Campaigns/Foundation Product Team/Update 2
مرحبًا بمشتركي النشرة الإخبارية لمنتجات الحملات! نحن متحمسون لمشاركة تحديثاتنا:
- طلب تعليقات: لقد شاركنا مبادئ مشروعنا والإطارات السلكية لإصدار سطح المكتب والأسئلة المفتوحة لكم حول مشروع تسجيل الفعاليات الخاص بالفريق. اطلع على آخر تحديثات الحالة هنا.
- الإطارات الشبكية هي أدوات تصميم تتخيل الواجهة المستقبلية للبرنامج. لم نقم ببناء أي شيء بعد. نحتاج إلى تعليقاتكم على هذه التصاميم حتى نتمكن من اتخاذ قرارات أفضل بشأن المنتج. يمكنك إبداء ملاحظاتك على صفحة المحادثة فيما يتعلق بتصميم وميزات الإطارات السلكية. نود أن نسمع تعليقاتكم لمساعدتنا في تحديد الخطوات الضرورية التالية للمشروع.
- Presentations: The Campaign Product team participated in WikiArabia 2021 and WikiConference North America 2021 to give a brief introduction on how the team works. Senior Program Strategist Alex Stinson gave an overview about campaigns and how we can scale the organizing experience within the Movement. Senior Product Manager Ilana Fried gave an introduction about the Product Team and the project wireframes of the first campaign software solution: the on-wiki registration tool. View the recorded presentation here.
- Team update: We have hired our first team engineer, JCarvalho and our campaign organizing fellow, IBrazal. Newsletter updates will be done by IBrazal and she will be coordinating with you! We hope to have the rest of the engineering team onboard soon! For those of who missed the last Campaign Office Hour, you may watch the recording to know more about the Campaign Product Team.
What is next?
- Testers Needed! We will be partnering with YUX, a design research agency, to learn how our team can improve the experience of Wikimedia campaign organizers and participants in Africa. For this reason, we are looking for community members who are willing to be part of the rapid testing sessions. Preferably, we want organizers and editors who have worked in an African context. If you would like to participate in testing, please email ibrazal-ctr
- Upcoming Conferences. Wiki Indaba 2021. This year, the conference will be held virtually on November 5-7, 2021 with the theme "Rethink + Reset : Visions of the future". Read more about the conference here or register to join the event. We will be presenting the registration features on Sunday November 7.
- We will also be attending Wikimedia CEE Online Meeting 2021, which will be held virtually again this year on November 5-7, 2021. We will be presenting the registration tool on November 6 as part of our communication and sharing process.
- Translation Support. We are also beginning to translate the updates on Registration. If you think your language community would benefit from updates, please translate here.
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