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GLAM School/Interviews/Susannaanas

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

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Vastaamalla näihin kysymyksiin suostut siihen, että vastauksesi julkaistaan CC0-lausumalla osoitteessa https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/GLAM_School/Interviews. Vastaukset ovat anonyymejä, ellet anna suostumustasi esittää niitä yhdessä nimesi kanssa. Kun lähetät lomakkeen, saat linkin, jonka avulla pääset muokkaamaan vastauksiasi. Näin sinun ei tarvitse täyttää koko kyselyä kerralla. Saatamme lisätä uusia kysymyksiä projektin aikana, ja ilmoitamme siitä kaikille jo vastauksensa lähettäneille.

Vastaamalla annat meille luvan säilyttää vastauksiisi liittyvää sähköpostiosoitettasi. Sitä säilytetään vain tutkimuksen ajan. Kyselyn kontaktihenkilö on is Susanna Ånäs at AvoinGLAM, susanna.anas@gmail.com, https://www.avoinglam.fi/.

Voit lukea kysymykset ja auttaa kääntämään kyselyn omalle kielellesi osoitteessa Special:Translate/GLAM School/Questions.

Sähköposti *

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Mitkä ovat päällimmäisiä ajatuksiasi vapaaehtoisten ja GLAM-ammattilaisten rohkaisemisesta tuottamaan aineistoa avoimeen ekosysteemiin ja Wikimedian alustoille?

Vastaa ystävällisesti tähän kysymykseen lyhyestikin, vaikka juttelisit meidän kanssamme erikseen.


Susanna Ånäs

Nimettömät vastaukset *

  • Minut voi yhdistää vastauksiini


Vaihtoehdot on kuvailtu sivulla https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/GLAM_School/Definitions.

  • Avoimen kulttuuriperinnön kannattaja
  • Wikimedian GLAM-toimija
  • Kulttuuriperinnön harrastaja
  • Kehittäjä tai teknologia-ammattilainen
  • Luovan työn tekijä
  • Johtaja
  • Muu:

Instituutiosi tai yhteisösi


Kuinka luonnehdit instituutiotasi tai yhteisöäsi?

Vaihtoehdot on kuvailtu sivulla https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/GLAM_School/Definitions.

  • Wikimedian jäsenyhteisö
  • Creative Commonsin jäsenyhteisö
  • Open Knowledge -yhteisö
  • OpenStreetMap -yhteisö
  • Muu kansalaisjärjestö
  • Arkisto
  • Museo tai galleria
  • Kirjasto
  • Yleisradioyhtiö tai muu mediayhtiö
  • Oppilaitos tai koulutusprojekti
  • Hallinnon organisaatio
  • Teknologiatuottaja
  • Muu yritys
  • Rekisteröimätön ryhmä
  • Rahoittaja tai säätiö
  • Muu:



Keiden kuuluisi olla mukana?


Keiden henkilöiden ja organisaatioiden kuuluisi tarjota kulttuuriperintöaineistoaan avoimeen ekosysteemiin? Miten saada heidät mukaan tai helpottaa heidän työtään? Miten tekisimme GLAM-työstä oleellisen osan kulttuuriperinnön tallettamista maailmanlaajuisesti? Lisää huomioita mistä tahansa mainituista ryhmistä. Voit jättää minkä tahansa osion väliin tai lisätä uuden tai palata täydentämään vastauksiasi myöhemmin.


Miten GLAM-ammattilaiset hyötyvät avoimeen ekosysteemiin osallistumisesta? Mitä tarpeita avoin ekosysteemi lupaa ratkaista, ja kuinka hyvin nämä tarpeet tulevat vastatuiksi? Mitä yksittäinen ammattilainen tarvitsisi, jotta voisi voimakkaammin argumentoida avoimuuden puolesta instituutiossaan? Millaista oppimista instituutio tukisi helpoiten?

Open GLAM -yhteisö

Miten eri GLAM-yhteisöt liittyvät toisiinsa, ja kuinka ne voivat tehdä enemmän yhteistyötä keskenään? Mitkä maailmanlaajuiset rakenteet ovat hyödyllisiä, ja mitkä paikalliset yhteistyöt ovat hedelmällisiä?


People in the Wikimedia movement who work with GLAM content contributions in affiliates, as volunteers, Wikimedians in Residence, developers and anyone who relates to the group.

Other Wikimedia volunteers

How to best collaborate with Wikimedia communities in each of the Wikimedia projects? How to educate and engage volunteers in GLAM issues to become empowered to form partnerships, and to collaborate on accommodating the projects to better accept the GLAM contributions.

Content communities

How could non-institutional caretakers of cultural heritage, Local communities, heritage associations, groups with archives etc. be better informed about the possibilities that the open ecosystems offers?

Technology developers

How to facilitate the path to become a technical contributor to the open ecosystem? How to create an empowered community of technical contributors and GLAM advocates that work together? How to match projects lacking technical competence with technical resources? Take yourself as an example: What could you provide, what would you need?


Researchers and students in studies and interdisciplinary programs in culture and humanities, sustainability, communications, technologies, design etc.


Other educators, such as basic education or informal learning, experts in learning.


Creative practitioners, designers, artists etc. in any field. How does Open Access to cultural heritage facilitate the work of creatives? How will creatives see open licensing as an opportunity?

Policy makers

What can policy makers do to make the case for Open Access to cultural heritage? How can they be more informed and see the benefits? How can they better contribute the discussions and interact with the wider GLAM community?

Add a missing category and explain the reasoning behind it

Deepening engagement


Describe how a person might get involved with opening cultural heritage materials in the open ecosystem.

Name the person (or persona)

It can be you, a person you know or who you imagine.

Tell the story

Think how the story goes: what makes the person get more familiar with contributing and making use the open resources, what are the first steps, what obstacles come along, and how they could be overcome. It can be you, a person you know or who you imagine. Give some background information about the person: the profession, professional experience, interests etc.

You can link to an image

Link an image that illustrates your story.

Learning resources


There is a clear need for shared learning resources. However, it is not clear how they should be structured or where they should be located.

Which kind of resources should be available?

Tell which ones you have found especially useful, or what you would like to see produced, standardized, localized and beautifully made. You can think of tutorials, videos, podcasts, blogs, websites, glossaries, bibliographies, courses, MOOCs, shared calendars etc, just to give examples.

What topics should they cover?

Which topics do you find especially important? You can think about topics ranging from ethics to technology, and everything in between.

What would a centralized learning resources hub look like?

On which platform could such a resource live? What requirements are there, for example for accessibility or translations? How about interactive resources, video, syllabi etc?

What should be created and what should be linked to?

Wheels should not be reinvented. How to make the best of what exists scattered around the internet, and what should be (re)-created for replicability? Please also list resources that you think are valuable to be shared.



What could a course or a curriculum look like for learning GLAM skills? Please make note of the participant group in your answers, whether you are thinking about volunteers vs GLAM professionals, for example.

What would a GLAM syllabus look like?

What are the subjects in a GLAM syllabus? What are the basics that everyone should understand, which diverging paths are there?

Guided learning methods

What kind of guided learning events could be useful for arranging globally or for local participants, such as courses, MOOCs or masterclasses, and for which target groups? How to make them localizable and replicable in different contexts?

Independent learning

How would such a learning experience be accommodated for independent learning? Could OER projects be used for this?


Which topics require certification or validation of skills related to Open Access to cultural heritage, and the use of the open platforms and tools? Why is qualification important in those areas? What kind of qualifications could be thought of: certificate, badges, achievement matrix...

Model projects and case studies


Let us know about your successful models for learning, teaching and advocating GLAM-related issues

You can briefly explain one or more successful models. Tell why you think the model was successful. Share also if you or someone else has produced variations of it.

Yhteiskehittämisen uusia muotoja


GLAM work has untapped potential when it is combined with different elements studying and preserving cultural heritage. Think about these crossovers and let yourself imagine something that does not yet exist.

Kuvaile joku yhdessä oppimisen uusi muoto

Think about informal spaces, mixing different participant groups and locations, switching roles, using different modalities and timeframes.

Emerging issues


The GLAM community is facing new challenges regarding open access to cultural heritage. For example, some museums are willing to monetize their collections rather than open them for reuse. Rights holders are taken by surprise when the content they released openly is being used to train AI. Indigenous communities feel oppressed when their traditional knowledge is used freely, since it is not protected by copyright.

What emerging issues would you like to highlight?

Write about one or more. If possible, give also a bit of background.

What would be meaningful ways to discuss emerging issues in the GLAM community?

What kind of community, platforms and formats would best facilitate fruitful discussions and proposing solutions to the issues?

Diversity, equity and inclusion


How should DEI be taken into account in GLAM activities and in the learning experiences?

DEI in the subject matter of GLAM contributions

How to close content gaps in GLAM materials? How to approach and engage those content communities?

DEI in GLAM practices

How to balance between opening and protecting the sensitive cultural aspects of the materials of the possibly underrepresented communities? What kind of guidelines would be needed for working with sensitive materials? How can volunteers and advocates be made aware of the cultural sensitivities, and how can they be negotiated in the everyday practices of the open projects?

DEI as part of designing learning materials

How should different abilities be taken into account in creating the learning materials. How are cultural aspects and different languages addressed?

Creating community


How can the different communities in the broader GLAM landscape come together?


Which channels are there, what are their limitations, and how to make maximum crossovers?


Which events welcome participants across sectors, where can the communities mix? How to expand the reach for participants in those events?


What other ways can you think of that encourage creating community across different barriers?



What kind of impact do GLAM projects need to convey for different stakeholders? How can this evidence be collected and communicated?


What kind of impact do GLAM projects have? What do they need to convey for different stakeholders?


What needs to be evaluated and for which purposes? How can it be communicated?