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Wikimedia and Libraries User Group/Meeting minutes/2019/October/16

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

Attending: Mylee, Aaron, Elena, Clifford, Ayokanmi

Apologies: Rajene, Houcemeddine, Merrilee, Orly, Simon

Not attending: Felix



WikiCite ANZ Fri 14 Feb 2020 in Melbourne - Wikimedia Australia enquired if WLUG would like to cooperate / co-brand on this program noting that Wikicite has a lot of crossover with the type of bibliographic data libraries deal with so this is very relevant to our stakeholders. To be discussed further at the next WLUG meeting. Responsibility: Mylee

Wikimania 2020 Bangkok input needed on library strand programming - It was agreed to carry this discussion over to the next meeting and to contribute ideas to the program committee. Responsibility: Mylee

Phabricator for Wikimedia and Libraries User Group project coordination and communication - Aaron has set up a Phabricator project for WLUG. We can use it immediately to track progress on projects.  A suggestion was made to add in projects and activities from previous WLUG minutes to track what has been completed and what is still underway or has been overlooked. Phabricator operates like a kanban board. Please note that Phabricator is a public facing tool. Responsibility: everyone

Librarians Love Wikipedia

An awareness raising campaign “Librarians Love Wikipedia” is under discussion. Ideas included collecting stories and case studies for the campaign via an online form.  Clifford has prepared a draft form  (on Google Forms) for consideration.  Additional input in the discussion included: Can people upload a picture to the form? How was Wikipedia impactful (for you or your library)?

WLUG steering committee will discuss the parameters of the campaign at our next meeting. A  Phabricator task for the campaign has been set up so please add your questions for scoping the campaign into it. Responsibility: everyone

Wikimedia Space presentation by Elena Lappen (WMF, Community relations)

Wikimedia Space https://space.wmflabs.org  is a new communication platform from WMF (Community Relations) for organising group communication and group work and to foster communication across the various user groups in the Wiki community. It will operate as a central place where conversations are organised, a single platform for collaboration and communication for all user groups (blog/stories + discussion). It is multilingual and people will be able to post in any language, it is governed by a code of conduct and has moderation. The blog is community facing and cross posts automatically to discuss for interaction. Blog posts can also be liked or shared across social media platforms. Discuss can be used for questions, discussion, and posts have categories and tags applied to them. Categories and tags can be used to set notifications. E.g. 1lib1ref is a tag.  A copy of Elena Lappen’s (presentation). Discussion at the next WLUG meeting to consider content to contribute to the blog.

Next meeting: 20 November 2019