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Grants:IEG/Wikimaps Atlas/Finances

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Below is your approved budget. Please use this table to keep track of actual funds spent for each line item and list the difference from the approved budget at the end of the grant period.

Expense Approved amount Actual funds spent Difference
Project leadership (research, design, development, community organizing, etc) $8200 $8200 0
Transport $1000 $1497 567,02€+495,32€+60€+60€+9.40€*4 = 1219.94€ (~1497.02497US)
  • Paris-NewDelhi-Paris 1 : 567,02€
  • Paris-NewDelhi-Paris 2 : 495,32€
    • Visa : 60€*2
    • Paris-CDG airport : 9.40€*4
    • NewDelhi Airport-Dharamsala : not reported.
Books $500 (books + book postal fees) $600
  • Thinking with Type, 2nd revised and expanded edition: A Critical Guide for Designers Rs 1260
  • Information Visualization: Perception for Design (Interactive Technologies) Rs 3710
  • Design by Nature: Using Universal Forms and Principles in Design Rs 1902

Total: Rs 6872 ~ USD 111

  • Brewer, Cynthia A. (2005), Designing Better Maps: A Guide for GIS Users, ESRI, p. 220, ISBN 978-1589480896 (21,53€ ~26,4$)
Consultants (map and tech freelancers) $2800 $2800 0
Total $12500 $12997

Transfer fees

  • Yug (fr 2015): f(x) = 15€ + 0.0005x.
    Rate feed 0.0005x have a minimal value of 15.70€
  • Planemad (in): 9USD


First installment, 60% = 7500 US$
  • Arun's: 60% of 326,419 INR, or 195851 INR
  • Hugo's: 60% of 4549 EUR, or 2729 EUR

Second & final installment, 40% = 5000+497 US$ (budget change => approved)
  • Arun's: 40%
  • Hugo's: 40%

Note (US$):

  • 1497U$ are to refund Hugo's transportation cost, which he advanced.
  • 600$ book budget such as :
    • 489US$ are to refund Hugo's book spending, which he advanced.
    • 111US$ are to refund Arun's book spending, which he advanced.

It leaves (US$):

  • 5497 - 1497 - 600 : 3400$ to split equaly, or 1700US$

Due (US$):

  • Arun: 1700 (salary) + 111 (books) = 1811$ due.
  • Hugo: 1700 (salary) + 1497 (transports) + 489 (books)= 3686$ due.

Final with bank fees :

  • Arun: 1811 + 9 = 1820 US$
  • Hugo: 3686$ + 15€ + 15.70€ = ..... US$ (depending on exchange rate)

Request changes


We understand that sometimes plans change. Please use this section to request approval for changes to your grant’s budget while your project is in progress. Any variation of 20% or more to any line item in your budget must be approved by staff here before you make the change (for projects with budgets of $15,000 or more, the accepted variance is 10%).

Budget change request

  • Transports: 1000 to 1497$ (+497)
  • Consultants (map and tech freelancers): amount unchanged, recipient changed. See rational.



The project initially planed 1 to 2 single round trip France<->India at 500US$ each. As a 2nd round-trip was eventually needed & confirmed, the initial transports budget estimate of 1000$ became too low compare to the 1497$ spending made by Hugo.

Consultants (map and tech freelancers)

As the project unfolded and we got more understanding of our technological ecosystem, we eventually push forward and took these target tasks on ourselves. We thus saved money, saved us from out-sourcing management time while doing exactly what we expected, to the cost of more code to do ourself and slower project delivery.

Hi, Yug and Planemad. I'm approving this entire request, including the additional $497 for travel, which is within range of expected international travel costs for WMF. The new total approved budget is $12997. Best wishes, Siko (WMF) (talk) 18:12, 5 January 2015 (UTC)