WikiFireside Chat

WikiFireside Chat is a podcast hosted by Yop Rwang Pam and Philip Kopetzky that takes a closer look at the organisations and structures that run and support the various Wikimedia projects, including Wikipedia, Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons. Yop and Philip discuss past events, current topics, and future possibilities in the Wikiverse
As the podcast grows, so will this page on Meta. Episodes will be published at irregular intervals depending on what is going on in the organised part of the Wikiverse at any given time, but we'll try to keep it short and fun(ny)!
For feedback, opinions, potential topics you can email us at!
Available via these services...
... and on Wikimedia Commons: Category:WikiFireside Chat
[edit]Newest episodes appear at the top!
Episode 04
[edit]30th of August 2024
Yop, Philip and special guest Nikki Zeuner look back at the Wikimedia Strategy, Nikki and Yop's experiences working for two of the biggest Wikimedia organisations and what their recommendations are for the future of Wikimedia and its strategy process.
Show notes:
- WMDE analysis of international organisations
- Starting point to learn more about “Herrschaftsfreier Diskurs” and discourse ethics
Episode 03
[edit]4th of August 2024
From their respective living rooms with some background noise included, Yop and Philip look at results of the ratification vote on the Movement Charter and what the result and the reactions to the result mean for Wikimedia in general, and the strategy process specifically. Afterwards, there is a preview of Wikimania 2024 and which sessions might be of interest for those inclined to listen and work on strategic and governance-related Wikimedia topics.
Show notes:
- Movement Charter/Drafting Committee/Announcement - Results of the ratification vote
- The program of Wikimania 2024, which starts on August 7th and ends on August 10th
Episode 02
[edit]5th of July 2024
Yop and Philip look at the final version of the Movement Charter, the document that stands at the end of a process that started back in 2017 and which would give the Wikimedia global community a voice in the form of the Global Council. Philip explains the different parts of the charter and what to look out for, as well as why it's a good idea to ratify it (you can still take part in the ratification process until July 7!), and how the response by the Wikimedia Board of Trustees is not the response we required from them.
Show notes:
- CEE Hub analysis of the Movement Charter
- Summary of the Movement charter ratification process in the Signpost
Episode 01
[edit]Yop and Philip look back at the Wikimedia Summit 2024, the global gathering of the affiliate Wikimedia organisations, which took place in Berlin in April of this year. Yop attended the event and shares her impressions. Afterwards, we look at the first complete feedback by the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees on the Movement Charter. Note: This episode was recorded in early June and could only be published now. Views on the final version of the Movement Charter and what the Board of Trustees has to say on that version will follow in the next episode :-)
Show notes:
- Final outputs of the Wikimedia Summit 2024
- Statement on the previous version of the Movement charter by the Wikimedia Board of Trustees
Primer Episode
[edit]Welcome to the Primer Episode of the WikiFireside Chat with Yop and Philip! Please excuse audio glitches in the recording, we're still in the process of figuring this out, but we hope you'll enjoy the episode! :-)
This episode attempts to give you an overview of all the different parts of Wikimedia and how they fit together, and also introduce you to some of the key ideas of the 2030 Wikimedia strategy process. We will refer to this episode in future episodes in case you could use some more detailed explanations of the key components of Wikimedia!
Show notes: