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Wikimedia Foundation elections/Board elections/2008/hu

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Template:Board elections 2008/hu

Az Igazgatótanács 2008-as választása 2008 Június 1 és 21. között zajlik. A Wikimedia közösség tagjainak lehetősége nyílik arra, hogy egy jelöltet megválasszon a 2009 július 1.-ig tartó egy éves megbízatásra. Az Igazgatótanács a Wikimedia Alapítvány irányító szerve, egy 501(c)(3) nonprofit szervezet, amelyet az Egyesült Államokban, Florida államban jegyeztek be. A Wikimedia Alapítvány kezel és támogat számos projektet, mint például a Wikipedia és Commons.

A szavazások biztonságosan zajlanak a közérdekű szoftver szerverein. A szavazatok titkosak, azok megtekintésére kizárólag a szavazás felügyelésével megbízott személyek jogosultak. (A szavazás rendszere még nem teljesen tisztázott)

All times on this page are 00:00 (midnight) UTC.

Információk szavazóknak




Minden olyan wiki felhasználó jogosult a szavazásra, aki megfelel az alábbi követelményeknek. Mindenki csak egy szavazatra jogosult, függetlenül az accountok számától.

Szavazhat mindenki, akinek az accountja

  • nincs blokkolva,
  • nem egy bot,
  • legalább 600 leütésnyi bejegyzést bír 2008 Március 1.-e előtt azon a wikin, amelyről a szavazás történni fog. (Nem ér a más wikiken történt bejegyzéseket összeadni!)
  • legalább 50 leütésnyi bejegyzést bír 2008 Január 1. és Május 29. között.

Speciális kivételek: az alábbi esetekben lehetséges a szvazás a fenti követelmények figyelembe vétele nélkül:

  • shell access-al rendelkező Wikimedia szerver adminisztrátorok;
  • a Wikimedia Alapítvány azon fizetett alkalmazottai, akik munkaviszonya 2008 Március 1. előtt kezdődött,
  • az Igazgatótanács jelenlegi vagy korábbi tagjai.

Hogyan szavazhatsz?


Ha megfelelsz a fenti kritériumoknak:

  1. Olvasd el a pályázók prezentációit és döntsd el, kit támogatsz?
  2. Azon a wiki oldalon, ahonnan szavazni szeretnél menj a "Special:Boardvote" oldalra. Például, ha a meta.wikimedia.org/ oldalon vagy a legaktívabb, akkor lépj be a meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:Boardvote címre, és
  3. kövesd az oldalon megadott instrukciókat.

Information for candidates


Responsibilities of the Board


The Board of Trustees is generally responsible for:

  • determining mission, goals, long-term plans and high level policies of the Foundation and its projects;
  • selecting the Executive Director (who oversees day-to-day operations), and evaluating their performance;
  • ensuring the sustainability of the organization by defining a number of independent revenue sources;
  • communicating Foundation direction and activities to the community;
  • providing oversight to staff with regard to accounting, budgeting, and programs;
  • maintaining legal and ethical integrity;
  • recruiting and orienting new Board members.

Within the Board, specific positions with additional responsibilities (such as the Chair, the Executive Secretary, and the Treasurer) are defined in the Wikimedia bylaws and elected annually by and from the Board.

The responsibilities of the Board do not include:

  • interfering in day-to-day operations, except in emergencies;
  • setting project-level editorial policies;
  • resolving basic community disputes;
  • volunteering in specific areas of regular organizational work.

Responsibilities as member of the Board


Being a Board member of a small organization like the Wikimedia Foundation, which faces immense challenges, can be time-consuming. The position is voluntary and unpaid. While board members are not expected to bring personal money to the organisation, they are welcome to help raise funds.

Board members are expected to attend at least 3–4 meetings per year in person, attend Wikimania (our annual conference), and attend other scheduled online meetings and votes. The Board communicates intensively via e-mail, wiki, and IRC. Individual trustees sometimes participate in strategic meetings with other organizations and companies, relaying results back to Board and staff.

Individual board members are expected to be involved in certain activities (such as fundraising, Wikimania, or auditing) and to help draft policies, charters and resolutions on such topics.

The ideal Board of Trustees has a mix of different skills: it is composed of big picture thinkers and leaders, non-profit veterans with accounting or legal experience, fund raising experts, and public figures. It is culturally diverse, mirroring the diversity found in the Foundation's project communities. It takes corporate governance seriously while inspiring staff to strive for ambitious but realistic long-term goals.

The role of a Board member is not always the most exciting or most rewarding position imaginable. Much of their work goes unnoticed; some of it is highly confidential, and some purely administrative. On the other hand, it is a unique opportunity to make a difference in one of the most culturally significant organizations on the planet.

Because Board members owe duties by virtue of their position, candidates who currently hold paid positions with the Wikimedia Foundation must resign from those position before they can be appointed to the Board of Trustees. This is to avoid potential conflicts of interests.

Prerequisites to candidacy


To be eligible as a candidate, you must:

  • have made at least 600 edits before 01 June 2007 on any one registered account on one wiki (edits across several wikis cannot be combined); and
  • have made at least 50 edits between 01 January and 01 June 2008 on that wiki; and
  • publicly disclose your real name in your candidate presentation (because the identities of Board members are a matter of public record, it is not possible to hold a position on the Board of Trustees anonymously or under a pseudonym); and
  • be at least 18 years old and of legal age in your home country.
Special exceptions: current members of the Board of Trustees may be candidates regardless of the above requirements.

How to submit your candidacy


If you are eligible, you can submit your candidacy by doing the following:

  1. Write a brief summary of no more than 1200 characters stating what you would do if you were elected to the Board of Trustees, your relevant opinions and experience, and anything else you think is relevant. You may not use your candidate summary to link to lists of endorsements or other platform pages, and may not run on a slate with other candidates.
  2. Submit your summary between 00:00, 8 May 2008 (UTC) and 23:59, 22 May 2008 (UTC). Once you have submitted your summary, it cannot be changed except for minor corrections or translation. Any additions submitted after this deadline will be time-stamped and presented separately from the original summary, and will only be presented to voters if they get translated into all of the same languages as the original summary.
  3. Submit proof of your identity to Cary Bass (Volunteer Coordinator) before 29 May 2008. You will be privately contacted by a member of the Election Committee with further information about meeting this requirement when you list yourself as a candidate.

Candidates who fail to comply with the above requirements and deadlines will be disqualified.




  • 2008 Május 01–31.: az első fordítási szakasz; az albizottság tevékenyen koordinálja és támogatja a fordítást.
  • 2008 Május 08–22.: a jelöltek jelentkezése.
  • 2008 Május 29.: a személyazonosság igazolásának határideje (késedelmes vagy hiányzó pályázatokat kizárjuk).
  • 2008 Június 01–21.: szavazás ideje.
  • 2008 Június 22–23.: szavazatok számlálása.
  • 2008 Június 26.: eredmények közlése.



To ensure that a representative cross-section of the Wikimedia community takes part in this election, it is important to translate election notices and candidate statements into as many languages as possible. To help translate, please see the translation page.