Wikimedia Tunisie/Report2017En

This is the Wikimedia TN User Group report of the year 2017
Group meetings
[edit]This meeting was a great opportunity for the major number of the Wikimedia TN user group to discuss the future of the community in Tunisia to meet in real life. As part of this meeting we have established a program for the group in Tunisia for the next year. Also the meeting included training sessions about how to apply for a grant and how to use evaluation tools, strategies workshops and a brainstorming for new ideas and projects.

A lot of decision was made as part of this meeting, especially:
- Every year, we will Organise an annual meeting of Wikimedia TN (in December or January), as part of this meeting we will evaluate our activities and we will prepare the future program and projects.
- Postponement the idea of the chapter for the next two years.
- Wikimedia TN User Group will host the next editions of WikiIndaba (2018), Wikiarabia (2019) and WikiConvention (2020)

Meeting in Tunis, October 14th
A meeting was held in Tunis (Diocesan Library) in the October 14th. Informations in details about the meeting are shared here.
Presents: Émna Mizouni, Habib Mhenni, Jamel Ben Saidaane, Sami Mlouhi, Yamen Bousrih, Zeineb Takouti and Afek Ben Chahed.
Participating in international conferences
[edit]Wikimedia Conference 2017
[edit]Mounir Touzri and Meriem Machghoul
WikiWomen Camp 2017
[edit]Émna Mizouni
WikiIndaba 2017
[edit]Attendees from Wikimedia TN User Group: Youssef Ben Hadj Yahia, Zeineb Takouti and Helmi Hamdi.
Wikiconvention francophone 2017
[edit]Meriem Machghoul, Zeineb Takouti, Sami Mlouhi, Yamen Bousrih and Habib M’henni
WikiArabia 2017
[edit]Attendees from the Wikimedia TN User Group: Afek Ben Chahed, Zeineb Takouti, Émna Mizouni and Helmi Hamdi.
WikiDataConference 2017
[edit]Attendees from Tunisia: Sami Mlouhi and Jed Ben Hmida.
WikiDiversity Conference 2017
[edit]From Tunisia, Youssef Bel Haj Yahya and Habib Mhenni.
Youssef & Habib
[edit]Assembly of the Representatives of the People
[edit]Wikimedia Tn user group has succeeded to enter to the Assembly of the Representatives of the People (the tunisian parliament) and taking pictures to the deputies and the building before publishing them under free license on wikimedia Commons.
The result is 93 photos.
The badge of Wikimedia Tn representative to the assembly
overview of the tunisian parliament
Wikimedia Tunisia at Tunisian professional sports clubs training
[edit]This project aims to photograph players and sport buildings during the training of several professional clubs and enrich the Tunisian sport database in Wikimedia Commons.
It starts with 116 photos taking during the training of Espérance sportive de Tunis (the volleyball team) by the Wikimedian Sami Mlouhi.
Salle Mohamed Zouaoui photo1
Salle Mohamed Zouaoui photo2
Salle Mohamed Zouaoui photo3
Training of the volleyball team of Espérance sportive de Tunis photo1
Training of the volleyball team of Espérance sportive de Tunis photo2
The volleyball ball
Wiki Loves
[edit]Wiki Loves Africa (WLA) is an annual contest where anyone across Africa can contribute media that is relevant to their experience to Wikimedia Commons for use on Wikipedia and other project websites of the Wikimedia Foundation. Wiki Loves Africa encourages participants to contribute media (photographs, video and audio) that illustrate the specific theme for that year. Each year the theme changes and is chosen by the community from a few universal, visually rich and culturally specific topics (for example, markets, rites of passage, festivals, public art, cuisine, natural history, urbanity, daily life, notable persons, etc).
The theme for the 2014 photo contest was Wiki Loves Africa Cuisine. In 2015 the theme focused on Wiki Loves Africa Cultural Fashion and Adornment. In 2016, the chosen theme is Music and Dance.
Presentation about Wiki Loves Africa
Wiki Loves Africa Ceremony
Wiki Loves Africa Ceremony
Wiki Loves Earth 2017
[edit]the third time Wikimedia Tunisia organize WLE after 2015 and 2016
- Images Uploaded 273
- Uploaders 25
- New Uploaders 17 17 (68%)
- Images used in the wikis 31 (13%)
- Winning photos
View of the berber village of Snad which lies at the bottom and inside the mountain Orbata in Gafsa, Tunisia
(IssamBarhoumi) -
Wiki Loves Monuments 2017
[edit] Doing...
Wiki Loves Africa 2017
[edit] Doing...
[edit]- Sunday 26 February
Initiation of the project Medinapedia in Beni Khalled, a town belongs to Nabeul governorate, situated in north-eastern Tunisia, after the success of the same project in the medina of Tunis.
This initiation includes 2 workshops:
- How to edit on wikipedia presented by Sami Mlouhi
- Presentation of the project MedinaPedia realized in Tunis presented by Brahim Bouganmi and Youssef Ben Haj Yahia
Workshop How to edit on wikipedia
Workshop Presentation of the project MedinaPedia realized in Tunis
- Saturday 25 March
As part of the International Month of the Francophone Contribution, two Wikipedia training workshops are organized at the Diocesan Library of Tunis by Zeineb Takouti, Afek Ben Chahed and Sami Mlouhi
- Sunday 23 April
Workshop with 'club Didon de Carthage' to present Wikimedia, Wikimedia TN User Group and the project MedinaPedia by Afek Ben Chahed.
- Sunday 06 May
Workshop organized in collaboration with two local associations about editing Arabic Wikipédia articls: meta page of the workshop & event and photos in facebook.
- Saturday 07 May
This workshop was organised with JCI Redeyef about Wikipédia in Arabic
Edit-a-thon at the Free Digital Festival 2017
[edit]A presentation of the Wikimedia Foundation projects and the Wikimedia TN User Group activities was included in the first Free Digital Festival held in Sousse in April. Two members from the group was present: Meriem Machghoul and Habib M’henni. A workshop of editing articles followed the presentation.
يوم ويكيبيديا العربية الثالث عشر
[edit].نظمت مجموعة ويكيميديا تونس بالاشتراك مع المكتبة الأسقفية، ورشة تحرير مقالات ويكيبيديا بهدف إثراء المحتوى التونسي على الموسوعة وذلك يوم السبت 29 جويلية 2017 على السّاعة العاشرة صباحا بالمكتبة الأسقفية
- أشرفت على تنظيم هذه التظاهرة كل من المستخدمتين
2 Workshops by Afek Ben Chahed with the help of Houssem Abida.
Our User group is preparing the third regional conference about Wikimedia projects in Africa: WikiIndaba '18.
Social media accounts
[edit]In July 31st, thanks to our member Émna Mizouni, our Twitter account was verified. We have about 3300 followers.