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Admin activity review/2017/Data

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

A (done)


anwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-08-10
last logged action: 2013-12-20

arwikiquote ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-05-08
last logged action: 2015-10-03

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2014-09-04
last logged action: 2015-10-03

astwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-10-21
last logged action: 2015-01-17

B (done)


bgwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-03-12
last logged action: 2014-05-11

bgwikiquote ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-07-26
last logged action: 2015-07-08

bjnwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-11-09
last logged action: 2014-06-20

bswikibooks ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-03-05
last logged action: 2014-04-24

bswikiquote ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-01-19
last logged action: 2013-10-27

bswiktionary ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-05-19
last logged action: 2014-02-06

D (done)


dewikibooks ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-02-13
last logged action: 2012-05-13

dewiktionary ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-09-06
last logged action: 2013-03-28
last edit: 2015-12-21
last logged action: 2015-12-17

E (done)


eewiki ( Not done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2013-08-24
last logged action: 2015-01-01

elwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-10-15
last logged action: 2015-06-09

elwikinews ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-03-02
last logged action: 2014-06-11

eowikisource ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-07-25
last logged action: 2013-10-20

eswikinews ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-05-21
last logged action: 2015-04-24
last edit: 2015-09-12
last logged action: 2015-07-07

eswikiquote ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-03-26
last logged action: 2015-03-26

euwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-11-09
last logged action: 2015-03-25

F (done)


fawiktionary ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-06-01
last logged action: 2014-10-21

fiwikibooks ( Not done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-03-21
last logged action: 2015-03-21
last edit: 2015-01-15
last logged action: 2012-11-14

fiwiktionary ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-04-17
last logged action: 2015-02-23

fywiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2014-07-10
last logged action: 2011-09-24

G (done)


gawiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-01-13
last logged action: 2013-11-25

gdwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-09-30
last logged action: 2014-10-13

H (done)


hewikibooks ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-11-10
last logged action: 2012-01-23
last edit: 2015-02-17
last logged action: 2008-03-05

hrwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-04-03
last logged action: 2015-04-03

hrwiktionary ( Not done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-08-18
last logged action: 2011-05-10
last edit: 2015-05-01
last logged action: 2015-05-01

huwikiquote ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-09-12
last logged action: 2015-04-20

I (done)


iawiki ( Not done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2014-12-01
last logged action: 2015-10-01

ilowiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-05-11
last logged action: 2007-11-05

itwikibooks ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-02-24
last logged action: 2010-10-27

itwikiquote ( Not done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-12-18
last logged action: 2013-01-22

itwiktionary ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-12-05
last logged action: 2015-12-05
last edit: 2015-01-25
last logged action: 2013-12-24

J (done)


jawikiquote ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-12-12
last logged action: 2015-12-04

jawikisource ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-02-28
last logged action: 2015-05-22

jbowiki ( Not done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-11-19
last logged action: 2015-10-03

K (done)


kaawiki ( Not done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-05-18
last logged action: 2015-03-24

kmwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-04-23
last logged action: 2015-04-25
last edit: 2015-06-10
last logged action: 2011-07-22
last edit: 2015-09-05
last logged action: 2015-09-04

knwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-04-18
last logged action: 2015-04-18

knwikiquote ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-04-11
last logged action: 2010-12-29

kowikisource ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-04-25
last logged action: 2015-04-25

kywiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-05-12
last logged action: 2015-05-12

L (done)


lawikisource ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-11-13
last logged action: 2015-03-23
last edit: 2015-01-31
last logged action: 2012-05-27
last edit: 2015-12-24
last logged action: 2015-11-05

lbwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2014-12-03
last logged action: 2015-02-08

ltwiktionary ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-01-08
last logged action: 2015-01-08
last edit: 2015-12-21
last logged action: 2014-12-01

lvwiktionary ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-08-11
last logged action: 2015-02-14

M (done)


mdfwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-08-31
last logged action: 2015-08-12

miwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-09-12
last logged action: 2006-03-04
last edit: 2015-11-14
last logged action: 2015-08-08

mlwikisource ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-05-02
last logged action: 2013-08-01
last edit: 2015-05-14
last logged action: 2013-02-25

mnwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-09-23
last logged action: 2014-05-13

N (done)


nahwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-03-12
last logged action: 2015-05-03

nnwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-04-30
last logged action: 2015-04-23
last edit: 2015-10-10
last logged action: 2013-07-13
last edit: 2015-07-07
last logged action: 2007-01-25

novwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-02-12
last logged action: 2008-11-17

nowiktionary ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-02-13
last logged action: 2012-10-04

P (done)


pamwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-08-17
last logged action: 2015-08-17

pflwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-08-15
last logged action: 2013-09-28

plwikinews ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-04-20
last logged action: 2015-04-05
last edit: 2015-04-15
last logged action: 2014-11-06
last edit: 2015-06-11
last logged action: 2014-06-30

ptwikibooks ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-12-20
last logged action: 2013-05-14
last edit: 2015-10-01
last logged action: 2014-06-18, to process on 2018-09-10

R (done)


rmwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-02-04
last logged action: 2012-10-30

ruwikiquote ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-06-13
last logged action: 2014-05-04
last edit: 2015-12-19
last logged action: 2014-02-28
last edit: 2015-10-13
last logged action: 2015-10-18
last edit: 2015-12-14
last logged action: 2010-03-11

S (done)


sawiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-12-16
last logged action: 2013-07-11

scnwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-09-11
last logged action: 2015-09-17

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-12-28
last logged action: 2015-12-27

scowiki ( Not done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-10-25
last logged action: 2015-11-01

scwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-07-22
last logged action: 2015-07-22

shwiktionary ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-10-10
last logged action: 2014-07-26
last edit: 2015-10-06
last logged action: 2013-07-19

slwikibooks ( Not done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2014-07-29
last logged action: 2015-08-04

sqwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-10-04
last logged action: 2015-10-07

sqwiktionary ( Not done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-05-11
last logged action: 2009-07-26

srwikiquote ( Not done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-10-19
last logged action: 2015-09-15

suwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-05-08
last logged action: 2014-12-21

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-08-18
last logged action: 2013-04-11

T (done)


tawiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-07-05
last logged action: 2013-10-15

tawikibooks ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-12-04
last logged action: 2014-07-27
last edit: 2015-07-15
last logged action: 2012-09-11

tawiktionary ( Not done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-10-22
last logged action: 2010-12-17

tewiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-01-06
last logged action: 2012-07-14
last edit: 2015-10-17
last logged action: 2015-06-03

tnwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-09-19
last logged action: 2008-01-15

trwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2014-09-23
last logged action: 2015-11-27
last edit: 2015-09-04
last logged action: 2011-06-06

trwiktionary ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-08-13
last logged action: 2015-08-13

U (done)


ugwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-02-25
last logged action: 2013-12-14

ukwikinews ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-09-30
last logged action: 2015-09-30

V (done)


viwiktionary ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2014-09-18
last logged action: 2015-11-30

vowiki ( Not done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-02-03
last logged action: 2012-07-08

W (done)


wowiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-03-31
last logged action: 2011-03-04

X (done)


xalwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-02-15
last logged action: 2015-02-14
last edit: 2015-02-20
last logged action: 2015-02-20

Y (done)


yiwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-10-13
last logged action: 2013-12-25

yiwiktionary ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-03-25
last logged action: 2015-03-25

Z (done)


zhwikisource ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2015-05-25
last logged action: 2012-10-03