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Wikimedia chapters/Reports/Wikimedia Eesti/Financial statement 2015

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This is the unofficial English translation of the Estonian original of financial statement of the year 2015 of Wikimedia Eesti. For further information You can consult Estonian original here.

General information

Beginning of fiscal year: 01.01.2015
End of fiscal year: 31.12.2015
Name: Mittetulundusühing Wikimedia Eesti (Non-profit organisation Wikimedia Eesti)
Estonian registry code: 80316310
Address: Lai 6
City: Tartu
County: Tartu
Postal code: 51005
Phone number: +372 58145381
E-mail address: wikimedia.eesti@gmail.com

Activity Report


The Aim of Activity

Non-profit organisation Wikimedia Eesti has as its aim supporting of the collection, preservation and distribution of educational, scientific, cultural and historical data available under a free license, especially in Estonian and Võro languages and making more freely licensed information available about Estonia in other languages, as well as providing support to activities and projects of international non-profit organization Wikimedia Foundation.

Main Activities of Year 2015

The main activity of Wikimedia Eesti in year 2015 was supporting the improvement of the content of Estonian Wikipedia and bringing Estonia-related media content to Wikimedia Commons through various competitions, bees and training activities. As a direct result of the activity of Wikimedia Eesti nearly 700 articles in Estonian Wikipedia were added or significantly improved and more than 1400 pictures were published in Commons under a free license. Main expenses for such activities are expenses for prizes and various administrative costs. Wikimedia Estonia does not pay directly to collaborators on Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects for their work.
A second important field of activity of Wikimedia Eesti in year 2054 was active participation on the international level of Wikimedia movement. Wikimedia Eesti organized Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2015 with 60 participants from 30 countries. In addition the seminar for Finno-Ugric Wikipedias was held in Estonia in year 2015. Wikimedia Eesti also participated actively on the international meetings of Wikimedia movement with the main cost article of traveling expenses. In year 2015 Wikimedia Eesti was presented with 3 representatives on the Wikimedia Conference in Berlin and on the biggest Wikimedia meeting Wikimania in Mexico City with 2 representatives. In addition Wikimedia Eesti was represented with one member on 2 smaller conferences in Russian federation, with one member on GLAM coordinators meeting in Paris and with one member on the meeting of EU policy group in Brussels.

Financial Sources in Year 2015

In year 2015 Wikimedia Eesti received grants from Wikimedia Foundation to carry out its programmatic activities and cover administrative costs. Since the year 2015 funding from Wikimedia Foundation is in accordance with the fiscal year of Wikimedia Eesti.
Activities related to the contract and project created in the end of year 2013 with Estonian Ministry of Education and Research were continued. Although these activities were continued throughout the tear, the contract was ended in the end of year 2015 and for activities in year 2016 a new contract will be signed.
In addition in year 2015 Wikimedia Eesti received targeted grants from Estonian Research Council for coordinating European Science Photo Competition, as well as from national Kindred Peoples' Programme for organizing Seminar for Finno-Ugric Wikipedias. Payments from Environmental Investment Center related to the environmental awareness project will be made in year 2016.
As a result in the end of fiscal year 2015 Wikimedia Eesti is in situation where financial claims exceed temporarily available financial resources, but the difference will be covered with final payment by Environmental Awareness Center and annual grant of Wikimedia Foundation.
The percentage of non-targeted funding in the financial sources of Wikimedia Eesti remains very small.

Investments in Year 2015

In year 2015 Wikimedia Eesti did not make any remarkable investments.

Important Developments in Year 2015

In year 2015 Wikimedia Eesti continued with full-time executive director and part-time assistant. At the same time important discussions were held regarding roles of the board members, which was supported by staff visit of the representatives of Wikimedia Foundation in September 2015.
Wikimedia Eesti continued its wide activity on various fields which were grouped in the annual plan in following manner: 1) work with community, 2) education program and 3) collaboration with possible partner organizations. In the end of year 2015 discussions were held to limit the extent of activity in order to increase the effectiveness of the chapter.
Wikimedia Eesti has increased collaboration with the international community and discussions with possible partners, which may have a positive effect on the future activities of the chapter. Collaboration related to education program will be continued with the Ministry of Education and Research, as well as University of Tartu.

Human resources

As of the end of the year 2015 Wikimedia Eesti has 35 members.
In year 2015 Wikimedia Eesti continued with hired employees. Executive Director has termless contract and Wikimedia Eesti will rely in the financing of this position on the funding from Wikimedia Foundation. In August 2015 a termless contract with part-time assistant was signed.
In relation to education project 5 contracts with contractors were signed. Unfortunately the project did not progress according to the plan and as a result it was halted. There were significant drawbacks also related to the environmental awareness project and as a result in place of 2 trainers only one was employed and some of the activities have been shifted to year 2016. With the funding of Estonian Research Council a position to coordinate European Science Photo Competition was created and these activities continue in the first quarter of year 2016.
Wikimedia Eesti had 4 board members in the beginning of year 2015 and so it stayed throughout the year. Also there was no clear position of chairman in the board. During the year 2015 board members did not receive neither wage nor remarkable benefits in kind.

Financial Statement


Balance Sheet


(in euros)

31.12.2015 31.12.2014 Appendice No
Current Assets
Cash and Cash Equivalents 4,772.00 32,032.00 2
Accounts receivable and deferred expenses 8,228.00 1,889.00 3
Total Current Assets 13,000.00 33,921.00
Total Assets 13,000.00 33,921.00
Liabilities and Equity
Current Liabilities
Accounts payable and deferred income 2,550.00 5,056.00 4
Targeted fees, donations, subsidies 9,986.00 25,902.00
Total Current Liabilities 12,536.00 30,958.00
Long-term Liabilities
Targeted fees, donations, subsidies 0.00 41,149.00 5
Total Liabilities 12,536.00 30,958.00
Accumulated retained earnings from previous periods 2,962.00 475.00
Retained earnings from fiscal year -2,498.00 2,488.00
Total Equity 464.00 2,963.00
Total of Liabilities and Equity 13,000.00 33,921.00

Income Statement


(in euros)

2015 2014 Appendice No
Membership fees 275.00 170.00 7
Donations and subsidies 83 457 69,981.00 8
Income from business activity 500.00 2,209.00
Total Income 84 232.00 72,360.00
Direct expenses of projects with targeted funding -52 400.00 -32,292.00 9
Various operating costs -4,964.00 -12,851.00 10
Labour costs -29,192.00 -24,703.00 11
Other expenses -178.00 -27.00
Total Expenses -86,734.00 -69,873.00
Result from Operating Activities -2,502.00 2,487.00
Other Financial Incomes and Expenses 4.00 1.00
Retained Earnings from Fiscal Year -2,498.00 2,488.00

Statement of Cash Flows


(in euros)

2015 2014 Appendice No
Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Result from operating activities -2,502.00 2,487.00
Change in accounts receivable and deferred expenses related to operating activities -6,339.00 -1,301.00
Change in accounts payable and deferred income related to operating activities -2,506.00 2,777.00
Interest received 4.00 0.00
Income from targeted fees, donations and subsidies -15,916.00 -17,759.00
Other cash flows from operating activities -1.00 0.00
Total of Cash Flows from Operating Activities -27,260.00 -13,796.00
Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Interest received 0.00 1.00
Total of Cash Flows from Investing Activities 0.00 1.00
Total of Cash Flows -27,260.00 -13,795.00
Cash and cash equivalents in the beginning of the fiscal year 32,032.00 45,827.00 2
Change in cash and cash equivalents -27,260.00 -13,795.00
Cash and Cash Equivalents in the End of the Fiscal Year 4,772.00 32,032.00 2

Statement of Changes in Equity


(in euros)

Accumulated Retained Earnings Total Equity
31.12.2013 2,987.00 2,987.00
Retained Earnings from Fiscal Year 2,488.00 2,488.00
Other Changes in Equity -2,512.00 -2,512.00
31.12.2014 2,963.00 2,963.00
Retained Earnings from Fiscal Year 2,498.00 2,498.00
Other Changes in Equity -1.00 -1.00
31.12.2015 464.00 464.00



Appendix 1 Accounting Policies


General Information

The 2015 Financial Statement has been composed on the basis of Estonian Accounting Standard. The main requirements of the Estonian Accounting Standard are presented in the Accounting Act, supplemented by the Guidelines of the Accounting Standards Board.
Any materially fixed, known, and potential liabilities are reflected in the balance.
In reflecting incomes and expenses the accrual method of accounting has been implemented. According to this principle, income and expenses will be presented as part of the reporting period they are related to, regardless of actual cash flows.
Financial statement has been composed in euros. Financial statement has been composed in the time period from the 1st February 2015 to 30th May 2015.


Cash in treasury and bank account balances are considered as cash and its equivalents in cash flow statement. Foreign exchange currency accounts are presented as of 31.12.2014 with the exchange rate of European Central Bank.

Accounts Receivable and Deferred Expenses

Accounts receivable and deferred expenses are evaluated on the basis of the accrual method of accounting.

Material and Immaterial Fixed Assets

Assets will be registered as fixed assets if their value exceeds 639 euros and 12 cents.


Income is presented on the basis of the accrual method of accounting.
Income from membership fees is presented for the period for which they are accounted for.
Received donations and subsidies (incl. assets from collections and targeted income) are accounted according to the following principles:
  1. Non-targeted donations are depicted as income at the moment their accrual is practically certain (considering, if necessary, the period they have been paid for);
  2. targeted donations and subsidies (incl. non-monetary donations and subsidies) are depicted on the basis of principles of targeted financing accounting as presented in Guide RTJ 12 (income is depicted in time periods where expenses for which the donations and subsidies have been allocated occur).

Appendix 2 Cash


(in euros)

31.12.2015 31.12.2014
Cash in Treasury 43.00 51.00
Bank Accounts 4,729.00 31,981.00
Cash Total 4,772.00 32,032.00

Appendix 3 Accounts receivable and deferred expenses

31.12.2015 In 12 monthes
Accrued income 8,228.00 8,228.00
Total accounts receivable 8,228.00 8,228.00
31.12.2014 In 12 monthes
Prepayed taxes 1.00 1.00
Accrued income 1,888.00 1,888.00
Total accounts receivable 1,889.00 1,889.00

Appendix 4 Tax Advances or Arrears


(in euros)

31.12.2015 31.12.2014
Tax Advances or Arrears
Income Tax of Business 74.00 92.00
Income Tax 444.00 1,533.00
Social Tax 867.00 2,733.00
Pension Expenses 60.00 187.00
Social Security Costs 63.00 260.00
Interest 73.00 14.00
Prepayment account 0.00 1.00
Total of Tax Advances or Arrears 1,581.00 4,819.00

Appendix 5 Accounts Payable and Deferred Income


(in euros)

31.12.2015 In 12 Months
Trade Payables 330.00 330.00
Tax Arrears 1,581.00 1,581.00
Other Payables 634.00 634.00
Deferred Income 5.00 5.00
Total of Accounts Payable and Deferred Income 2,550.00 2,550.00
31.12.2014 In 12 Months
Trade Payables 193.00 193.00
Tax Arrears 4,819.00 4,819.00
Other Payables 24.00 24.00
Deferred Income 20.00 20.00
Total of Accounts Payable and Deferred Income 5,056.00 5,056.00

Appendix 6 Targeted Fees, Donations and Subsidies


(in euros)

Gross Method

31.12.2013 Received Returned Income 31.12.2014
Targeted Financing for operating activities
Estonian Ministry of Education and Science 25,491.00 -15,236.00 10,255.00
Wikimedia Foundation 15,658.00 47,028.00 -51,446.00 11,240.00
Estonian Ministry of Social Affairs 1,700.00 -500.00 1200.00
Estonian Ministry of Culture 1,890.00 -1,195.00 695.00
Fenno-Ugria Foundation 2,000.00 -531.00 -1,469.00
Grant Reserves 2,512.00 2,512.00
Total of Targeted Financing for Operating Activities 41,149.00 55,130.00 -531.00 -69,846.00 25,902.00
Total of Targeted Fees, Donations and Subsidies 41,149.00 55,130.00 -531.00 -69,846.00 25,902.00
31.12.2014 Received Returned Income 31.12.2015
Targeted Financing for operating activities
Estonian Ministry of Education and Science 10,255.00 -4,235.00 6,020.00
Wikimedia Foundation 11,240.00 55,845.00 -67,085.00 0.00
Estonian Ministry of Social Affairs 1,200.00 -1,200.00 0.00
Estonian Ministry of Culture 695.00 200.00 -188.00 -707.00 0.00
Fenno-Ugria Foundation 2,150.00 -2,150.00
Grant Reserves 2,512.00 2,512.00
Estonian Research Agency 3,242.00 -1,788.00 1,454.00
Total of Targeted Fees, Donations and Subsidies 25,902.00 61,437.00 -1,388.00 -75,965.00 9,986.00

Appendix 7 Payments from Members


(in euros)

2015 2014
Non-Targeted Fees
Membership Fees 175.00 170.00
Donations from members 100.00 0.00
Total of Payments from Members 275.00 170.00

Appendix 8 Donations and Subsidies


(in euros)

2015 2014
Targeted Financing for Operating Activities 83,457.00 69,846.00
Non-Targeted Donations and Subsidies 0.00 135.00
Total of Donations and Subsidies 83,457.00 69,981.00

Appendix 9 Direct Expenses of Targeted Financed Projects


(in euros)

2015 2014
Secondment costs 6,449.00 0.00
Science Photo of the Year 1859.00 15.00
Wiki Loves Monuments 804.00 1,852.00
Wikimaps 2,272.00 0.00
Fenno-Ugric Seminar 5,345.00 3,123.00
Translation Bee 250.00 334.00
Expeditions 706.00 201.00
Environmental Awareness Project 5,841.00 2,150.00
Freedom of Panorama 433.00 1,200.00
Publishing of Free Culture 0.00 4,246.00
Small Projects 1,570.00 352.00
Tartupe(e)dia 0.00 935.00
Wikipedization of Research Work of Secondary School Students 4,236.00 15,236.00
Armenian collaboration 30.00 1,068.00
Gender Equality Project 0.00 600.00
Itinerant Exhibitions 0.00 572.00
University Course on Wikipedia 0.00 303.00
Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2015 20,000.00 0.00
Wikimedia CEE Springg 2015 520.00 0.00
WikiComment 990.00 0.00
Total of Direct Expenses of Targeted Financed Projects 52,400.00 32,292.00

Appendix 10 Various Activity Expenses


(in euros)

2015 2014
Rent 2,714.00 1,669.00
Various Office Expenses 880.00 785.00
Secondment Expenses 0.00 7,179.00
Training Expenses 0.00 248.00
Transport Expenses 201.00 470.00
Banking Services 155.00 74.00
IT Costs 16.00 19.00
Advertising Expenses 335.00 684.00
Bookkeeping 540.00 0.00
Motivational & Strategy Events 121.00 926.00
Other Expenses 2.00 797.00
Total of Various Activity Expenses 4,964.00 12,851.00

Appendix 11 Labour Expenses


(in euros)

2015 2014
Salary Expenses 32,464.00 31,979.00
Social Security Taxes 10.973.00 11,465.00
Total of Labour Expenses 43,437.00 43,444.00
Depicted as Direct Expenses of Targeted Financed Projects 14,245.00 18,741.00
Number of Employees Reduced to Full-time Positions 3 2

Appendix 12 Involved Parties

Number of Members by the End of Fiscal Year
31.12.2015 31.12.2014
Number of Natural Person Members 35 34

Payments and Other Benefits in Kind Calculated for the Executive and Higher Management (in Euros)
2015 2014
Calculated Payment 22,538.00 16,914.00

Appendix 13 Independent Auditor's Report


To the General Assembly of Wikimedia Estonia:

We have reviewed the annual accounts of non-profit Wikimedia Estonia, comprising: Balance sheet as of 31 December 2015, income statement, statement of changes in equity, and cash flow statement for the financial year ending on that date, as well as a summary of main accounting policies and other explanatory notes.

Responsibility of the management for financial statements

The management is responsible for ensuring that annual accounts are prepared and presented fairly and conform to Estonian Good Accounting Practice, and for any internal control the management deems necessary to ensure that the financial statements do not contain any significant misstatements, whether they be due to fraud or error.

Responsibility of the auditor

Our responsibility is to present a report of the annual accounts. The review was conducted in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (ISRE) (Estonia) 2400 (as amended) Historical financial statements review service. ISRE (Estonia) 2400 (as amended) requires us to present a report of whether we have become aware of anything that would cause us to believe that the financial statements as a whole do not, in all material respects, conform to the applicable financial reporting framework. According to this standard, we are also required to comply with relevant ethical requirements.

A review of financial statements in the sense of ISRE (Estonia) 2400 (as amended) is a limited assurance engagement. Various procedures are carried out for the review, in particular; this means making inquiries to the management and other persons within the entity (as appropriate) and analytical procedures, as well as evaluation of the evidence obtained.

Work volume required for the procedures performed during such a review is lower than is required for procedures performed according to international auditing standards. Therefore, we do not present an auditor’s opinion on those financial statements.

Basis for presenting a qualified review report

Accounting and internal control deficiencies identified in the organization during the review:
1. Business transactions are not documented and described in the accounting registers within a reasonable time after the business transaction has taken place in such a way that would guarantee timely submission of reports foreseen by the legislation (Accounting Act § 6);
2. Invoices are paid, but the signature of the person responsible, which confirms the business transaction, is missing (in § 7 (1), p. 7);
3. Invoices have not been given the relevant accounting code (AA § 7 (1), p. 8);
4. Remuneration payments have been made, but signed contracts are missing; although there is payroll, payroll documents are missing the signatures of the responsible person;
5. The signature of the person responsible is partly missing in the expenditure statements.

Qualified review report

According to the review, except for the impact of described circumstances in the paragraph concerning the basis for presenting a qualified review report, we did not become aware of anything that would cause us to believe that the financial statement does not represent in all significant aspects the financial state of the non-profit Wikimedia Estonia as of 31 December 2015 and the financial results and cash flows for the year ending on this date in conformance with the Estonian Good Accounting Practice.

Signed digitally,
Galina Fedulajev
Sworn Auditor Number 382

OÜ Pepleri Audiitorbüroo
Audit Provider's Activity Licence Number 129
Pepleri 32, 51010 Tartu
30 September 2016



Financial statement was finished on the 30th of June 2016

Correctness of the financial statement of Wikimedia Eesti (registry code 80316310) for the period 01.01.2014-31.12.2014 has been digitally verified by:

Name Role Date of Signature
Teele Vaalma Board member 30.06.2016
Sven-Erik Soosaar Board member 30.06.2016
Tanel Pern Board member 30.06.2016