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Wikimedia South Africa/Board Meeting/31 March 2020

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Wikimedia ZA Board Meeting - 31 March 2020

Previous Minutes: 17 March 2020


  • Wynand
  • Ian
  • Adri
  • Coenraad
  • Deon
  • Michael
  • Rossouw
  • Douglas
  • Bobby


  • none


  1. General updates
  2. Strategy workshop (5 April)
  3. Tax issues
  4. Banner Ad for Small ZA Languages

General updates


Crazy times with a lot of updates happening atm Grant meeting on 8 April

Online editathons

Douglas had a meeting with WMDE re an online Climate Change Hackathon. Buddy-up a vetaran editor with a climate expert.
Adri attended the WMDC online editathon, very basic content covered (for first time editors), how to setup account, do basic edit, homework to do something practical on Wikipedia. About 1.5 hour in length.

"Representing African Knowledge and the African Diaspora for Wikipedia’s Global Audience" (2 April 2020)

Douglas asked to give a presentation on 2 April to Librarians - Inequality of knowledge representation on Wikipedia

Strategy workshop (5 April)

Adri To send a reminder email to the Chapter Members re time and date.
Ref the items discussed last year. Agenda to be finalised. (We've identified objectives, partners and projects) We'll be building on these
Sunday, April 5 - 10:00 - 13:00 - https://wikimediaza.zulipchat.com/ in invite

Tax issues

EMP501 filing - This is leftover from when Theresa still worked for us in 2014/15. The filing was stopped, but no one let SARS know of that fact. Seems as though BGC (accountants) dropped the ball and never followed up with SARS for us.
PAYE (R2 898.81) - Mostly penalty amounts and will be actioned to be paid, left over from past 7 years. Douglas to ask if this amount can be exempted.
Company income tax - Accountants (Derick) to confirm whether or not this needs to be paid and what the exact amount it. Also an amount accured and left over from the past 7 years.
These are legacy amounts
Link to working doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10g1Ji8EKMbGwq3uoY6YK9dFWAXZg5OX-Zk-bgCOneqA/edit?usp=sharing
Adri needs help with Translation and landing pages
Deon recommends "user:Aliwal" (from af.wikipedia) for North Sotho
Douglas to check on an outreach program that did a Language a Month (SADILAR) - https://www.sadilar.org/index.php/en/
We can also point people to the mailing list or people on the board
Contact : Juan Steyn <Juan.Steyn@nwu.ac.za> at SADiLaR to get help with translations

Documents that need signing

Between, Douglas and Bobby. Douglas send Bobby PDF versions of the documents for digital signing.
Change of address needs to be actioned - On CIPC to start (Douglas to ask Derick the bookkeeper)
Coenraad can get a proof of address letter to handover to Derick for filing

Afrocuration - COVID 19 South Africa response

Afrocuration - Moleskin foundation in colab with Constitution Hill Trust and WIkimedia ZA Project
Edit workshops - Where legal cases regarding the Struggle/Apartheid are edited/added
This workshop will now be run online. Constitution Hill Trust have an online database of schools who will be participating.
The mechanics are still being finalised, but hoping to run this in April (tbc 3+10+17 April)
Use Zoom as a video conferencing platform to run the workshops.

Afrikaans Wikipedia


Rossouw is worried about moving on the resolutions from the AGM regarding assisting af.wikipedia. Deon appoligises but states that he has been unable due to other important commitments to action the resolutions up until now. Deon states he will work on it now that he has free time during the COVID lockdown. Deon proposes three projects for the future (in all languages):

  1. List of hospitals, address & hours of operations. Also police stations. This would affect all languages
  2. Operation Fynbos: We need to add more Fynbos articles in all languages - Douglas says we should chat we Stephen Molteno (user:User:S Molteno). Also contact some Botany Groups (such as SANBI).

LIASA Conference


This was cancelled

Skills Audit


All board members to send their skills to Wynand so he can get started on the skills/knowledge

Communication and social media channels, infrastructure


From 17 March to 31 March:

  • Twitter: 1559 followers -> 1558
  • Facebook (English): 973 follows (893 likes) -> 975 (895)
  • Facebook (Afrikaans): 638 members -> 639
  • Mailing list (Afrikaans): 314 members. Suspect most are fake, aol addresses, no valid activity for years -> 314
  • Mailing list (English): 271 members -> 269
  • Instagram 155 Followers -> 156
  • Meetup: 123 members -> 123
  • Youtube: 51 subscribers -> 51
  • Zulip: 14 users -> 14