Wiki For Senior Citizens Network

Wiki for Senior Citizens Network was created to encourage individuals from all over the world who are 50 years and above to contribute and participate. We are focused on bringing more senior citizens to participate in wiki activities. Senior citizens have more time to contribute as many of them are retired. They are more dedicated and, with their wealth of experience and knowledge, can make a lot of impact in the promotion of open knowledge.
The Network also provides a forum for seniors across the world to collaborate, share experiences, work together and motivate each other. It enables seniors to interact and have a purpose as many no longer have the opportunity to go out and interact with peers. Instead of being lonely, the network helps to keep seniors active while contributing to open knowledge. The Network also helps seniors to grow new international network, friendship and companion across the globe while contributing to the movement. Presently, the foundation appears to focus more on bringing in the younger generation. The Network hopes to fill this gap for the older generation.