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Wikicat Technical Design/Work Entities

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Wikicat datamodel for Work-related entities.



A Work is an abstract entity, representing the commonalities between a set of largely similar intellectual or artistic creations (Expressions).

    > DESC work;
    COLUMN        TYPE          DESC
    work_id       INT(15)       Primary key of the entity
                  NOT NULL
    creation_date FUZZYDATE     Date (usually year) work was created.
    form_content  VARCHAR(3)     Form of content; foreign key to
                  NOT NULL      FORM_CONTENT_TYPE
    txt_attr_id   INT(15)       Textual work attributes extension;
                                Foreign key to WORK_TEXT_ATTRIBS
    cartgrph_attr_id INT(15)    Cartographic attributes extension;
                                Foreign key to WORK_CARTGRPH_ATTRIBS
    music_attr_id INT(15)       Musical attributes extension;
                                Foreign key to WORK_MUSIC_ATTRIBS
    sound_attr_id INT(15)       Sound recording attributes extension;
                                foreign key to WORK_SOUND_ATTRIBS
    terminates    BOOLEAN       Whether the work has a finite end
                  NOT NULL      or is intended to continue indefinitely
    other_distinguisher         Other distinguishing characteristic;
                  VARCHAR(100)  serves to differentiate works
                                with the same title from one another.
    generative_context INT(8)   Intellectual, social, historical,
                                or artistic context in which the
                                work was conceived.  Foreign key to...

Work Audience


Intersection table between WORK and AUDIENCE_TYPE; specifies the intended/appropriate audiences for a Work.

    > DESC work_audience;
    COLUMN        TYPE          DESC
    work_id       INT(15)       Foreign key to WORK
                  NOT NULL
    intended_audience           Class of user for which this
                  VARCHAR(3)    work is intended.  Foreign key
                  NOT NULL      to AUDIENCE_TYPE                                 

Work Text Attributes


Extension entity for the attributes of a Work that is primarily textual/linguistic in nature.

    > DESC work_text_attribs;
    COLUMN        TYPE          DESC
    work_txt_attr_id INT(15)    Primary key
                  NOT NULL
    literary_form VARCHAR(3)    Literary form of the work; foreign
                                key to LITERARY_FORM_TYPE
    biography_type VARCHAR(3)   Biographical material type;
                                foreign key to BIOGRAPHY_TYPE
    conference_flag BOOLEAN     Whether work is the product of a conference
    festschrift_flag BOOLEAN    Whether is the product of a festschrift

Work Specialized Textual Content


Intersection table between WORK and SPECIAL_TXT_CONTENT_TYPE; specifies the specialized textual content of a Work.

    > DESC work_spec_txt_content;
    COLUMN        TYPE          DESC
    work_id       INT(15)       Foreign key to WORK
                  NOT NULL
    spec_txt_contnt VARCHAR(3)  Specialized text content code; 
                  NOT NULL      foreign key to SPECIAL_TXT_CONTENT_TYPE

Work Cartographic Attributes


Cartographic attributes of a work.

    > DESC work_cartgrph_attribs;
    COLUMN        TYPE          DESC
    work_cartgrph_id INT(15)    Primary key
                  NOT NULL
    equinox       DATE?         Equinox for celestial cartographic items
    equinox_note  VARCHAR(100)  Note on equinox
    westmost_long COORDINATE    Westernmost longitude
    eastmost_long COORDINATE    Easternmost longitude
    northmost_lat COORDINATE    Northernmost latitude
    southmost_lat COORDINATE    Southernmost latitude
    dec_north_lmt COORDINATE    Declination northern limit
    dec_souht_lmt COORDINATE    Declination southern limit
    asc_east_lmt  COORDINATE    Right ascension eastern limit
    asc_west_lit  COORDINATE    Right ascension western limit
    coordinates_note VARCHAR(100) Note on coordinates

Work Cartographic Form


The cartographic form of a Work; intersection table between WORK and CARTGRPH_FORM_TYPE.

    > DESC work_cartgrph_form;
    COLUMN        TYPE          DESC
    work_id       INT(15)       Foreign key to WORK
                  NOT NULL
    form_material VARCHAR(3)    Form of cartographic material;
                  NOT NULL      foreign key to CARTGRPH_FORM_TYPE

Work Musical Attributes


Attributes of a work this is a musical composition.

    > DESC work_music_attribs;
    COLUMN        TYPE          DESC
    work_music_id INT(15)       Primary key
                  NOT NULL
    numeric_dsg   VARCHAR(20)   Work numeric designation
    key           VARCHAR(10)   Musical key

Work Music Form Composition


Intersection table between WORK and MUSIC_FORM_COMP_TYPE.

    > DESC work_music_form_comp;
    COLUMN        TYPE          DESC
    work_id       INT(15)       Foreign key to WORK
                  NOT NULL
    form_comp     VARCHAR(3)    Form of composition;
                  NOT NULL      foreign key to MUSIC_FORM_COMP_TYPE

Work Sound Content


Intersection table between WORK and SOUND_REC_CONTNT_TYPE.

    > DESC work_sound_content;
    COLUMN        TYPE          DESC
    work_id       INT(15)       Foreign key to WORK
                  NOT NULL
    sound_content VARCHAR(3)    Sound content; foreign key to
                  NOT NULL      SOUND_REC_CONTNT_TYPE