
Wikispeech Timeline
- A demo for the Text to speech is developed. You can try it out here!
- We are working to get the demo version activated as a beta version in MediaWiki, in Swedish, English and Arabic.
If you want to help us with this endeavor, sign up here!
Shorter term
- We will evaluate the beta function, and work together with you to improve potential flaws.
- We are improving the speech data collector, so that you will be able to correct mistakes.
- We are working with machine learning and AI to improve the functionality of Wikispeech for longer texts.
Longer term
- Together with you, we will work to add new languages and voices. If you want to be a part of this, sign up here!
- We will investigate, together with you, how Wikispeech and the speech data collector can be used for language revitalization and oral citations on the Wikimedia platforms.
- We will explore how Wikispeech can be used in crisis situations. For example, across the world, during the COVID-19 pandemic, many have failed to understand recommendations, regulations and laws, because they have not been able to take part of the information. Can we use Wikispeech to help avoid such situations in the future?