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Grants:PEG/Cascadia Wikimedians User Group/4Q 2015 and CY2016 grant/Final report

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Report accepted
This report for a Project and Event grant approved in FY 8 August 2017 has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.
  • You may still comment on this report on its discussion page, or visit the discussion page to read the discussion about this report.
  • You are welcome to Email grants at wikimedia dot org at any time if you have questions or concerns about this report.

Project status

Did you comply with the requirements specified by WMF in the grant agreement?
Mostly. Noncompliance occurred on the subjects below:
  1. This report is being submitted after 60 days after the end of the grant term.
  2. Corresponding with (1), unexpended funds have been held after 60 days after the end of the grant term, although these funds have not been expended for any purpose and we are ready to return the funds to WMF as soon as agreement is reached on the financial reporting of this grant, and we are anticipating no significant variations from the financial information that we have provided here.
  3. In regards to https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Resolution:Organizational_best_practices, reports were published less frequently than once every 180 days, although public communications with brief status updates and activity announcements were made frequently.
  4. In December 2016, the executive director's duties transitioned from Pine to Peaceray. Although we announced this change, we might have forgotten to inform WMF that there was a corresponding change to our bank accounts that made Peaceray an authorized person on the accounts, while Pine's permissions changed to read-only.
Is your project completed?
To the extent that the grant term has been completed, yes. We were partially successful in reaching our goals; some important goals were met and some important goals were not met.

Activities and lessons learned




● In 4Q2015 we are holding a 9‐session series of editathons at the University of Washington

We did this. While the university librarians were receptive, unfortunately student attendance was very low. More extensive marketing might have helped, but in hindsight we probably will not try this again in light of research from the Wiki Education Foundation (citation needed) which found that university students generally are not motivated to edit Wikipedia unless there is some kind of incentive like a grade or field trip. Other universities like Tec de Monterrey have found that students who are required to complete service hours are often successful contributors to Wikipedia. In all cases, students had some kind of external motivation to contribute to Wikipedia.
This is the logo for the series of editathons, which we called "Wikipedia Lab". The logo was designed by someone from UW.

● In 4Q2015 we will start our first formal membership registrations and we will hold board elections for next year

This was completed, and also completed in 4Q2016.
Our report which covers the 4th quarter of 2014 and all of 2015.

● We are planning to shift at least some of our emphasis in 1Q2016 to local GLAMs that have established groups of volunteers, possibly using the GLAM Cafe model. We would like to grow the number of people who regularly participate in Wikimedia activities and further develop our human resource capacity; in the longer term we may have the capacity to sustain outreach efforts at both UW and Seattle‐area GLAMs. We already held a GLAM event this quarter at the Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience, which is a Smithsonian affiliate museum

Although we had a successful event with the Wing Luke Museum in September 2015, our overall track record with GLAMs is inconsistent and much less successful than we would like, partially due to staff turnover in GLAMs and partially due to our own limited human resource capacity. As we mention elsewhere in this report, the lack of a dedicated and reliable outreach person has been a significant impediment to the success of our programmatic work. We had hoped that GLAM and university staff might be willing and able to "dual-hat" as employees of their institutions who would do Wikipedia-related work in their institutions, but this did not happen. Cascadia Wikimedians likely needs to hire a paid part-time person to do outreach work, develop relationships, and conduct training.

● We will celebrate Wikipedia's birthday on January 15. Our current tentative plans are to hold a series of events in Portland on Saturday, Seattle on Sunday, and Vancouver B.C. on Monday

This was mostly successful. Please see comments in the "Project Metrics" section of this report.

● In the longer term, we are considering outreach to Portland‐area GLAMs and universities where previous Wikimedia events have occurred, and we are discussing possible outreach to the Gates Foundation in collaboration with the Wiki Project Med Foundation.

We have had a number of one-time event with Portland-area GLAMs, but unfortunately we don't have the volunteer capacity to conduct regular events or to do extensive outreach to GLAM and university staff. We have had conversations with Wiki Project Med Foundation board members but no formal collaboration has developed. We have not been successful at outreach to the Gates Foundation. All of these ideas would benefit from Cascadia Wikimedians having a paid part-time person to do outreach.

● Legal and tax compliance matters, including registration as a Washington State charity and registration as a United States 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

We were largely successful in establishing ourselves as a 501(c)(3) organization, setting up banking and accounting services, and complying with various regulations for Washington State nonprofit organizations. However, Pine (who did the vast majority of the work) found that the workload was higher than anticipated, partly because of the need to get consent from other Board members before taking a variety of actions and the limited availability of other Board members. Pine feels that he did far too much on volunteer time, that Cascadia Wikimedians' needs conflicted with his school and paid work, and that he would recommend that no one else attempt to take on such a significant amount of finance, legal, tax, and administrative work as a volunteer.

● Also, we had a 2015 end-of-year holiday party with Seattle TA3M. Pizza was funded through this Cascadia Wikimedans grant, and several talks were presented.

Presentations at the Cascadia Wikimedians and Seattle TA3M end of year party in December 2015

We did the following activities which were beyond those specified in the original grant proposal:

● We had Wiknic in summer 2015 and 2016.
● We supported two events that occurred in British Columbia.
● Our members participated in a number of events in Portland, including Art+Feminism and Wiki Loves Pride, in 2015 and/or 2016.
●We supported the Editing as Activism: Black WikiHistory Month Workshop and Edit-a-thon at the University of Washington Bothell campus ("UW Bothell"). Please note that this event was in February 2017, which is outside of the timeframe for this grant, but the information is included here to demonstrate the diversity of our activities and that we wish to continue to be active in 2017.

Other activities here

Lessons learned

What worked well?
  • The group's cohesion is good. Cascadia Wikimedians members tend to be nice people and to get along well with each other.
  • Our known participants are highly engaged Wikimedians. For the 18 known participants, during the period of the grant from April 1, 2015 through December 31, 2016, the Wikimetrics "magic button" reports that we edited 23,789 pages, created 7,090 pages, and added 13,045,350 bytes.
  • The legal, accounting, and banking arrangements of the organization have been established and should be sufficient for the foreseeable future.
  • Xero was a good tool for our accounting.
  • The governance of the organization is generally stable.
  • The attorney who worked on our 501(c)(3) application was able to complete the work under budget. She might be able to assist other US Wikimedia organizations who wish to pursue 501(c)(3) registration.
  • Our spending with the funds from this grant was under budget by $2,719.16.
  • A few outreach events have been successful one-time events at UW Seattle, UW Bothell, and the Wing Luke Museum
What didn't work?
  • Our outreach efforts to the University of Washington's Seattle campus were largely unsuccessful. UW librarians were very receptive to us but the relationship with the librarians didn't lead to significant or sustained engagement of UW faculty or students. Outreach to UW Seattle faculty was attempted but that too was unsuccessful.
  • Staff turnover at museums was correlated with a lack of engagement and sustainability of Wikimedia-related projects at museums.
  • The number of activities was fewer than anticipated.
  • The lack of a dedicated and reliable outreach person has been a significant impediment to successfully engaging and sustaining programmatic activities.
  • Pine found that working on this project was stressful at times, and the unexpectedly large amount of time required of him for this grant conflicted with his responsibilities for paid work and for school.
What would you do differently if you planned a similar project?
Pine would recommend against pursuing a similar project without a reliable person to do outreach work (probably someone who is paid for their work for about 10-20 hours per month, and is funded either through a WMF grant and/or by another organization such as a university or foundation), and a person who has the necessary skills and time to complete the legal, tax, accounting, and budgeting work in a timely manner (Pine fulfilled this role for this grant, and although he is familiar enough with the many requirements to successfully complete them, he found that these responsibilities often conflicted with his responsibilities for paid work and for school. He doesn't plan to do this work again unless he is paid to do it, and he recommends that CWUG contract with an accounting firm to handle these responsibilities for future grants until and unless CWUG grows large enough that hiring a part-time person for accounting and administration makes good financial sense. Pine also recommends that no other Wikimedians attempt to take on this level of finance and administration responsibility on a volunteer basis).

Learning patterns


Outcomes and impact



Provide the original project goal here.
  • GLAM and education outreach goals:
  • Develop relationships with the UW librarians, the Wing Luke Museum staff and volunteers, and other GLAM staff and volunteers particularly in the Seattle and Portland areas.
  • Increase the motivation and/or activity levels of existing Wikimedians, particularly in the Seattle and Portland areas.
  • Recruit and train new Wikimedia contributors at GLAMs and universities.
Did you achieve your project goal? How do you know your goal was achieved? Please answer in 1 - 2 short paragraphs.
As described elsewhere in this report, we found that UW librarians and staff were often receptive, but staff turnover and our own limited human resources capacity limited our effectiveness.
Judging from the people who attend our events, the motivation levels of existing Wikimedians appear to have remained largely consistent throughout the life of the grant. We have several high-volume contributors to the Wikimedia movement and increasing their motivation level seems to be unlikely when they already demonstrate high levels of motivation. Increasing the motivation of occasional contributors would be good, but we met relatively few people who were occasional contributors and we currently have no information which would suggest an increase or decrease in the level of their engagement.
We made some efforts to recruit and train new Wikimedia contributors at GLAMs and universities, and while we had some successful one-time events we lack the human resources capacity to run events on a regular basis. The nine-event series that we held at UW Seattle was largely unsuccessful, although perhaps if students had some external motivation such as a requirement to complete service hours or a reward of a field trip then they might be more motivated to engage.
Provide the original project goal here.
  • Camera goal:
  • The group's Sony a5000 camera will be used at least 4 times by members in 2016, and uploads will be tracked using a hidden category on Commons.
Did you achieve your project goal? How do you know your goal was achieved? Please answer in 1 - 2 short paragraphs.
Pine used the camera on a number of occasions, and Peaceray used the camera at Wikimania in Italy, but both have had higher priorities than uploading the photos to Commons. One Cascadia Wikimedians member suggested that we have a Commons-focused event where we would upload and organize photos as a group, but we have not done this so far. It would be nice if someone in the group was willing to volunteer a few hours uploading photos to Commons and categorizing them. The camera and its associated gear are safe and will probably be used more than adequately over their lifetime to justify the low initial expense. To date the main limitation with camera uploads is the limited volunteer capacity of the group.
Provide the original project goal here.
  • Fundraising goal
  • After 501c3 registration is complete, we will raise at least $10,000 in external funds and/or in-kind donations within 3 calendar years.
  • These funds may be used for supporting outreach and content creation activities, as well as for infrastructure and administration as needed. Expenditures from these funds may be budgeted when more specific income amounts and dates are known so that expenditures can be budgeted realistically.
Did you achieve your project goal? How do you know your goal was achieved? Please answer in 1 - 2 short paragraphs.
We were successful in getting our 501(c)(3) registration, and we have some ideas for how to raise funds. However, raising funds requires time, and we do not have a person with adequate volunteer time to work on this. Pine might have invested more of his time in fundraising if so much of his time had not been spent dealing with other finance, legal, tax, and administration work. Fundraising activities could be within the scope of volunteer or paid part-time staff work in the future.

Progress towards targets and goals


Project metrics

Project metrics Target outcome Achieved outcome Explanation
An average of at least 3 articles are created or improved per event held in fall quarter (2015). Pine believes that the actual average that we achieved is likely to be between 1 and 2 articles per event on average, including the event with the Wing Luke Museum which was especially successful.
At least 2 new, previously non-Wikipedian individuals become regular participants in Cascadia Wikimedians events in fall quarter. Pine believes that we failed to achieve this.
Build relationships with the UW librarians in fall quarter (2015) We were largely successful in doing this, although one librarian has since changed jobs, and considerable time has passed since the end of fall quarter 2015. Unfortunately, we were unable to develop these relationships to the point where librarians became effective evangelists for Wikipedia at the University of Washington, although this still seems like a goal that is worth further effort.
In winter quarter (2016), have events (type and scale to be determined) to celebrate Wikipedia 15. We did have a Wikipedia anniversary celebration at the University of Washington which was fun and well attended. We had a video downlink to the events in San Francisco and New York City events that were happening contemporaneously. Unfortunately, we lacked the necessary preparation time to set up and test our video uplink so that we could share our stories and thoughts with the San Francisco and New York City groups, but on the whole the event was successful. In the future, it would be good if we had sufficient time to set up and test our video uplink before trying an event like this again.
In winter quarter, qave at least 4 workshops or editathons with GLAM institutions, with a goal of training GLAM staff and volunteers using a "train-the-trainer" model. We did not achieve this goal due to human resources constraints, although we tried to maintain and develop a relationship with the Wing Luke Museum. Unfortunately, staff turnover at the Wing Luke Museum combined with our own limited volunteer human resources meant that we were much less successful in developing GLAM relationships than we had hoped.

Global Metrics


We are trying to understand the overall outcomes of the work being funded across our grantees. In addition to the measures of success for your specific program (in above section), please use the table below to let us know how your project contributed to the Global Metrics. We know that not all projects will have results for each type of metric, so feel free to put "0" where necessary.

  1. Next to each required metric, list the actual outcome achieved through this project.
  2. Where necessary, explain the context behind your outcome. For example, if you were funded for an edit-a-thon which resulted in 0 new images, your explanation might be "This project focused solely on participation and articles written/improved, the goal was not to collect images."

For more information and a sample, see Global Metrics.

Metric Achieved outcome Explanation
1. # of active editors involved At least 11 The Wikimetrics "magic button" reports that out of 18 known participants, 11 were rolling active editors from April 1, 2015 through December 31, 2016
2. # of new editors Unknown We had several new editors show up at our events, but we did not track their usernames. It is likely that most of them didn't continue to edit after the events.
3. # of individuals involved At least 18, but likely at least 38 total. We had several new editors show up at our events, but we did not track their usernames. It is likely that most of them didn't continue to edit after the events.
4a. # of new images/media added to Wikimedia articles/pages This data is unavailable. We did not run events where adding images or uploading new images was a focus of the events, and for many of our events we did not track the usersnames of our attendees. Many of our 18 known contributors are highly active, but unfortunately Wikimetrics does not allow us to compute how many images they added to articles from April 1, 2015 through December 31, 2016.
4b. # of new images/media uploaded to Wikimedia Commons (Optional) This data is unavailable. We did not run events where adding images or uploading new images was a focus of the events, and for many of our events we did not track the usersnames of our attendees. Many of our 18 known contributors are highly active, but unfortunately Wikimetrics does not allow us to compute how many images they uploaded from April 1, 2015 through December 31, 2016. We do know that User:Jmabel is one of our board members and that his account has 163,779 lifetime contributions to file pages on Commons, and it is reasonable to assume that he uploaded at least hundreds of images between April 1, 2015 and December 31, 2016.
5. # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects 23,789 The Global Metrics "magic button" reports that for the 18 known participants, 23,789 pages were edited and 7,090 pages were added from April 1, 2015 through December 31, 2016. This high number correlates with the fact that we have a core group of highly active Wikimedians.
6. Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects 13,045,350 The Global Metrics "magic button" reports that for the 18 known participants, 13,045,350 bytes were added from April 1, 2015 through December 31, 2016. This high number correlates with the fact that we have a core group of highly active Wikimedians.
Learning question
Did your work increase the motivation of contributors, and how do you know?
As we stated elsewhere in this report: "Judging from the people who attend our events, the motivation levels of existing Wikimedians appear to have remained largely consistent throughout the life of the grant. We have several high-volume contributors to the Wikimedia movement and increasing their motivation level seems to be unlikely when they already demonstrate high levels of motivation. Increasing the motivation of occasional contributors would be good, but we met relatively few people who were occasional contributors and we currently have no information which would suggest an increase or decrease in the level of their engagement."



What impact did this project have on WMF's mission and the strategic priorities?

Option A: How did you increase participation in one or more Wikimedia projects?

Option B: How did you improve quality on one or more Wikimedia projects?

The goal that we chose was "Increasing quality through access to subject matter experts and materials at UW and GLAMs." As described elsewhere in this report, we had a number of one-time events at GLAMs that were successful. Also, we had a one-time event at UW Bothell that was successful. However, we were not successful in establishing ongoing relationships with universities and GLAMs that resulted in sustained engagement. We need more human resources capacity for outreach to GLAM and university staff who could become leaders for Wikimedia-related activities inside of their institutions.

Option C: How did you increase the reach (readership) of one or more Wikimedia projects?

Reporting and documentation of expenditures


This section describes the grant's use of funds


Did you send documentation of all expenses paid with grant funds to grants at wikimedia dot org, according to the guidelines here? Answer "Yes" or "No".


Please list all project expenses in a table here, with descriptions and dates. Review the instructions here.

Please see this Google spreadsheet for additional details

Item description - - Budgeted cost Expended as

of 4/24/2016

Notes on 4/24/2016 Expended as of 12/17/2016
Startup expenses
IRS 501c3 registration $850.00 $0. See information about 501(c)(3) application in the sections above. See http://www.irs.gov/Charities-&-Non-Profits/Form-1023:-Amount-of-User-Fee. Note that $850 fee is required for orgs that have "annual gross receipts have exceeded or will exceed $10,000 annually over a four-year period". We might be eligible for Form 1023EZ; the filing fee would still be $850 $275.00
Attorney fees for reviewing bylaws $0.00 Not budgeted $0
Attorney or CPA preparation services for 501c3 registration $2,000.00 $0. See information about 501(c)(3) application in the sections above. This is a maximum amount, per Garfield $1,625.00
Attorney/accountant fees for British Columbia registration $0.00 Not budgeted; may be pursued in 1st half of 2016 $0
Camera: Sony A5000 $142.34 $142.34 Already purchased. Includes lens. Price includes tax. For the sake of comparison, the lowest ebay price on 11/7/2015 is $203.81+tax=$223.17 $142.34
Canon 32GB VIXIA HF R52 camcorder (Videos from events are frequent requests. This camcorder allows live streaming via wifi.) $492.70 $272.66 for camcorder, including tax + ($22.99 + $32.95 + $17.57 + $16.49 + $19.98) = $109.98 for accessories excluding tax + $10.45 tax for accessories = $393.09 Please see discussion here: Grants talk:PEG/Cascadia Wikimedians User Group/4Q 2015 and CY2016 grant#Request for change authorization to camcorder budget $393.09
Memory card for camera and video recorder (Transcend 128 GB High Speed 10 UHS-3 Flash Memory Card) $65.65 $45.98 Current price on Amazon, including tax. For use in camcorder and/or stills camera $45.98
Startup expenses subtotal: $3,550.68 $581.41 $2,481.41
Recurring general & administrative expenses. Note that some costs listed as registration costs above will not recurr, but in future years there will be annual costs for licenses and registrations
Business licenses and registrations
Seattle license (revenue <$20k) $55.00 $55.00 For annual income <$20k. $55
Seattle B&O (revenue <$100k) $0.00 Requires annual filing $0
City of Portland & Multonmah County registration $0.00 Registration must be done but there is no fee $0
City of Portland & Multonmah County annual license $0.00 Annual exemption request required. Amt shown is for organizations with revenue <$50k $0
State of Washington nonprofit corporation renewal $10.00 $10.00 Secretary of State: http://www.sos.wa.gov/corps/NonprofitCorporationsONLINEandpaperregistration.aspx $10.00 (due again in Feb 2017)
State of Washington charity license ($60 registration, $40 renewal) $60.00 $0.00 This will allow us to solicit funds in Washington State. Update: this is not necessary for Cascadia Wikimedians at this time because (1) We have no paid officers or employees, we do not use a commercial fundraiser, and we do not pay others to carry out our mission, and (2) The organization receives less than $50,000 per year, before expenses, from the public. See https://www.sos.wa.gov/charities/Self-Assessment-Guide-Charitable-Organizations.aspx $0. See note.
State of Oregon charity registration $0.00 I thought I found a place where Oregon said $50 but I can't find it again, instead I see info about no registration fees but annual fees being due $0
State of Oregon annual fee (revenue >=$25k and <$50k: $25 annually after startup year) $0.00 $25 annually after first year if revenue is above $25k and below $50k $0
British Columbia license and registration costs $0 Not budgeted; may be pursued in 2nd half of 2015. Phone number to call to ask if registration is necessary: 1-866-705-1785 $0
Website registration and hosting $0.00 Assumes continued services from our existing provider $0
Website design $0.00 Not budgeted; may ask for volunteers to do this or may incorporate into other budgeted hours $0
Accounting software (online): Xero (15 months, October 2015-December 2016) $147.83 $68.985 $9 (plus tax) per month, for accounting for up to 5 bills and 20 transactions per month $147.83
Reimbursing Pine for Xero costs not covered by WMDC grant (through September 2015) $67.15 $76.15 (over budget; apparently this was miscounted by $9 when the budget was originally made) $76.15 (need to transfer $9 from reserves)
Sales tax on Xero costs through September 2015 not covered by WMDC grant (payment due in early 2016) $20.52 $12.82 April 2015 through Sept 2015 $76.15 * .095 = $7.23 (the amount shown previously seems to have been incorrect) The actual expense was previously shown as $12.82, which seems to be incorrect. I believe that the original budget of $20.52 was based on a higher Xero service level with which we started but later downgraded. --Pine $7.23
Phone service: Google Voice $0.00 $0
Registered agent $0.00 Services donated by Patty Henry; estimated cost for paid service $150 per 12 months $0
Event signage, business cards for board/officers/volunteers, office supplies, and printing costs $50.00
General Liability insurance applicable to US; 2-year costs included here due to starting insurance in October and cycling ever 12 months $500.00 $250.00 In the State of Washington, general liability insurance above certain thresholds also provides some protection to volunteers in their individual capacities $524 (need to transfer $24 from reserves)
Officers & Directors Liability insurance applicable to US; 15-month estimate $0.00 Currently not budgeted. We will likely need this once we have any paid employees, including temp employees and interns. $0
General Liability insurance applicable to Canada $0.00 Covered by General Liability policy purchased above $0
Officers & Directors Liability insurance applicable to Canada; 15-month estimate $0.00 Currently not budgeted. We will likely need this once we have any paid employees, including temp employees and interns. $0
Commercial automobile insurance $0.00 Paid individuals must not drive on the clock; volunteers must not drive on behalf of CWUG on a regular basis. The use of public transportation is ok. Volunteers should see their personal auto policies for information about their coverage $0
Office space and post office box
Bellevue / Seattle Impact HUB
Monthly fee ($25 per month starting November 2015; 14-month expense shown here which inludes a single $21 expenditure in October 2015) $371.00 $150.00 ($21 for October was transferred to the line item that is below and was originally budgeted $216 but ended with $237 actual) Gets us a legal registered business address, access to meeting space, and access to gigabit internet that we can use for live video meetings and/or large file transfers. $350 (14 months x $25).
Monthly mailbox fee: $25 - 40% discount = $15; can be canceled or changed $15.00 $0* (October now included in amounts below) Single expense shown here for October 2015; starting in November this service is donated by Patty Henry who is letting us have our mail delivered to her business P.O. box $0
Retro payments to Pine for months not funded by WMDC, through Sept (WMDC paid Feb and March) $216.00 ($129.00 for 2015 Apr, May, June, July in spent by Pine for CWUG's benefit) + ($100 + $1.04 loans from Pine to CWUG so that CWUG could cover its expenses prior to the WMF grant disbursement) = $230.04 reimbursement to Pine. For the same time period, the actual cost for all payments to HUB, now including October 2015, were ($36+21+36+36+36+36)=$237. The difference between $230.04 and $237 was covered by other CWUG funds. Moved $21 from the above $371 budget line item for October 2015; the combined cost ($216 + $21 = $237) for this line item with the transferred funds is the same as the originally budgeted cost across the two separate line items, so there is no use of reserve funds. Note 1: Pine paid HUB directly for April ($21 at discounted rate), May ($36), June ($36), and July ($36) for a total of $129 in direct spend. On July 23, 2015 Pine loaned $100 to CWUG so that it could continue operations while negotiating grant funding with WMF. CWUG then paid for HUB for August ($36), September ($36), and October ($36). Pine loaned an additional $1.04 to CWUG on Nov 20, 2016 so that it could continue operations while awaiting grant funding. So the total reimbursement to Pine is ($129 + $100 + $1.04) = $230.04 but the total cost of HUB for April through August is $237. Of the $237, Pine should receive $230.04 and the remaining $6.96 should remain with CWUG. Pine was paid for the ($100) and ($1.04) amounts on Dec 31, 2015; need to verify that the $129 amount was reimbursed. $237
Annual tax preparation services $0.00 Straightforward 990-N IRS form with revenue under $50k, $0
local forms also straightforward.
Background checks for board members and staff: http://www.hirerightexpress.com/express/Background-Check-Services/default.aspx $382.98 $153.20 $0. Need to work on this. Per our bylaws, these will be done once every three years per person. If there is turnover in officers at the end of 2016 (for the start of the 2017 term) then the new people will need background checks; we're not budgeting for any new checks at this time but they might be needed. Note 1: per Siko, WMF will fund checks only for the 2 individuals who have access to the bank account. Note 2: Not done, mostly due to our lack of qualification to access high quality background check services. $0; see note 2.
President, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and executive director: $69.95+tax each
Costs for shipping camera and camcorder between Seattle and Portland, including shipping insurance $50.00 $0 For use in Portland-area events in case no one from Seattle travels to a Portland event, but the camera or camcorder would be useful in Portland $0
Camera insurance $0.00 Not budgeted; see email sent to the Treasurers list with general outline of premiums and deductables $0
Annual Meeting: venue and snacks budget; excludes any travel expenses $0.00 not budgeted $0
Recurring general & administrative expesnses subtotal: $1,945.47 $1,581.69 $852.995 $854.37 $1,407.21
Programmatic and travel costs
Food, snacks, beverages, and event expenses budget (excluding travel) $50 To be allocated between British Columbia, Washington State and Oregon for Wikipedia 15 birthday cake, party supplies, etc. We can request supplemental budgets if we get larger events and/or want to have more events
December holiday event with TA3M (they paid 100% of the cost in 2014. However, the TA3M mailing list seems to have gone offline in the past month, so if they won't join us then we may downscale the end-of-year event to a Wikipedia event with lightning talks, and adjust the budget downward accordingly.) $200.00 $153.66 The costs listed here exclude reimbursable travel costs that are budgeted elsewhere $153.66
Wiknic ($8 per person * 20 people in Seattle; $8 per person * 10 people in Portland) $0 Not funded in fall quarter 2015; may fund in a future quarter $0
UW events snacks: estimate $1.50 per person * 8 people per event (cancelled funding for this due to the delays in the budget process) $0.00 $0
Seattle Undergound Tour: $18 per adult ticket * 8 participants $0 Not funded in fall quarter 2015; may fund in a future quarter $0
Edit-a-thons and photography events (possibly themed, such as gendergap-themed per WMSE's blog post):
6 events * 10 people per event * $6 per person") $0 Not funded in fall quarter 2015; may fund in a future quarter $0
Event expenses for caretaking of dependents $0 Not funded in fall quarter 2015; may fund in a future quarter $0
Certificates & certificate printing for UW event participants $30.00 $0 $0
"Barnstar" paper punch for certificates (reimbursing Pine, who got a good deal on an elaborate one at a thrift store) $4.37 $4.37 Includes tax $4.37
Wiki Loves Pride events in Portland $0.00 Not funded in fall quarter 2015; may fund in a future quarter $0
ArtAndFeminism events in Portland $0.00 Not funded in fall quarter 2015; may fund in a future quarter $0
Feminism+Wikipedia edit-a-thon at UW in Seattle $0.00 Not funded in fall quarter 2015; may fund in a future quarter $0
Press passes for Ballard Locks tour $0.00 Not funded in fall quarter 2015; may fund in a future quarter $0
GLAM events
Museum passes, such as for the Museum of Flight and Seattle Asian Art Museum $0.00 Not funded in fall quarter 2015; may fund in a future quarter $0
Transportation and travel
Bus fares, tolls and parking fees $300.00 $0. Expense reimbursement requests not yet solicited. See bylaws for reimbursement and expense policies. Note 1: the amount of effort required to collect and account for these funds seemed disproportionate to the relatively small dollar amounts involved. One idea for next year would be to buy bus tickets that could be distributed in advance with the condition that they be used only for Cascadia-related trips; this would reduce the effort required for accounting. $0. See note 1.
Long-distance trips (primarily between Seattle, Portland, Pullman, and Vancouver BC) $300.00 $0. Expense reimbursement requests not yet solicited. For train, BoltBus, or similar fare and/or milage reimbursement; includes lodging reimbursement if needed. Note 1: Pine had planned a trip to Portland to visit at least one museum and one university, but due to staff turnover at the museum and university the timing was not good, and an attempt to make a new contact at the university did not work out. One of our board members does some occasional outreach work in Portland but does not request trip expenses. $0. See note 1.
Member scholarships for overnight accomodations at distant events $0.00 Money may be divided between WikiConference USA and Wikimania events, and may be 100% or 50% sponsorships, at the discretion of the Board or the Board Program Committee. $0
Wikimania: estimate $1500 all-expenses cost (flight, hotel, per diem) per person
WikiConference USA: estimate $1400 all-expenses cost (flight, hotel, per diem) per person
Wikimedia Conference: paid by WMDE/WMF $0.00 $0
Programmatic and travel expenses subtotal $884.37 $158.03 $158.03
Administration, management and support expenses
Google Apps subscription $0 Not budgeted. Google Apps will become free for us once we successfully are set up with Google for Nonprofits, which requires a successful 501(c)(3) registration $0
Administration, management and support expenses subtotal $0.00 $0.00
Reserve (10% of combined subtotals) $638.05 $615.07 requested, $614.26 received The difference between the requested and the received amounts is changed here to reflect that there appears to have been an accidental change to our disbursement from $6765.81 to $6765.00, and to have all of the line items total $6765.00 we need to subtract $0.81 from somewhere, so we are subtracting it from the reserve. User:KHarold (WMF) approved this change. $33 (one transfer of $24, and one transfer of $9)
Total budget request $7,018.53 $6,765.81
Amount received $6,765.00
Amount expended $1,581.985 $1,593.81 as

of 4/24/2016

$4,046.65 (be sure not to double count spending from the reserve) as of 12/17/2016
Amount to be returned to WMF $6,765.00 received - $4046.65 actual spend

= $2,718.35 to be returned

Total project budget (from your approved grant submission)
Total amount requested from WMF (from your approved grant submission, this total will be the same as the total project budget if PEG is your only funding source)
Total amount received from WMF
Total amount spent on this project
Total amount of Project and Event grant funds spent on this project
Are there additional sources that funded any part of this project? List them here.
Pine loaned $101.04 of his personal funds to CWUG to cover some CWUG expenses prior to the PEG being approved. As shown in the expenses table, the loan was repaid after the PEG was approved and CWUG received the PEG funds. Also, Pine paid directly a total of $129.00 from his personal funds for some expenses for CWUG prior to the PEG being approved, and those expenses were reimbursed after the PEG was approved and CWUG received the PEG funds. Pine did not like loaning his personal funds to CWUG, nor did Pine like paying for CWUG expenses from his personal funds pending CWUG having adequate funds to repay those expenses, and Pine would strongly discourage these practices. Some expense claims are normal, but a Wikimedia affiliate effectively being financially insolvent is not.)

Remaining funds

Remaining funds from this grant have been returned to WMF in the amount of US$2,718.35.
Are there any grant funds remaining?
Answer YES or NO.
Please list the total amount (specify currency) remaining here. (This is the amount you did not use, or the amount you still have after completing your grant.)
$2,719.16 USD $2,718.35 (the difference reflects the 81 cent discrepancy between the amount that was approved on-wiki and the amount that was actually disbursed)
If funds are remaining they must be returned to WMF, reallocated to mission-aligned activities, or applied to another approved grant.
Please state here if you intend to return unused funds to WMF, submit a request for reallocation, or submit a new grant request, and then follow the instructions on your approved grant submission.
The current plan is to return these funds to WMF, and later submit a new grant request for Cascadia Wikimedians User Group.