Wikimedia chapters/Reports/Wikimedia Sverige/2012Q1

This is the quarterly report from Wikimedia Sverige for Q1. With the grant we recieved from Wikimedia Foundation we have entered a new exciting period in our chapter's story. In our program plan we have many exciting things to do and to help us pull that through we hired a secretary, Jakob Hammarbäck. With his help we have developed the chapter a lot and this year have started out nice. As this is the first of the quarters with heavy expansion, lot of the effort has gone into planning. During this period project managers for all parts of the program plan has been appointed and detailed project plans have been drafted and approved.
[edit]Access to technology
Activities performed
[edit]- We have started our pool of technology equipment. One working group with community members has been founded that will be responsible for the routines of the decision on what should be invested in. The board approved an initial batch of equipment that is essential to have. We have contacted one mayor retailer of electronical equipment to start a partnership with them. That could give us lower prices, education, access to their experts and a good insurance.
- The equipment has amongst other things been used to photograph bandy and to record the WikiTV during the chapters conference.
- We had one request from one volonteer to buy a bookscanner.
[edit]We wanted to order the Nikon D7000, but unfortunately, it is currently hard to purchase due to the Tsunami incident in Japan 2011. We will order camera with lenses and tripod as soon it is available.
Access to scientific journals and monographies
[edit]Activities performed
[edit]- We recieved the payment (120 000 SEK (about 18 000 USD)) from Chelha for two projects Reference literature for Wikipedia and a better Nordic cooperation which was approved last year.
[edit]Activities performed
[edit]- The first in the series of edit-a-thons was held. The theme was birds, in spirit to continue make the good articles on birds on Swedish Wikipedia even better. During the event, with 7 participants (2 beginners), 67 articles was improved and 31 images uploaded. They were all created just two weeks earlier by user Lsj (along with 8 000 others) with a bot.
[edit]- The next Edit-a-thon is being planned at the moment and we are trying to find a partner organization for that, to make it easier to find new editors.
Community driven projects
[edit]A committe of community members members was formed. It will be responsible for judging what projects that should be awarded funding. The project was announced, and the first community projects are expected to start in April. One community project started activities even before the process was finalized.
White paper about GLAM:s and copyright.
[edit]- On February 24th, Lennart Guldbrandsson along with representatives on many of the national GLAM:s had a three-hour session. The Royal Library, the National Heritage Board, the National Archive, and other major organisations were all there and participated in the very positive talks. Lennart presented the white paper, and encouraged all of them to add their thoughts and experiences to the wiki page.
[edit]- Process and award the first batch of projects which should have reports ready by end of June.
[edit]Identify deficient or missing content
[edit]Activities performed
[edit]- We announced a suggestion for a master thesis on the national listing site that could be done in cooperation with Wikimedia Sweden.
[edit]- Applications have been recieved and we are working with finding students.
[edit]- Discussions are ongoing with a potential research group.
Surveys of how Wikipedia is used and can be improved
[edit]Activities performed
[edit]- We announced a suggestion of master thesis on the national listing site that could be done in cooperation with Wikimedia Sweden.
[edit]- Applications have been received and we are working with finding students.
Content donations from 5 institutions
[edit]Activities performed
[edit]- The board decided to hire a full time project manager for all GLAM and outreach activities.
[edit]- Finish the hiring process.
- Finalize the detailed project plan.
200 aerial photos of Sweden
[edit]Activities performed
[edit]- We have a working group with responsibility for this project. We haven't got any applications or donations yet.
- A wish list for wanted objects for photography was started on Wikipedia.
- Members of the riksdag (Swedish parliament) have been contacted from both the sitting governments side and the opposition, responsible with the military issues which includes publishing of aerial photographs. We are awaiting answers.
- Some legal issues have been discovered, resulting in the requirement to use commercial license if you want to sponsor flights with private airplane.
- Negotiation with one hot air balloon flying operation, for sponsoring stand by flights.
- All work has been done by volunteers so far.
[edit]Educate teachers and GLAM employees
[edit]Project Wiki-skills. Teach teachers how to use wikis in class
[edit]Activities performed
[edit]Anna Bauer attended the kick-off meeting for the Wiki skills project in Barcelona, Spain. "We've been trying to reach a mutual understanding of the WikiSkills organization and the coming courses. Since the Kick-off, I have hired a coworker, Leonard Wallentin, and now we are arranging the coming introductory courses. I've blogged about the coming courses here: Introduction course coming up soon! (Google translation is however not too good)". Leo and Anna has primarily worked with "WP2 User needs and training opportunities" which is one of the two work packages where Wikimedia Sverige leads some tasks. In March we spent a lot of time preparing for the introductory course that all partners will teach with their respective audiences. Wikimedia Sverige introductory course is designed to provide more details about what it takes for our target audience consisting of mainly vocational teachers who already have basic knowledge of wikis to successfully use wikis as part of their teaching. Before the course we have been involved in preparing and publishing a survey for this target group (see "published" below). Also, time has been spent to write some sections of the "European state of the art report": analysis of existing wiki software, analysis of existing wiki farms, comparing wikis and other social web tools and more. Anna has also spent time to guide and provide assistance in using XWiki, one of the tools WikiSkills chosen to use internally.
- WikiSkills started – introduction course coming up soon!
- Introduction course – we are looking for wiki-pioneering teachers
- Participate in survey about wiki-use in education!
- General info on WikiSkills is available in English.
- Activity details from quarterly report for WikiSkills 2012-01-01 to 2012-04-12
Resources spent
[edit]See heading "Work hours" and "Travel hours" in "Quarterly report for WikiSkills 2012-01-01 to 2012-04-12". See also the Wikimedia Sverige budget for WikiSkills. We are exceeding budget for WP1 and WP2. The reasons for exceeding budget on WP1 is that the budget for project management was scarce and Wikimedia Sverige had no routines for hiring people etc at the time of the project start. For WP2 we are slightly exceeding budget which may be reasonable since Wikimedia Sverige has a heavy task which we are leading here. For the rest of the WP:s we expect to be on or under budget.
[edit]WP2 User needs and training opportunities, will soon be finished. Then, based on findings and experiences from WP2, we will in the next three months start with WP3 and create, edit and adapt training contents for the coming face-to-face and on-line courses. See original workplan in the budget. See also list of all WP:s below:
- WP1 Project Management
- WP2 User needs and training opportunities
- WP3 Creating, editing and adapting training contents
- WP4 Implementation of training
- WP5 Dissemination
- WP6 Exploitation of Project results
- WP7 Quality management
- WP8 Evaluation
[edit]The project leader, Anna Bauer, will take parental leave and will hence hand over more responsibility to a new coworker, Leonard Wallentin.
University (teach the teachers program)
[edit]Activities performed
[edit]- Information about the program have been published on the Swedish teachers network,
[edit]- The GLAM project manager will also be responsible for this program.
Student clubs
[edit]Activities performed
[edit]- Discussions has been started with several colleges.
Activities performed
[edit]- Information about the program has been published on the Swedish teachers network,
[edit]- In May there will be an introduction for 60 high school students going to Stockholm to learn more about Wikimedia.
Europeana Awareness
Activities performed
[edit]- Lennart Guldbrandsson and Arild Vågen attended the kick-off meeting for the Europeana Awareness project in Den Haag, The Netherlands. During the meeting, they got more information about what the project entails:
- A pan-European contest along the lines of Wiki loves monument. This contest should deal with public art and be held during the spring of 2013. Planning has started and hopefully this will be announced/discussed at Wikimania
- Six GLAM-wiki conferences in six countries in the EU: Sweden, Germany, France, Poland, the UK and the Netherlands.
- A report on collaborations between Europeana and the Wikimedia movement.
- A staff position opening was announced in March, and will be filled during April. The person that is hired will work for around 14-22 months (details to be specified soon).
[edit]- Finish the hiring process.
Make contacts with important educational institutions
[edit]Activities performed
[edit]- One university has been contacted, KTH, and after discussions the dean has approved that the teachers may use Wikibooks and Wikiversity to write their courses. However the teachers have a lot of freedom how they want to teach, witch complicates it a little bit. Right now we are working with contacting teachers to inform about the tools.
- One educational organization, folkbildningsnätet (The educational network for all the Swedish folkhögskolor), has also been contacted and they are also interested in this field and have decided to link to Wikiversity and Wikibooks as useful resources for folkhögskolor. There are also some teachers writing on Wikiversity.
[edit]- More contacts will be made with schools that we already have exisiting communicaion channels in.
[edit]- Information about the program has been published on the Swedish teachers network,
Nordic cooperation
[edit]- We started the planning of the Second Nordic Chapter meeting in Oslo on April 22nd, one day before the Wikipedia Academy. Topics will be the strategy work of the chapters, common projects and common sources of financing.
- WMNO, WMDK and WMFI have been contacted to decide on cooperating on the yearbook and a common Wikimedia track during the FSCONS conference in Gothenburg.
- We did an investigation on how WMSE could potentially participate in the Sami project of WMNO.
[edit]Our Secretary started his work 20th of February, and has spent 200 hours working at the new office. Here is a summary of the first weeks at the office.
- Established routines for the economical transactions. Members that made payments in advance will now use a documentet procedure for reimbursement. Routines for salaries and taxes are now documented for the first time.
- Jakob joined some breakfast meetings, IT-conferences and meetings with our NGO supporting employers. Some lunches with potential partners.
- We need to establish contact with more partners, donators and stakeholders. We spent some time researching and prioritizing those we need to contact now and in a nearby future. We will build a small database with all the potential partners that we can cooperate with in the future.
- At the office we will soon be three or four people working, and that means we must invest in some new technological equipment. Computers, phones, headset for Skype and monitors are ordered.
- We have established our Office near the Hornstull subway Stockholm. Now we have a real office with conference rooms and a reception. Since this is new there are lot of practical details to be answered and adressed. We now have a contract for two rooms, and four working places. Some members are visiting the office to get poster, flyers, books och other give-aways for activities they are preparing.
Activities performed
[edit]- One person was working part-time (40 hours) during January.
- Our first employee, the chapter secretary, has started his work at our office in Stockholm. Jakob Hammarbäck will work fulltime from now, with a contract until December 31, 2012. [4] From 20th of February to 31st of March he worked around 200 hours.
- Anna Bauer was working part-time during February on the Wiki skills project. We have recruited Leo Wallentin as a coworker (possibly doing some project management, too) during Anna Bauers parental time.
- We announced two more project related positions. In total we received 30+ submissions.
[edit]- In the autumn there will be a Wikipedia-day at the library in Hallunda (South of Stockholm) as a part of the librarys information technology week.
[edit]- Contact has been taken with a music school in Stockholm to discuss the possibility to let students sing or play old Swedish music to publish on Commons and be put in articles.
[edit]- During the blackout there was a lot of interest from both newspapers, television and radio on why there was a blackout and what SOPA and PIPA could mean for the future of the internet. The response was positive and there was a lot of sympathy in the media.
- An initiative from the Swedish Women's Lobby to get more women to edit Wikipedia was noticed by the national television. Wikimedia Sverige reached out to them and wil start a series of worksohp with them.