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Grants:APG/Proposals/2012-2013 round1/Wikimedia Nederland/Progress report form/Q3

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

Purpose of the report


This form is for organizations receiving Annual Plan Grants to report on their results to date. For progress reports, the time period for this report will the first 6 months of each grant (e.g. 1 January - 30 June of the current year). For impact reports, the time period for this report will be the full 12 months of this grant, including the period already reported on in the progress report (e.g. 1 January - 31 December of the current year). This form includes four sections, addressing global metrics, program stories, financial information, and compliance. Please contact APG/FDC staff if you have questions about this form, or concerns submitting it by the deadline. After submitting the form, organizations will also meet with APG staff to discuss their progress.

Global metrics overview - all programs


We are trying to understand the overall outcomes of the work being funded across our grantees' programs. Please use the table below to let us know how your programs contributed to the Global Metrics. We understand not all Global Metrics will be relevant for all programs, so feel free to put "0" where necessary. For each program include the following table and

  1. Next to each required metric, list the outcome achieved for all of your programs included in your proposal.
  2. Where necessary, explain the context behind your outcome.
  3. In addition to the Global Metrics as measures of success for your programs, there is another table format in which you may report on any OTHER relevant measures of your programs success

For more information and a sample, see Global Metrics.


Metric Achieved outcome Explanation
1. # of active editors involved
2. # of new editors
3. # of individuals involved
4. # of new images/media added to Wikimedia articles/pages
5. # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects
6. Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects

Telling your program stories - all programs


Please tell the story of each of your programs included in your proposal. This is your chance to tell your story by using any additional metrics (beyond global metrics) that are relevant to your context, beyond the global metrics above. You should be reporting against the targets you set at the beginning of the year throughout the year. We have provided a template here below for you to report against your targets, but you are welcome to include this information in another way. Also, if you decided not to do a program that was included in your proposal or added a program not in the proposal, please explain this change. More resources for storytelling are at the end of this form. Here are some ways to tell your story.

  • We encourage you to share your successes and failures and what you are learning. Please also share why are these successes, failures, or learnings are important in your context. Reference learning patterns or other documentation.
  • Make clear connections between your offline activities and online results, as applicable. For example, explain how your education program activities is leading to quality content on Wikipedia.
  • We encourage you to tell your story in different ways by using videos, sound files, images (photos and infographics, e.g.), compelling quotes, and by linking directly to work you produce. You may highlight outcomes, learning, or metrics this way.
  • We encourage you to continue using dashboards, progress bars, and scorecards that you have used to illustrate your progress in the past, and to report consistently over time.
  • You are welcome to use the table below to report on any metrics or measures relevant to your program. These may or may not include the global metrics you put in the overview section above. You can also share your progress in another way if you do not find a table like this useful.
Target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) End of year (projected or actual) Comments
Example Example Example Example Example

Revenues received during this period (6 month for progress report, 12 months for impact report)


Please use the exchange rate in your APG proposal.

Table 2 Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.

  • Please also include any in-kind contributions or resources that you have received in this revenues table. This might include donated office space, services, prizes, food, etc. If you are to provide a monetary equivalent (e.g. $500 for food from Organization X for service Y), please include it in this table. Otherwise, please highlight the contribution, as well as the name of the partner, in the notes section.
Revenue source Currency Anticipated Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Anticipated ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Explanation of variances from plan

* Provide estimates in US Dollars

Spending during this period (6 month for progress report, 12 months for impact report)


Please use the exchange rate in your APG proposal.

Table 3 Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.

(The "budgeted" amount is the total planned for the year as submitted in your proposal form or your revised plan, and the "cumulative" column refers to the total spent to date this year. The "percentage spent to date" is the ratio of the cumulative amount spent over the budgeted amount.)
Expense Currency Budgeted Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Budgeted ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Percentage spent to date Explanation of variances from plan
A B C D E F G H I J J2 K

* Provide estimates in US Dollars



Is your organization compliant with the terms outlined in the grant agreement?


As required in the grant agreement, please report any deviations from your grant proposal here. Note that, among other things, any changes must be consistent with our WMF mission, must be for charitable purposes as defined in the grant agreement, and must otherwise comply with the grant agreement.

Are you in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".

Are you in compliance with provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code (“Code”), and with relevant tax laws and regulations restricting the use of the Grant funds as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".


Once complete, please sign below with the usual four tildes.



Resources to plan for measurement


Resources for storytelling


Basic entity information


Table 1

Entity information Legal name of entity Wikimedia Nederland
Entity's fiscal year (mm/dd–mm/dd) 01/01–12/31
12 month timeframe of funds awarded (mm/dd/yy-mm/dd/yy) 01/01/13–12/31/13
Contact information (primary) Primary contact name Sandra Rientjes
Primary contact position in entity Executive Director
Primary contact username SRientjes
Primary contact email rientjes@wikimedia.nl
Contact information (secondary) Secondary contact name Paul Becherer
Secondary contact position in entity Treasurer
Secondary contact username Paul B
Secondary contact email paul@wikimedia.nl

Overview of this quarter


The purpose of this section is to provide a brief overview of this report. Please use no more than 1-2 paragraphs to address the questions outlined below. You will have an opportunity to address these questions in detail elsewhere in this report.


Revised budget and spending prognosis
We reviewed our financial targets for 2013 after completion of the Q2-report and modified them based on our experiences over the first six months. We were not raising the amount of external funds we had planned for, and therefore modified both our revenue target and our spending. Currently, we expect a revenue of € 309,231 in 2013. Our prognosis of expenditure for 2013 is € 309,828 (= 100.2%)
Original budget Revised budget after Q2 Current revenue Q1-Q3
membership 4,000 4,000 3,741
donations 6,000 6,000 3,539
FDC 269,231 269,231 269,231
Local 80,000 30,000 27,691
WMF grant WLM intenational 15,500 - -
Total € 374,231 € 309,231 € 304,202
We expect to raise €50.000 less in local funding than originally expected. WLM - international is funded directly by WMF, therefore the projected grant of €15.000 became null and void.

Original budget Revised budget prognosis Expenditure Q1-Q3
Programme 178,150 111,628 87,728
Staff 144,000 144,000 102,722
Office 25,000 20,000 15,628
Other 14,200 34,200 14,950
Total € 361,350 € 309,828 € 221,028
=76% of total
We overall cut costs. It is also our experience that many activities can be organised cheaply through the involvement of volunteers and in-kind contributions by partners. The increase in costs under ‘other’ include the development of our CRM system and website.
All costs in the tables above are in Euro.

HIGHLIGHTS: What were 1–2 important highlights of the past quarter? (These may include successes, challenges, lessons learned.)

  • Wikimania was as inspirational as always for the WMNL attendees and resulted in many new ideas and useful contacts. Next year, we want to support more community members to take part. (See Programme 5)
  • We developed our annual plan and budget for 2014 in dialogue with the community, creating as many opportunities for on-wiki or face-to-face feedback as possible. This resulted in a realistic work plan that has the support of the community. (See Programme 6)
  • Partnerships. Many organisations are keen to work with WMNL and we are approached by external parties almost on a weekly basis. The challenge for us is to focus on those initiatives that bring results and not develop a portfolio of ‘fun activities’ which will not lead to clear results for the Wikimedia projects or the Wikimedia movement. One of the lessons learned is to make it clear very early on in the discussions with potential partners what they can and cannot expect from WMNL and what we want to achieve. (See Programme 2)
  • Metrics for past events. We surveyed the participants in an editor training and editathon organised during Q2. The results were not encouraging. The response rate to the survey was only 25% (n=8). Of the respondents only one indicated that she/he had done editing since the event. We are now considering what the implications are for our future activities. Obviously, one-off events are not successful for editor recruitment (they may be for content generation). Follow-up activities will be essential to achieve better results. (See Programme 2)

WIKI-FOCUS: What Wikimedia projects was your entity focused on (e.g., Wiki Commons, French Wiktionary) this quarter?

  • NL-Wikipedia, Wikisource (see Programme 2: classics editathon), Wikimedia Commons

GROWTH: How did your entity grow over the past quarter vs. the previous quarter (e.g., Number of active editors reached/involved/added, number of articles created, number of events held, number of partipants reached through workshops)?

  • Events organised for external audience (editathon, training etc): 2
  • Participants in these events: 72
  • Community events organised: 9
  • Participants: 30 (14 individuals)
  • Articles worked on/files uploaded etc.: 5100
  • International events attended by WMNL: 4

Financial summary


The FDC requires information about how your entity received and spent money over the past year. The FDC distributes general funds, so your entity is not required to use funds exactly as outlined in the proposal. While line-item expenses will not be examined, the FDC and movement wants to understand why the entity spent money in the way it did. If variance in budgeted vs. actual is greater than 20%, please provide explanation in more detail. This helps the FDC understand the rationale behind any significant changes. Note that any changes from the Grant proposal, among other things, must be consistent with the WMF mission, must be for charitable purposes as defined in the grant agreement, must be reported to WMF, and must otherwise comply with the grant agreement. The WMF mission is "to empower and engage people around the world to collect and develop educational content under a free license or in the public domain, and to disseminate it effectively and globally."

The changes made to our original budget are described in the Overview section of this report.

Revenues for this quarter


Provide exchange rate used:

  • EUR 1 = USD 1.3

Table 2 Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.

  • Please also include any in-kind contributions or resources that you have received in this revenues table. This might include donated office space, services, prizes, food, etc. If you are to provide a monetary equivalent (e.g. $500 for food from Organization X for service Y), please include it in this table. Otherwise, please highlight the contribution, as well as the name of the partner, in the notes section.
Revenue source Currency Anticipated Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Anticipated ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Explanation of variances from plan
Membership fees euro 4,000 771 2,711 259 G 3,741 5,200 4,863
Donations euro 6,000 1,946 537 1,056 G 3,539 7,800 4,601
WMF/FDC euro 269,231 157,051 0 112,180 G 269,231 350,000 350,000
Local project financing/subsidies euro 30,000 2,100 24,391 1,200 G 27,691 39,000 35,998
WMF Grant WLM International euro 0 0 0 0 G 0 0 0
Total revenue euro 309,231 161,869 27,639 114,695 G 304,202 402,000 395,463

* Provide estimates in US Dollars

Spending during this quarter


Anticipated expenses in FDC proposal form have been revised after WMF board decision on funds dissemination.
Table 3 Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.

(The "budgeted" amount is the total planned for the year as submitted in your proposal form or your revised plan, and the "cumulative" column refers to the total spent to date this year. The "percentage spent to date" is the ratio of the cumulative amount spent over the budgeted amount.)
Expense Currency Budgeted Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Budgeted ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Percentage spent to date Explanation of variances from plan
I. COMMUNITY: supporting and mobilizing volunteers and editors euro 59,672 3,039 44,033 [1] 1,400 G 48,472 77,574 63,014 81.23
II. WORK: Substantive orientation, collaboration and activity development euro 12,863 853 196 1,514 G 2,563 16,722 3,332 19.93
III. WMNL: participation, support and brand awareness euro 9,549 5,550 2,057 1,942 G 9,549 12,413 12,413 100
IV. RESOURCES: Strong and sustainable financial position euro 1517 345 0 1172 G 1517 1973 1973 100
V. GLOBAL: International collaboration euro 12,920 202 7,433 4,885 G 12,520 16,796 16,276 96.91
VI. ORGANIZATION: board, management and support euro 15,107 249 8,999 3,859 G 13,107 19,639 17,039 86.76
Total program costs euro 111,628 10,238 62,718 14,772 G 87,728 145,117 114,046 78.59
Staff salary costs including travel [2] euro 144,000 28,308 36,993 37,421 G 102,722 187,200 133,539 71.33
Office rent and office costs euro 20,000 5,734 5,465 4,069 G 15,268 26,000 19,848 76.34
Other costs euro 14,200 2,690 5,729 6,530 G 14,950 18,460 19,434 105.28
Total administrative and other non program costs euro 178,200 36,732 48,187 48,020 G 132,940 231,660 172,822 74.60
Total costs euro 289,828 46,970 110,906 62,792 G 220,668 376,777 286,868 76.14

* Provide estimates in US Dollars

[1] This is a correction on the original amount listed in our Q2 report and relates to the costs of the Hackathon. Costs of the Hackathon exceeded the original €15.000 allocated in the WMNL budget. The additional costs were offset by contributions from WMF, WMDE, WMAT and Google. Originally, we had booked the extra costs as claims on the various donors which meant that both the costs and the contributions from other parties remained largely invisible in our Q2 report. Retrospectively, we felt it would be more transparent to state all the Hackathon costs, and list all the contributions from various parties towards these costs under "Local project financing/subsidies" in Q1 (WMAT), Q2 (Google) and Q3 (WMF and WMDE).

[2] 'Travel' in this category is limited to commuting and other domestic travel costs for staff and some volunteer domestic travel expenses. Total 'travel' costs in this category for Q1 and Q2 is EUR 5,467

Progress toward this year's goals/objectives


This section addresses the impact of the programs / initiatives* and objectives your entity has implemented over the past quarter and the progress your entity is making toward meeting this year's goals. We understand that some metrics may not be applicable in this quarterly report, so please add metrics here if they are applicable.

*In the past, the FDC has used the term 'initiative', but we are using the term 'program.'

Program 1

COMMUNITY: supporting and mobilising volunteers and editors
What are the objectives of this program? Please include metrics.

(metrics are included in parentheses)

  • To bring in new editors and new volunteers from communities/backgrounds relevant to WP and Wikimedia Nederland (number of participants in events that go on to become active in WP or Wikimedia Nederland activities)
  • To provide editors and volunteers with facilities that will improve quality of their work, including funding for projects/activities (number and significance of edits and reports on activities)
  • To create community spirit and ensure smooth communications within Wikimedia Nederland

Progress against these objectives (include metrics and # of volunteers/staff involved)?
  • 30 people attended community events
  • number of staff involved: 2. Number of volunteers involved: 17.

Activities conducted.
  • Wikipedia Café. WMNL is reviving an old tradition: the Wikipedia Café, an informal pub meeting of Wikipedians living in a specific area. On July 2 a Wikipedia Café was held in The Hague, with eleven wikipedians attending. There was a Wikipedia Café in Amsterdam on September 6. Four community members attended.
  • Our two-weekly Wiki-Saturdays remain successful: on a Wiki-Saturday the WMNL office is open for members of the community as a venue for meetings, a quiet place to work on projects or just to have a coffee and a chat with fellow Wikimedians. In Q3, the office was open seven times, drawing in total 30 visitors (14 unique inidviduals) working on our annual conference, wiki loves monuments and the annual work plan 2014.
  • Preparations for the Wikimedia Nederland Conference (November 2, Utrecht) are in full swing. WMF chair of the Board Jan Bart de Vreede has agreed to give the keynote speech. See for conference programme: http://www.wikimediaconferentie.nl/

What worked and what did not?
  • The Wikipedia Cafés need more time to become established. So far, we are not drawing many new faces even though we are making an effort to announce the Cafés well in advance via De Kroeg (Village Pump) and other channels.

Any additional details:

Program 2

WORK: content, collaboration and activity development
What are the objectives of this program? Please include metrics.

(Metrics are included within parentheses.)

  • To establish operational cooperation with at least five organizations in the GLAM sector (number of cooperation agreements)
  • To arrange the donation of at least 2 image collections under free license (number of donation agreements, data upload)
  • To involve number of active volunteers in producing free knowledge/GLAM work (number of new volunteers recruited from participants)
  • To increase the number of images of national/local monuments available on Commons (number of images of monuments uploaded and number of new volunteers compared to previous years)
  • To develop insight in quality and coverage of NL WP a basis for editor recruitment (research data)
  • To increase awareness of Wikipedia as a reliable encyclopedia and a volunteer project (number of people who know basic facts about WP)

Progress against these objectives (include metrics and # of volunteers/staff involved)?
  • 32 people took part in editathons
  • 12 + articles were created or edited during editathons
  • recruitment of 2 Wikipedians in Residence started
  • 7100 images uploaded in WLM
  • Number of staff involved :4. Number of volunteers: 15.

Activities conducted.
  • Edit-a-thon Classics. As part of a Summer School organised by the departments of Classical Studies of the Amsterdam Universities, WMNL organised an editathon focussing on translation of Latin inscriptions of monumental graves. Seven participants produced Wikipedia articles and added information to Wikisource.
  • Wikipedians in Residence. 12 Dutch scientific libraries joined forces to hire 2 Wikipedians in Residence who will support them for a year, starting in October 2013. Projectinformation is available in Dutch. The Tropenmuseum is looking for the fourth Dutch Wikipedian in Residence for their project about expeditions.
  • Wiki loves libraries. We want to revitalise the project Wiki Loves Bieb (library). A first brainstorm with BiSC, the service bureau for libraries in the province of Utrecht, took place in September. The libraries at this point have a preference to focus on primary school children, by including Wikpedia in media-literacy training. Although this is relevant as such, we are wondering to what extent it would contribute to WMNL’s main goals and are considering alternative cooperation activities.
  • Wiki Loves Monuments. September was Wiki Loves Monuments month. There were photo safaris (Wiki Takes ...) in Groningen and Nijmegen and a special focus on the city of The Hague, where we organised a photography workshop and an editathon.The Hague. One of our volunteers arranged a special tour of nl:Kasteel de Haar (near Utrecht) so that photographs could be taken inside the castle. In total 36 people took part in the various Wiki Takes, of which at least 12 had never participated in a WMNL event before. In total, 7100 images were uploaded during WLM, this is a considerable result but a slight drop compared to last year and a considerable drop compared to earlier years when upto 12,000 images were uploaded.
  • World War II. A group of active community members has decided to focus on World War II. We cooperated with the National Committee for the Commemoration of World War II earlier this year in a small pilot project to gather photographs of war monuments for Wikimedia Commons. We are looking to expand this cooperation.
  • WMNL cooperated with the conservation NGO ECNC in developing a photo competition among its network of 43 affiliated organisations on the theme of ‘man and nature’. Photographs submitted for the competition will be uploaded on Wikimedia Commons during October. Volunteers of Wikimedia Nederland supported the ECNC photo competition by setting up the upload wizard. Because of the topic (man and nature) this was a good test for Wiki Loves Earth, which is included in our 2014 workplan, and a novel way of generating content for Wikimedia Commons.
  • Fashion editathon Antwerpen. The MoMu fashion museum hosted an Europeana Fashion Edit-a-thon in Antwerp. Around 25 participants worked on articles and a special tour through the museum was given.
  • Creative Commons Conference. Wikimedia Nederland attended the celebration of 10 years of Creative Commons in the Netherlands on 25/9. The future of the licenses and their use was being discussed at the event.

What worked
  • all the elements are now in place to successfully develop activities around the theme of WWII: a motivated group of volunteers, an external partner (National Commemoration Committee) and there will be a Wikipedian in Residence at the NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies next year.
and what did not?
  • it is too soon to say the cooperation with the public libraries will not work out, but at this stage their interests/priorities are not yet aligned with ours.
  • While preparing the Q3 report we surveyed the participants in two events we held earlier in the year:
April 15: Museum of Ethology - editor training
May 13: Fashion Editathon.
We were able to contact 38 participants out of the original 52. Out of those 8 responded (21%)
Of those 8, only 1 had done some editing after the event. The others gave several reasons for not continuing to edit: complicated software, edits were reverted, lack of time.
We are still digesting these results and considering what they mean for our future activities. The obvious conclusion is that one-off events are not successful at creating new editors (they are better at generating new content as we experienced a year ago with the Teylers Challenge). Possibly, follow-up activities could improve results: stay in touch with the participants, invite them to informal editing sessions at the WMNL office when experienced Wikipedians will be on hand to help them, link them to mentors/buddies, support editing groups working together on a particular theme (possibly hosted by one of our GLAM partners with knowledge/information on the topic....).

Any additional details:

Program 3

WMNL: participation and support
What are the objectives of this program? Please include metrics.

(Metrics are included within parentheses.)

  • To increase the number of members of Wikimedia Nederland and retain current members (development of member numbers as of start of activities)
  • To strengthen public awareness of the Wikimedia movement and its mission (number of people aware of the Wikimedia mission)

Progress against these objectives (include metrics and # of volunteers/staff involved)?
  • members +5
  • 2 interviews given
  • Number of staff involved 4. Number of volunteers 4.

Activities conducted.
  • Press and Media. Board Member Hans Muller was interviewed about Wikipedia on the regional radio station Radio Gelderland. Director Sandra Rientjes was interviewed for BNR newsradio. A full list of all media attention can be found here
  • Design of new website presented. The design of the new WMNL website was presented. Official launch will be in November
  • Newsletter. Because of the summer holiday, only one issue of the Newsletter was produced.

What worked and what did not?

Any additional details:

Program 4

What are the objectives of this program? Please include metrics.

(Metrics are included within parentheses.)

  • To obtain official certification as a fundraising charity - making it easier to obtain external funding and to ensure good governance (Extent to which Wikimedia Nederland meets certification criteria)
  • To obtain €80.000 funding from external sources for Wikimedia Nederland mission and activities (Amount of external funding obtained during 2013)
  • To increase the amount of funding from private donations to Wikimedia Nederland and establish a base of loyal donors (Amount of funding obtained through private donations in 2013 as compared to 2012)

Progress against these objectives (include metrics and # of volunteers/staff involved)?
  • € 1.056 received in donations

Activities conducted.
  • WMNL submitted its application for FDC funding in time of the October 1 deadline. We are requesting € 323,000 in FDC funding, a 20% increase on the 2013 FDC allocation, on a total budget of € 356,068
  • After completing the Q2 report, we reviewed our financial targets especially in the light of the disappointing results in raising external funds.
  • We were approached by a private grant making foundation who are interested in supporting our work. We are planning to submit a proposal for their November 1 deadline.

What worked and what did not?
  • generating external funding remains problematic, although we are exploring some options which we hope we will produce results this year.

Any additional details:

Program 5

GLOBAL: International collaboration
What are the objectives of this program? Please include metrics.

Metrics are included within parentheses.)

  • To play an active and constructive role in the global movement (Attendance of/participation by Wikimedia Nederland representatives in international activities)
  • To contribute to the further international development of Wiki Loves Monuments (Number of images of monuments uploaded internationally)

Progress against these objectives (include metrics and # of volunteers/staff involved)?
  • 4 international meetings attended reports by WMNL participants.
  • fiscal sponsorship agreement Wiki Loves Monuments International signed
  • 5 international visitors
  • 10 volunteers, 2 staff involved

Activities conducted.
  • WCA. WCA Council Member Ziko van Dijk took part in the WCA phone conference on June 25 and contacted the WCA Council chair several times with regard to the preparation of Wikimania.
  • Neighboring countries. Ziko van Dijk visited the Musketier-Treffen in Duisburg,, the Wikiversity / education program meeting in Limburg an der Lahn, and the Wikipedia-Stammtisch in Bochum (all in Germany)
  • Visit WMNO Board Member. Knut Hjelleset, boardmember of WMNO, used his vacation in the Netherlands to visit WMNL. He spoke with director Sandra Rientjes and Glam Coordinator Sebastiaan ter Burg.
  • Visit WMF staff. Three WMF staffmembers visited the WMNL office in early July. Anasuya Sengupta, Garfield Byrd and Katy Love met with staff and several board members (including the chair and the treasurer) to discuss a wide range of matters concerning programming, finances, community involvement and plans for the future. A meeting with the WMNL community was also part of their visit.
  • Wikimania. Board members Ziko van Dijk and Ad Huikeshoven, volunteer user:Veertje and Executive Director Sandra Rientjes participated in August in the Hong Kong Wikimania. Reports of their stay can be found on the WMNL-wiki.
  • Wiki Loves Monuments International: WMNL is acting as fiscal sponsor to the Wiki Loves Monuments International team, taking care of accounting and payments.
  • Kira Kraemer (WMDE) visited the WMNL offices as part of the Chapters Dialogue programme. She interviewed representatives of board, community and staff.

What worked and what did not?
  • the visit of WMF staff to our office helped create more understanding for each others position. For WMNL it was definitely beneficial to have this knowledgeable and sympathetic review of our internal processes and programming.

Any additional details:

Program 6

ORGANISATION: board, management and support
What are the objectives of this program? Please include metrics.

(Metrics are included within parentheses.)

  • To continue and complete the process of professionalization started in 2011 (report of auditor and certification body on internal processes)
  • To ensure that the Board fully and effectively meets its obligations concerning good governance

Progress against these objectives (include metrics and # of volunteers/staff involved)?
  • The board met three times in Q3, including a two-day retreat (August 25-26) to work on plans for 2014.
  • Annual plan and budget 2014 were approved
  • The FDC application was submitted in time
  • Number of volunteers involved: 20, staff 2.

Activities conducted.
  • Annual plan and budget 2014. This year, WMNL made an extra effort to actively involve the community in the drafting of our annual plan and budget. On 27 July and 31 August the Board organised brainstorming sessions to discuss drafts. Suggestions and comments could also be put forward via the WMNL wiki.
  • The Algemene Ledenvergadering (General Assembly) took place on September 21 (the second in 2013). Main points on the agenda were the Annual Workplan and Budget 2014. Both were approved by the members. Several members volunteered to comment on WMNL’s FDC application, especially concerning the quantative targets set.

What worked and what did not?
  • making an extra effort to involve the community in drafting the annual plan and budget resulted in a better plan, that could count on support during the General Assembly

Any additional details:

Lessons learned


Lessons from this quarter


A key objective of the funding is to enable the movement as a whole to understand how to achieve shared goals better and faster. An important way of doing this is to identify lessons learned from entities who receive funds, and to share these lessons across the movement. The purpose of this section is to elicit some of these insights, which will be shared throughout the movement. Please answer the following questions in 1–2 paragraphs each.

What were your major accomplishments in the past quarter, and how did you help to achieve movement goals?

  • Now in its 4th year, Wiki Loves Monuments continues to energise volunteers and generate mass-contributions to Wikimedia Commons (5069 images were uploaded in September). This is a testimony to the strength of the idea and the dedication of the organisers. Our challenge now is to come up with a new idea that is equally (or even more) successful.
  • We developed our annual plan 2014 in dialogue with our community, which resulted in a realistic plan which got the support of the Membership.

What were your major setbacks in the past quarter (e.g., programs that were not successful)?

  • As such, there were no major setback during Q3.

What factors (organizational, environmental) enabled your success?

What unanticipated challenges did you encounter and how did this affect what you were able to accomplish?

What changes might you make in executing your initiatives into the next quarter?

  • The results of the survey among participants in events organised during Q1 and Q2 will force us to rethink how we deal with activities aimed at editor recruitment and retention.

Additional information


Provide any other relevant information that may be helpful or relevant for the FDC (e.g., links to any media coverage, blog posts, more detailed reports, more detailed financial information).



Is your organization compliant with the terms outlined in the grant agreement?


As required in the grant agreement, please report any deviations from your grant proposal here. Note that, among other things, any changes must be consistent with our WMF mission, must be for charitable purposes as defined in the grant agreement, and must otherwise comply with the grant agreement.

Are you in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No". YES

Are you in compliance with provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code (“Code”), and with relevant tax laws and regulations restricting the use of the Grant funds as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No". YES


Once complete, please sign below with the usual four tildes.