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Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/General Support Fund/AfroCuration Ghana 2024:“WHO WE ARE:Showcasing Diversities in African Art and Aesthetics

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
statusNot funded
AfroCuration Ghana 2024: “WHO WE ARE: Showcasing Diversities in African Art and Aesthetics
start date2024-07-172024-07-01T00:00:00Z
end date2024-07-312024-07-31T00:00:00Z
budget (local currency)118100 GHS
amount requested (USD)10307.77 USD [note 1]
grant typeNonprofit organization with Wikimedia mission
funding regionSSA
decision fiscal year2023-24
funding program roundRound 2
organization (if applicable)Wikimedians of Twi Language User Group LBG

This is an automatically generated Meta-Wiki page. The page was copied from Fluxx, the web service of Wikimedia Foundation Funds where the user has submitted their application. Please do not make any changes to this page because all changes will be removed after the next update. Use the discussion page for your feedback. The page was created by CR-FluxxBot.

Applicant information

Organization name or Wikimedia Username for individuals. (required)
Wikimedians of Twi Language User Group LBG
Do you have any approved General Support Fund requests? (required)
No, it is my first time applying for a General Support Fund
You are applying as a(n). (required)
Nonprofit organization with Wikimedia mission
Are your group or organization legally registered in your country? (required)
Do you have a fiscal sponsor?
Fiscal organization name.

Main proposal

1. Please state the title of your proposal. This will also be a title for the Meta-Wiki page. (required)
AfroCuration Ghana 2024: “WHO WE ARE: Showcasing Diversities in African Art and Aesthetics
2. Do you want to apply for the multi-year funding or renewal process? (required)
2.1. For how many years of multi-year funding are you applying? (required)
2.2. Provide a brief overview of Year 2 and Year 3 of the proposed plan and how this relates to the current proposal and your strategic plan? (required)


3. Proposed start date. (required)
4. Proposed end date. (required)
5. Does your organization or group have an Affiliate or Organizational Annual Plan that can help us understand your proposal? If yes, please provide it. (required)
6. Does your affiliate, organization or group have a Strategic Plan that can help us understand your proposal? If yes, please provide it. (required)
7. Where will this proposal be implemented? (required)
8. What are your programs, approaches, and strategies? What are the challenges that you are trying to address and how will your strategies support you in addressing these challenges? (required)

We aim to bring about a change in the representation and documentation of African art and aesthetics on Wikipedia, particularly in local African languages. This is important because African art forms are often underrepresented or misrepresented on Wikipedia, leading to gaps in knowledge and understanding about African cultural heritage. By empowering African communities to curate and create articles about their art and aesthetics, we can ensure a more accurate and comprehensive representation of African culture on a global platform. Our main approaches include organising AfroCuration events that combine Wikipedia edit-a-thons with cultural workshops, training sessions, and collaborations with local universities and cultural institutions. We believe these approaches will be effective because they engage a diverse range of participants, provide practical editing skills, foster partnerships, and encourage the creation of high-quality content as well as empower young people to be cultural activists in their communities, ensuring the continuous knowledge production that goes beyond a single event.

9. What categories are your main programs and related activities under? Please select all that apply. (required)
Category Yes/No
Education Yes
Culture, heritage or GLAM Yes
Gender and diversity No
Community support and engagement No
Participation in campaigns and contests Yes
Public policy advocacy No
Other No


9.1.1. Select all your programs and activities for Education. (required)
Editing Wikipedia Training, Translation, Research, Wikidata programs
Other programs and activities if any: N/A
9.1.2. Select all relevant audience groups for Education. (required)
Vocational, tertiary, or higher education, Teachers or professors
Other groups if any: N/A

Culture, heritage or GLAM

9.2. Select all your programs and activities for Culture, heritage or GLAM. (required)
Introducing new approaches to underrepresented culture and heritage, e.g. decolonising or reparative work; oral and visual knowledge; outreach to communities of origin, indigenous and first nations self-determination, Partnering with institutions, professional associations, and allied organizations to raise awareness of open culture, ethical sharing, and related issues
Other programs and activities if any: N/A

Participation in campaigns and contests

9.5. Select all campaigns that apply. (required)
Other programs and activities if any: AfroCuration
10. Please include a link to or upload a timeline (operational calendar) for your programs and activities. (required)
11. Describe your team. (required)

Jemima Antwi (Jemima2019) - Project Lead and Facilitator

  • Responsible for setting project goals, developing a project plan, and overseeing the implementation of activities.
  • Liaises with partners, stakeholders, and participants to ensure effective communication and collaboration.
  • Provide guidance and support to team members and volunteers, ensuring everyone is aligned with the project's objectives.
  • Monitor progress, identifies challenges, and takes corrective actions as needed to ensure the project's success.

Yvonne Darko (Naa2Darkoa) - Trainer and workshop facilitator

  • Responsible for organising and conducting training sessions and workshops for participants.
  • Develop training materials, and agendas based on the needs of the participants and the objectives of the AfroCuration project.
  • Delivering presentations, leading discussions, and providing hands-on guidance to participants on topics such as Wikipedia editing, citation methods, and cultural insights.

Abigail Darko(Amoaniwaa) - Communications supervisor and IT technician/ Facilitator

  • Responsible for managing all communication channels and activities related to the AfroCuration project.
  • In charge of the development and execution of communication strategies to promote the event, engage participants, and raise awareness about African art and culture.
  • Management of social media accounts, creating content for newsletters and press releases, and coordinating outreach efforts.
  • In charge of the development of promotional materials such as flyers, posters, and videos.

Nadaine Samira(Warmglow) - Logistics

  • Responsible for coordinating all logistical aspects of the AfroCuration event, including venue, equipment, and supplies.
  • In charge of securing a suitable venue for the event and ensuring it is equipped with necessary facilities such as internet access, projectors, and seating arrangements.
  • Management of event registration, coordinating transportation and accommodation for participants if necessary, and overseeing catering arrangements.

Valentine Badu (Valentine Badu) - Facilitator

  • Leads workshops and training sessions aimed at equipping participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to contribute effectively to the AfroCuration event.
  • Encourage teamwork, peer learning, and knowledge sharing among participants, facilitating opportunities for networking and collaboration.
  • Manage time effectively during workshops and edit-a-thons, ensuring that all planned activities are completed within the designated time frame.
  • Address questions, clarify doubts, and offer troubleshooting assistance to ensure participants feel confident and empowered to contribute.
12. Will you be working with any internal (Wikimedia) or external partners? Describe the characteristics of these partnerships and bring a few examples of the most significant partnerships. (required)

Yes, we will be working with external partners, including local universities (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and University of Education, Winneba) , cultural institutions (Center for National Culture (Ashanti Region), art faculty ( Department of Painting and Sculpture), language departments (Language and Communication Sciences Department (KNUST), the Akan Nzema Department (University of Education Winneba), to implement this proposal. These partners are motivated to be part of the proposal because they recognize the importance of documenting and promoting African cultural heritage and see value in collaborating with Wikimedia to achieve this goal.

The partnerships for this AfroCuration event are crucial for its success and effectiveness. We plan to collaborate with local universities, cultural institutions, and language departments to implement the proposal. Here's how these partnerships add value to our work:

Local Universities: Motivation: Universities have a vested interest in promoting education, research, and cultural preservation. By partnering with us, they can contribute to these goals while also providing opportunities for their students to engage in meaningful projects that align with their academic pursuits. Value Added: Universities provide access to resources such as facilities, expertise, and student networks. They can also integrate AfroCuration activities into their curricula, allowing students to earn academic credit for their participation. Additionally, university partnerships lend credibility and institutional support to our project, enhancing its visibility and impact.

Cultural Institutions: Motivation: Cultural institutions are dedicated to preserving and promoting cultural heritage. Partnering with us allows them to fulfill their mission by actively contributing to the documentation and promotion of African art and aesthetics. Value Added: Cultural institutions bring expertise, resources, and connections within the local cultural landscape. They can provide access to archival materials, artifacts, and experts in African art, enriching the content created during AfroCuration events. Additionally, partnerships with cultural institutions enhance the credibility and legitimacy of our project, attracting participants and stakeholders from the cultural sector.

Language Departments: Motivation: Language departments are committed to promoting linguistic diversity and literacy. Partnering with us allows them to support initiatives that promote the use and visibility of local languages, which are often underrepresented on digital platforms like Wikipedia. Value Added: Language departments provide linguistic expertise, translation services, and connections within local language communities. They can help ensure that content created during AfroCuration events is accessible and relevant to speakers of local languages. Additionally, partnerships with language departments facilitate outreach and engagement with language speakers, increasing participation and impact.

13. In what ways do you think your proposal most contributes to the Movement Strategy 2030 recommendations. Select all that apply. (required)
Ensure Equity in Decision-making



Wikimedia Metrics

14. Please select and fill out Wikimedia Metrics for your proposal. (recommended)
14.1. Number of participants, editors, and organizers.

All metrics provided are optional, please fill them out if they are aligned with your programs and activities.

Participants, editors, and organizers
Metrics name Target Description
Number of all participants 85 N/A
Number of all editors 85 N/A
Number of new editors 30
Number of retained editors 55
Number of all organizers 11 N/A
Number of new organizers 4
14.2. Number of new content contributions to Wikimedia projects. (recommended)
Contributions to Wikimedia projects
Wikimedia project Created Edited or improved
Wikipedia 85
Wikimedia Commons
Wikidata 85
Wikimedia Incubator
Wikifunctions / Abstract Wikipedia
Description for Wikimedia projects contributions metrics. (optional)

Other Metrics

15. Do you have other quantitative and qualitative targets for your project (other metrics)? (required)
Other Metrics Description Target


16. Will you have any other revenue sources when implementing this proposal (e.g. other funding, membership contributions, donations)? (required)
16.1. List other revenue sources. (required)


16.2. Approximately how much revenue will you have from other sources in your local currency? (required)
17. Your local currency. (required)
18. What is the total requested amount in your local currency? (required)
118100 GHS
Multi-year funding request summary
Year Amount (local currency)
Year 1 N/A GHS
Year 2 N/A GHS
Year 3 N/A GHS
Requested amount in USD
10307.77 USD [note 1]
Multi-year funding request summary in USD
Year Amount USD [note 1]
Year 1 N/A USD
Year 2 N/A USD
Year 3 N/A USD
  1. a b c The following amount in US dollars was calculated by Wikimedia Foundation staff using the fixed currency rates. This amount is approximate and may not reflect the actual currency exchange rates on the day of submission or distribution. If the application is funded, the funding will be sent in the recipient’s local currency.
19. Does this proposal include compensation for staff or contractors? (required)
19.1. How many paid staff members do you plan to have? (required)

Include the number of staff and contractors during the proposal period. If you have short-term contractors or staff, please include them separately and mention their terms.

We intend to contract keynote speakers; who will give opening speeches for each day, during the three day event. These individuals will provide cultural and linguistic perspectives on the importance of this initiative to participants.

Expert linguistic support; will review thoroughly the quality of the articles before submission. Technical agency and photography/videographer will be contracted for the coverage of this event.

19.2. How many FTEs (full-time equivalents) in total? (required)

Include the total FTE of staff and contractors during the proposal period. If you have short-term contractors or staff, please include their FTEs with the terms separately.

For contractors such as photographers and videographers, for full coverage of an event the average price ranges from $200 to $500 equivalent to GHS2550 to GHS6375. (Based on average prices on:https://www.twine.net/find/videographers/gh/accra).

For the other contractors and support, remuneration is given as a form of support to cover expenses (linguistic expert and speakers) and time spent to be at the venue of the event (figures were estimated based on:https://worldsalaries.com/average-language-specialist-salary-in-ghana/).

19.3. Describe any staff or contractor changes compared to the current year / ongoing General Support Fund if any. (required only for returning grantees)
20. Please provide an overview of your overall budget categories in your local currency. The budget breakdown should include only the amount requested with this General Support Fund (required).
Budget category Amount in local currency
Staff and contractor costs 39000 GHS
Operational costs 43400 GHS
Programmatic costs 35700 GHS
21. Please upload your budget for this proposal or indicate the link to it. (required)


Additional information

22. In this optional space you can add any other additional information about your proposal or organization that you think can help us when reviewing your proposal. (optional)

We have already implemented AfroCuration in 2023 together with the Moleskine foundation. Which was a success and brought together many stakeholders interested to unite around our mission. Therefore we would like to continue to build on what has already been done in the community with this new initiative.

By submitting your proposal/funding request you agree that you are in agreement with the Application Privacy Statement, WMF Friendly Space Policy and the Universal Code of Conduct.

We/I have read the Application Privacy Statement, WMF Friendly Space Policy and Universal Code of Conduct.


