses according to the instructions here. /
Grantees are subject to line-item scrutiny of expenses. Changes to the approved budget beyond 10% in any category must be approved in advance./
- Project budget table /
Number | Category | Item description | Unit | Number of units | Cost per unit | Total cost | Currency | Notes |
1 | Ground Using Fee / 場地費用 |
The fee using the ground / 場地使用的費用 |
1 hour / 每小時 |
300 | 36 | 10,800 | TWD / 新台幣 |
/ 該地點距離新竹市主要大學較近,較能吸引本地大學生來認識維基媒體計畫;該場地每小時300元,聚會時間為每個月1次3小時,以本計畫時限則為12次,因此總共需要36小時。 |
- Total cost of project /
計畫所需費用總計 - TWD$10,800 /
- Total amount requested from the Project and Event Grants program /
請求專案補助計畫補助的費用總計 - TWD$10,800 /
- Additional sources of revenue that may fund part of this project, and amounts funded /
其他可以資助此案的收入來源、以及其贊助的金額 - None /
Non-financial requirements /
[edit]See a description of non financial assistance available. Please inform Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) of any requirements for non-financial assistance now. /
請見現有的非金錢上的支援列表。請告訴維基媒體基金會(Wikimedia Foundation, 簡稱WMF)此案是否有任何需要的非金錢上之支援需求。
- Requests for non-financial assistance /
非金錢的需求支援 - None /
Resources and Risks /
[edit]- Resources /
This section is used to highlight your potential for successfully executing this project. /
Consider including the following information/
- List of team members (names or usernames)/
團隊成員列表(姓名或是用戶名) - Onwiki evidence of community support (such as a project about this discussion)/
在維基頁面上表現出社群參與的相關證明(例如關於此專案的討論) - Endorsements from community members or movement groups/
社群成員或維基運動的團體組織的推薦或支持 - Special skills or qualifications this potential grantee or project lead brings to this project/
申請案的團隊成員有利執行此計畫的專業技能或是證照 - Evidence of past success in executing similar projects /

- We have 2 team members in this project, Liang and Reke, who are both Wikimedians that are passionate to learn with Taiwanese Wikimedia community about how to edit Wikipedia and other Wiki Projects. Both team members have also been the editors of Wikimedia Taiwan Newsletter since February this year.
- Liang have started the translation of "Editing Wikipedia: A guide to improving content on the online encyclopedia" since March this year. We have showed our draft to Wikimedia community facebook group our preliminary result and the community respond with excitements.
- Liang learned how to use Adobe InDesign to modify the original English file and adopt this into the context of Chinese Wikipedia.
- 本計劃有兩位主要成員上官以及Reke進行。兩位都熱情參與臺灣社群事務,並積極與社群成員分享維基近況。兩位從今年二月起也持續編輯每個月一次的維基會訊。
- 從今年三月起,我們把部分的草稿貼在台灣維基社群臉書上,逐步進行翻譯進度的說明、初步結果的分享。許多社群成員都感到興奮有所回應。
- 上官也因此自學了Adobe InDesign工具,以方便將原本從英文版本的原始檔修改成中文脈絡的手冊。
- Risks /
This section is used to identify key risks or threats that would prevent you from achieving your project goals and how you would mitigate those risks and threats. /
- Key risks /
主要風險- We only have 2 local communities (Taichung, and Hsinchu) other than the chapter for now, who are stably hosting events related to Wikimedia projects , so it may be difficult to have passionate local communities to use the brochures in maximum effectiveness.
- No evaluation and measurement process for whether the Chinese brochures are good teaching materials in events.
- Although we mentioned the brochures should be reused every time when there is an event, there may be some missing brochures as the time goes. Also they may deteriorate if we don't maintain the brochures carefully since the climate in Taiwan is very humid and hot.
- 目前在臺灣除了台北以外,只有台中以及新竹兩個其他在地社群維持定期舉辦社群聚會,所以有可能印出來的講義沒有辦法馬上發送給能夠有熱情持續分享的團隊。
- 過去沒有評估中文維基百科的印刷版教學手冊發送效果的評核機制。
- 儘管我們提到了宣傳冊是請當地社群每次活動後回收重複使用,但每次活動結束時可能還是會有手冊不見。同時因為台灣氣候濕熱,若是沒有維護手冊儲藏環境的話,手冊可能很容易就受潮發霉無法使用。
- Mitigating risks /
降低風險的解方- We are keep the outreach in the college students in Taiwan, and we have started a project called "Wiki Seed of Taiwan Knowledge (WSOTK)" to communicate with young generation in Taiwan and invite them to become Wikipedia Ambassador and host events in their own campus. Also, there are 4 other local community (Hualien, Tainan, Chiayi, and Kaohsiung) in Taiwan which had meet ups but not regularly as Taichung and Hsinchu do. We will encourage them to host meet ups and share the teaching material.
- Work with PEG team and other community organizations to share knowledge on measurement and evaluation.
- Designate volunteers in local communities to keep the brochures in good condition.
- 臺灣知識種子計畫期待讓五個在台北以及五個外地的校園社群有培育,養成撰寫維基計畫的習慣。另外臺灣也有四個在地社群(花蓮、台南、嘉義、以及高雄)現不定期舉辦聚會。這些都將會是我們鼓勵的種子之一。
- 針對過去沒有評核機制,我們會與專案補助計畫的工作人員以及其他社群成員合作,了解評核效果的方式。
- 我們會請在地社群成員保管好這些書籍的狀況,避免受潮。
Impact /
[edit]In the sections below, please describe how the project is related to the Wikimedia mission and Wikimedia's strategic priorities. /
Fit to strategy /
[edit]- How will this project support the key organizational objectives of /
- increasing reach (more people will access or contribute to Wikipedia or our other projects), /
提昇曝光機會(更多人將有機會參與維基百科或其他維基媒體計畫的閱讀或編寫) - participation (more people actually contributing), /
提昇參與程度(更多人將會「實際」編寫) - quality (more content, more useful content, or higher-quality content), /
改善內容品質(更多內容、更多有用的內容、或更多高品質的內容) - credibility (more trust in our projects), /
提昇可信度(更多人認同維基媒體計畫) - organizational maturity and effectiveness (how it will move you or the Wikimedia community forward), /
提昇組織能力的成熟、改善組織效能(這個計畫怎麼讓維基媒體社群進步) - or financial sustainability (how it will help you achieve more in the long run)? /
- increasing reach (more people will access or contribute to Wikipedia or our other projects), /
- This statement should address at least one of the strategic priorities listed here specifically. See Project and Event Grants program criteria for decision making. /
- The project will give event organizers a great demo tool to show physical brochures in events to help teaching Wiki culture, increase the quality of Chinese Wikipedia, credibility and organizational effectiveness of Wikimedia Taiwan. /
Benefits /
[edit]- If the project will benefit a specific online community, please tell us. /
請告訴我們是否有哪些線上社群會因為此專案受益。 - This project will directly benefit Chinese Wikipedia, as we expect to quality of outreach. /
- Please provide a brief statement about how the project is related to other work in the Wikimedia movement. For example, does the project fit into a work area such as GLAM, education, organizational development, editor retention, or outreach? /
請簡短說明此申請補助案與維基媒體運動的哪些既有的推廣計畫相關呢?比如說,此補助計畫是否有跟館聯、教育、組織發展、留住編輯、或增加曝光等計畫相關? - The project falls into the education program area since it will targeting newbies and college students to become Wikipedians /
- If successful, will the project have the potential to be replicated successfully by other individuals, groups, or organizations? Please explain how in 1–2 sentences. /
如果此申請補助案成功進行,請問你覺得這個案子是否有機會成功讓他人複製,像是有其他個人、非立案團體或法人組織申請舉辦?請簡短在1-2句中說明。 - This project has a high potential to be replicated by other groups in different language area. We will also share how we use this brochure and revising ideas. /
- Please list other benefits to the movement here. /
請列出其他能夠因為這個申請案受益的人士或組織團體。 - The organizations that are willing to promote open knowledge combined with their original programs. ( e.g. Wikimedia Taiwan is discussing with Tainan municipal hall on collaboration with teaching local citizens for expanding the articles of important tourist spots in Tainan.) /