Wikicat Technical Design/Series Entities
Series-related Wikicat datamodel entities.
A series is a "group of separate items related to one another by the fact that each item bears, in addition to its own title proper, a collective title applying to the work as a whole." (Logical Structure of the AACR I, tab. 2, p. 1). A series may be ongoing, in the case of a periodical or journal, or of finite extent in the case of a fixed number of monographs published under one series statement.
> DESC series; COLUMN TYPE DESC ---------------------------------------------------- series_id INT(8) Primary key of the entity NOT NULL super_series_id INT(8) Parent series of a sub-series. series_lang INT(8) Predominant language of the series; foreign key to the OmegaWiki table Language series_script INT(8) Predominant script of series; foreign key to OmegaWiki table Script serial_type VARCHAR2(3) Serial type. Foreign key to NOT NULL SERIAL_TYPE part_number VARCHAR2(25) Section or part number of the series in relation to its parent/super series part_name VARCHAR2(100) Section or part name for a sub-series conf_pub_flag BOOLEAN Conference publication indicator flag gov_jurisdiction VARCHAR2(3) If a government publication, the jurisdictional level of the publishing agency. Foreign key to GOVERNMENT_JURISDICTION_LEVEL group_tpage_av VARCHAR2(3) Issue grouping (volume) title page availability; foreign key to SERIES_SUPP_AV_TYPE group_index_av VARCHAR2(3) Issue grouping (volume) index availability; foreign key to SERIES_SUPP_AV_TYPE cumm_index_flag BOOLEAN Flag indicating if a cummalative index is available. series_start DATE Start date of the series series_end DATE End date of the series
Based on the 225 field of UNIMARC and 440 of MARC21.
Series Issue Schedule
[edit]Series can change their issue schedules over time, or even have distinct schedules that exist in parallel at the same time. This means that there is a 1-to-many relationship between series and series issue schedules.
> DESC series_issue_schedule; COLUMN TYPE DESC ---------------------------------------------------- iss_sched_id INT(8) Primary key of the entity NOT NULL series_id INT(8) Series for the ordering; foreign NOT NULL key to SERIES iss_sched_text VARCHAR2(200) Text representation of the issue schedule TRANSLATABLE freq_issue VARCHAR2(3) Frequency of issue. Foreign NOT NULL key to PERIODICITY_TYPE reg_issue VARCHAR2(3) Regularity of issue. Foreign key NOT NULL key to REG_ISSUE_TYPE group_name VARCHAR2(50) Name of the issue grouping- e.g. "Volume" group_period VARHAR2(3) Period of the issue grouping. Foreign key key to PERIODICITY_TYPE first_group VARCHAR2(50) Sequence/number of the first group last_group VARCHAR2(50) Sequence/number of the last group fst_grp_fst_iss VARCHAR2(50) First issue sequence/number within the first group lst_grp_lst_iss VARCHAR2(50) Last issue sequence/number within the last group fst_issue_seq VARCHAR2(50) First absolute issue sequence/number value, if it exits lst_issue_seq VARCHAR2(50) Last absolute issue sequence/number value, if it exits issue_calendar INT(8) Calendar according to which issues are released. Foreign key to CALENDAR start_date DATE Start of the issue schedule NOT NULL end_date DATE End of the issue schedule
Based on the 207 field of UNIMARC and field 362 of MAR21. Here is an example from that section of the Manual: "A daily newspaper was published from April 1, 1946 to October 10, 1972 starting with volume 1 number 1 and ending with volume 26, number 195. In addition, each issue was numbered consecutively from 1 to 6943." For such a schedule:
freq_issue = 'day' group_name = 'Volume' group_period = 'ann' (annual) first_group = '1' last_group = '26' fst_grp_fst_iss = '1' lst_grp_lst_iss = '195' fst_issue_seq = '1' lst_issue_seq = '6943'
Series Relationships
[edit]The series relationship table reflects the fact that not only do series have whole/part relationships in the case of series and their sub-series, but that series frequently merge and split over time. This is modeled by the series transactions table, and its child table, series transaction parts. The latter describes the role of each series that is part of the transaction.
> DESC series_transaction; COLUMN TYPE DESC ---------------------------------------------------- series_trxn_id INT(8) Primary key of the series transaction note VARCHAR2(100) Note on the transaction TRANSLATABLE start_date DATE NOT NULL Begin date of the transaction end_date DATE End date of the transaction
> DESC series_trxn_parts; COLUMN TYPE DESC ---------------------------------------------------- series_trxn_id INT(8) Primary key of the series transaction series_id INT(8) Id of a series in the transaction; NOT NULL foreign key to SERIES role VARCHAR2(3) Role of the series in this trxn; may be different for different series in the same transaction, especially if it is non-symmetric (e.g merge); foreign key to SERIES_TRXN_ROLE_TYPE
Example: series 1 is split into series 2, 3, and 4.